Misoprostol for Gynecological Conditions User Reviews
Brand names: Cytotec
Misoprostol has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 6 reviews for the off-label treatment of Gynecological Conditions. 67% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 33% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Misoprostol
- May...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 6, 2019
Cytotec (misoprostol) "I was prescribed Cytotec following a failed IUD insertion. Because I'm small and have never had kids, they couldn't get my cervix to open enough to place the IUD (Kyleena). I took one the night before and one four hours before my appointment. I had no side effects other than maybe minor cramps, but I took some ibuprofen before bed. I was worried after all the reviews I read online about vomiting, bleeding, etc. But I was totally fine on it. It made the second try for the IUD insertion so much easier and less painful. I know there is some research saying it doesn't help with IUDs, but having experienced attempted insertion without it first, I can tell you it made a huge difference."
- 1-1...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 24, 2023
"I am 5 weeks pregnant. At 6:30 PM, I placed 4 tablets under my tongue. Within a few minutes, I experienced a reaction. The palm of my hand became red and very itchy. After 30 minutes, I swallowed the tablets with water. I waited for 3 hours. During that time, I felt cramps in my abdomen, but there was no bleeding. So, I decided to repeat the process for the second time. I experienced mild cramps but still no bleeding. Then, I decided to insert the 4 tablets vaginally, but it didn't have any effect. The next day, I did the exact same thing. I took 8 tablets orally. However, I experienced diarrhea and a headache. So, I inserted the other 4 tablets vaginally, but nothing happened."
Frequently asked questions
- Boy...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 23, 2022
"As a mom of 2 and also having previous experience with D&C, I have to say I never want to go through this again. I had a 6 week missed miscarriage and opted to try the Misoprostol as I had a bad hemorrhage with a previous D&C. I advise if you are a working mom to take this medication on a Thursday or Friday so you can have the whole weekend to rest. I took the Mifepristone Friday afternoon and 24 hours later on Saturday took the Miso buccally. Within 3 hours heavy bleeding and strong cramps. Then about 5-6 hours into it, I had what felt like light labor contractions. I was soaking sanitary pads every 45 mins. I also fainted twice walking to the bathroom. I advise to stay hydrated and definitely have someone around to help you.I passed huge blood clots I have to say after about 12 hours I almost went to ER but I passed a massive clot which I think was the placenta after that within about 20-25 minutes the bleeding got a little lighter and cramping was light. You can do this, stay strong!"
- Lan...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 3, 2020
"Misoprotosol gave me a panic attack. 15 minutes after I took it I felt this horrible feeling where I felt all these physical symptoms but it was definitely just psychological. It made me feel high almost. Just a warning to future people taking this medication."
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- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 30, 2021
"I was prescribed two pills for a procedure. I read these reviews prior to the appointment and was terrified. I did not take them during the required time as I was home alone and afraid that if I had adverse reaction no one would be here to assist. So I called by obgyn office and was told I could come in and take the meds on site and they could monitor me for adverse effects, also they medical assistant assured me that they have prescribed the pills many times for procedure and was only informed of mild cramping. I showered and took the two pills as I was walking out the door to drive myself to obgyn office. My rationale was that I would arrive to my obgyn by the time the pills took affect so if I have an adverse reaction I wouldn't be stuck at home w/the expectation of driving myself to the appointment and I would be onsite for help. I arrived with no issues, no pain what so ever. So I waited in my car until my app. time with NO ISSUES AT ALL. I tool 2 midol prior to taking the misoprost"
- MaM...
- June 25, 2016
"I found out 5/20/16 that there had been no fetal growth since the 7th week, should of been 8.5, I am high risk of hemorrhaging & wanted to avoid a D&C since it's extra risky. After 1 week I went to primary Dr an the PA told me 2 go to ER, they did NOTHING! Finally my primary set me up with an ob/gyn, but had to wait 2 more weeks. Then 3 days ago I started clotting & bleeding, this morning just before my ob appt I had a fist size ball of the fetal sac come out * extremely painful* I did take a pic 2 show Dr, after exam she said I had passed about 90% of it, dilated to 1cm, she gave me a rx for 6 200mcg to take, just took 1st 2 about 1/2 hr ago, I'm nervous, but I can't imagine it will hurt worse then the contractions I had passing what I did this morning."
- jjj...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 31, 2022
"Hoping this helps one of you. I lost my baby at 6 weeks. I did not want to take this medication but waiting for the miscarriage to happen was difficult. My doctor prescribed me 4 pills which I inserted vaginally at 4pm. The pharmacist said she thought the side effects of nausea would be less severe because it didn’t pass through my stomach. She was right I didn’t feel any the whole time I started feeling cramps almost right away. Light at first and then gradually more intense. I would say 6/10 on pain scale - especially with what I was expecting. I took 800mg of Motrin. Intense cramps lasted about an hour, on and off. No bleeding until 10:30. Little bit at first and then I started passing clots. Went to sleep around 12. Woke up at 2 with more cramps, more clots. Went back to sleep at woke up at 4 with more intense cramps, bigger clots. Now just some moderate bleeding. Laying down mostly so we will see when I walk around. I am glad I chose to take the meds. Good luck."
- Ana...
- August 18, 2021
"I took this med a night before my procedure (hysteroscopy). 10 mins after taking it, I really had a bad cramp, a bit bleeding. I used heating pad to ease my pain and went to sleep. Next morning, I had so much bleeding, passed clots. Procedure was performed. I was told I’ll get my period late because my endometrium lining got disrupted due to the procedure. But I got my period on time and I am having a heavy flow even on the 5th day which is unusual for me."
- Ban...
- July 4, 2021
"I took this due to a Blighted ovum. I had very severe cramping but was so glad I had read the reviews on here before I started as the encouragement and very real responses helped me get through. The tablets dissolved quicker than I thought and had no taste. The cramping was very sever and lasted around an hour but as soon as the pain relief kicked in it eased right back and I was able to rest. Within 4 hours my pregnancy passed. I recommend to start the process as early in the day as possible as I didn’t start until 4pm and it was a difficult night managing pain relief and being comfortable enough to sleep. By 2:30am I was having uninterrupted sleep. The reviews on this page helped me prepare and just know you will get through it and you got this!"
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- Drug class: miscellaneous GI agents
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"I just wanted to put my experience out there because it was very different from other ones I read on here. Not going to lie, these comments scared me before I took it. I was set to get an IUD, but had to take misoprostol four hours prior to open my cervix. I had been on the birth control Yaz for four years and no longer had a period. I took the two pills and expected blood and major cramping from what other comments said. I didn't bleed or have diarrhea, and the cramping was very minimal. I understand that most of the comments are from other circumstances, but I just wanted to put this out there for someone closer to my situation (: I had no side effects, and it did open my cervix enough for them to get the IUD in. Good luck!"