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FAQs for Ovulation Home Testing Kit

How can I treat a sore throat at home?

How to get medication refills before traveling?

Why do I need a Prior Authorization for my Medication?

What Vaccines do I need if I'm over 50?

When on blood pressure meds, what herbal supplementation for sleep cause possible problems?

I take blood pressure meds (lisinopril and chlorthalidone) & I am looking to take herbals to help me sleep. Can I take Valerian Root, Lemon Balm, Passionflower, Chamomile & L-Theanine - with my prescription I currently take with no side affects or concerns? Thanks for any help you can...

Can you take nifedipine and atorvastatin together?

Has anyone taken pregabalin and it's caused weight loss?

has anyone took pregabalin and it's caused weight loss

Celexa vs less pro effectiveness?

I have been on celexa for several years off and on for anxiety and depression. After a while, will Celera lose its effectiveness? I recently came off of it, but am needing to go back on it or an equivalent... what would you recommend?

Sulfa Antibiotics vs Sulfur?

I have a sulfa allergy (reaction red spots all over) can I take methylsulfonylmethane?

When you discontinue Xarelto, does muscle pain and weakness stop?

After being on Xarelto 20mg daily for 5 months, I've developed muscle pain in lower legs and weakness. If I'm able to wean off medication, (to be determined) will the symptoms go away?

What is hydroxychloroquine taken for?

Is it used for indigestion?

I take 60mgs of Dexedrine a day instant release. It doesn't seem to last that long and after 3pm.

I tend to lose interest in accomplishing anything. I switched from Adderall 60mg and I feel that it may have worked better. Could a lower dose of Dexedrine work better? I take 6mg of alprazolam also everyday. Could that be affecting the efficacy of the Dexedrine? If I lower my dose of the...