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Lithium for Bipolar Disorder User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Lithium Carbonate ER, Lithobid

Lithium has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 322 reviews for the treatment of Bipolar Disorder. 66% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 19% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Lithium

  • Ace...
  • October 17, 2016

"Not sure why they give this to people but they sure do... Took 3 months and besides the foaming at the mouth and memory loss and the inability to articulate words ( my family thought i was drunk :( ) And the lack of coordination to the point i couldnt even walk straight. I rode my bicycle on this stuff and tipped over into the street and almost got run over!!!! So then they added Carbamazapine to try and "help" with the lithium side effects and it made EVERYTHING worse!!! Folks there is only one drug i have found that helps both extreme mania and extreme despression and curbs the rapid swings and that is cannibus sativa ( not indica ). God gave us this flower for a reason and no you dont even have to smoke it... Just eat a cookie :)"

1 / 10
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95 Report
  • sara...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 5, 2015

"I am 16 years old. I have been to over 20 in and outpatient mental health hospitals, including residential. I had severe depression, severe anxiety, and the last year before I was diagnosed, extreme anger. I was suicidal, homicidal, I self-harmed, I had an eating disorder, I dealt with death, abuse, bullying, everything. I attempted suicide four times. I barely made it each time. I had all the symptoms: low self-esteem, self-harm, eating disorders, isolation, mania, the suicidal/homicidal thoughts. I was trying to use drugs, I skipped school, I tried to harm people, I had insomnia. I finally, after two years, found this miracle little pill."

10 / 10
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  • BANAN...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 5, 2018

Lithium Carbonate ER (lithium) "I was originally diagnosed with PMDD, but my doctor suggested I might actually have Bipolar Disorder Type 2 since I get seasonal depression. Sometimes I actually enjoyed my hypomania, but I had crippling anxiety and suicidal ideation that were difficult to live with. I started with 600mg and hated the side effects of lithium at first. The first two months were rough - I couldn't sleep because I had to urinate so often. I wanted to stop but didn't. My doc changed my dosage to 450mg ER and I love it. I am not the high-strung perfectionist I used to be. I feel peaceful and stable. It's actually kind of weird, but I would never want to go back. GIVE IT TIME, ADJUST DOSAGE! :)"

8 / 10
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68 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Pete
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 26, 2017

"Lithium brought me out of my original psychosis. I did well on it. Because it helped to keep my illness in remission, so to speak, I was able to get my BA in psychology and go to graduate school. Seven years after I first took lithium I developed hypothyroidism, which was caused by the lithium. Luckily it can be easily controlled with synthroid. Twenty-three years later I was diagnosed as having kidney disease, stage 2. This was a direct side effect of lithium. I no longer take it. The damage to my thyroid and kidneys is irreversible. Luckily I haven't had to go on dialysis. Lithium is a good medication. However, its side effects can do a lot of harm to the body."

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76 Report
  • Norma...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 18, 2016

"Started yesterday. IR 300mg 3x daily. Within thirty minutes, I'm laughing with joy, unbelievable! Cured. Years of Zyprexa, Abilify, Celexa, Depakote, Ativan, etc. Wow. I can finally admit it. I have bipolar disorder. Nothing else. Not anxiety. Calm. Quiet and calm head. No depression or mania. I want to feel and look my best all the time. And it only took a naturally occurring element, abundant in our universe, to flip the switch. Although there is no cure. Just how I feel."

10 / 10
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87 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Ginge...
  • May 26, 2014

"Hell for many years now. 2 months ago I was once again fetal positioned in a laundry basket rocking back and forth in the attic, and I finally said enough is enough…I am going to get help. I am a rapid cycler - about every 10 days my episodes would begin again. I had about 5 good days per month. I never wanted to be 'zombified' by medicine, so I reluctantly and VERY defensively went to the doctor and asked for help. They gave me Lithium, and I can't believe the change! I finally feel free for the first time in my life. I am on a lower dose than some. I still have some symptoms, but feeling them is allowing me to work through them, and also NOT lose my creativity. The only side effect is that I walk into things - annoying."

9 / 10
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97 Report
  • Lyon
  • February 6, 2021

"This was the best decision of my entire life battling with relationship and career ending debilitating bipolar disorder. Cycled through cocktails of meds and finally just Lithium alone. I gained visible stability and it made me feel happy and safe. Deep pain and exuberant joy became mild hurt and happy feelings. I finally felt human again. I like myself. No longer the mood swinging angry and hurt slave to this disorder but a liberated stable warm and calm man. My anxiety went away. My life started to improve alongside my career and relationships and my family and close friends noticed and complimented. Doc took blood tests every dose increase, gave me the option to lower or stop at any time and found my ideal dose to be 1,200 mg (everyone’s different) no one size fits all. Side effects for me are weight gain. I weight lift everyday for 45 min. Works like a charm. Who said you can’t be physically fit and take lithium."

