Levonorgestrel User Reviews & Ratings
Brand names: Mirena, Kyleena, Skyla, Liletta, Plan B One-Step, Julie, My Choice, My Way, Aftera, Option 2, PostDay One-Step, Morning After, AfterPill, New Day, Her Style, AfterPlan, Athentia Next, EContra One-Step, Take Action, Next Choice One Dose, Fallback Solo Curae SheWise Optionelle Opcicon One-Step …show all brand names
Levonorgestrel has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 9,730 reviews on Drugs.com. 60% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Birth Control | 5736 reviews for Birth Control | 355 medications | |
Emergency Contraception | 3978 reviews for Emergency Contraception | 28 medications | |
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding | 16 reviews for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding | 4 medications |
Reviews for Levonorgestrel
- Anonymous
- November 4, 2020
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "GIRLS, DON’T STRESS OUT. PLAN B WORKS! You might be worried and all, but let the pill do the work. I’ve taken Plan B 3 times, and it was effective. Yes, you do have side effects, some girls bleed after 5 or 6 days after taking it, and it only lasts for 3 days, it’s like a mini period. It also means it worked, and yes, Plan B can make your period up to 2 weeks late. It doesn’t matter if you're ovulating, it still works, you just have to take it on time. So don’t worry, you do get symptoms just like pregnancy, but in reality, you're not. So don’t stress out if you have taken one. Good luck ❤️."
- ano...
- July 19, 2021
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "I promise I’d come back on this to write my experience. On May 20, I had unprotected sex, but there was only pre-cum involved. So, I bought Plan B, approximately 40 minutes after and I was ovulating during that time. About 5-7 days after I took Plan B, I spotted for about 4 days. Weeks after, I was convinced that I was pregnant by all the symptoms I had. I remember taking 2 pregnancy tests about a week before my period was supposed to come (don’t do that), it was literally a waste of money. Then I took a pregnancy test after a week of my period being late, and it came out negative. I know I took about 6 pregnancy tests, all came back negative. Overall, my period was 38 days late, literally almost 2 months late. Thank goodness, I got my period today, July 19, after having my last period on May 13. I pray for all of you ladies who are currently going through the scary situation I went through to stay strong and have faith that your period will come. I truly hope this helps someone."
Frequently asked questions
- Can Plan B make your period late or cause bleeding?
- Can you drink alcohol after taking Plan B?
- How effective is Plan B and how late can you take it?
- How many times can you take Plan B?
- Ano...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 7, 2021
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "This has been the roughest 2 weeks of my life, but I promised whenever my period came, I would write on here. Feb 21st, the day after my ovulation day but still in my fertile window, my BF fully came in me after the condom broke. He bought the Plan B 45 minutes later, and I immediately took it. I’m not even close to the age that I want to have kids, so I was scared for my life. I did an internet search on EVERYTHING. Reading these reviews helped me, but did not stop me from stressing. I experienced a little bit of nausea after taking it, but I think that was just me overthinking. I also had all my PMS symptoms like sore boobs, back fatigue, and mild cramps. Then just yesterday, I had spotting similar to implantation bleeding (internet said so), and I was freaking out, but today the flow is heavier, and it’ll probably get heavier as the week goes. I just wanted to say, don’t stress, don’t put a stop to your daily life. And PRAY! Even if you're not religious, just believe in something :) Hope this helps someone."
- Aan...
- October 11, 2020
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "I was very dumb and was not using condoms or BC. On my day of ovulation, I was convinced he didn't pull out efficiently. The next morning, I took Plan B. The initial effects were not bad at all. My stomach felt a little off but barely noticeable. 5 days later, I started spotting brown which then turned red for about 6 days. I knew this was not my period and apparently this is common. My stomach was bloated all month, and I had really weird cramping all month. This pill creates similar side effects as if you were pregnant, so really try not to think about it because it's going to freak you out. After 2 weeks of not getting my period, I got a negative pregnancy test but my period still wasn't there. My period ended up coming 21 DAYS LATE. My best advice is to trust this pill and try not to google anything. Your mind will really get the best of you and convince you you're pregnant."
