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Paliperidone for Schizophrenia User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Invega, Invega Sustenna, Invega Trinza, Invega Hafyera

Paliperidone has an average rating of 4.2 out of 10 from a total of 282 reviews for the treatment of Schizophrenia. 28% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 56% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Paliperidone

  • saep
  • May 7, 2019

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I've been on this drug/medicine for about two years and it has caused a lot of problems in my life. It barely helped with the auditory hallucinations such as the voices and paranoia. I feel like a zombie all the time, really tired, drained of energy, and like my brain is slowed down. I've had little to no sex drive (Sexual Dysfunction) and have no pleasure from sex. Within the first couple weeks of getting the injection of invega sustenna every month. I get muscle stiffness in my neck, arms, and hands. I feel like I can't breathe along with a rapid heart beat and a fever. I become confused, unable to function, dizzy, and lightheaded. This happens two to three times a month within a few weeks after getting the injection. I believe it might be because of NMS (neuroleptic malignant syndrome) which is a rare side effect of the drug/medicine which might cause death. This is a horrible drug/medicine for me iIm going to try a different medicine from a different doctor and hope for the best."

3 / 10
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31 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 10, 2022

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I have been on Invega sustenna for almost 2 years for schizophrenia. I’ve stuck with invega sustenna for so long because it is the second best option in terms of side effects (definitely not saying that it is a good drug). I have erectile dysfunction, insomnia, feeling of mental pain and loneliness, extreme fatigue, lack of motivation, worsened vision, and short term memory loss from this medication (all of the medications in fact). I’m showering about once a month, brushing teeth about twice a week and never exercising because I physically can’t do better on this medication. I used to shower and brush teeth daily in addition to having a six pack (abs). This medication is another antipsychotic that was marketed without care of how the patients feel physically or mentally while taking it. In short, current antipsychotics do work but the side effects are unbearable"

1 / 10
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16 Report
  • Straw...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 5, 2018

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "Invega Sustenna was a horrible experience for me. This medication caused me to gain 20-30 pounds. It stopped my monthly cycles. I was also not able to experience sexual pleasure. This medication ruins lives."

1 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Brandy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 3, 2021

Invega (paliperidone) "I was prescribed Invega because my mother takes the injection, and it has helped her. I take the tablets. I'm so incredibly boring now. I don't find joy in anything really. I don't have motivation to shower. I'm emotionless. I've gained a lot of weight. This medication should definitely be a last resort."

5 / 10
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21 Report
  • Jacob...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 14, 2017

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "Okay let me get started. Every social worker, psychologist, and mental health doctor shouldn't prescribe this drug to anyone. It is harmful in so many ways. I took it for 1-2 years because they said: I had said that I had bad schizophrenia. I did not have bad anything except a drug issue- which they already knew as they had tested my urine, but they didn't take that into consideration. If you take this drug you will sleep away your life. You will lose you train of thought every 5 sentences. You will probably 75% chance to lose your job in a fast pace environment. When you take this drug you will lose muscles, goals, and cause you too get depressed. "

1 / 10
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36 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Citiz...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 21, 2022

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I have been getting injections for 8 months now, and I have no energy, no stamina, I have a really difficult time organizing my thoughts, and any suicidal ideations I may have had before this medication, were nothing compared to the urgent need I sometimes have to kill myself. I know that these impulses are not what I consciously want, but I get trapped within my own mind sometimes, and start crying and cussing uncontrollably. I feel dizzy, disoriented, without hope or a lifeline connecting this dedicating husk of a man, to the passionate person who used to volunteer at the animal shelter and local charities. I was a productive member of society before this nightmare started, a good person who strove to remain productive and busy with day to day task. I cannot complete a sentence most of the time, and the doctor's refusal to take me off of this dangerous drug is bad for me. I can barely associate what I have become, to what I was."

1 / 10
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15 Report
  • mandy...
  • June 22, 2008

Invega (paliperidone) "My daughter was diagnosed with a mental illness around 12 years ago. We try almost every single medication out on the market. Nothing work. I had lost hope. Then our MD talked to me about "invega". It was God sent. the best medication ever. My daughter is able to have a life again. she goes out without being paranoid. It is worth every penny. some side effect but she is able to think clearly. If you are thinking about it. give it a try."

