Flurazepam User Reviews & Ratings (Page 4)
Flurazepam has an average rating of 8.4 out of 10 from a total of 126 reviews on Drugs.com. 80% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 12% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Flurazepam
- Mik...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- October 5, 2022
For Insomnia "I tried many different medications to aid my insomnia. Nothing worked until my doctor prescribed flurazepam. Before flurazepam, I would go days with very little sleep (maybe 3 or 4 hours). Flurazepam worked incredibly well. I have taken it for 10+ years. I can't believe it's discontinued. That's disappointing. The only reason I am writing this is to let you know that you might be able to have a local pharmacy compound it for you. My doctor and pharmacy have agreed to try it. I am going to try that and see how it goes. So call your local 'mom and pop' pharmacy and see if they can compound it for you."
- cbo...
- September 26, 2017
For Insomnia "I've been on Dalmane for 21 years now, and my insomnia started after I went through a divorce and had my house, job, then boom! I couldn't sleep for 3 days! One of the docs I worked with prescribed flurazepam and started with 15 mg, but it just didn't give me a full night's sleep. I am on 30 mg a night, no side effects, and thankful that there is an aid to help me sleep!"
- Bar...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- October 23, 2016
Dalmane (flurazepam) for Insomnia "Yes - Dalmane is very effective at putting and keeping you asleep. I was prescribed it for four years before the dangers were known. By blocking neuron transmissions, mine were not communicating the next day. I had a career that required thought, concentration, and problem solving. I no longer could do any of that. My professional, domestic, social, and economic life fell apart insidiously over that time. I became agoraphobic and withdrawn, dependent on others who told me what to do. Recovery of my own mind took well over five years, many of them in a spin. I had been made very, very ill indeed."
- sle...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- April 5, 2023
Dalmane (flurazepam) for Insomnia "I took Dalmane at 60 mg for 30 years after a neck injury where I lost 4 disks in my neck. At 60 years old, my doctor would no longer prescribe it, so I had to cold turkey off of it. It took another four years of trial and error for me to try Ambien 12.5 CR. It was four years before any meaningful sleep came back into my life."
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- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- June 9, 2017
Dalmane (flurazepam) for Insomnia "CORE Med for sleep: This combo works for me, and I've tried everything! Dalmane (30 mg), Gabapentin (600 mg), and 15 mg Remeron (very careful re: weight gain side effect, gained 20 lbs in short order), dramatically increases your appetite for carbs and sugars and overall appetite (what they don't tell you is that they give this to patients in the hospital who won't eat to increase their appetite). ***Dalmane can cause next-day drowsiness, but it disappears after a week or two."
- sdi...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- September 8, 2022
For Insomnia "My pharmacist told me yesterday that this refill is the last, it has been discontinued. They are not making it anymore. Has Mulan discontinued flurazepam for business reasons again? The attempt in 2019 was quickly changed to a temporary shortage, and thousands of people suffered terribly. Some were permanently damaged by sleep deprivation. If it has been discontinued without notice, people will suffer horribly, and some may die. Sleep deprivation is a terrible way to go. But I have found nothing about this, in September 2022, online. They may be stopping in secret."
- Nic...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- January 14, 2024
For Insomnia "I am so pleased to read that I am not alone here. I have been taking Flurazepam (Dalmane) 15 mg for 40 years for insomnia and anxiety after a traumatic period. In fact, I have been living a normal life with Dalmane and have always been happy and productive. Sometimes, I could skip a night, and at other times (end of the tax year, etc.), I would need to double up. Nobody around me, even my close family, was aware of my dependence. While on Dalmane, I have built up a successful business and put three kids through university. And now, they have made it unavailable in the UK. I am a mess, taking 20 mg of Temazepam and staying up until 4 a.m., getting more and more anxious, and eventually getting a couple of hours of sleep but staying in bed until it gets dark. I have no interest in food, muscle aches, and unbelievable anxiety about everything. I have lost a stone in weight. I have not been to work for a month, and my business is falling apart. Is there any way to get Flurazepam in the UK?"
