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Tamsulosin for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Flomax

Tamsulosin has an average rating of 5.1 out of 10 from a total of 308 reviews for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. 29% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 39% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Tamsulosin

  • Roy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 28, 2019

Flomax (tamsulosin) "After being diagnosed with type2 diabetes at age 50, I began scatching my groin unconsciously. It was an itch I couldn't scratch. I was also dribbling urine a bit before I could make it to the rest room. My doctor prescribed a kidney/bladder ultrasound because I had high proteins in my urine. The ultrasound revealed a thickening of the bladder wall at the urethra. I was diagnosed with BPH, benign prostate hyperplasia. That sucker was huge. I was prescribed Flomax. From day one it worked. Complete bladder empty, no drips and no more scratching. One major side-effect: dry/retrograde ejaculation. When the wife and I get frisky, absolutely nothing comes out. It is back flowing into my bladder."

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77 Report
  • Pistol...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 19, 2013

Flomax (tamsulosin) "Started getting some relief within 24 hrs of starting, which is considerably faster than the doc said. Still some hesitancy, but flow much better. No side effects. Hard to complain. Just do it! I suffered too long, might have done some damage had I gone much longer."

9 / 10
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144 Report
  • EuroAll
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 22, 2019

Flomax (tamsulosin) "AVOID THIS DRUG! After taking only ONE pill, I was sick as a dog, and felt like I had the flu! Almost 24 hours later, feeling better, but not 100% yet. I don't doubt the drug's effectiveness of BPH, however as far as I'm concerned the particularly nasty side effects simply isn't worth any of its so-called benefits. I will be seeikng alternative, more natural treatments to my minor BPH case. NEVER AGAIN Flomax!"

1 / 10
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74 Report
  • Islan...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 18, 2021

Flomax (tamsulosin) "I have mixed feelings about Flomax. The sexual side effects should by now be well known and doctors and pharmacists should be discussing but sometimes fail to do so. Flomax is very seldom given to young men, commonly it is given to those 50+. If you are sexually active the side effects can be problematic. If you are not sexually active the sexual side effects can be a good thing. I fall into the latter category and a diminished libido, combined with a gentler ejaculation is a good thing. But, after being on Flomax continually for about a week, the back and joint pain starts. Not good. The nasal congestion and headaches also not good. I discussed with my doctor, she suggested that I try taking it every second day. So far so good."

7 / 10
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54 Report
  • Cazzilo
  • July 31, 2016

Flomax (tamsulosin) "I was suffering for many weeks with pain, extreme urge to urinate, getting up 10-15 times a night. Urine volume was low, plus very weak stream. My doctor prescribed Flomax. Took the first one four hours before bedtime. Almost cried because all the symptoms disappeared. Finally a good night's sleep. Couldn't believe how fast it worked. After a couple of days, I was back to my normal self. Normal stream, no pain or urge to urinate. Thought it was a miracle drug. Then, after three days, the side effects started showing up. First a slightly sore back. Then overall general muscle weakness, dry ejaculation (reversed), soft erection, very weak orgasm at first, and finally no orgasm period. Stopped using this today. Day 5."

4 / 10
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104 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • zypre...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 1, 2020

"57 years old and have been on Tamsulosin for about 4 years. Had reoccurring urination problems for a couple of years after a prolonged bad bout with prostititis. Ended up with blockage that required catheter for a couple of weeks. (not the first time) Urologist put me on this "stuff", and yes I am now Niagara falls in the can, but the side effects were and are off the charts and have gotten progressively worse over time. Constant dizziness, no energy, bad balance, muscle & joint aches, breathing and sinus problems (runny nose, sneezing, pain, nasal drip) and recently have developed a cough and have to clear throat constantly. I'm done! Tapering off. Will talk to my urologist about other options. At this point the catheter looks good! lol This drug does work well, but the "price" of the side effects is just too high for me. Good luck!!"

8 / 10
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64 Report
  • The...
  • July 22, 2013

Flomax (tamsulosin) "Only the brand Flomax works for me. After falling asleep on the seat a few times, I switched to Flomax brand and it made all the difference in the world. If I do wake up to pee, I pee. It's like having a 30-year-old prostate (not 65). But I can pee, whee!"

8 / 10
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129 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 7, 2008

Flomax (tamsulosin) "A miracle drug. Thanks. I didn't realize how much it had changed my lifestyle. I was always looking for a bathroom. My wife and I stopped taking long drives in the country for fear I would have to suddenly go, and worst of all, I stopped going to sporting events because I was afraid I wouldn't make it home in time. Lastly, I was getting up four or five times a night to go to the bathroom. That is all over now, and we are enjoying our lives again."

