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Latest Questions (Page 119)

How does Nexavar work? Is it a chemo drug?

Adult ADHD - Advice on issue with Adderall & getting the prescription filled

Adderall XR & ER both work well. Unfortunately, with all the shortages, I had to wait so long to get my script filled that it expired, and I had to get another. Meaning I went as long as a month without it. It is a considerable inconvenience seeing it is very beneficial to me. Does anyone have...

Clobetasol propionate ointment uses and toxicity?

Due to anxieties l would like to know how much Dermovate ointment accidentally ingested from fingers would need medical attention?

How do I take Adderall after years of being on Concerta?

I have been taking Concerta for a few years now they are now changing it to Adderall. Am I to just take it as I did with the Concerta

Can I use 2 doses of Trelegy 100 in place of 1 dose of 200?

I got my script for 100 just before my prescription was changed and I can't return it.

Does Truxima make you gain weight?

What types of DMD can Exondys 51 be used for?

Is there a specific age range for which Exondys 51 will work?

How effective is tucatinib (Tukysa) for breast cancer?

How do you use the Bydureon Bcise autoinjector?

Does grapefruit pose a risk with any of my drugs?

How long does it take for Bydureon Bcise to take effect?

Does Kerendia lower blood pressure?

Is it harm to use vitamin B complex and calcium with vitamin D3 in pregnancy?

What is the recommended dose if there is possibility of using of such vitamins during pregnancy in my question.