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Latest Questions (Page 115)

Difference between blue and green clonazepam?

Teva makes a (green)1MG Clonazepam. Accord makes a (blue) 1m MG. My wife has been on the blue version for many years. Recently (March 2023) our pharmacy said that Accord Is Having delays in manufacturing the blue version. Our pharmacy switched to the Teva (green) version. My wife cannot take the...

Does ropinirole cause light brown blotches on skin arms and legs?

been taking ropinirole Extended release for 6 months; have had PD for 3 years, and just noticed light brown blotches appearing on my arms and legs? is this caused by Ropinirole? Have you had others asking about this?

Statin - Pain in toes/tiredness all the time?

I have pain in my big toe I can hardly walk and am tired all the time, have been on statins for a few months now but they have had to increase the dose as they arent working, my levels are still high. Anyone else have toe pain/fatigue? I have the Familial hypercholesterolemia, go to the gym...

Can anyone advise? I’ve been taking 10mg of amitriptyline for three nights for headaches.

I’m of the opinion that this is not a good medication. Can I stop taking it or will it make me sick if I stop after three nights? I don’t like how tired I am throughout the day. Anyone advise, please.

What are the withdrawal symptoms of oxycodone?

Cabometyx - My husband is having peeling off his testicles. Very red and hurting.

Are any other males having the same problem?

How long does oxycodone take to work?

How long does oxycodone stay in your system?

Does vitamin K2 cause the blood to clot more?

I am taking Eliquis for AFIB. I have a high level of calcium in my coronary arteries. I had mitral valve surgery a year and a half ago and I had an ablation for the AFIB the surgery caused a year ago. I have no symptoms and am a very active 71 year old in great shape. I play pickleball with younger...

Sexual side effects on trazodone?

I'm currently new on trazodone 50mgv(nightine) I'm a male and curious to know the sexual side effects with trazodone if any? Thanks in advance.

Methylprednisolone tablets?

Can you drink wine while taking methylprednisolone tablets

Fluoxetine 10 mg side effects?

I just started 10 mg of fluoxetine (day 1) and notice, headache and upset stomach. Will this pass after a week?