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Nortriptyline for Irritable Bowel Syndrome User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Pamelor

Nortriptyline has an average rating of 8.2 out of 10 from a total of 61 reviews for the off-label treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 80% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 11% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Nortriptyline

  • Nica
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 16, 2020

"This drug nortriptyline made me feel nothing. I didn't care about nothing much. It caused my boyfriend left and I didn't care at the time. Giving this drug for people with IBS its crazy. I would never again take anything like that. Before I realised it ruined my love life."

1 / 10
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20 Report
  • Slowp...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 8, 2016

"I have IBS-C. My doctor switched me to 25mg of nortriptyline after complaining of constipation on 10mg amitriptyline. I've had practically no side effects compared to amitriptyline except worsening constipation. Have had to use miralax aggressively to counteract this but it works. No pains at all and has also helped with my anxiety! I'm sure it would work even better if I had IBS-D instead."

9 / 10
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31 Report
  • Flip
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 28, 2019

"I have had IBS with gut pain for 35 years. Two years ago I became intolerant of wheat and dairy and developed IBS D. I tried Nortriptyline at 10mg which didn't help with the pain or diarrhea. I then moved on to 20mg and have been on it for 2 months with less frequent diarrhea but still with pain. I've just decided to come off it now. The biggest improvement in my IBS symptoms was using probiotic, which I think I will start again."

1 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • AJo
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 21, 2024

"This medication completely improved my quality of life. I started taking it in my sophomore year of college after experiencing debilitating pain/symptoms and an inability to maintain nutrients from IBS-D. I went to my PCP 3-4 times and had no improvement before getting a referral to a gastroenterologist who gave me a diagnosis and prescribed 10 mg of nortriptyline. Now, 5 years later, I have not had an IBS flare in 2 years and still take it daily. I take the medication every morning around breakfast."

10 / 10
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  • no one
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 25, 2019

"I'm 23 years old, have had IBS-C since I had my galbladder removed at 18, and have been in extreme pain on a regular basis. A doctor switched me from 10mg dose of Amitryptaline (made me too sleepy) to 10 mg of Nortriptyline saying the side effects would help with my IBS symptoms. Within two weeks I had developed agoraphobia. I was scared of the door of my apartment, physically terrified, had no idea why. Wasn't able to change medications until I returned to my home country over a year later. It did help immensely with my IBS symptoms, it didn't cure everything, but I could survive daily life. If you have a history with anxiety or depression, even if you have resolved it through psychotherapy as I did, be cautious of any mental changes after starting Nortriptyline. I wouldn't recommend starting it if you live an isolated life and don't have a loved one to monitor your changes in behavior. It took me two months to realize it was the medication and I wasn't just going insane."

3 / 10
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22 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • 123pa...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 17, 2016

"Diagnosed with IBS and gastritis with intestinal metaplasia. Suffer with constipation and awful stomach pains. Started taking 10 mg day and just increased to 20mg. Wake up feeling just out of it for hours. Constipation is worse. Anyone else suffer these side effects?"

7 / 10
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28 Report
  • IzzyJD
  • August 23, 2017

"Doctor Prescribed this to me after I was diagnosed with IBS. It seemed to work, but I didn't believe I was getting full effect. The doctor said at my young age of 17 (I'm now 18 since August 2017) I should not take as high as a dosage as some people but my pain I had told them I needed more so I moved from 10mg to 20mg. I often get very thirsty as a side affect and I'm almost always constipated. I'm actually typing this up as I'm in the bathroom right now, constipated. I don't believe I should be taking other medicines like laxatives or probiotics just to make up for this medicine that should be helping me."

5 / 10
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25 Report
  • Jotom...
  • December 5, 2015

"I've dealt with IBS for years. Recently diagnosed approx 7 months ago. It was debilitating, every morning waking up with a stomach ache. Always misdiagnosed and given other antidepressants. Finally after seeing a Gastroenterologist, my lifesaver prescribed me Nortriptyline at a low dose of 10mg at night I woke up 2 days later pain free! I gave him a huge hug! I'm now on 20 mg. only downside is sleeping issues. But hey, I can deal with that!"

10 / 10
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28 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 9, 2019

"It worked like a charm for no more than about two years (possibly less) until the side effects started to wear off, but while it was working I could almost have believed myself cured. The drug was given to me for relief of peripheral neuropathy pain, not IBS, but my doctor told me constipation was a common side effect. I assured him that would be no problem. So far I've not had a lot of the aching all the way round and not feeling well in the belly that I had every day, but I'm continually having to clean myself and am therefore permanently sore. I am going to have to seek something else for this. Having been relieved of the misery of it and finding out just how miserable I had been, I'm not willing to suffer with it any more. I'm quite angry that my previous doctor let me continue believing there was nothing that doctors could do for IBS and let me carry on dragging through my household chores feeling like death warmed up."

