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Quetiapine for Bipolar Disorder User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: Seroquel, Seroquel XR

Quetiapine has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 653 reviews for the treatment of Bipolar Disorder. 61% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Quetiapine

  • thesk...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 8, 2017

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I've been on this for about 8 months so far. I take 300mg at bed time. It helps with sleep, but I do feel a bit tired during the day. This has really reduced my mania. I used to argue with people until I was literally foaming at the mouth, but now I lose interest in arguments within 5 or 10 minutes. Twitter and news used to upset me and I'd get ampted up about stories, but that's gone away mostly. Now I can react to things that used to make me furious with a laugh or just a short discussion with someone. Seroquel's not perfect, but the weirdness and intensity I used to experience has gone. It also helps greatly with my IBSd. I haven't had any weight gain, but my diet is low-fat and limited. Seroquel is MUCH better than TCAs btw. Good luck!"

8 / 10
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38 Report
  • HopeK
  • August 6, 2013

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I have tried just about every medicine there is to treat bipolar disorder, and Seroquel hands-down is the best one for me in terms of stability. However, the weight gain has been a problem. I gained 40 pounds on Seroquel. The good news is I've lost 16 pounds of that in 3 1/2 months. It's been hard work, but I am confident I can meet my goal of losing 48 more pounds over the next year."

9 / 10
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  • lalal...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 7, 2022

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I once rated this medication highly for my initial positive experience with it. I now believe that is only because it helps me sleep. Once I got up to 200 mg, I felt like a zombie and experienced some other concerning symptoms. When I expressed my concerns I was told that this was a "baby dose" and they intended to still increase from there. I disagreed. I have weaned down to a sleeping aid dose and intend to decrease from there and get off this stuff. It's terribly addicting. When I was at 200 mg I used to experience withdrawal like symptoms if I was accidentally late to take my nightly dose, splitting headaches, shaking. I've seen some say it can be dangerous to not have an exact time each day it is taken, but this was never expressed to me by the psychiatrists who prescribed me. This is not an opiate, but there's a reason some people sell this and call it "baby heroin". If you get prescribed it for sleeping, it did help with that."

1 / 10
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16 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Anony...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 5, 2016

Seroquel (quetiapine) "Seroquel has been very helpful with sleep, and I also noticed some mood stabilization in combination with Lamictal and sometimes Klonopin. Sometimes it is overly sedating, but taking it a couple of hours before normally going to sleep is important for me so that I don't feel drowsy the next day. I did not notice any weight gain on it. My doctor started me on 50 mg, which was good for sedation, but no major difference in mood. 100 mg does make a difference in lower my anxiety and some mood stabilization with my other medications, but sometimes she recommends me to take 200 mg to reduce mania from flaring up when it starts. Overall, this med has been useful for Bipolar 1 for me."

8 / 10
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40 Report
  • Hayle...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 21, 2016

Seroquel XR (quetiapine) "This medication has been a real life-saver. I had struggled with heavy depressions interspersed with hypomania for a few years before I was eventually diagnosed with Bipolar 2 Disorder, for which I was prescribed this. The initial 50mg did nothing except be an overrated sleep pill, but the boost to 300mg for bipolar depression helped begin to mellow me out, and a few weeks later I was starting to experience a life free of devastating mood swings. I've read horror stories online, but I experienced nothing of the sort (actually *lost* weight in the past few months). It's a shame there's risks with long-term use, I would happily take this forever otherwise - these past few months have been nice and happy and productive for me thanks to this."

9 / 10
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41 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • 0rdin...
  • September 24, 2014

Seroquel (quetiapine) "Seroquel helped my paranoia and really kept me mentally stable, but I also was tired all the time, sometimes sleeping for 15 hours a day. I also gained 30 pounds within three months of being on Seroquel. I wouldn't recommend this medicine for anyone who does not wish to rapidly gain weight."

6 / 10
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45 Report
  • GRano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 25, 2018

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I have been on Seroquel XR for 2.5 years now with doses ranging from 150mg to 250mg. Currently taking 200mg. It does work, BUT it works very slowly, therapeutically talking. The anti anxiety effects kick in I would in a week or two maximum and the sleepiness is very intense in the beginning. What I don’t like about it, is that you get used to the dose very quickly and the symptoms return needing to either up or lower the dose. It’s not a super stable medicine. The first days of upping the dose you do feel more stable, calmer, peaceful but a week after you find yourself asking for more. Now therapeutically, it brings you back to earth, you know, but it’s not enough. In my case the lack of motivation is a big thing for me. It was so bad my doctor thought I had attention issues and wanted me to try Adderall and I said no because I knew it was from seroquel. Anyway, all antipsychotics are motivation killers and make existing depression worse and trigger ADHD in my case. Good luck."

8 / 10
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30 Report
  • Muffin...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 18, 2021

Seroquel (quetiapine) "This is horrible with extremely serious side effects. I got anxiety, shaking, face twitching and stuttering like never before. I won’t ever take it again — you cannot pay me enough to get back on it!"