- Kit...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 15, 2019
For Insomnia "Was on flurazepam 30 mg for 3 years. It is a benzo, with all the risks of addiction all benzos have. When it was abruptly unavailable, I fortunately realized quickly I was in benzo withdrawal and switched to 15 mg Valium. Valium has a similar long half-life to flurazepam. I am now slowly tapering it by 0.5 mg a week via the Ashton Manual Protocol. Please Google this and learn for yourself. There are FB groups that will help you if you are experiencing withdrawal. The answer is not to return to flurazepam... it is to get off benzos. Read the Ashton Manual, it is the good standard for this unfortunate situation we are in."
- Lay...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 17, 2020
For Insomnia "I've been taking flurazepam as needed for over a year and can't get it anymore. I have no side effects whatsoever, and I have one pill left. Flurazepam is a good drug and should be made available, I hope, soon. Does anybody know about this? Is Mylan making more of it? I sure hope so."
- DJM...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 2, 2020
Dalmane (flurazepam) for Insomnia "Dalmane in my experience is a "dirty" benzodiazepine like Librium. It lasts far too long and has a nasty next-day hangover. Its metabolites accumulate over time and made me fuzzy and forgetful. I wouldn't even recommend it for a short time. There's a reason it was discontinued by Roche, and only a couple generics exist. If you need a benzodiazepine sleeping aid, I would opt for a short course of temazepam or lorazepam, or even diazepam/Valium."
- bas...
- May 17, 2015
Dalmane (flurazepam) for Insomnia "I have taken Dalmane 15 mg since I had breast cancer in 2008. Worked great getting to sleep and staying asleep. I continued using it since I had several surgeries in the past years. This year I wanted to stop taking it. I didn't know after 4-5 weeks you are hooked on them, they are that addictive. It took me almost 3 months to wean myself off them with my doctor's help. Dropping the dose and using Benadryl on that night until I wasn't using them anymore. I would try another med if I never had to stop."
- And...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- April 15, 2021
For Insomnia "I have been taking flurazepam on and off for years to help my insomnia, it was off the market for over a year, and a different company is manufacturing it, and it's not the same. I'm going to contact them and voice my concerns. It has done nothing to help my insomnia."
- Neu...
- July 29, 2021
Dalmane (flurazepam) for Insomnia "I am very angry. I wish there were a way to bring a class action suit—to force Roche to bring Dalmane back. My insomnia began 47 years ago and is currently worse than any of you could imagine. Mine is depression-related. My mental fatigue is a living nightmare of stress. I go for three nights with zero sleep, then black out for two hours on the morning of the fourth day. I am seriously going to contact the Swiss headquarters of Roche. I know they will not give a damn, but at least I will be one insomniac who is desperate enough to express my disgust. The generic Flurazepam my pharmacy gives me is garbage. The situation is no different from the difference in potency between generic Diazepam and real, brand-name Valium made by Hoffmann La Roche. Yes, Valium is very addictive, but tell that to patients who have major panic attacks every week. Real Valium stops a panic attack stone cold. The shame is that the real thing now costs a fortune."
- Sle...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- January 17, 2024
For Insomnia "For those in the U.K., Viatris began distribution of Flurazepam in Ireland under the Dalmane brand in November 2023. I don't know how things work in the European Union, but assume that Dalmane would be available throughout Europe."
- Dut...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- January 19, 2020
Dalmane (flurazepam) for Insomnia "I've used Dalmane for many years, but only occasionally. It does work very well. I take it about a half hour before bedtime. I tend to use it when I have something that throws my usual schedule off. I'm sure anxiety is a major factor. I've never taken it more than two nights in a row. My usual month entails taking it twice, if that, so I get a small supply at my annual physical."
- EGx...
- January 23, 2014
For Insomnia "For me, nothing put me to sleep, and I had like 10 different things given. Dalmane worked, and it keeps working. I have heard of the long-term effects, and well, I tend to add melatonin lozenge with the approval of my doctor, and it keeps working. No side effects, no grogginess, no bitter taste. Tried going to lorazepam, and that gave me palpitations, and every now and then when it builds up."