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- June 16, 2020
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "I know there are women on here that are stressing, and I'm here to lighten up your anxiety. I had sex TWO DAYS BEFORE my suspected ovulation day. He never finished in me, he just wiped off the sperm, and we went again in the same hour. I’ve done some research and it says that Plan B is less than 50% effective 1-2 days before ovulation, and I WAS PANICKING. I literally took the pill less than an hour after we did the deed. The best time is to take the pill less than 24 hours AFTER SEX. It will be 95% effective, and success drops a lot after the first day. My side effects were stomach cramps, insomnia, nausea, fatigue, and backaches. The pill made my period come 11 DAYS EARLIER. Yes, that's good news, but your period will be HARDER AND HEAVIER. But it is better than an unplanned pregnancy, trust me. Sis, STRESS WILL NOT HELP. Do NOT look up your symptoms because the first thing that will come up is pregnancy. This is a lesson learned big time. YOU WILL BE OKAY, I PROMISE."
- Mir...
- April 1, 2009
Mirena (levonorgestrel) for Birth Control "I have had my IUD for over a year now, and I think it's the best thing ever. When I first got it put in, I only bled for about a week with a little cramping. After that, nothing at all. I haven't had a period for about 8 months until I finally got one, and it's not bad at all. It's light, no cramping, no headache, nothing. I haven't gained weight, my acne is gone, and my moods are fine. I know all women are different, but I just hear all these horror stories, and I just wanted to tell my story, which is a good one. Hope it calms some of your fears."
More FAQ
- What's the weight limit for Plan B?
- What are my birth control options and how effective are they?
- Mirena, Kyleena, Skyla & Liletta - What's the difference?
- What is a medical abortion and what is a morning after pill?
- Omg...
- February 9, 2021
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "My partner and I had sex the exact day I was ovulating, that was January 24, 2021. We used a condom, but he didn’t realize that it broke and he ejaculated inside me. I started crying because I’ve never been in that situation before, but the next day, maybe around 12 hours after we had sex, that was January 25, he bought the morning-after pill for me and I took it, and I bled for 1 day. I swore it was implantation bleeding, but thanks to the pill, and yesterday on February 8, I got my period so trust the pill, ladies. I read all the experiences shared, and I want to thank all of you beautiful ladies. I waited on my period, stayed off Google like you all said, and thanks be to God and the pill, I got my period yesterday, so the pill really works whether you are ovulating or not. So to anyone going through the same thing, just take the pill, pray to God, stay off Google, and read our experiences... Take care lovely ladies, stay safe, you are loved ❤️❤️"
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 12, 2021
Mirena (levonorgestrel) for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I know I have not had Mirena in long. First day was Dec 15th. This is horrible. I always had the worst cramps along with heavy heavy bleeding. Every month it felt like contractions. Since having the IUD put in I have bled every day. Yes, some days were lighter than others. Most days I had to wear a regular pad. Cramps are just as bad if not worse. I can't wait 3 months or longer to see if this will work. I'm miserable, my husband is miserable. I think I would prefer the 7 days of heavy bleeding than this. At least I knew it was going to stop. This everyday bleeding has to go. I can't deal with it."
- Lil...
- June 15, 2021
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "Who knew waiting for your period could cause so much anxiety?! I wanted to come and share my update because like many of you, these posts kept me reassured. I had unprotected sex on May 2nd, the day before my ovulation day, took Plan B 24 hours later. My period was expected to come on May 19th. The 19th comes and no period; I start to panic but understood the pill can cause disturbances to your cycle. One week goes by, still no period, so I decide to take a pregnancy test which turns out to be negative. My period is now 16 days late, still nothing, at this point I’m convinced I had a false negative reading and decided to take a blood test just to be 100% sure, results come back negative. At this point, it’s just a waiting game full of anxiety. My period finally came today! 25 days late!!! (I skipped a whole month) Ladies don’t panic, every “BODY” is literally different, this pill can greatly mess up your cycle but it does work! Lesson was learned, the stress is not worth it."
