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Latest Questions (Page 106)

Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim - dosing frequency?

Can I take the second dose after 10 hours of the first dose or should I complete 12 hours from first dose?

Can Ozempic cause these symptoms?

My husband is in the hospital with severe hypertension and almost total blindness, and severe stomach pains. Can Ozempic cause this? He just started the 0.25 dose,

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

I have no details, just wanted to know what the symptoms are if you have diabetes. Thank you.

I have been on 1 mg clonazepam for 5 weeks now.

I am directed to only take 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at bedtime. How do I taper off of this by only taking 1/2 of a 1mg twice daily? I had a seizure when I quit my Xanax.I don't want to go thru that ever again. It was bad. Any recommendations for tapering odd this dosage safely? And I have...

What does Prozac and a small amount of alcohol do?

I was put on Prozac 3 days ago ( today is my 3rd day) I know I’m not supposed to feel any changes yet ( and I don’t really ) my question is; actually, I’m cutting back on drinking down to one shot with a zero sugar juice or soda ) it’s hard, but I can’t go cold Turkey...

Can Ozempic cause a person to retain water?

I've been very "puffy" lately. Mainly my feet and legs are swollen, and rings are tight on my fingers. Not sure if it's Ozempc related because I do have periodic bouts with edema, especially if I eat salty foods.

Effects of 100 mg of trazodone every night without a recent meal or light snack?

What can happen if you take 100 mg of trazodone every night without a meal or light snack within the last 4 hours? Not aware of the requirement to take with food, I've been doing this for years.

What are 4 key Ozempic side effects to watch out for?

Bad smell from nose for months?

I have had a bad smell in my nose for the past few months and people around me can smell it. They told me it smells fruity or like urine. I have tried gargling, steam, and sprays such as saline and Avamys when I went to an ENT specialist to get help for my blocked nose. The Avamys unblocked my...

I have a medication for pain and I do not understand the directions on how to take it.

What does it mean by: take 1 tablet every six hours as needed. Please be specific as I have learning disability. Thanks

What's the mechanism of action for Mestinon (pyridostigmine)?

Does Entresto or Coreg cause low blood pressure or hypotension?

My blood pressure has decreased from normal with medication (117/60) to (100/60) after doctors added more Lasix and Farxiga to my medications secondary to fluid retention in my legs. Is it best for doctors to decrease the Entresto that I’m taking or the Coreg to begin to figure out...

I been taking 25mg of pregabalin for 10 days but had to stop as I should not take it with...

... lorazepam because of asthma. Do I have to do slow withdrawal?

6 Wegovy side effects you need to be aware of

Do we drink water with torsemide?