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Kyleena User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Kyleena has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 1,605 reviews on 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Kyleena

  • Amyro...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 23, 2020

For Birth Control "I’m back after a year to review Kyleena. First, don’t be too afraid of the procedure. It was a breeze for me and I never had children. Felt a dull cramp, and it was over! I couldn’t believe how fast and easy it was. Since then, I experienced some cramps from time to time, but nothing major. I’ve had periods more like spotting, and a year later, I no longer have periods and I’m not pregnant. No side effects as far as I can tell, except for the cramping. Love it !"

9 / 10
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22 Report
  • Honest...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 10, 2023

For Birth Control "So I have had 3 IUDs in my life-no kids. This was my first time on the kyleena. Insertion was fine, no issues. I had a period my entire time on the kyleena. My periods have always been somewhat irregular and kyleena sorta regulated them a bit, but the side effects that came along long term were not worth it in my opinion. Probably after a year or so of having it, my mood swings were insane. Every emotion I felt was intensified. It caused me to become depressed. I would have suicidal thoughts ONLY ON MY PERIOD. My period cramps got really bad, I had multiple UTIs, bacterial vaginosis, and yeast infections. At one point I had BV and a UTI at once, and the back to back antibiotics caused me to get hemorrhoids. My eyelashes started falling out a lot, the vaginal dryness I experienced was horrible. Like I said I've had 3 IUDs and never experienced these symptoms before. At first I didn't connect them all to kyleena but after doing some research I figured it out. Please do your research"

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  • GGano
  • December 31, 2020

For Birth Control "Had the IUD inserted in March 2018. It wasn’t terribly painful. Even thou my cervix had a crazy pinching sensation, I didn’t experience the whooziness or the fainting which is ironic because I have POTS disease. I had level 8 cramps for a few weeks and was spotting and having irregular heavy flows on and off for the first 6 months. I sorta stopped spotting but my irregular periods just lasted longer (2-3 weeks) and went 2-3 weeks waiting for my next irregular period. I gained weighted, hair loss, got acne on my face, scalp, neck, shoulders, back, chest, and randomly on my stomach. Went to a dermatologist, cycled throu many products, stopped using scented anything and oil based products. Nothing helps. My libido slowly decreased to zero. Mood swings. I am unmotivated to do anything; sports, exercise, cook (yet increased appetite), etc. I can no longer say this is worth it. I’m hoping my body can get some relief from all these side effects once I do."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Keba
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 8, 2023

For Birth Control "I have had Kyleena since 12/17/2020. During the insertion, my gynecologist was really nice but when I tell you it was the worst pain I experienced. I am not lying. The whole way home I could barely move because of the pain. Then once I got home, I didn’t move and slept for basically two days because of the pain. Now over 2 years later, I have noticed how my body has changed. I gained a lot of weight, with no change to my diet. Have literally no energy for anything. My sex drive is non-existent when I genuinely used to enjoy it. Now I could go weeks without it and not even care, which has affected my relationship some. I honestly just feel like my whole body is out of whack. Like my hormones have affected everything. I am breaking out worse than I did during my sophomore year in high school. I tried everything to fix it but it’s hormonal so nothing is fixing it. I am moody and always tired. And oh my, the cramps I get randomly are awful."

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9 Report
  • Em15
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 27, 2019

For Birth Control "I've had a child so I didn't think insertion would be too bad. WOW-I was wrong. I didn't take ibuprofen but did have misoprostol to open my cervix. The pain was terrible for me, but insertion only took about 2 minutes. Afterward I had cramping almost everyday, constant bleeding or spotting, backache, bloating, and my face broke out. My advice is to wait it out girls!! Its been two months for me now and I forget its there. My period this month was a few moments of cramping, and one day of spotting with some usual moodiness. I used to have very heavy periods before kyleena, so I'm happy I made the choice to get an IUD. Also, not worrying about getting pregnant for 5 years makes the bit of pain so worth it! If you're on here looking for answers like I was two months ago, you're not alone. Give it time!"

9 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • sad
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 4, 2020

For Birth Control "I got Kyleena about two months ago because I wanted to get off the pill and got talked into a hormonal IUD. My birth control pill never gave me too many issues but I just wanted to switch. The insertion hurt sooooo bad and I took ibuprofen before. I cramped for about 5 hours after. Since the insertion, I bled for about 3 days and that was it. However, I have been getting the worst migraines and I have never gotten them before. My irritability is extremely high and I have lost my sex drive. I also have gained weight since having it and have been working out five days a week and eating healthy. Nothing seems to be working. I'm considering going completely off birth control because of this hassle and see how my body reacts. Very disappointed."