- Anonymous
- September 11, 2020
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "Okay, so like other people, I promised I’d write a review if this worked. I’m 19. I’ve taken Plan B about 6 times total, and it has worked every time. I had unprotected sex multiple times on the night of the 13th of August and was fertile, supposed to ovulate on the 14th. I took Plan B on the 14th around 1 pm. For the rest of August, I was insanely moody, bloated, crampy, fatigued, had frequent urination, was acne-prone, and EXTREMELY NAUSEOUS. So basically every pregnancy symptom. I was expected to get my period on the 31st of August, but it didn’t come till today, September 11th, so almost 12 days late. I had freaked myself out and made myself so anxious thinking I was pregnant that I delayed my period even more. I also spent $60 on taking pregnancy tests. I know it’s so hard not to stress, but the more you do, the later you make it. Also, Plan B can make it late on its own. STAY STRONG GIRLS. Everything will work out fine. Reading these reviews really helped me. Just breathe. Good luck!"
- Tha...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 24, 2020
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "Ok, so I took this medicine in January, had a light period about a week later. Come the following month, I had every pregnancy symptom in the book. I was nauseous, breasts were killing me, hot flashes, and SUPER moody. I was convinced I was pregnant (I have one child and had all the same symptoms). I took 3 pregnancy tests, all negative. My period came today. I wrote this because I hope to help someone who is going through it a month after. I searched this board high and low for someone like this. Hope this helps someone!"
- lis...
- December 21, 2020
Mirena (levonorgestrel) for Birth Control "I wanted to come back here and write a review because before I got the Mirena I was reading all of these, although aware that people are more inclined to write about their horror stories rather than their happy stories. So here is my happy story! I was using the ring for a couple of years before I tried Mirena. The ring made me miserable, hormonal, moody, and irregular. I was very depressed from the fluctuating hormones. In comes Mirena. The Mirena has been the best choice I have ever made for myself. It is true what all my friends and reviewers say. I do not feel hormonal or moody. In fact, I feel much more balanced! My skin does break out at times but I will happily take that over what I was experiencing before. My periods have stopped and I sometimes PMS about a week before what WOULD be my period, but it is very mild and manageable. Sooo happy with my Mirena!!! I was scared just like you and it was the best choice I made for myself."
- gir...
- May 22, 2020
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "Plan B does work during ovulation. I’ve taken it a few times when I’ve been at the peak of ovulating. Whoever says it doesn’t work, do not listen to them. In the past, I’ve never really had any symptoms, but the last time I took Plan B, it was horrible. Plan B made me anxious, sore boobs, stress, and it literally made me feel pregnant. The more you stress, the longer your period will take to stop by and say hello to you. My period was two weeks late, I had horrible hormonal imbalance for almost a month. Girlies, please use protection, the stress is not worth it!"
- Anonymous
- May 8, 2021
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "I promised that I’d write a review if it worked so here I am. GIRLS, PLEASE DON'T STRESS OUT! I was on the same boat as all of you, I was stressing out for so long and tried searching everything up, and all that came back to me was pregnancy. I took 4 pregnancy tests & a blood test, and they all came back negative. I got my period 12 days late! The whole month after I took Plan B, I was so moody, cramping for almost the entire month. I was crying every day for no reason, bloating, feeling gassy, and frequent urination, but just because PMS and pregnancy symptoms feel exactly the same DOES NOT MEAN YOU'RE PREGNANT. PLEASE, don’t search anything up on the internet because you’re going to get more anxious thinking you’re pregnant, and trust me, it’s not worth it. The pill works beautifully, girls, as long as you took it within 1-48 hours of having sex, you are okay ❤️❤️❤️ Stay safe and stay off the internet xxxx"
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 10, 2021
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "First, take a breath and relax, you are OK. I had sex on June 25th, the day after my ovulation day (Flo app), and the condom broke, and he came in me. I’m young and still live with my parents, so pregnancy was a no. So he got me a Plan B, which I took an hour later. However, I decided to google the success rate, and it says it didn’t work if you're ovulating. So I literally almost cried. My OBGYN said that it still works, everyone around me kept saying you should be fine, so I decided to stop worrying. But I still looked on this page every day for about two weeks, and the stories helped a lot. I did take a pregnancy test my doctor gave me a few days before my period started, and it was negative. Symptoms were nausea an hour after the pill and then mild cramps which were on and off; closer to my cycle, I got sore nipples and cramping. It is now July 10th, and I got my period a day late. Have faith, ladies, the pill works. It’s true what they say - don’t stress or stop your life for this."