1 / 10
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17 Report
  • BPb
  • January 3, 2020

Seroquel (quetiapine) "Seroquel did not feel like it was doing anything for me the first month and a half in terms of my mood because it was the only med I was on. It did help me sleep again -- but I can't say it saved me from all of the racing thoughts and rapid cycling when up. As someone with Bipolar Disorder who experiences severe depressive phases, two doses of Lithium Carbonate, Gabapentin as needed for anxiety, and Seroquel 150mg at night for sleep is what is best for me. I guess how it forces me to fall asleep and stay asleep is what in turn effects my mood to be more relaxed the next day. Who wouldn't be relaxed when they sleep 8-12 hours a night lol. Other than that effect I do not notice a big difference in my mood change like I do with other meds."

9 / 10
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25 Report
  • Tyano
  • September 26, 2019

"I've struggled with severe anxiety for most my life (leading me to being physically sick and suicidal at its worst) and recently was diagnosed with bipolar 1. I'm generally a big advocate for natural healing but things have gotten so intense that I needed more help. My psychiatrist is amazing and wanted to go slow! He said he doesn't want my first experience with big pharma to be traumatic. I noticed at 300 mg I was really groggy, irritable, and had a slight hand tremor. Mind you I'm 5'2 and 115 lbs so I'm a light weight with most substances! 150 mg has been my sweet spot! Overall I'm super optimistic! But I'm also working hard to be consistent in all aspects of my life. That's key for bipolar/anxiety! I meditate, exercise, eat right, spend time in nature, journal, go to therapy, go to bed and wake up at the same time, etc. No medicine will be a cure ALL on it's own! Peace and happiness is a constant practice. Coming from a suicide survivor I promise it gets better!"

8 / 10
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26 Report
  • Mymocha
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 1, 2017

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I was having extreme depression and hypomania and they could not find the correct drug for me and this was the miracle drug for me it was the key. It works very well for me and I would recommend it. I take Seroquel at night because it does make me a little sleepy."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 3, 2010

Seroquel XR (quetiapine) "At 41, I simply couldn't take the depression, the mania, the ADD or the severe anxiety attacks anymore. I finally went to the doctor and she put me on Seroquel XR starting at 50mg for 4 days, then 100mg for 4 days and now the maintenance dosage of 150mgs. It has honestly changed my life and saved my marriage. My brain seems to function normally now. My nearly constant suicide thoughts are gone and I can concentrate on tasks for more than 15 seconds at a time. I would rather have a healthy appetite than feeling nauseous so that side effect only boosts my moods. The only thing I don't like is my dreams are VIVID but not in a nightmare sort of way. I've begun dreaming in color which is also new. I can certainly live with that..."

10 / 10
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58 Report
  • MCarey
  • February 23, 2009

Seroquel (quetiapine) "A word to the wise: A psychiatrist prescribed a small dosage of Seroquel (at bedtime) for me (25 MG) to promote sleep. After a short period of time, I noticed an overwhelming craving for sugar--pastry, candy, milkshakes, etc. During proceeding visits to my family physician, I learned that my sugar levels were rising steadily, something uncommon in my previous medical history. Eventually this rise in blood levels developed into diabetes. Once this cause and effect was established, I ceased taking Seroquel. I no longer have an insatiable appetite for sweets."

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61 Report
  • JJJ
  • February 23, 2013

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I have found Seroquel to be very helpful in my life. I was on high antidepressant medicines but gave those up. The Seroquel helps me lead a normal life by allowing me to sleep and calm down after long working hours in a high demand job. I take 100mg before dinner which helps my appetite also. I would not take Seroquel during the day as I feel it would inhibit my ability to communicate at work. From what I've read some interpolate the effects of the medicines in differing ways but I can honestly say it has saved me from a very dark place. Expensive but worth the cost."

10 / 10
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49 Report
  • Rotti...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 6, 2019

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I tried this medication a few years ago and could never get the dose correct. It was either too much or not enough. I recently tried it again and only took it for a week before the doctor took me off. I was taking this medication for bipolar disorder and insomnia. 30 minutes to 1 hour after taking this medication I would have constant dry mouth and my legs would twitch, RLS. Constant tossing and turning because of my legs and having to drink water because of the dry mouth finally passing out hours later and feeling like rubbish the next day."

2 / 10
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26 Report
  • Melyssy
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 24, 2017

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I've been on Seroquel more years then I know.I have always been on the magical 200mg. I'm only on 50mg now, because of weight gain. I really did not want to be on this, and tried to go off..The headaches, and misery are just awful trying to come off this drug. So, back on Seroquel... along with Lamictal, Tegretol and Topomax. I have Bipolar 1, another name I've been told is Classic Bipolar. Seroquel helps with sleep for sure. Don't like the heaviness on the chest, if it's too high a dose. Also, getting up to eat like 10 minutes after taking it. AND feeling zombie next day. I've noticed if My meds aren't taken before midnight, forget the next day. Next day is gone..Sleeping all day. And If I don't snack with these meds,my heart feels weird."

