Please I need some help. I am only 21 and i cant really understand whats happening. almost every single one of my teeth is decaying and bad. my gums and teeth hurt daily. It's like I can feel them decaying away and it seriously HURTS! I live on my own and I don't have the money to go to a dentist. just to look at me is $150-300 and I don't have money like that at all. I haven't really been to the dentist since i was like 12. My parents just stopped taking me. No insurance I guess. I have Aflac through my employer and it's not enough to help. My teeth just continue to rot away no matter what I do. I've also never had any teeth removed ever and my wisdom teeth have mostly all come in. My whole jaw has been realigned. I look like a different person than before. I also sometimes get a really nasty taste and pus from the back of my teeth. It is quite unpleasing. My tongue sometimes gets big red bumps that hurt too. They last only a few days though then go away. I just wonder is there any way at all that I can find someone who will work on my teeth for either cheap or let me make payments or something. Maybe a chance for students to learn? Trust me I've got a lot going on in there and I am sure it could be a great lesson or something for a college professor or something. Is there something out there to help people like me that cant afford dental work. I just want to know what it's like to not be in pain every day and not have people think I am a crack head or something. My teeth disgust me and I am sure others too. I have seen this happen to people but not this young. Please let me know if there is anything out there.