9 / 10
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169 Report
  • Bude
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 4, 2015

Flomax (tamsulosin) "I am currently almost 65 years of age. For several years, I suffered off and on with symptoms of BPH (frequent urination, difficulty urinating, weak stream, etc.) day and night. Sometimes, I would wake up 8-10 times a night for bathroom visits. Not being a person who goes to doctors regularly, I tried about every OTC and home remedy I could find. Two months ago, I finally visited a doctor and described my condition. He prescribed Flomax, and I started noticing improvement within a few weeks of taking it. After about five weeks, I was sleeping 6-7 hours between bathroom visits. I have noticed no side effects other than slight occasional headaches, which may or may not be related to the use of Flomax. Thank you, Flomax!"

8 / 10
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109 Report
  • Thero...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 15, 2020

"I'm a 55 year old male. For many years I've have had weak stream but not to the point to make me want to see a doctor. Recently though when I would wake up it would be complete blockage with some discomfort as I sat there waiting and waiting on the toilet. So brought this up with doc and he prescribed tamsulosin. I'm not kidding, within one day, like a fire hydrant was opened and it was like I was in college again. I do have tooth sensitivity like when I'm chewing ice it's almost painful. I only take once every 2 days. Great stuff."

10 / 10
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57 Report
  • Ipeef...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 4, 2018

Flomax (tamsulosin) "While Flomax definitely helps with ease and volume of urination, the side effects are just too much. This is the second time I’ve tried it. The first time (about a year ago) I stopped for the horrible side effects and decided I would never take it again. This time I guess I forgot about those because I told my Dr. I wanted to try it again. Within a day or two I stopped getting up as much at night, I had a more powerful stream, and I didn’t feel the urgent sensation to pee as much. I also experience dizziness, nausea, headaches, toothaches, ejaculation problems, and for some reason it makes me have a hard time breathing. I’m stopping it today for the second time. Hopefully I’ll remember these side effects the next time I think I might want to take it."

2 / 10
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67 Report
  • Miguel
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 13, 2020

Flomax (tamsulosin) "53 year old male. Started on flomax .4 dosage for two weeks for my BPH symptoms of urgency, weak stream, failure to fully empty bladder. Seemed to relieve those symptoms initially for a few days up to a week; tapered off the second week, however still improved initial symptoms by twenty-five percent. No noticeable side effects other than decreased ejaculation amounts and delayed ejaculation. Bumped dosage up to .8 after four weeks. Side effects now include minor lower back pain and minor sinus allergies. Seems to be working slightly better than .4; going to continue for another week or two. Was hoping for better results; maybe after more time on the medication?"

6 / 10
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54 Report
  • Huggy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 20, 2018

Flomax (tamsulosin) "Has way too many side effects dizziness, fatigue, myalgia and it made me constipated. It really seems like our doctors don’t know anything. I’ve been using natural supplements and I actually have a quality of life that is bearable. Going to China to be cured. Alpha blockers are designed to make you stay on a life treatment with horrible symptoms. No thank you I’ll stick with my own recipes that I came up with that help more than anything any doctor has given me. All the doctors think I’m crazy but they’re just programmed that way and very text book. Think outside the box people, if your treatments don’t work it is time to do more research."

1 / 10
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66 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 19, 2017

Flomax (tamsulosin) "I am 62 years old and have been on the generic Flomax for about two years now. I have noticed a big improvement in my ability to urinate and I no longer have problems starting a stream. Also, it no longer takes a long time to fully empty my bladder. (No more starting and stopping several times). My only problem is the sexual side effect of no ejaculation when I have an orgasm it bothers me that when.Obviously, this is not normal!"

4 / 10
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76 Report
  • Anony...
  • March 3, 2009

Flomax (tamsulosin) "Flomax has improved my urinary flow and comfort and reduced significantly the number of distressing dribbles at the end of urination. Unfortunately, Flomax also quickly reduced my sexual ability too, with softer, less frequent, and shorter lasting erections, and sometimes appears to cause premature ejaculations that never occurred before. Taking zinc along with multivitamins appears to help. I'm still getting up at night to urinate, but at least the flow is good. My wife isn't thrilled about this, but I must be able to pee to live, and I can still live without much sex."