8 / 10
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18 Report
  • Joy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 22, 2024

"I was typically up 8 times a night to use the bathroom, in horrible pain. I was in pain half of the time, after 6 years of this, I started feeling hopeless. Nortriptyline has reduced my pain to almost zero. I feel like a new person who isn't constantly in pain and grumpy from being in pain. I'm so very grateful for this medicine; it has given me my life back. I still have to avoid garlic and onions, etc., or I'll have mild cramping, but nothing like it used to be."

10 / 10
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3 Report
  • Xano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 15, 2016

"Started taking it for depression, (150mg) but have had IBS with diarrhea and cramping pain starting about 10 years ago. Taking immodium/loperamide at least every other day kept it under control since then, but after going on nortriptyline I've noticed it's improved this to where I only need to take immodium like once a week now to be completely symptom free."

7 / 10
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24 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 20, 2018

"I took Nortriptyline for nerve pain caused by a degenerative disc between my L4 & L5, it really helped me through until surgery. I also found that it has a positive effect on my depression, so I keep taking it as it works, however, no effective help with my IBS at all."

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • KKirby
  • March 29, 2016

"I developed chronic diarrhoea in 2014 that started suddenly and never went away. After extensive tests I was given the diagnosis of IBS. The stomach upsets were so frequent sometimes up to 6 times a day that it was affecting the quality of my life. I could barely make it to the toilet on bad days. I have been taking Allegron/nortriptyline 20mg for 4 nights now and for the first time in years symptom free! It can make me drowsy in evening and morning but I am willing to put up with side effects as feel so much better. Pain free. I have also started a FODMAP diet and in conjunction with the medication and have had quick results."

9 / 10
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  • Frances
  • July 16, 2015

"This drug worked great.I was about to lose my job. At first I had very little side effects that didn't bother me. It stopped the loose bowel movements and the stomach pain every time I would eat. Had hard lumpy poops still no pain and a lot better than worrying if I was going to make it to a bathroom. After a year and a half not sure if it was cause of PMS (which never had an problem, a little crabby nothing more) I had a severe panic, anxiety, could not think almost psychotic. So cut my dose in half for a week and then stopped taking it and four days later IBS is back. DR is going to try something else but if it don't work I'm going to go back and risk the mental issues."

9 / 10
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25 Report
  • Sohei...
  • April 17, 2016

"I am 28 years old male and veterinary special student in the field of avian diseases at tehran university . I have been diagnosed as IBS(diarrhea dominant & abdominal pain) in 2008. IBS bothered me always and disturbed my private life until my gastroentrologist and psychiatrist prescribed drugs of nortriptyline 10 mg (at least remedible dosage of this drug) at once a day and before bedtime and dicyclomine 10 mg drug at twice to three times in day and at least twenty minutes before food meal and I felt a good and normal life after administration these drugs in during of 1 week. I believed this drug has positive and considerable effects on IBS treatment but no cure however this drug had some side effects and adverse like all other drugs"

9 / 10
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22 Report
  • Normal
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 1, 2023

"So I wouldn’t describe my symptoms as IBS. Basically, every day having to worry about having to find a bathroom. Any event or something that would make me nervous would immediately send signals to my gut nerves to engage. Constantly having to map out when and where a bathroom is available. Seriously changing my activities with this in mind. My whole life! At 53 years old I did some research and found this site about this drug and asked my doctor about it and she said it’s worth a try. Literally within a week, I noticed a change. After 2 years now, still am symptom free. Nothing like before. I’m just sad it took so long to find it. Anyway, if you suffer from a nervous urge to go, this could work for you too."

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  • Reeseyy
  • August 6, 2015

"Doc prescribed this after I'd been having a lot of stomach cramps followed by diarrhea after eating. I have mixed IBS and cycle between diarrhea and constipation. It worked but the side effects were a bit much It kept having mixed effects on my sleep. I either was wired all night or slept through my alarm. There didn't seem to be any buildup effect, if I missed a dose I was screwed for the next two days. Also noticed a decrease in my sex drive but my increase in episodes was definitely stress induced so who knows. Eventually the constipation got to be too much I will only take it if I'm having more diarrhea episodes. I'm still dealing with gas pain (which I think this medication may have helped with, not 100% sure) and constipation."