9 / 10
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43 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 25, 2008

"In 1993, I went into a clinically depressed mode for one year. I would not eat. I just slept and smoked cigarettes. I lost 50 lbs. Finally, I went to a shrink, and he worked with me until the medication Tegretol brought me out of the depressed state, and I went manic. The doctor, upon knowing this manic state, prescribed 900mg of lithium per day with the 400mg of Tegretol, and I have been normal for 15 years. I have to take these medicines forever. If I stop because I feel good, watch out. I either go manic or down in the dumps again, and I don't wish that on my worst enemy."

10 / 10
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132 Report
  • Rusty
  • July 16, 2016

"I was on lithium carbonate for 21 years. Mentally, I found lithium to be a very effective mood stabilizer. The physical effects of lithium are what affected me in the long term. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after being on lithium for 7 years, which my doctor attributed to being on lithium long term. After being on lithium for 21 years, I was diagnosed with Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, which an endocrinologist attributed to being on lithium long term. The symptoms of this are increased thirst and increased urination, as I passed 10 liters of urine in a 24-hour urine test. Recently, I have just had one of my kidneys removed due to renal cancer, which I attribute to the long term use of lithium also."

3 / 10
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80 Report
  • Donny
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 25, 2019

"Lithium SAVED MY LIFE. I was crazy. Drugs, alcohol, mania, impulse. I started lithium and 3 months later I'm myself again, I love life and I love being me again. The only downside is frequent labs and consistent water intake. Otherwise, I'm loving it."

9 / 10
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56 Report
  • tamjam
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 24, 2012

"This drug has saved two of my very good friends from what I really believe would have been both of their deaths. The 1st friend was an emotional wreck, and the 2nd friend was a suicidal cutter, and BOTH have gotten their lives back and are on the right path with this medication. Both did gain some weight and got some acne, but when you look at the alternative, I think they are both beyond grateful for it all! As am I, so I think if someone you know is like this, please get them to a doctor who knows about bipolar disorder, and get them onto this medication, it really truly DOES WORK for a lot of folks suffering through their life, when there is NO NEED to! Help them! WE ALL DESERVE TO LIVE A SOMEWHAT 'NORMAL' LIFE!"

9 / 10
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105 Report
  • XcghC...
  • May 4, 2016

"After being misdiagnosed and mistreated for 20 years, I finally understood that I am bipolar type 2. I noticed a huge difference on lithium (I don't have any other meds whatsoever now) the first day I took it as I immediately leveled out. The antidepressant effect took slightly longer to kick in but this medication has changed my life. I don't feel cut off like I did on SSRI meds and I don't have any side effects at all. All my blood work has been perfect and I am really pleased beyond any expectations with the effect and the total lack of side effects. I don't feel like I am on a medication at all - it feels like I have suddenly become normal."

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79 Report
  • bjayz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 30, 2012

"I have suffered with bipolar disorder as long as I can remember; it's been one manic episode after another. I'm 31 now and have been on lithium for 3 and a half weeks. For the last 3 days, I have felt the best I ever have. I feel stable and finally am free of the need to self-medicate. I know it's only early days and have had some side effects such as extreme thirst, minor weight gain, and hate the blood tests, but this is a small price to pay for finally feeling well. Hope other people with this illness have the same success as I'm getting. All the best."

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102 Report
  • MSHI
  • July 2, 2015

"I was diagnosed with bipolar type I in 2008. I sort of knew that I was bipolar, and I also heard that lithium was a terrible drug (thanks to the teachings of a very misinformed individual). I tried 3 mood stabilizers over the past 7 years. Each of the mood stabilizers was an anti-seizure med. Finally, I had to go on lithium. Within one week, I felt better than I had ever felt before. I suffered from horrible irritability all this time. My irritability is now gone. My own son said that I am a lot nicer now. Hearing my son say that made this switch very worthwhile."

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85 Report
  • Kaat
  • September 17, 2016

"I'm 21 and have bipolar disorder. I've been on lithium for exactly a year next month. The only side effect I 100% know is from the lithium is retaining water weight (I haven't gained actual weight at all on lithium). Once I drink more water, I'm fine. I'm more on the manic pole so the lithium levels me out, decreases my impulses, and overall I'm more pleasant to be around, less snappy. I was on Klonopin for 4 years, and once I went on lithium, I easily came off of it once my bipolar was under control (about 3 months into getting my lithium levels up). Lithium is a lifesaver to me, and I can't imagine not taking it. It's the only one that works for me. And I like myself on lithium. I'm more than satisfied after 8 years of trial and error."

9 / 10
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75 Report
  • Sunsh...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 30, 2018

"I have a bit of love/hate with lithium with the love outweighing the hate side of it. I’m Bipolar 1, diagnosed 4 years ago. Mentally, it is great. Keeps me level as long as I take it as prescribed, 600mg 2X a day. Prior to diagnosis, I had a self-diagnosed problem with alcohol (self-medicating likely) and since Lithium I hardly ever drink, maybe 2-3 times a year and only 1-2 at a time. I no longer get the same feelings from alcohol, which is odd and true. I consider that a plus. On the negative side, I had beautiful hair and now it’s dry and dull, so I’m always trying new products. Also, I have dirarhea 2-3 times a day most days. As it works so well mentally, I put up with these side effects. I like staying employed and being ‘mostly’ responsible."

