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Provera for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding User Reviews (Page 4)

Provera has an average rating of 4.9 out of 10 from a total of 144 reviews for the treatment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. 31% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 44% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Provera

  • AngelK
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 3, 2015

"I have been bleeding profusely (clots, steady bleeding) for a year and a half - yes 18 months!! I have seen 2 different OB-GYNs. I am 46 and have fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts. Both doctors have used the "try this and see" approach and I have been given Provera, Depo Shots, and Beyaz birth control. None of these have stopped the bleeding. After taking the Beyaz last December, my blood sugar level rose to 450 and it took a month to get it back to normal. Of course, now I am considered a diabetic and have to take Metformin every day despite the fact that I was not diabetic or prediabetic before then. It is ridiculous that these doctors will not consider a permanent treatment option!"

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30 Report
  • Trace
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 8, 2019

"I am 52 and have been suffering from very heavy periods for years - Three months ago I missed one and assumed it was start if menopause - then the following month had a normal period then a really light one - then on 20 October started bleeding and have been bleeding since - went to dr who prescribed Provera 10 mgs 3 times a day slowed it up a bit but not properly - one minute it was light then it was heavy - then really heavy. I rang doctors again who decided to refer me for an ultra sound but in the meantime prescribed transamic acid. So I started that too - it seems to have slowed up a bit today and now just light pink discharge and slight cramp but not enough to take pain killers Just waiting for scan now and hoping that’s all clear - bloods are normal Dr wants to try Mirena IUD - another dr has suggested HRT I have no idea what to do"

6 / 10
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18 Report
  • twina
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 30, 2016

"I am 39 years old my whole life I had normal periods some months the cramping was awful but they were regular same time every month then about 2 years ago they began coming earlier every month I was having 1 twice a month I saw my Gyno 5 months ago (July) who did ultrasound said it all looked normal I was back in Oct the bleeding was getting worse he prescribed Provera 10mg once a day to start when I began bleeding again he said it would stop the bleeding so I did as instructed and bled for 10 days straight it stopped only to return 9 days later for another 9 days, stopped for a week then started again the 17th of this month(Nov) this time it started brown in color it is the 30th STILL bleeding"

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26 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Danie...
  • December 11, 2015

"I was bleeding large clots nonstop for 3 months. I kept going to the ER and they did nothing. The last time I went my RBC count was so low I had to have 2 blood transfusions along with surgery. I was given Provera to take. I have been taking it now for 5 days and the blood is completely gone. I am just worried it will come back when the pills are gone."

10 / 10
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28 Report
  • Drwoo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 15, 2018

"I am 48 and I have uterine fibroids. I have heavy periods with no pain usually lasts 5 to 7 days. I don't like my gyno and I know with menopause the cyst will shrink go away. In Feb I was hospitalized with 2 blood transfusions and more iron infusions which I have had several over heavy bleeding. My husband convinced me to see a gyno so I did. I'm not happy put me on provera 5 once a day and I'm on month 2. 1st month period lasted 16 days with debilitating pain in lower end pressure, and like insides being ripped out, and had to get another iron infusion. Period 2 now so far 19 days and and today I'm getting extreme pressure again and pain. Thought it was stopping I was wrong. Passing lots of large clots and when on toilet sounds like I'm peeing. Can't have surgery right now. There has to be something else than this pill. Finding new doctor tomorrow after I get my iron levels checked again."

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20 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Angie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 12, 2024

"I've had non-stop period for 37 days. Was put on ten days of Provera, slowed bleeding down. Finished meds, period became full-blown again. Went nine days, no relief, got back on meds for another ten days, day 6 seems to be slowing. Lo and behold, this afternoon full force bleeding, clots and all. I'm 62 years old, went two years with no periods, thought I was done but no, here we are worse than ever. I see OB/GYN on Monday, I pray for relief soon. Only pain is my right lower back will hurt, only in the afternoon, then it stops, I'm okay til the next afternoon. I took low oval pill from 21 to 52, hardly ever had a period, but surely making up for it now. I pray for all women going through this, get relief and fixed. I'm supposed to be done with this mess."

8 / 10
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1 Report
  • GYPSY...
  • June 20, 2016

"I'm 62 and have had spotty bleeding for the last 12 years, AFTER menopause had definitely set in. Recently the bleeding has intensified with cramps and small clots. Obviously something is wrong, but I need to get the bleeding under control first. The doctor prescribed the Provera 10 mg once daily for 10 days. It seemed to stop the bleeding if I took it to the exact hour every day, but if I missed a dose by a couple hours, then bleeding again. So I doubled the dose and started taking 1 tablet every 12-18 hours, which helped, mostly. The cramps have lessened but not disappeared. And I've had a dull headache for a week, with some relief as time goes on. How long am I going to have to take this drug so I can stop wearing a pad? Yuck."

6 / 10
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25 Report
  • Rerey
  • August 5, 2017

"Well I have been prescribed this medication before and I have had to go through blood clots and heavy cramps . But this time it's even heavier cramps and blood clots and using about 20 pads in 2 to 3 days. I feel so weak and it feels gross to even move or go anywhere in public. I'm also taking ibuprofen every 3 to 4 hours. What do y'all prefer on taking for the pain. Thank u everyone for your input. Have a great day."

