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Latest Questions (Page 114)

Is Nexavar cost covered by Medicare?

Can gabapentin cause mouth ulcers?

Going off 25 mg Lamictal - any withdrawal symptoms?

I’ve been on 25 mg of Lamictal for the last eight years. Finally decided to go off it. My doctor said it’s such a small amount so I can just quit cold turkey, but I’ve had people say that’s not a good idea at all with Lamictal. So I’m going to take half a pill for a...

Is gabapentin addictive?

What is Arzerra used for and how does it work?

Took lisinopril by accident early?

I took my 20mg dose at 6pm and I usually take a 20 mg dose at 5-6am. I accidentally took my 5am doze at 2:10am. Will I be OK taking it 3 hours early?

Viibryd inconsistency and stacking medications?

I’m on viibryd for anxiety, 20mg because I’m also on Adderall so anything too high would be pretty dangerous. It worked for a while up until this past year. Some days it works fine, but others I feel extremely anxious and can’t control my anxiety. I take it at the same time every...

How does family history affect heart disease?

Can you use an expired EpiPen in an emergency?

Does Abilify cause weight gain?

Tadalafil 5mg daily not working very well?

Why does my daily 5mg of tadalafil seem not to be working for me to achieve a hard-on strong enough for sex. I wake up early morning with a super erection but it goes away fairly quickly. Would a 20 mg sildenafil help any if I added it to my regime of 5mg daily?

Taken an extra dose by mistake?

I take thyroxine, ramipril and amlodipine every morning, but I have taken them by mistake at night, do I still take them in the morning or do I miss a dose ?

Can you eat bananas when taking losartan?

Lexapro - Lexapro weeks 5 & 6 effects. Do the positive effects start to kick in?

Looking for positive experiences in weeks 5 & 6 on Lexapro