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Ozempic User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Ozempic has an average rating of 6.4 out of 10 from a total of 1,102 reviews on 51% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Ozempic

  • Foofoo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 30, 2021

For Cardiovascular Risk Reduction "I'm in week 6 and I have lost 15 pounds!!!!! Total miracle. I started out at the .25 dose for a month and last week began .5. I have absolutely no appetite. Very easy to stick to healthy diet. Predominantly low carb but do allow some complex carbs here and there. I eat very small meals--I am full very quickly. I am a little nauseous in the morning, slight constipation which easily was alleviated with taking daily pro-biotics, and after going out to dinner the other night and eating what I thought was a small meal, had really bad acid reflux. The food was spicy and although I didn't eat a lot of it, I ate later than usual. I will never do that again. I fortunately have not had any of the other side effects others mention. I want to lose another 70 pounds so I am hoping that at the 1 mg dose I can accomplish this. I would think the weight loss will slow at some point. I remain a little nervous about increasing the dose, although I had no ill side-effects when last increased."

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • shell...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 21, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I started at a dose 0.25mg Ozempic advancing to 1mg weekly. The first week I experienced reduced appetite and some nausea. Within 3 months I have lost 35 pounds and my HgA1C went from 9 down to 6. I have on several occasions experienced nausea and vomiting if I overate or have very greasy food. It does reduce your appetite substantially. I found eating my main meal at lunch and soup for supper has reduced nausea."

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • BIG...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 17, 2024

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have found that Ozempic helps me with curbing my appetite, and my A1C numbers have looked better lately. Now for the bad news - I take my shot for the week on Monday mornings. Within a couple of hours, I get to feeling nauseated, have chills, almost like I've gotten the flu. It generally lasts most of the day on Monday, and I'm okay by Tuesday morning. I hate to feel like I have to feel like crap for 24 hours each week to get the positives that medication can provide. I hope that you can give me some ways to try to curb the sickness that comes with my shot on Mondays. Thank you for your time and attention."

9 / 10
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1 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • AK47
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 11, 2023

For Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) "I started Ozempic for weight loss, I paid cash since I wasn't approved by insurance. I was about 15-20 pounds overweight and pre-diabetic with a family history of type 2 Diabetes. No matter what I did, nothing made me lose weight. The first month at .25 mg was a dream come true. I had no appetite and felt very few side effects. I lost 10 -12 pounds in the first month. The 5th shot was .5 mg. I became so ill. It started with huge belches and nausea. That night I vomited and was so lethargic and nauseous that I didn't get out of bed for 3 days. I had weird sores on my tongue. The next day I vomited again. I had to get Zofran for the nausea which helped a bit. Almost a week later I am due for this week's shot and I have decided not to continue. I still have the belches from hell, weakness, and lethargy but I am at least able to function and work. Climbing the stairs feels like Mt. Everest. I hope I feel normal again soon."

5 / 10
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7 Report
  • kathy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 2, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Week 4 injection of Ozempic will be today and so far, feeling really good! (Prior med kept me sick, headachy and depressed for months.) The slight nausea at the beginning stopped in less than a week. I have NO appetite. Good mostly but hard to get all the meals and nutrition I need. If I overeat, I get a sour stomach. Great incentive not to overeat! I have more gas, but take OTC meds for it. My blood sugars are much lower and right on target. I'll get another A1c in 2 weeks. No scales but I'm losing weight. Clothes are looser, stomach is flatter. I'm supposed to double the dose today from .25 to .5 and I'm scared to! I feel so good and I don't want that to change! This stuff is expensive, though! Yikes! Even with my insurance. Not sure how long I can afford it and I don't qualify for their financial help."