6 / 10
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130 Report
  • peepain
  • August 7, 2011

Flomax (tamsulosin) "I have been taking Flomax for a month for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. I had been getting up to urinate 2 or 3 times a night, suffering from severe pain during urination. Since starting Flomax, I have found myself dizzy if getting up quickly, blurred vision, decreased sex drive with abnormal ejaculate. I have lower back pain. I feel weaker and tired all the time. On the upside, I can go all night with no need to get up to urinate, and the pain while urinating is 50 percent less."

6 / 10
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111 Report
  • Jay
  • December 13, 2009

Flomax (tamsulosin) "Been on Flomax for BPH for 2 years now. It's improved my urinary volume and flow rate tremendously. Most nights, don't even get up at all. Better now that I take it at 10 pm with a small snack. While it has also caused me to have dry ejaculations (my other half has not complained about this), I can maintain erection and have multiple ejaculations."

9 / 10
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120 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 7, 2009

Flomax (tamsulosin) "I have been using Flomax (0.4 mg 1/day) for approximately 2 weeks, with a great improvement after the 2nd pill. My problem with urination wasn't too bad to begin with - slow start, weak stream, start/stop, up 2-3 times per night -- just inconvenient. I have experienced side effects with Flomax: get very dizzy when first standing up within 3-4 hours after taking the pill (feels like I'm going to pass out), so I take it at night; noticeable muscle weakness, but not severe. Also, sex is affected, weak orgasm. I tried Saw Palmetto (2,000 mg/day)--seemed to help some, but not very much."

6 / 10
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122 Report
  • Bigfoot
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 1, 2019

Flomax (tamsulosin) "Took Flomax for BPH when I had to urinate 3 times a night. While on flomax I had to urinate 6 or 7 times a night. I switched to Rapaflo with much better results, although it is much more expensive. I didn’t have any side effects from Rapaflo."

1 / 10
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50 Report
  • Trouper
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 10, 2016

Flomax (tamsulosin) "just started taking flomax (generic)..waiting to see what happens. On the web, most of the reviews are very negative and not encouraging. Why does this drug still get prescribed ? With all of the negative reviews I have just read, it really amazes me this drug is used for BHP.."

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77 Report
  • Jack
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 26, 2019

Flomax (tamsulosin) "I started Flomax a week ago. I'm 58 years old. I had been having a very active sex life ( some days 2-3 times a day with my partner). Now I literally lost a lot of my " sex drive ", and, I also, have a hard time maintaining an erection, the worst is if I orgasm not even more than a drip of semen comes out. Now I have to choose, stop the medicine or lose my partner of 12 years. I can get viagra, but I don't think that you can take the 2 together. Ugh..."

3 / 10
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51 Report
  • lmason
  • October 3, 2007

Flomax (tamsulosin) "Immediately after starting to take Flomax, I lost bladder control while sleeping. I wet the bed 2 to 3 times every night. I have traded one problem for another. My doctor started me with 2 0.4mg capsules daily."

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  • TDano
  • September 9, 2019

Flomax (tamsulosin) "For a while, I’ve had to get up to pee 3 or more times a night. Recently, I noticed my stream weakening and an urge to go when there’s very little urine. I tried Saw Palmetto and a multi-vitamin but they had little effect. I’ve cut back on caffeine and limit fluids in the evening. None of this seemed to make any difference. I finally when to the urologist and he started me on Flomax. The first night I noticed an improvement in my stream and the urge to go when there’s no need, was gone. The first two nights I only got up twice, however, the next two I was back to 4 times. The fifth day I woke up with diarrhea and had severe stomach cramps all day that finally went away in the evening. I did take the pill that night and woke up the next day with flu like symptoms that worsened throughout the day. This may be an effective medication but the side effects are not worth it for me. I’m on to searching for something else."

3 / 10
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50 Report
  • mesher
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 31, 2018

Flomax (tamsulosin) "After 1 week of flomax, urine flow was slightly effected. I have started experiencing dizziness, extreme fatigue, weakness, nausea, diarrhea, headache, chills, body aches and flu like symptoms. Goodbye flomax."

1 / 10
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57 Report
  • Upatn...
  • April 8, 2009

Flomax (tamsulosin) "I have been using Flomax for two years. It keeps me going but I still get up at least three times a night. Flow is not normal, light stream. My PSA is under 2.0 and always has been. I'm tired, sore, and not getting any better. I have not had sex for a long time. I'm going to try a new drug."

4 / 10
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115 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.