- Coc...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 30, 2021
Kyleena (levonorgestrel) for Birth Control "So, I first want to start off by saying that the worst thing you can possibly do is read medical reviews... Yes, we all do it, but it is a terrible decision. I got my Kyleena IUD placed on January 15th, the night before I read numerous reviews and almost backed out. I was so scared of the daunting reviews. But I still went to my appointment. I can say that getting the IUD implanted was painful and slightly uncomfortable, but manageable. Since getting it, I had little to no spotting for three days. I also had cramps for about four consecutive days, but the cramps can last longer, mine are off and on periodically. I also have slight acne, but nothing crazy. Overall, I am having a great experience so far. I will definitely keep up with writing reviews because I do believe that the only people who take the time out to write reviews are the people who are unhappy with the Kyleena, but I can attest that the Kyleena was the best decision I could’ve made! I recommend!"
- Sli...
- March 19, 2021
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "I took Plan B on February 9, an hour or two after the deed was done - no protection, and he came inside. I was scheduled to ovulate on February 15. I spotted exactly 1 week later, lasted around 2 days, and it was a dark brown color. I felt completely normal 2 weeks after I took Plan B. After that, I started to feel extremely emotional and anxious. My scheduled period day (March 2nd) came by, and she didn’t show up, I have NEVER been late. Pregnancy tests were negative, thankfully. 11 days late, I started feeling some pre-period cramps. I was hopeful, these came and went for 5 days. It took a total of 16 DAYS for my period to finally come through. The pill did its purpose. I would take it again, but believe me, I learned my lesson. I don’t care how unsexy a condom is, I'm going to protect myself and my girl, as we all should! So don’t worry, sisters!! Be patient and STAY OFF THE INTERNET! I would come here to ease my anxiety, and that’s why I’m here to share my experience. Sending lots of love."
- Anonymous
- April 14, 2021
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "I'm going to start off by saying I’m young enough to still be living at home and getting my mama to buy me food and clothes. So I had sex on ovulation day, me being young, I didn’t know it’s easy to get pregnant on that day. So I was scared and took the Plan B about 26-28 hours later. I did research on Plan B and it said it’s best to take it within the 24-hour range, and it’s not effective on ovulation day. So I freaked out, didn’t know how I would tell my mama if I became pregnant. Anyway, I found this website and saw all the amazing reviews. I read at least the same reviews 4 times a day. I didn’t get symptoms days later like everyone else, a week later, I had cramps, lower back pain, constipation, I was bloated, and I got no bleeding in between, but it all happened at once. I looked on the internet and saw PREGNANCY. I decided to wait and relax my mind, and my period came a day early. I prayed, but these cramps are ironic. That’s better than being pregnant. Ladies, IT WORKS EVEN DURING OVULATION."
- Mis...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 13, 2021
Mirena (levonorgestrel) for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had my first Mirena removed in July of 2020 and never had any problems with it. Then I had a new one put in January 29th, 2021. This is March 13th, and I've been on my period since getting the new one. Some days, it's normal bleeding, other days, it's spotting, but the menstrual fluid is dark, almost brown, and thick to the point of almost being sticky. It's ruining my sex life and relationship. My boyfriend thinks I'm pretending to be on my period because I don't want to have sex. I mean, it makes sense. Who has their period for over a month straight? Me. And I'm over it. I feel like I should rate its effectiveness at a 10 because I definitely won't be having sex with the thing in."
- Dav...
- February 12, 2021
Take Action (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "I had unprotected sex 2 days before ovulation. He came inside of me so I freaked. 16 hrs later I went to Walgreens &, they were out of Plan B, so I resorted to Take Action. It was my first time taking it. I read awful reviews, so I was terrified. 3 days in, I felt nauseous. 4-7 days after taking it, I felt nauseous, incredibly tired, had mood swings, and an increased appetite. Day 8, I experienced extreme boob tenderness &, severe back pain/cramping. I looked up symptoms &, they all pointed to early pregnancy, so I freaked out. Day 9, I still had boob tenderness, and when I went to the bathroom, I saw pink discharge (another early pregnancy symptom). I was so scared, I prayed &, cried every night. Finally, 11 days later, I got a full period. My flow is heavier, and I'm more bloated than normal, but I got it! This pill definitely impacts your hormones, but try not to stress out. Let your body adapt and react, all you can do is wait and pray. Take a pregnancy test if you are a week or two late, before you stress. I hope this helps calm someone."