4 / 10
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20 Report
  • 11830...
  • January 14, 2020

For Birth Control "I’m 19 years old and got the Kyleena inserted just under a week ago. I’m coming on here to share my experience as prior to the “procedure”, I came across this forum and read some of reviews. I read about how excruciating the pain was etc. I was totally freaked out. One hour before insertion I took one of the prescribed pain relievers I was given (500mg of Mefac). I’m not going to lie, it was a bit painful. More uncomfortable than anything. However my point is, the procedure is literally over within 5 minutes. The way I think of it is, 5 minutes of pain for 5 years pregnancy free, and I’ll take that!! Saying this, I got period like cramping for 2 days after insertion which I expected. Honestly I’ve had worse period cramps. Nothing a hot water bottle and some pain relievers couldn’t get rid of. Now I am aware it is quite early to be giving my verdict, but so far so good. I am also aware it can be different for everyone but this is my experience and I hope it helps!!"

9 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Anon
  • June 24, 2019

For Birth Control "I am only sharing my experience on insertion! I just got my IUD placed today and I made the mistake of reading all the reviews on here before hand. I was terrified. I actually was crying before the procedure even started. My gyno began talking to me about my weekend and I felt a quick sharp pinch and boom done. It seriously was no big deal what so ever. It felt like a slightly more uncomfortable Pap smear! I just want to leave this here because I truthfully feel like reviews are only written by those who had a miserable experience but mine was so smooth I wish I never researched a single thing."

10 / 10
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  • KBano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 7, 2018

For Birth Control "I wanted to wait and post my review later on to see how it works in the future but I refuse to let all the recent negative reviews on Kyleena stop anyone else's decision to get it. I got kyleena put in over a month ago, the pain was sharp but TOTALLY bearable and lasted maybe 10 seconds. The cramps after were very bad but they went away after a couple days. I took 4 aleve and an evening primrose pill to soften my cervix before I went. Coming from someone with depression and GAD everything with me is perfectly normal, I actually feel better after getting the IUD! It takes on average of 6 months to one year for your body to settle down and get used to it, PLEASE give it time! I had hormonal acne but so far my face has been clear. Cramps are gone already. I used to get frequent migraines and I haven't had any. I am a teenager and have had positive outcomes, some people need to give it longer to settle in. I mean it is a foreign object in your uterus. You have to give your body a chance."

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  • Hanna
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 27, 2019

For Birth Control "Getting the Kyleena was the worst decision of my life. I thought it would be great because my friend got and and it's been amazing for her. Not the case for me. About 3 months after having it inserted, I have gone completely off the rails with anxiety. I've NEVER had anxiety this bad before, where I can hardly function. I'm crying all of the time for no reason, I feel totally crazy, and having constant panic attacks. My stomach is always in knots and my heart is always racing. My doctor had to put me on an anti-anxiety med that hardly works just to get me to function. I've had it removed for a week now and I'm still having anxiety. For the entire three months I had it in, I never stopped bleeding and when I had sex I felt an uncomfortable pressure. If this is happening to you, get it removed right away!"

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21 Report
  • Never...
  • May 31, 2020

For Birth Control "I had Kyleena inserted May 2018 shortly before my 28th bday. Over the next few months I suffered from insomnia, tremors, unexplained rashes, joint inflammation, hair loss, unexplained weight gain, hot flashes, and night sweats. I couldn't lift my legs to climb up stairs, my ankle began to give way, and overtime I gradually lost the ability to feel certain muscles or certain areas of my skin and it sadly just became my life. After 2 years of tests coming back fine, I got the IUD taken out. Almost immediately, I could feel blood effectively pumping for the first time in years, I began to regain sensation in the muscles that were numb, including my pelvis, I was able to work out with feeling like every bone was cracking and every muscle tearing, the joint inflammation and swelling began to subside, my skin was clearing up, and my hair was finally starting to grow again. It was the worst 2 years of my life and I can only hope that I'll recover to the point where I can enjoy my old life."

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18 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 26, 2020

"Get this thing out of me! I was told I would potentially have some spotting following insertion of Kyleena... well that spotting ended up lasting 4 months. Since then it’s a crapshoot as to whether I’ll get my period or not. They’re irregular and impossible to track. I have never been prone to acne but I now have relentless acne on my chin and no matter how well I take care of my face, it keeps coming back. Also, I have never experienced any concerns regarding my mental health. Following my IUD insertion, I now find myself horribly irritable, on edge, emotional, anxiety-ridden (unwarranted panic attacks included), the list goes on. Again, these are all highly uncharacteristic of my personality, my nature and are unrelated to COVID as they appeared prior to 2020. Finally, the last and the absolute worst. I get persistent morning sickness sensation??? Sometimes it lasts throughout the day (disclaimer: I am not and have not been pregnant). Like painful/uncomfortable waves of nausea. All in all 0/10."