9 / 10
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66 Report

More FAQ

  • harry...
  • July 18, 2013

Invega (paliperidone) "I was on Risperdal and I was always sleeping, gained much weight and craved for sugar. When I switched to Invega my weight went back too normal, suffer few side effects such as restlessness and sometimes anxiety but it beats those other anti-psychotics because fewer side effects and no weight gain for me. I don't like any of these medicines but I look like I'm not on any, so far so good."

7 / 10
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48 Report
  • tk999
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 14, 2023

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "This medication has turned me into a couch potato. Most of my life I have been a fit and physically active person, but since I have been givin this medication I have been struggling to get the energy to do anything. It took away my motivations in life and I have become numb emotionally. It does help with my symptoms abit but there has to be better medication out there then this."

1 / 10
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9 Report
  • Hanging...
  • May 20, 2017

Invega (paliperidone) "This medication is an absolute waste of time. I have been on Invega for a little less than 2 years now and I can with absolute confidence ascertain that it has done nothing for me. Aside from the decrease in sexual appetite and libido, difficulty having and maintaining erections, little to no ejaculatory fluid (which is really frustrating btw), the muscle tremors I am experiencing, and the 30 pounds I have gained since starting this medication , it is with no doubt an absolute and total waste of money. I definitely would not recommend this medication to anyone. Save yourselves the time and money and DO NOT take this medication."

1 / 10
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33 Report
  • chris
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 10, 2023

Invega (paliperidone) "I went into the hospital with OCD-like symptoms. A doctor misdiagnosed me. I am now suffering what no human should. I can no longer work, I have anhydrosis, neuropathy in my feet, permanently impotent, blood pressure issues, brain tension, pacing, bedridden, tremors, can no longer exercise, painful leg swelling, and constant eating because of withering murderous thoughts. The neurosurgeons can't figure out why I have had a severe decline in such a short period of time."

1 / 10
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8 Report
  • Takey...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 11, 2020

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "I've been on this med Invega for years without it I was suicidal and often hurt myself with this med I'm happy again and have no desire to cause harm to myself only side effects are weight gain and long sleep"

9 / 10
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23 Report
  • Manbe...
  • September 13, 2020

Invega Trinza (paliperidone) "I've been on Invega Sustenna for 7 years, monthly for first 6 years and 7th year Invega Trinza. I've stayed the course with Invega because it calms me down and stops my obsessive thoughts. If I don't take Invega (Trinza or Sustenna) I become anxious, depressed, and suicidal, obsessive, and manic during extreme weather (winter/summer) (I feel better during fall/spring). My original issues are Unspecified Psychosis/Cannabis Induced Psychosis. Taking the injection helps me articulate myself clearer, be more rational, and reduces my stress tremendously. I usually clench my jaws like crazy as a full-time worker and student. But, Invega relaxes my mind and the jaw clenching pretty much stop. I am very sick, my thoughts are a burden and I'm always stressed over little things, mishearing people's voices and taking offence to things that were never said. But, as I'm on Invega I've been ignoring these bad thoughts without effort."

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • O2joe
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 26, 2019

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "The combination of drugs I was on, which included invega sustenna, caused a great amount of pain and suffering. Puking, coughing, kidney pain, prostate pain, brain on fire, lock jaw in the middle of the night, in some order which I've forgotten."

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24 Report
  • Mr XYZ
  • April 26, 2017

Invega (paliperidone) "Total scam. I've been on this drug for 3 years. Since being on it, It caused acute arm paralysis, dystonia, difficulty speaking, delirium which lasted for a month and it caused weight gain and man boobs. When I first received the shot, it felt like my brain was about to explode. I had extremely high blood pressure on this medicine- 178/105. After I stopped it, my blood pressure is 110/78. I experienced temporal lobe damage from this medicine and a CT scan showed atrophy of my brain after I stopped taking it. Be careful- many psychiatrists receive grants and stipends from big pharma and receive extra insurance money to peddle more drugs to as many patients as possible. This is because of our fee-for-service healthcare system."

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32 Report
  • tan
  • March 19, 2015

Invega (paliperidone) "I have on this medicine for 1 week. I was on Seroquel and was aggressive on it, making bad decisions. I feel much better even singing and laughing. I am eating more than on Seroquel which wasn't much but am making healthy choices."