8 / 10
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19 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Kitty...
  • March 18, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "The Good, Bad, and Ugly with Ozempic. Before taking it, I read all the reviews. There was some pretty horror story types. Even with the Bad and Ugly, it has turned good. I do have some concerns, but the benefits outweighed. My AIC dropped 9.2 to 7.8 in 4 months. I have lost some weight (about 7lbs), which with hip surgery, its rough to get out. The cravings are strange. As one said, sugary things in the evening. I have taken care of that and eat my vegies or pop open a V8. Believe me, a V8 will curb about any craving. You do have to force yourself to drink water. Extremely important. Coke Zero cravings are completely gone. I still have one in a great eon. Food appetite is down. I do take more naps than usual, but I believe that is from the reduced food intake. I now spread out my food throughout the day with an almost continuous feed until a few hours before bed. Insulin is down about 20%. My only concern is the possibility of thyroid problems. Continuously check daily."

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • ERano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 14, 2019

"After having my last child, I had my thyroid removed, and ended up with hypothyroidism. I gained about 60 lbs within a year from 190 lbs to 252 lbs, and I was 190 lbs just after I had the baby!!! I am not diabetic. My Endocrinologist increased my dosage of Levothyroxine to 225 mcgs and started me on Ozempic. I've taken 3 doses of Ozempic (beginning week 3 today) at .25, and I'm already down 9 lbs. Zero appetite, no side effects. Just have to stay hydrated."

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More FAQ

  • Joey
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 20, 2021

"So after 7 weeks on ozempic, I’m calling it a day. It not only got rid of my appetite completely, it left me unable to look at food and cook for my family. I developed a complete aversion to food. This left me with no energy, anxious and depressed. It’s not worth it. I am unable to exercise and have now lost love of life. Two days after injection is the worst particularly with nausea and the constipation is terrible."

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13 Report
  • Pump...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 21, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Endo gave me a 1 month sample for type II. Just into my second week at 0.25. Initially, upset stomach and diarrhea. Wouldn't say nausea per se, more like a stomach ache. Diarrhea wasn't crampy and prolonged like metformin. Appetite really decreased. Sugars started going down about 3-4 days in, and symptoms lessened by day 6. But....weight GAIN of 3lbs! What the...? just on day 2 of 2nd week, no nausea, but still eating less. Not peeing as much and wake up earlier and easier, and morning sugars down from 11-12ish to 8-9ish. I will be disappointed if I am the rare one that gains weight though."

6 / 10
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19 Report
  • Peaches
  • October 25, 2018

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I started taking Ozempic 3 months ago. I found that after I take my injection on Wednesday night. I get nausea before the day is over and vomit. It feels like my food gets struck and won’t move. I get sick at least once a week then I’m better. My appetite has decreased. I also notice I can’t over eat it or I get sick. I have told my doctor he thinks it will get better. I know one thing for sure you can’t cheat with fried food or you will be sick for sure. I’m going try one more month."

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21 Report
  • Joey
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 5, 2021

For Cardiovascular Risk Reduction "Started on .25 and now onto .5 for the next 4 weeks. My side effects have been mild nausea, a lot of constipation, slight anxiety, Mild diarrhoea, mild tummy ache, intermediate tiredness and feeling somewhat under the weather. There is no pattern, it’s random, I do think it’s the medication as prior to this I had none of these symptoms. It is not great, but tolerable. I think the meds are really kicking in now. If I have a small snack the nausea subsides. I have little to no appetite, prob consume 1000 calories a day. And my mind is not consumed with food, and before I had an obsession with food. For me, it’s been life changing. I put on 15kg during Covid lockdown. Was 85kg now 81kg"

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • Oz122
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 15, 2022

For Cardiovascular Risk Reduction "I’ve been taking Ozempic since January 2022 for weight loss. I started out with a 0.25 mg weekly injection, which was increased to a 0.5 mg weekly injection after the first pen. To date, four months later, I’ve lost 33 pounds, down to 265 pounds from 298 pounds. My appetite is significantly reduced and I’ve implemented healthy diet changes with the help of the weight loss clinic where I’m a patient. Recently I began experiencing constipation, which is a known side effect. My physician recommended Miralax to combat the constipation."