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  • sara
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 1, 2020

For Birth Control "Insertion was painful but manageable, like 3-4 strong cramps and then finished. Had fairly strong cramps the rest of the day and I needed the day off work. The first period I had with the IUD was the worst, I had to go home due to the cramps (after that it was fine). I had consistent spotting almost every day for 11 months after. Periods are much lighter but have the same duration HOWEVER that is the only benefit. I now get extremely irritating yeast infections every month before and after my period, am much more frequent to UTIs, experience painful sex, and have almost zero libido. I keep hoping it will get better, but I’ve had the IUD for almost three years and want it taken out. Most of my friends with IUDs have similar issues. I would not recommend."

2 / 10
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  • Dani
  • June 5, 2020

For Birth Control "I’m one of those who decided to get the copper IUD in, regardless of never having kids. The whole year I had it in, I had the worst pain from periods and more blood flow. Which was expected. But I also spotted the whole year when I wasn’t on my actual period. SO, I decided to take a break. And just accept my doom. Hate the pill, IUDs are horrible (I thought) and I haven’t heard anything good about the others. WELL I decided to see a new gyno & he suggested Kyleena. I was VERY hesitant. Best thing I ever did! The insertion was a breeze compared to the copper IUD and my period I would only have 1 bad day with cramps which was bearable and normal. Blood flow is minimal. I didn’t experience acne or weight gain. But I have never struggled with acne my whole life so that might be why. I got my IUD 4/1/20 and it is 6/4/20. My period has pretty much stopped by June. I only have spotting. We will see how it continues but so far I love it!"

10 / 10
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17 Report
  • windows
  • February 5, 2020

For Birth Control "I've had Kyleena for 1.5 years and I LOVE it. Insertion was uncomfortable & I definitely cramped for a day or two after; nothing that Advil couldn't handle, & for anyone whose had a PAP/period cramps, the pain should be familiar & tolerable.My periods have been shorter & lighter since month one (light/moderate for 3-4 days) & now, more than a year in I frequently miss periods! As far as side effects, maybe it has affected my mood, but I've had a harder year so it would be difficult to say either way. I have also experienced some vaginal dryness with intercourse, but this is easily resolved with lube, which I previously used, just more frequently now. My sex drive, which has always been high, is the same my experience has been positive, & while I know it is not the same for everyone, I wanted to share, to help balance off the bad experiences people tend to share; nothing wrong with that, I just think it is nice for women to know that some women can & do have good experiences with IUDs"

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 3, 2021

For Birth Control "Overall this has been amazing!! I had so many negative side effects from birth control such as mood swings, no sex drive at all I went from being a very sexual person to never wanting to have sex, insomnia, and I would uncontrollably cry before my periods. Since switching to the Kyleena I have returned to normal and feel like myself again finally! I have had no negative effects besides some random mild cramping...truly just feels like period cramps! The insertion was not horribly painful and I have a low pain tolerance. It was 3 minutes of pain for 5 years definitely worth it in my mind! If you're considering switching to a Kyleena IUD don't let other peoples experiences on here discourage you it works differently for everyone and was the best decision I ever made for me!"

10 / 10
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14 Report
  • justA...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 2, 2022

For Birth Control "*Please read* Insertion wasn’t bad, it was uncomfortable but not painful. Then I bled lightly for about 2 months and once the two months was over I didn’t have a period for 6-8 months. The first year of having it I struggled so heavily with depression and anxiety. I felt more often than not that I was absolutely crazy. I would have intense mood swings and suicidal thoughts. It never occurred to me at the time that my Kyleena could have triggered it. I am 21 now and I’m living the life I have always pictured in my head yet I have major mood swings, and around the time that my period comes I actually mentally insane. My thoughts race, they get very dark, and the moods I get in take a huge toll on my relationship. I am not someone who usually writes reviews but if I can help some girl decide NOT to do this and save her the mental agony that comes along with Kyleena then so be it. Currently planning to get it removed."

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10 Report
  • Not...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 20, 2021

For Birth Control "I passed out when having it implanted and it was all down hill from there. My anxiety has steadily been creeping up since having it placed. I'm at about a year now and am seriously considering having it removed, I'm getting to the point where I can go to the store without my heart rate skyrocketing and feeling like I'm going to pass out."

