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Latest Questions (Page 117)

What is the best drug combination for a 71 yr old with dementia and a personality disorder? She has?

... denied anything is wrong her entire life, but she definitely goes thru the manic/mania stages like bipolar disorder. We can't seem to find the right combination to help with the dementia and stabilize her mood but also get her to lay down and go to sleep. When she doesn't sleep for...

Is it possible that Cymbalta would cause my blood pressure to go up?

I'm on Cymbalta for back pain and I'm not really sure it's doing anything. But I've noticed an increase in my blood pressure and wonder if Cymbalta might be part of the reason?

Help finding a pain management doctor?

I had a major spinal fusion ( lower lumbar) in July of 2023. My condition pre-surgery was at a very severe state due to awaiting medical insurance for surgery(5yr). In turn, worsened my spinal stenosis. My pain was daily at least a 6. 5 or 7. I walked barely, very hunched over. Well, on the day of...

What are the side effects of Singulair?

How to get rid of scabies?

I have scabies and I’ve been battling it since October, I have been to 2 different doctors and a dermatologist and no one seems to want to help me, Or believe me!! I’ve used permethrin 3 times, I’ve cleaned, fumigated my entire house 3 times, washed , cleaned, I’ve tried...

Is Zydelig a chemotherapy drug?

Does Cymbalta make you crave alcohol?

I’m taking 30 mg Cymbalta and it works great. However it seems to make me crave alcohol. Has anyone had this happen?

What is Reyvow used for and how does it work?

How low does your blood pressure have to be before not taking your atenolol?

My blood pressure went really low. How low before skipping the dose?

Does Esbriet improve survival?

What medication reduces swelling in the nose?

The swelling is due to allergies.

Does tizanidine cause sleepless nights?

My doctor gave me this medicine because of my muscle spasms. It was working great; then I started noticing for the past couple of weeks that I'm not sleeping at night. I'm up from 11 pm until about 4 or 5 in the morning. I take my medicine at around 6 pm, and I start getting sleepy at...

Is it safe to take 40meq potassium chloride ER tabs?