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Capsaicin - how do I relieve the severe burning?


Aces88TX 7 Feb 2016

2 words - VEGETABLE OIL!
First, I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you also. It's been about 2 yrs now since it happened to me.
I get very painful, severe stress knots in my shoulders and neck, which turn into migraines. So I was looking for relief.
I bought some to have on hand the next time I needed pain relief. I woke up at 5 a.m. not long after buying it in pain again. I applied it to my neck and shoulder areas and my knee for unrelated arthritis pain I have daily. I washed my hands very well. Finally laid back down at 6 a.m. not really feeling any relief.
At 7 a.m. woke up feeling a lot of discomfort in the areas I had applied the creme.
It quickly escalating to extreme pain. Tried showering but soap and water didn't help, actually seemed to make it worse. About to go to the hospItal when I remember I could call "Ask a Nurse" with my insurance company.
She asked if I had tried soap and water. Then told me to get the VEGETABLE OIL from the kitchen and pour it all over the effected areas. I climbed back in the tub and poured it on. Within minutes the pain started to subside, I still had tenderness like a sunburn and very red, but nothing like it had been.
Also, no blisters. Both my knee and neck areas hurt equally as bad so it's not just the more tender area's for me it effects badly, its every where. I try to warn everyone to test it first before using it on a large area.
I'm sure this is too late to help you, but hopefully will help some other person in terrible pain. I know I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy.

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capsaicin, burning

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