2 / 10
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12 Report
  • Butte...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 3, 2020

For Birth Control "Got kyleena inserted end of October 2019, the insertion wasn't too bad some cramping but nothing major. I bled for a month straight after. I'm now coming up on my 3rd month, have some occasional spotting and I get my period every month lasting about a week. So far I've only had some cramping, bloating, and nausea when it is coming to that time of the month. But that's normal for me. I did have hormonal acne before the IUD, it hasn't made it any worse. I do suggest thou for anybody who is breaking out on the IUD or have hormonal acne in general I have been taking some supplements that have cleared my skin 90% 1) Alani Nu Balance 2) Zinc 3) B5 4) Probiotic 5) Ashwandgha (helps w/ stress & depression) 6) Iron (if you have anemia or heavy periods) hope this helps "

7 / 10
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  • syd
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 28, 2020

For Birth Control "I have now had my IUD for about a year and a half and while it is not perfect, it's been a great improvement. I had super terrible periods: extremely heavy, terrible cramps, hormonal migraines. because I have migraines with aura I'm a bit limited on which BC I can take, so my Dr and I decided on kyleena. The insertion itself was fine (I took ibuprofen before like recommended), but I had pretty bad cramps for a week after, nothing that some pain relievers and a heating pad couldn't handle though. Now, my periods are longer (about a week and a half compared to 5-6 days) but so so much lighter. I really just spot on and off for a week and a half (compared to before where I was so heavy, I was anemic). I still have cramps which can get pretty bad, but they don't last as long. Zero issues with weight gain or acne. And the actual birth control protection is great, never have to worry about it. Overall, I highly recommend!"

8 / 10
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  • Abbs
  • December 20, 2019

For Birth Control "The insertion was equivalent to two really big cramps that make you stop what you're doing and hunch over, but it wasn't unbearable. I cramped for the next day, along with the next 3 weeks. I also spotted for 3 weeks, but only needed a panty liner. I've been through 3 periods on this now and they last about 8 days, are fairly heavy, and I now get horrible cramps, as opposed to my 4 day light periods before this. Around the 2 month mark, my acne got awful, and my hormones turned me into a monster, and not just around the time of my period. I'm not an angry person normally, but this made me snappy, irritable, and angry, that would quickly turn into crying. My spotting came back and is now heavy enough to have to wear a tampon. Also my panic attacks, which have been gone for years, returned. It also increased my anxiety dramatically. My sex drive also took a big hit. Going to continue it for a few more months, but it's not looking great. I hate to say that I wouldn't recommend this to anyone."

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  • Anony...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 6, 2019

For Birth Control "Insertion felt like a little pressure and pinch. I have high pain tolerance so it didn’t feel like much. Light bleeding after. Then everything was okay up until my first real period on it. I had the most miserable cramps. Every single day. I’m talking contractions for cramps that would last the whole day. It was so bad that I could not get out of bed. This lasted for 3 months straight. I also had a heavy period for those 3 months as well. I talked to my gyno and she said I have to give 6 months for my body to get use to it. Here I am 8 months in; I’ve gained 20 lbs, losing chunks of hair, have horrible acne covering back neck chin. I have depression. On top of a week prior to my period starting I experience contraction like cramps. I have a period for 10 days and spot for a few days after and then I’m good for A week then I’m back on my period again. Having this IUD is a nuisance more than a benefit."

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  • Jess
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 28, 2020

For Birth Control "Insertion review: Easy and quick. The measuring of the uterus was the most painful. It was a very sharp intense cramp that took my breath away. Then they inserted the kyleena applicator which didn’t hurt going in, but I did feel the IUD arms open. Didn’t have any severe cramping until I got home.... The cramps were pretty bad at first. Maybe for the first three hours. I just hung out on a sofa with a heating pad and took a Tramadol and acetaminophen that my doctor prescribed for me. I had it inserted during my cycle which might be why my cramps were so painful. It’s now five days with the IUD and I have only had minor back pain and cramping at night. My period seems to be lasting a bit longer than it would when I was on the patch but it is too soon to see. A lot easier and less painful than I imagined!"

10 / 10
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  • Kay
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 5, 2020

For Birth Control "I have had Kyleena for a little over 2 months now. Honestly living my best life. I did initially spot for the first month I had it and then got my period and saw no more spotting. I read many reviews before insertion to know what to expect, and I saw many sources saying bleeding should be heavier and longer. My periods have lasted longer (right now I'm in the 3rd week of now very, very light brown spotting, but its still there), but my periods have been way, way light. I've only used liners or a light tampon. I still have a new box of regular/supers I'll probably never have a use for. I have also experienced some random cramps, but they have been no worse than the insertion (which I thought was about a 3-4 on the pain scale). I got Kyleena so I would not have to worry about any condom mishaps and so far so good! Sex is so much more enjoyable for my boyfriend and I, so this whole experience had been worth it for me."

8 / 10
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  • Hati
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 6, 2020

For Birth Control "I got the Kyleena to help with my very irregular periods and to use it as birth control. I've only had it in for 5 months and I'm 23 pounds heavier (even after restricting my calories to 1000 and only eating healthy organic). My left lower abdomen hurts a lot, it makes my left leg numb. I have not had my period in 4 months (after that month long period I had when I first got it inserted), and I'm always cramping. I want to remove it, but with this whole coronavirus thing I have to keep it in for maybe 2-3 more months."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.