8 / 10
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  • Zafar
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 15, 2022

"Ok, my experience. Recently my Doctor recognized my condition as symptoms of IBSc and neuralgia, and for the first time he opted to try Amitriptyline 10 mg the first week and 25 mg the second week. It was showing positive effects on digestive symptoms but was causing mental health side effects. He then put me on nortriptyline. I came here to build up hope since I was fearful it would show similar side effects (as ami turns into nor in our body). Almost no side effects, no antidepressant-like adjustment phase mentally, and felt physical health improvement the next day after the first dose. I am no doctor but I would suggest that the medicine isn't an actual antidepressent, it must have worked on the patient's IBS and nerve issues hence relieving mood as I felt no direct effect on mood. It probably is not getting involved with mood receptors in our brain but receptors that regulate our digestive system and nervous system (Determined on the basis of it showing the effect on the first dose)"

10 / 10
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  • leyland
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 10, 2022

"I was around 35 when I was operated on for Crohns. Then came depression. A doctor seeing I was seriously underweight prescribed Nortriptyline. I took that and sometimes the generic aventyl. For the next 30 yrs I had no Crohns problems. But because of the dry mouth side effects I decided to stop the med. Crohns returned! Six months ago I needed a second surgery. I lost weight till I looked like a skeleton. Then I remembered Aventyl and Nortriptyline. I decided to retake it to gain weight. I took just 2 pills. IMMEDIATELY all gut pain and symptoms got better. I can now eat almost anything. Only seldom do I have slight pain which I expect will disappear when I go back to my higher/recommeded dosage. I wish doctors/reseachers would investigate the IBS and Crohns connection. This could be a breakthrough."

9 / 10
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7 Report
  • Disap...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 4, 2023

"I’ve had IBS-D for 40 years. It has gotten worse as I get older with diarrhea multiple times a day, and the only thing that usually works for me is Imodium. Since this doesn’t work all the time, I was very interested in trying Nortriptyline. I started out with 10 mg a day and tried that for a month and there was no improvement, then I tried 20 mg for three weeks and still no improvement. Finally I went up to 30 mg a day and my diarrhea has gotten worse so I am now giving up. I also feel this drug affected my mood and I felt lethargic and unmotivated. I do not recommend this drug."

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  • Saman...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 10, 2022

"My husband was put on this for IBS symptoms. Within a month he is happier than I’ve ever seen him. Has energy and much more positive attitude and although we never thought was an anxious guy hasn’t been worrying as much!"

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  • joyba...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 15, 2023

"I agree 100% with most of the reviewers. Simply put this drug is a miracle worker, definitely a game changer. I used to not be able to eat anything with dairy in it for fear of diarrhea or worse yet terrible cramps keeping me up in the middle of the night for up to 3 hours before getting relief. My doc prescribed 10 mg of Nortriptyline daily and WOW! After 3+ weeks I was able to eat dairy again. No diarrhea or cramping episodes. Don't worry if you're taking another antidepressant as only the higher dosages might cause a drug interaction not 10mg. Do yourself a favor and ask your gastro doc to prescribe it for you. You won't be sorry!"

10 / 10
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  • Meme
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 14, 2021

"I'm 34 yrs old and have been suffering with IBS for about 5 yrs now. I started taking 25mg nortriptyline and it had made a huge difference. I never could get any sleep and tossed and turns at night due to the pain. I noticed I started sleeping better and longer and didn't deal with daily pain. However, I had tried to stop this medication in the past and it caused major withdrawals. But it I would recommend this to anyone suffering with IBS. The only side effect for me was drowsiness."

9 / 10
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  • Noname
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 12, 2021

"Nortript stopped my IBS-D and associated anxiety with bad flare ups. Added bonus in helping me deal with anxiety and depressive symptoms the IBS and pandemic was causing. Can cause constipation if I don’t watch my diet and drink plenty of water."

9 / 10
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  • I...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 18, 2022

"I’ve struggled with gut issues my entire life and a decade ago it was made worse after my pancreas was damaged during an emergency surgery. I was diagnosed with IBS-D and have tried a host of medications with no success. My GI doctor suggested I try a low dose of nortriptyline, but I had to have my rheumatologist prescribe it. The medication helped, almost too well at times where I had to take a laxative. I had increased gas and pain with my colon. Then my neurologist decided to increase the dosage to 25mg to help with my neuropathy and that’s when the side effects became too much for me. Come to find out, you should not take this medication if you have bipolar disorder. The constant restless sleep caused me to go hyper manic, which made me hyper sexual. I actually wouldn’t have stopped the medication, but then I realized that my creativity had disappeared. Made me into an artist with zero motivation. Not for me."

4 / 10
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2 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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