- Pet...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 28, 2022
For Insomnia "The 30 mg Mylan flurazepam is, I am convinced, fake. I used to use the Roche brand, and 30 mg was too much! Well, a few years after not taking it, I got a prescription for the Mylan 30 mg caps. I took one. Absolutely no effect. Two hours later, I took another one; NO effect. TO NO EFFECT!!!! I am POSITIVE there is no active ingredient in the prescription I was given. I took a large dose the next night, and literally nothing happened. I wasn't sedated or even slightly drowsy. I got fake pills. I reported this to my pharmacy, and they accused me of abusing the pills! The very nerve of those people!!! Selling fake pills and gaslighting me to make it seem like I was the one with a problem. I don't take any other meds or drugs."
- Dou...
- December 3, 2015
For Insomnia "I have taken flurazepam for IBS and sleep for over 20 years. I am 77 now, get up for frequent bathroom trips, but go right back to sleep. I take one 15 mg every three or four days. The days in between, I don't need it for sleep."
- bas...
- May 17, 2015
Dalmane (flurazepam) for Insomnia "I have taken Dalmane 15 mg since I had breast cancer in 2008. Worked great getting to sleep and staying asleep. I continued using it since I had several surgeries in the past years. This year I wanted to stop taking it. I didn't know after 4-5 weeks you are hooked on them, they are that addictive. It took me almost 3 months to wean myself off them with my doctor's help. Dropping a night use every two weeks and using Benadryl on that night until I wasn't using them anymore. I would try another med if I knew I had to stop."
- LAS...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 14, 2022
For Insomnia "I'd take Klonopin for 20+ years, and it took me many tries and much pain and suffering to withdraw from it, even though I devised a step down that was gradual. My body seemed to be saying that it could not function without it. I asked for diazepam after being off Klonopin for two years and getting by with magnesium and melatonin. I knew I couldn't take it nightly, but it sort of works 2-3 nights a week. I never want to be addicted again. Then I asked for something that might actually give me a full night's sleep and tried two at GP's recommendation and loathed them both. Then I remembered Dalmane. My dad took it after he retired many years ago, and it was good for him, and he gave me one years ago. I still remembered that night's sleep as blessed! So I asked my doc, who said she really didn't want to give it to me. What docs resist giving meds? They fail to recognize that lack of decent sleep is harmful, too. So I got Flurazepam, and it works. I only take it 1 time a week, occasionally twice. It is a miracle."
- The...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 21, 2014
For Insomnia "Chronic insomnia for years, had gotten really bad about a year ago, so my doc made me try Flurazepam, which I must say is by far the best benzodiazepine out there, at least in my experience with about every one of them that is used for sleep. From day two I slept like a baby, and it reset my sleep cycle after the 10-day cure on my first time taking it. (Day one was 15 mg and didn't do much for me, but every other day was 30 mg and worked wonders.) My sleep was deep and quite refreshing, and nothing made me anxious during the entirety of the time it was in my system. Only reasons I cannot give it a 10 are that it is very addictive (and stays for a long time in your system) and that my second cure didn't work so well... (didn't put me to sleep at all)."
- Tim...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- February 17, 2020
For Insomnia "I am bipolar with severe insomnia. I rotate between temazepam and dalmane so my body doesn't get too used to it. With dalmane, I can take less compared to the other and get a better sleep at 30 mg. No grogginess, just a good night's sleep."
- Anonymous
- March 13, 2012
For Insomnia "They tried everything in the book. I had a major motorcycle accident and had insomnia ever since. Ambien worked for a while. Then it stopped. Was on Valium for years. Then I went a stretch of 3 months with no sleep. Doc trying everything. Finally, Dalmane. It works like a dream. Due to my TBI, I believe the insomnia is worsening."
- sku...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- October 21, 2018
Dalmane (flurazepam) for Insomnia "I have been on Dalmane for over 3 years, as well as Zispin, as I suffer from depression. I was out of tablets a couple of times, as I had to get to the pharmacy. I got some Dalmane from my aunt, and a few times it has not worked at all."
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- Drug class: benzodiazepines
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For Insomnia "Lifelong insomniac since my early teens. Was prescribed flurazepam (Dalmane) in my early twenties. Absolutely life-changing. 2023 was devastating when Mylan stopped production. I was prescribed alternative benzodiazepines that I still have residual side effects from. Chartwell started producing flurazepam late in 2023, and I started taking it again in January 2024. Works like it always has. Effective with minimal side effects. My only complaint, as others mentioned, is the sudden, massive price increase. Went from $20/month to $600/month overnight."