- Anonymous
- January 26, 2021
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "I had unprotected sex 2 days before ovulation, had a bit of nausea and cramping after taking the pill a couple of hours after sex. I got my period as normal. Please try to stay as calm as possible and don’t search things up on Google because it WILL cause you to stress out, and stress affects your period even more. If you convince yourself that you are pregnant, your body will mimic your thoughts, you will be in a downward physiological cycle which will ruin you (speaking from experience, it was the worst 2 months). Please trust the pill. You are loved, you are supported, you are going to be okay. Sending you endless love and support ❤️"
- Nik...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- February 26, 2020
Mirena (levonorgestrel) for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "So, this is my second round with the Mirena IUD. June 2020 will be 5 years (this is my second one). Recently, I got spotting on Sat, Sun, Mon, then it stopped on Tuesday and returned on Wednesday. I do not remember this happening with my last Mirena, and I'm a bit thrown off as to why it's spotting, then stops, then comes back. Has anyone else experienced this?"
- Aja...
- May 4, 2020
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "Sharing this because I couldn’t find any similar experiences online and hope this can help someone! I took Plan B about a week before my period was scheduled to come. *Note: I did not know Plan B is likely to be much less effective after ovulation - its primary function is to delay ovulation.* My first period came right on time, and I thought I was in the clear. Boy was I in for a ride. My cycle is usually around 25-26 days, and my cycle *after* my first period post-plan B was 44 days. So I took Plan B, had my first period on time, but my second period was almost 3 weeks late. During that time I experienced a whole array of symptoms: ice cold hands and feet, nausea, really horrible headaches, crazy moods and generally being very anxious. I’ve never experienced anything like it. Thankfully not pregnant - just know that Plan B throws your body totally out of whack and it may take a few cycles to return to normal."
- Anonymous
- July 29, 2020
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "Okay, so I know many females might be scared and paranoid - accidents happen. BUT please trust the Plan B pill! It really works! The last thing you should do is start googling! That was my biggest mistake. They say it doesn’t work during ovulation, but I had sex the DAY I was ovulating. Just trust the pill, ladies! So, I wanted to put my story out here because it was my first time taking Plan B. Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex, and he didn’t pull out immediately. We were both scared, and we agreed that he would buy the Plan B. Again, I’m young, so I didn’t know what was going to happen. I took the pill within 10 hours, and I was nauseous, and I had cramps every other day come and go for 2 weeks. It’s a waiting game. I felt bloated, I used the restroom frequently, and I was stressing. I got my period today (after 2 weeks), and it's the worst, but hey, I’m not pregnant :)"
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- Drug class: contraceptives
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- Levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive drug information
- Levonorgestrel intrauterine system
- Levonorgestrel (Intradermal) (Advanced Reading)
- Levonorgestrel (Intrauterine) (Advanced Reading)
- Levonorgestrel (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
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Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception "I swore that I would come back to this website the day I got my period because it kept me sane. I had sex on my ovulation day and took Plan B 24 hours after. I am not on birth control too. He thought he pulled out, but being that we had sex a few times, we weren’t really sure. I was PETRIFIED. I cried for 2 weeks. On day 10 after taking it, I started spotting just like what implantation bleeding looks like. I talked to every person under the sun looking for answers and advice, but I still had to wait it out for the period. The spotting happened for 4 days straight, where it then turned into a period. I was scared to death. I took 3 pregnancy tests, all negative and still didn’t believe it. Stay off doing internet searches, PMS, Plan B side effects, and pregnancy side effects are all the same. Stay off your computer and phone, don't do all the internet searching, and don’t spend $45 extra dollars on pregnancy tests. Take one the day of your missed period. Plan B is expensive for a reason, it works EVEN WHEN OVULATING! STAY OFF GOOGLE!!!!!! You got this!"