4 / 10
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22 Report
  • Jink
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 13, 2018

"I'm not sure if this medicine is to blame, but I figured I'd put it out there. I hadn't had a period in several months due to PCOS. Usually l take progesterone but something possessed my obgyn and he prescribed this instead. This pill is not meant for smokers, the side effects for a smoker included heart attack and blood clots. 2 days after starting this I started hurting in my chest. Long story short it took 3 hospitals in a week and a half to figure out I was having multiple heart attacks and an aneurysm, but nobody suspected it because "I'm too young" and I've never had a history of heart problems. I've been in the hospital for 4 days now, still recovering and will continue to suffer because my heart is only pumping 35%."

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19 Report
  • Living...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 27, 2016

"I'm 42 years old. I'm diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I've been stuggling with this for 20 years, right after I had my son. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS. I went to the doctor because I had constant bleeding, spotting, cramps, etc. The Gyn made some tests and I got polyps on my upper side of the uterus. I went for a surgery, and got them out. To reduce the bleeding, the Dr prescribed Provera. Took the pill as told, got my period after 7 day. First days were fine, but the last 5 of them were heavy, with clots...It was horrible, but it helped me to stop the abnormal bleeding. Before the treatment, I was very depressed, just by not been able to leave the house without a pad,was stressful. Now, I can have my life back!"

8 / 10
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24 Report
  • Dianas
  • October 6, 2017

"I am 24 and I went on provera on the 25 of last month because I'm was bleeding since the 05 of September and soaking though my pads every two to three hours. For me provera slowed down my period and stopped it for three days and now I'm just bleeding all over again still bleeding though pad in about one to one and half hour now and it hurts worse, I have cramping, bloating, nausea and clots are much bigger about the size of a golf ball and have been clotting ever since I started bleeding again. I had blood work done it came out normal. Next is an ultrasound and after that is a pelvic exam. I need help not more issues...I started bleeding on the 2 of October not even a day after my last pill and I've been getting dizzy and lightheaded"

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19 Report
  • ALB
  • May 19, 2019

"About a month ago my grandma who I was close to died. Due to a plethora of issues that happened around the same exact time my body was completely put thru the wringer. started my period early, it stopped the day if the funeral of sobbing for days on end and not sleeping, and then now it’s back in full force after taking one tablet. I was gushing blood so fast that the toilet was filled with blood, soaked through my pants within an hour at work, heading to the ER with pains in my ovaries stabbing so hard I thought I was going to pass out. Now bleeding is still severe and still hasn’t stopped five days in. I cannot take one more dose. I have now been on my period for a month and nothing is helping. I woke up with debilitating pain stabbing so so bad near my ovaries almost went to ER. I haven’t been able to leave my bed since. I have been curled up in fetal position and the gas and pain and bloating is so severe that I look pregnant. "

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15 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 10, 2017

"April 2016 out of the blue after having normal cycles and 5 pregnancies, I started hemorrhage and passing softball size clots. My doctor started me on 10 mg provera and that slowed down the bleeding. It has been 42 continuous days of bleeding then they raised the provera to 20 mg. They worked for two months then started spotting. They raised to 30. Well now I'm on 40 mg.. I'm not liking some of the mood side effects. I'm not sure if this medication is for me.."

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19 Report
  • Wanda
  • June 17, 2018

"So I finished my 10 treatment on the 13th of this month let me start by saying oh my goodness. I really thought something was wrong with me the cramping - the CRAMPING was horrible, extremely painful I missed a day of work it was so bad. Then the bleeding like I couldn't believe I had this much I had to buy 2nd box of tampons and pads UGHHHHH. I'm on my 9th day of bleeding and its flowing like a faucet. I am just ready for it to go off my goodness."

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16 Report
  • Elle
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 27, 2018

"Provera 60mg per day was prescribed to me to control uterine bleeding while on warferin for a PE. It did not stop the bleeding ever only reduced it. And like someone already said it here, a day after stopping taking it the bleeding became constant as if someone turned on a tap. Very scary. For me this drug did not do what it's supposed to do."

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15 Report
  • takem...
  • December 27, 2017

"I started taking this medication as I had terrible heavy flooding and felt awful, my period had been going on for a month prior to the heavy bleeding, I have dominant estrogen, I am a 50 year old peri-menopausal woman. After the first dose of 20mg there was already a dramatic improvement and I have been on it for over a week at a dose of 60mg per day and have had no side effects. So for me it is amazing!!!"

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16 Report
  • Kaz...
  • January 6, 2020

"I am 50 years old and consider myself perimenopausal. I had no period for 9 months followed by 2 normal ones and then a non-stop, heavy, painless period with thick blood clots, changing both superplus tampon and pads half-hourly. On day 33 of bleeding, I was prescribed medroxyprogesterone 5mg once a day which was suppose to stop the bleeding, which DID NOT work for the following 10 days. My doctor increased it to 2-3 times a day and to take something for the blood clots (see below). The two meds together reduced the heavy flow immediately by half. Finally the bleeding is mostly gone after 26 days of treatment. It might be worth pointing out that at one point on day 5, I suddenly got bad contractions, throwing up with pain. I took a mebeverine hydrochloride tablet, which resolved those spasms. What worked for me... 1x Medroxyprogesterone 5mg tablet every 8 hours and 2x Tranexamic Acid 500mg tablets every 8 hours. At one point I ran out of tranexamic acid tablets. Some pharmacies sell it in the UK following a consultation."

