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Latest Questions (Page 107)

Can you go from Prozac to Lexapro?

My new doctor had me on 20mg of Prozac for 2 weeks then changed me to 10mg Lexapro. The doctor said I didn’t need to ween off. Makes me very nervous.

Levothyroxine and drinking coffee immediately afterwards?

Does drinking coffee right after taking a dose of Levothyroxine have any effect on the medication?

How often can I take rizatriptin for a migraine?

Does Casodex work the same way as Xtandi?

I have stage 4a metastatic prostate cancer, where tumors have been found outside my prostate in lymph nodes in my lower abdomen. I was prescribed Casodex about a year ago and 30 days later was changed to Lupron and Xtandi. My PSA levels have responded well, but I lost my private insurance (and my...

I just started taking Mounjaro for weight loss. I've taken the 4 doses of 2.5mgand was then...

... increased to the 5mg dose. I had no side effects with the 2.5mg at all and lost 11 pounds. I took my first dose of the 5mg this past Monday and by Tuesday afternoon, the side effects hit like a train. Very very nauseous, but didn't throw up, thank goodness, and diarrhea. I'm looking...

What poisons would create a greyish black color in drinks asking for toxicity poisoning?

To preface: I’m being poisoned by my abusers. My doctors agree with me that I’m not just paranoid, they know the domestic violence situation I’ve been in for my whole life (it’s my father/parents.) At the bottom of my coffee cup sometimes there is a greyish black...

Sertraline Blip - need some reassurance!

Insomnia (50mg for 3 weeks then up to 100mg). Initially had terrible symptoms which eased over two weeks. Week by week I had good and bad days but overall improved mood and sleep was returning. Last week I had the best week so far, really positive with hardly any anxiety. This week started with...

Does anyone taking anastrozole have problems with their hips?

I have a hard time now getting up and if I’ve been sitting for a while I have to stand for a few seconds before I’m able to walk stiff-legged. I’ve been on it a year and a half now.

Bleeding on Depo shot what is normal and what isn't?

I started my first Depo shot about 7 weeks and 3-5 days ago, I am 19 and going on 20 here in 3 months. I started to have spotting a few days after my first shot which I was told was normal, then now I feel I am bleeding I think it's lightly or medium, but it's bright red, is it normal or...

Topamax and leg pains? For migraines? Anyone else?

I am on 50mg twice a day for about 2 full months now, my migraines have stopped, haven't had one since March 5th, but the side effects are driving me insane, I feel like I'm losing my mind. Both of my calves are killing me, muscle pains, they even checked me for blood clots because I...

I have chronic pain for over a year now but I dont like doctors today they all think you want drugs?

I wouldn't say I like taking pharma pills. I also like trying to keep the little energy I have left, as painkillers will make me useless (except maybe help me sleep for once), and I wouldn't say I like that downer feeling except for sleeping. Is there anything for severe pain throughout...

What help can I get for ADHD?

What help can I get to help manage my ADHD?

Does Plan B One Step work during ovulation?

Effexor and sleepiness, How long does it last?

I started Effexor 37.5mg two days ago and I cannot stay awake. I take it at 4:30pm and sleep for hours and hours. I’m totally exhausted. Does this go away as my body adjusts to the medication?