9 / 10
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58 Report
  • mag...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 15, 2019

"I was only on lithium for a couple months. My doctor prescribed it because he thought it would help with the suicidal thoughts related to my bipolar depression. While I was on it, I felt very strange and almost "out of my body." I gave it a good go, but eventually I decided that the strange feelings in my body and brain were too much to take. I know lithium works for many people and is considered on of the best bipolar medications, but for me it just made me feel super weird and not myself."

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49 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 28, 2010

Eskalith-CR (lithium) "I have been Bipolar Disorder for 25 years. I had my first episode out of college when I started my first job. I went into a total depression; many brushed it off as nothing because I was young, etc. But I could hardly get out of bed, cried all the time. It did finally go away after a few months, then the fun came in the spring. I went into a mania, shopping, spending a lot of money. Once I got 3 speeding tickets in one hour. That's when I knew something was wrong and was luckily diagnosed as Manic Depressive (Bi Polar). I was put on Lithium and within 2 weeks felt much, much better. I've tried going off of it, but every time I get depressed or manic. So Lithium has worked for me! Stay on it! I have tried going off; doesn't work."

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113 Report
  • teetz...
  • March 30, 2017

"Lithium is a lifesaver. I had been misdiagnosed for years. When I was diagnosed with bipolar 2, I was happy to finally find somewhere to start. People scared me off lithium with all of the side effects. I was afraid of weight gain, etc., but don't be! All of our side effects are different. I wish I would have tried it way sooner. I'm a ton happier! I haven't been this happy in years. I'm a completely different person. Sure, I have to deal with stomach aches if I don't eat with it. The thirst goes down, but I still need to drink water - that's very important. And tests are not that big of deal."

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68 Report
  • ow7en
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 22, 2019

"After trying Seroquel XR and Lamictal combined together with no effect on my bipolar depression, my doctor started to doubt my bipolar diagnosis. Then, he added lithium carbonate extended release two times a day. Within two weeks, I began to feel significant relief from my depression, suicidal thoughts, and mood swings. And with each day, my functioning and symptoms improves more and more. Lithium medicine saved my life and gave me hope for living a normal life when I never thought I would have one again."

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52 Report
  • Pinea...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 30, 2013

"I've been taking Lithium for three weeks now. For the first time in years, I feel balanced. My major ups and downs have subsided, and I do not have any side effects at all. Since I work in construction, I monitor my fluid intake to avoid too much lithium in my system. The only drawback to drinking more water is having to frequent the restroom more often. My sleep has improved as well, so all my previous medications are no longer needed. Currently, I'm on 300mg 3x/day. Everybody's body responds differently to every medication out there, and luckily I found something great."

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88 Report
  • crusa...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 13, 2013

"I have been taking lithium since 1983. It has kept me stable, but I miss the highs. My creative side has disappeared; I can't concentrate, and I lose interest in things. I have been told I must take lithium for the rest of my life."

8 / 10
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92 Report
  • abori...
  • June 9, 2019

"I've never been to a psychiatrist. However I've had a baby die, and I've been through the worst grief, and denial of grief. I've been deeply sad and broken. I've shut down emotions out of fear of being unemployable and not being able to care for my other children. This 30 years compressed into a deadly human, edgy and angry. So I started taking over the counter lithium, 5mg, and felt my brain swirl into a fluid relaxed state, like a lava lamp, or shimmering mirages over a landscape. Then I bought 50g of lithium chloride, a simple salt of lithium, like sodium chloride. I put 10-20 mgs of this in a carafe of water and drink it throughout the day. The water tastes very good. To close this, I want to make it clear to everyone that lithium is an essential element that everyone needs. If you don't get enough from your environment you will have lithium deficiency. The symptoms of lithium deficiency are bipolar, depression, suicidal thoughts, and suicide; rage, frustration etc"

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49 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 30, 2011

"I've tried almost all of the Bipolar Meds available out there - Geodon, Depakote, Lamictal, Seroquel, Zyprexa, etc. All of these made me stupid and/or fat and were not very effective for my depression. This past year I sunk to a new low of serious depression - I told my PDoc that I need something different because I was a lifeless, delusional, an anxious zombie and was suicidal. His secretary said she would forward the message to him - 3 times. No reply from him at all - I had to find a new doctor and he put me on 300mg Lithium (went up to 600mg 2 weeks later) - about 1 month into my new treatment, it feels like a switch was flipped. This is the best medicine I've ever had and I hope it continues - not many options left for me."

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97 Report
  • Europ...
  • July 16, 2017

"Lithium - well I didn't think I could be helped but lithium has done that. I have slight dry lips and feel a little sick if I take on an empty stomach without having eaten all day. I thought I'd be dead one day but now feel relaxed and happy and like I can live in the moment. Since been on lithium: I have stopped drinking alcohol (uses to drink a bottle of wine a day ) Stopped smoking cigarettes Stopped taking 2 anti depressants , sertraline and mirtazapine I have lost 6 kg and walk 10km a day. You may need to change some of your friends like me when you realise they're all alcoholics and coke addicts. I feel calm and relaxed and lithium will change my life."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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