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • Succe...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 26, 2022

For Cardiovascular Risk Reduction "I've been on Ozempic for 4 months. My doctor tiered the dosage from .25 mg for 4 weeks, then .50 mg for 4 weeks, then increased to 1 MG for the remaining time. I've just gone in for a check up, and increased to the 2 mg dose beginning this week. Each dose I experienced some stomach knots, but they resolved after the first day of the adjustment. I did initially have some very mild nauseum but all I needed to do, was take a sip of cold water to take care of it. I stress, the nauseum was very very mild. I do have a bit of constipation, but I balance with stool softeners and strict keto (high fat). I've lost 21 pounds to this point and this medication is the first thing that's controlled my appetite. I used to feel hungry all the time but now I don't feel like I need to eat all the time. I don't snack all the time like I used to. I was doing everything I was supposed to, I was working out and strict keto. But, I was stuck and couldn't lose any more weight. I've gone from 203 to 181."

9 / 10
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9 Report
  • Komodo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 27, 2019

"Oh boy. I just started Ozempic for weight loss at .25. After my first injection I was fine for two days, and then was constipated for two days—and since then I’ve been pretty darn sick. Violent diarrhea, headaches, some nausea, and very low energy. I’ve taken several days off from work as I’ve felt so bad. I’ve lost weight since I have no appetite and nausea follows whenever I eat — even broth and crackers. I have international travel planned in 10 days and I hope that I’m recovered by then. I may try again after my travels, but this has been rough. The worst side effects I’ve had from a new medication"

4 / 10
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17 Report
  • Nela
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 14, 2021

For Cardiovascular Risk Reduction "I have been taking Ozempic strictly for weightloss for 11 weeks. During this time I have lost 21 pounds, going from 247 two 226 (5'5" height). I've had a fantastic decrease in appetite; I can only eat about half of what I used to. My cravings for sweets are also nearly gone. I have been aiming for a maximum of 1500cal per day, but sometimes I'd slip up and go to about 2000cal (never above 2000cal). And I'll be honest, these results are with NO change in exercise. I have a moderately active job, but besides that, no significant physical activity. I really need to start exercising regularly, but for such mild changes in my lifestyle I'm impressed with how this medication is working. I'm currently at 1.0mg and will be going up to 1.7mg in about 2 weeks. I'm waiting for Wegovy to be in stock so I can shift to that one instead. My goal is 150lbs and so far I'm optimistic about that. Besides occasional mild nausea, I've had no other side effects. Highly recommend!"

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Erica
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 14, 2024

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I am type 2 diabetic. I started Ozempic on 28th March 2024. I only get nausea if I eat a bit too much. I did learn that from the start, and since then, my portion of food is now small. I learned what foods I can eat and what sends me to the toilet, but that part got easier for me the more times I used it and managed my eating habits. I am on 0.25mg every week. It does make me feel full and can go hours without eating, but that’s when I realized I get nausea. So, I will have a few grapes throughout the day to keep the nausea feeling away, not a whole heap, just 2 or 3 grapes, and then I am good until dinner. You learn to pick up your appetite and eating habits along the way. I was 109kg when I started on the 28th March 2024, and as of the 14th April 2024, I am now 102.1. I definitely feel a lot better and can go for walks without huffing and puffing. I do get indigestion since starting Ozempic but take Gaviscon to help with that. Definitely recommend not having fizzy drinks."

8 / 10
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2 Report
  • Snowf...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 28, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I just took my second dose on Friday of 0.5 I feel like garbage, no energy, tired, stomachache, I workout 4 days a week and I just can’t seem to find the energy to workout. I may stop using this drug because I’m so active and the passed few days I can’t seem to do much. Appetite is gone completely I don’t like that I have lost few pounds but not the right way I feel like I am starving myself this is not for me"

6 / 10
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17 Report
  • I...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 1, 2021

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I rarely ever have side effects from any drugs that I have taken before. After my second dose I began extreme side effects of stomach pain ,bloating, sour belching, flatulence, diarrhea, zero appetite, indigestion. These symptoms have not gone away after 10 days of discontinued use. It definitely lowered my daily sugar levels. You can use this medication if you are okay with feeling like death."