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12 Report
  • Court...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2017

"I was bleeding for 10 days and it got crazy heavy. I went to the doctor and she prescribed 30mg/ day for 7 days and then taper down to 20 for 7 day, then 10 for 7 days. This seems really crazy! Has anyone ever heard of this dose being prescribed?"

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16 Report
  • Katie...
  • September 15, 2016

"After giving birth to my son in 2003, I refused to take any kind of birth control pill/shots. I've had irregular periods for years until last year when I started bleeding heavily, soaking up my pads within an hour up to the point that blood came rushing down my legs. I was afraid that maybe I had tumors or fibroids and maybe I needed surgery. Doctor gave me an ultrasound and found nothing wrong with my uterus. He gave me Provera 10 mg, once a day for 14 days. Took it for 2 months and had an absence of period for about 6 months. Had regular periods for 5 months and started again so I saw another doctor last month and told me to take provera again. I'm just waiting for my period to be over that way I can be comfortable again."

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17 Report
  • Hollis
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 3, 2023

"I was given 10mg of Provera for 30 days when I had to go to the emergency room because my periods had been non-stop, with clots and very heavy (due to perimenopause and small fibroids) that I needed a blood transfusion. After about 2-3 days of taking this, my bleeding stopped. After dealing with horrible periods for the last 5 years, I’m scared to death I’m going to end up back in the emergency room once the Provera is out of my system. It helped with my mood swings, non-stop heavy bleeding, joint pain, and irritability."

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3 Report
  • Justl...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 11, 2018

"I have been bleeding for 26 days straight. My Dr. put me on provera to take along with my birth control pills (new user and 2nd month on BCP) all which is due to PCOS. 1 pill a day for 21 days. Well so far the bleeding is still going on and it's my 3rd day taking the provera. How long does it take for this medication to stop my bleeding. It's driving me insane."

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13 Report
  • C A D
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 19, 2018

"I'm 43 years old and clotting and bleeding now for 14 days. In 2008 I was diagnosed with PCOS. I haven't had a period for years, and then all of a sudden out of the blue, I start to clot. Big like golf balls. Didn't leave the home at all, sometimes the clot was so big it would come down my leg. The first time I went to the ER, I had a few tests done. I also had a vaginal ultrasound, they found 2 big fibroids. I was told a normal lining of the uterus is 2mm, mine was 9mm. I was given tranexamic acid. 500 mg it stopped the clots. I only had it for 5 days. As soon as I was done the clotting came back. Then I was put on apo medroxy 10 mg. So far so good."

5 / 10
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13 Report
  • Mumas
  • July 13, 2021

"So I started using Provera 2 years ago to help with my heavy periods, Heavy, clots would have to change my pad every 30 mins and this would last for 2 months. I got a pelvic scan they couldn't find anything they said its me being overweight 120kg and having imbalanced hormones. So the Docs prescribed me Provera 10mg 3 x a day alongside with Tranexamic acid 1 pill every 8 hours. It made my periods go light each day then eventually stopped. Some months I missed them would get normal periods. So its 2021 and yes back to heavy periods again this time its lasting 3 months, and it is making me feel really weak. Lately I been taking the same thing Provera 10mg 3 x a day with Tranexamic acid 1 pill every 8 hours. It hasn't worked yet still heavy bleeding I am getting pains now. The docs then prescribed me 2 Provera 20mg 3x a day, its Day 2 now, it sort of calm down my period its a medium flow little bit heavy just being patient and see how this goes and waiting for a 2nd pelvic scan."

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8 Report
  • Follo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 9, 2022

"I am 49 year old and have been experiencing missed periods for about a year and a half. Skipping months. Then in May, I started my period after not having one for two months. I bleed for 10 days so I saw my Obgyn. She put me on provera to stop the bleeding and hopefully regulate me. I bleed for the entire month on May!!!! I decided to follow my own mind and stop taking the medication and three days later I stopped bleeding! Now I am back to my natural schedule of bleeding. So I’ve decided to let my body do what comes natural and leave these experimental drugs alone!"

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6 Report
  • Amy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 12, 2018

"OMG! I was freaking out because after the 10 days of provera 10mg I took I thought I would be ok, but after 2 days of taking the 10 day treatment my period is like running water even when I was in my heavy days I would never wake up to a stained bed and this morning it was soaking. I don't have much clots and the ones I have are small but my period lasts for 7 days and today is my 6th day and still going heavy. I hope it goes away by the 7th day. For sure I'm going to stop taking any vitamins and any pills I take that could probably make my period even more heavy. Just till this period goes away. Oh it has many side affects mine were pimples, headache, sleepiness, spotting, and shortness of breath. I Really hope after this period my next ones are light after all its like a period cleanser."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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