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Latest Questions (Page 108)

Medications taken together?

Can I take Carafate and Protonix at the same time? I take Protonix 40mg twice daily and Carafate four times daily. Do I have to wait between taking these two medications?

How to taper off meds - in what order?

I would like to ask a question in regards to tapering off the following meds. 

I had a manic episode with psychotic symptoms, about 11 years ago and since then, I’ve been on meds. However, I have reduced my dosage in the past years to the following with the help of an expert: 

Xanax - 0...

What is the best medication to take for symptoms of PTSD depression and anxiety?

I’m currently taking 20 mg of ziprasidone and 40 mgs of Prozac I’m having lots of side effects any good recommendations. To help with all of this without changing the Prozac? I think I have been misdiagnosed with schizophrenia but I’ve suffered from a lot of trauma in my life I...

Should I use Ozmepic now or wait till I can get Wegovy in the summer?

I would like semaglutide for weight loss. I live in the Uk and Wegovy isn’t available atm. Ozempic only goes up to 1mg and Wegovy goes up to 2.4mg. Is it better to wait for Wegovy as if I’m titrated up to 1 mg Ozempic and then need a higher dose I might not be able to get it?

What does an anticholinergic do?

How does Incruse Ellipta work

If I have type 2 diabetes. Can I take methocarbamol?

Can I take methocarbamol while having type 2 diabetes?

If I stop Mounjaro, can I go back to metformin?

Mounjaro Is hard for me to get now due to the cost. I was on metformin so my endocrinologist put me on Mounjaro. I wanted to know if I can go back with metformin because I felt better with metformin.

Does duloxetine show up as an illegal drug?

Can the drug duloxetine test positive for methamphetamine?

Does 2 mg.of Valium help you with anxiety all day?

Does 2 mg of Valium help you with anxiety all day?

Got off Lexapro then had to reintroduce. Now it's not working.What happened?

I did a fairly slow taper of my Lexapro from 10Mg to 0 in about 2 months. after being off for 2 weeks I had horrible withdrawal symptoms; High morning anxiety that would increase through out the day to the point I needed Ativan to function. when the Ativan wore off the anxiety would creep back up....

Tramadol while trying to pregnant?

I’m trying to conceive and wondering if this medicine is bad for trying to get pregnant? Is there any women having issues with trying to conceive/ovulate on this medication? I know you can’t take while pregnant but this is just for trying to pregnant.

Why is there low urine output in stage 3a CKD?

My 96 year old father has stage 3a CKD. He has a very low urine output even though he drinks fluids. And its dark. Why?

Is there a real difference between Wixela Inhub and Advair Diskus?

If Wixela Inhub is a generic for Advair Diskus, why are your ratings so different (1.8/10 average rating for Wixela Inhub vs 7.6/10 for Advair Diskus) Is there a quality difference in ingredients or inhaler mechanism, or is it just that people think more costly means more effective?