1 / 10
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11 Report
  • Vero
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 24, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Started taking this Ozempic 0.25 dose injection for my first week. On 04/17/19 I have lost a total of 4.5 pounds so far, I am on my second week of Ozempic. The first week I didn’t had stomach pain, headache or any side effects. But I notice that my appetite had a big change. I am not hungry all day. I am eating small meals now. I been drinking more water than normal, but after reading all the reviews I was really scared too. I wasn’t sure if this was going to be the right medicine for me. But it works!!! No side effects yet!"

10 / 10
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18 Report
  • Laxma...
  • August 19, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I just started this drug on Thursday. It’s now Monday and I have lost 7 pounds, however I feel miserable. Today it’s overwhelming dizziness but previously it was nausea, bloating and stomach pain. No appetite whatsoever, extreme fatigue and insomnia! I had six stents placed in my heart arteries on July 22. I was hiking on the 20th and needed to be rescued from the trail. My blood glucose at rescue was 33. I was put on insulin in the hospital and prescribed a cardiac cocktail of six different meds, four of which caused some dizziness and light sensitivity which had improved over four weeks to the point that I was walking an hour a day. I’ve barely left the house since Thursday. I will not take another dose of ozempic PS, the insulin was working well, I was down to 3 units, three times a day of humalog (from 8 unitsx3) and 9 units of basaglar (from 25) plus 500mg x 2 of metformin."

2 / 10
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  • silly...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 24, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I've been on 1 mg of Ozempic for about 8 weeks and lost 13 pounds. My appetite has decreased. Other people started out at .25 or .5 I've noticed from reading other reviews. Considering this, I'm shocked my doctor started me on 1 MG. I was really sick the first month. Lots of vomiting gas, stomach ache and diarrhea. Despite all that, I'm pleased that I lost weight and the side effects have gone away. I just hope it continues to work as an appetite suppressant. Other meds I've taken that were originally one for me stopped working on my appetite after a while."

9 / 10
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  • Lisa
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 30, 2023

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have taken the 2 mg shot for about 4 months. I have finally been able to shed weight. I've lost approximately 70 pounds since I started at the 1 mg dose about 7 months ago. I have experienced constant nausea, no appetite, dizziness, some brain fog, tiredness, and weakness. My A1C has been excellent. Having lost the weight, my blood pressure is excellent now as well. I'm having unexplained issues though. My hips are hurting and I have muscle aches in my thighs. I have a burning rash sensation in various places, but no physical rash that is visible. I'm beginning to question whether the pros outweigh the cons. The constipation and upset stomach are the worst."

6 / 10
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5 Report
  • Bailey
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 3, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "At first i had brief overwhelming bout of nausea that passed. Decreased appetite definitely had me losing weight..but after 2nd injection the nausea got much worse! Plus i had diarrhea/vomiting..& it just got worse daily..had to discontinue. Now its been a month later & I'm still having nausea & diarrhea...horrible experience for me."

6 / 10
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  • crazy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 24, 2019

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I was ok on the 0.25mg and 0.5mg doses of this drug Ozempic. Then five weeks ago I upped to 1mg as planned. About 4 weeks ago my mood changed and I started to get pain in my joints and bones. Achey all over and no energy. Two weeks ago the abdominal pains, gas, diarrhoea and those awful sulphur burps, arrived. I feel absolutely awful and doctor is convinced it is increasing this drug. No appetite either and feeling sick. Was loving the drug in beginning but now I feel like I've permanent flu!"

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  • KDS
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 18, 2024

For Diabetes, Type 2 "When I first started using Ozempic, I did lose my appetite and cut way back on eating, resulting in a 10 lb drop. After a year, I no longer experienced a loss of appetite and was just maintaining weight. I also noticed a drop in my blood sugar levels. I am now going off Ozempic and working out daily, hoping to lose additional weight. However, my A1C has dropped 1.5 points, so I am in a good place."

10 / 10
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3 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.