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35 Report
  • lynnpl
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 29, 2012

Seroquel XR (quetiapine) "I've been in and out of mental health clinics for a long time..just trying to find something to slow my racing thoughts and make me feel like life is bearable. I've taken benzodiazepines..only to become drug seeking and take too many and need early refils, thereby being forced by prescriber to wean off. Done SSRI's with no effect whatsoever. Remeron made me gain 40 pounds in like 2 months time and didn't help me sleep. Marijuana made me paranoid. I just started some new therapy and was diagnosed with bipolar 2 and post traumatic stress disorder. She gave me Seroquel XR and my mind is calm and I sleep good on it. I'm still on a pretty low dose..going up to 100mg tonight and then 150mg on 2 days. Just hope I don't gain weight but so far I feel productive and my mind is quiet."

8 / 10
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49 Report
  • Woofy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 1, 2021

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I started Seroquel due to being on the 'Spectrum' of bipolar and having bad anxiety / depression and some paranoia. I remember when I started it, feeling at peace just being in public. Calmest I have ever felt in my life. Had to stop it cause I was having issues with it causing edema in my legs. Have issues with Type 2 Diabetes, prior to this so figured I'd better not try to start it up again. I really wish I could cause it was nothing short of a miracle for me. Weight gain wasn't bad. Getting up to fast from bed would cause dizziness / ear ringing sometimes, but just a few hours after I took it at night. ( Didn't happen that often though) In combination with Luvox, made a big difference in my life for the better."

9 / 10
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20 Report
  • Kimbe...
  • August 8, 2013

Seroquel (quetiapine) "This medicine worked at first, but after taking it for a few (2) weeks, I developed anxiety & panic attacks. I've had panic attacks in the past but not like these. I wasn't afraid of anything specific; it was like a constant fear. Also, my heart would race so bad. I am being weaned off this & switching to Zyprexa."

1 / 10
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47 Report
  • Jake
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 16, 2019

Seroquel (quetiapine) "Seroquel has been life saving for me after being on the wrong medications that it made more unstable so I ended up being in hospitals for years. Now at 125-150 mg of seroquel I’m able to get rest and have reduced agitation and anxiety and am finally stable. I have also been put on higher doses which felt uncomfortable but the right dose has been life saving."

10 / 10
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27 Report
  • AnonA...
  • September 16, 2014

Seroquel (quetiapine) "Somewhat hit or miss on mania, racing thoughts and the like. Pretty effective as a sleep aid though. Currently taking 300mg as needed as it was mainly prescribed for sleep. It is as effective as benzodiazepines in that regard, without the benzo withdrawal. It does leave me feeling gritty and nasty the next morning though, but it's better than insomnia."

8 / 10
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43 Report
  • sadnl...
  • October 11, 2009

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I have been depressed most of my life. I have tried several medicines over the years, even tried not taking medicines. Racing thoughts of suicide, worthlessness, irritability, crying spells led me back to taking medicines. I started taking Seroquel about a month ago and take 25mg at night. It has helped me sleep and I have not experienced any side effects, yet. I have noticed feeling better during the day, not as many inappropriate thoughts as before, hardly any crying spells. I'm looking forward to enjoying life again, right now I take one day at a time and can make it through the workday - mostly happily."

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58 Report
  • freed...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 27, 2013

Seroquel (quetiapine) "Took for bipolar disorder (for the depression). In small doses, this caused me to be too sleepy to function. When I took a large dose at night however, it knocked me out and I was good the next day. This really did help with the depression and mood swings. However, it caused significant weight gain. I had to stop taking this when a job had ended and I no longer had insurance. I fought insomnia for around 6 months, but after that time was finally able to sleep again and the weight came out. I would recommend this for someone who really needs it, but not until other medicines have been tried first with no success."

7 / 10
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48 Report
  • J Money
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 7, 2016

Seroquel (quetiapine) "Pleased with this medication. I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 two years ago at age 48. Started on lamotrigine (300 mg) and buproprion XL (150 mg) taken in the morning, which worked well, but didn't calm the incessant negative and depressing thoughts I was still battling. Seroquel was added recently. I take 300 mg at bedtime. Great sleep medication! This is the best, most effective medicine I've ever used if I need to get to sleep early in order to wake up early in the morning for work. I exercise on my elliptical on average 5 days a week, and haven't experienced any weight gain since taking Seroquel, gratefully. I think weight gain would be less of an issue if more bipolar people committed to exercising on a regular basis."

9 / 10
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37 Report
  • Katan
  • May 8, 2012

Seroquel (quetiapine) "Seroquel helps both manic and depressive symptoms, however is much better when combined with other mood stabilizing medications. Good for providing sleep, but it can be too sedating until you get used to it (just take it consistently and stick with it). Slight raise in appetite for carbs but nothing a healthy diet and exercise can't counteract which is what you should be doing if you have a serious mental illness anyway. A good first medicine to try, because it's a mood stabilizer (for both types of episodes), anti-psychotic, sleep medication, and anxiolytic! It's great for controlling anxiety and making you feel calmer, and means you don't have to take Valium or sleeping pills which can be addictive - whereas Seroquel is NOT addictive."

9 / 10
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50 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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