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38 Report
  • kourney
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 16, 2014

Invega (paliperidone) "I'm a young single mom in my experience Invega gives me a fuller lifestyle my condition is stable and controlled with Invega so I can live with a balanced happier mind. The only downside is the weight gain and some minor side effects like milk production in my breasts. However the benefit to my mind are greater than some minor and trivial side effects."

8 / 10
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40 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 30, 2021

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "Worst experience of my life. Literally got rid who I am as a person. I feel nothing. No emotions, no joy out of life. Just an empty shell. I've felt suicidal, as it might be a better option than just living day to day feeling like a zombie. I wish the doctor never put me on this. LIVING IN A NIGHTMARE!!"

1 / 10
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18 Report
  • Jay
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 23, 2020

Invega (paliperidone) "This drug did completely get rid of the voices in my head and the delusions, it also helped with my physical health a little bit. I had a colon problem which led me to smell very bad all the time, but now I smell like a normal human being after the first few months of being on the injection. Also, my sleep is great. I will say that weight gain is to be expected, this drug will give you an uncontrollable appetite and will probably cause you to gain 40-60 lbs within 6 months. I have also experienced trouble with speech and I feel a little less smart in general. This drug has caused me to have akathisia, I simply cannot sit still or stand still. My vision has seemed to be affected as well, when I don't eat for a while, or when I eat too much, or when I exercise I seem to get black shadows in the corners of my eyes or blurred vision. Overall, this drug is beneficial for people with schizophrenia but it will cause weight gain and a few other side effects"

7 / 10
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19 Report
  • Tjslim
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 27, 2016

Invega (paliperidone) "ive been on invega for four months and the delusions are gone and i dont think people are out to get me anymore all is good but i cant think straight when people try to have a conversation with me im really quite and cant think of what to say or what to talk about its so depressing im on 150mg of invega and 2mg of abilify will these side effects get better or will i be like this for a few years i dont know i just wish i was back to my old self"

4 / 10
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33 Report
  • pills...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 10, 2015

Invega (paliperidone) "I feel gr8 once I swallow invega. It will make me a little tired at night. Sometimes when I'm hungry and try not to eat, I will get a strong stomach ache. Once in awhile I will get suicidal thoughts, but am not dangerous to me or others in any way, they're just thoughts of suicide. When it's hot outside, I tend to feel very hot, and I sweat more, too. It's hard to lose weight on this medication which is what I hate about this.....and I've gained ALOT since my pregnancy. My stomach area is inflamed with cortisol....I look horrible with a Santa belly....ppl always ask me if I'm pregnant, and some even stare. Even if I try not to eat, it is very hard to lose any weight with this medication, and no matter what you eat, you gain weight."

8 / 10
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36 Report
  • Reali...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 3, 2019

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "Let’s start off by saying it causes bloating. I hate the feeling. I been dieting and exercising but no results after eating. I have no sex drive, tiredness, no emotion, and lack of energy. I also don’t want to leave the house. This shot has worked for my voices but the side effects are worst. Hopefully getting off of it soon."

1 / 10
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22 Report
  • Someone
  • November 9, 2016

Invega (paliperidone) "InVega did treat my crazy and voices and strange behavior but it left me feeling empty and unmotivated and things just aren't the same. The depression gets me to suicidal thoughts but I won't hurt myself hell I hardly do anything everything sucks now and Idk. I would only recommend this drug to people who are dangerously insane because it is very strong and it's effects last long after discontinuing. But I will say I pitty any person who has to ever take it cuz there are things worse than death."

6 / 10
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32 Report
  • Kiwi
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 18, 2018

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "Invega sustenna is gross. It blocks dopamine in the brain. So causes a long list of side effects. This drug is a gimmick it has no therapeutic value whatsoever. I think I threw up over a dozen times!"

1 / 10
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27 Report
  • Invega
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 21, 2016

Invega Sustenna (paliperidone) "My wife has suffered from late onset schizophrenia with severe positive symptoms for over 10 years. She started Invega Sustena treatment (monthly injection) a year ago and has made dramatic improvements. All of her positive symptoms have gone away. Residual negative symptoms remain but is now manageable with talk therapy. The injection method helps with compliance as daily pills are difficult to maintain and easy to discontinue. This is a wonder drug..."

10 / 10
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33 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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