Ambien User Reviews & Ratings
Ambien has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 558 reviews on 61% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 21% reported a negative experience.
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Insomnia | 553 reviews for Insomnia | 113 medications |
Reviews for Ambien
- nig...
- February 25, 2020
For Insomnia "I was prescribed Ambien by a well-meaning doctor around 2014. She had no trouble refilling my Rx. I took one at night and was simply knocked out to sleep. It was lovely! Then, I had a calm period and tried to get off it. Nope. I was dependent. Keep in mind, I was taking as prescribed, no more, and right at bedtime. Fast forward 2016. Now I took it once then drove to Walgreens! Not proud of that at all. I took it a little before bedtime while I was still awake reading in bed and everything was muted. By 2017 I could not sleep without it but was not sleeping much with it. I began taking 1 1/2 pills. For to 6 hours sleep. I would wake up in a panic! I tapered for 2 months then took my last piece on Feb. 15 in 2019. I had a month of horrible insomnia... Just one or two hours. I thought it would never end! But it did. And I will never take another Ambien as long as I live."
- Sis...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 15, 2019
For Insomnia "I have anxiety and depression. I have been on every drug known to man, nothing works to help me sleep. I went 13 days with no sleep, ended up in the hospital. Finally, one night of sleep, went to my doctor, he gave me Ambien. I haven't slept since. So, why is this happening? I have been on trazodone, citalopram, doxepin, Valium, Ativan, Percocet, morphine, Zoloft, Xanax, and I can't sleep on anything, even over-the-counter pills. I had a sleep study test done which was inconclusive because I was awake all night. Does anyone have help? I'm losing my mind, I can't function anymore."
Frequently asked questions
- Why am I unable to sleep after taking Ambien?
- Quviviq vs. Ambien: How do they compare?
- Is Ambien safe for long-term use?
- Ambien: What are 11 Things You Need to Know?
- Jus...
- August 15, 2020
For Insomnia "Sometimes I am up for days at a time, other times I'll sleep for 20 hours at once. My goal is to get to a normal sleep schedule so I can work and function properly. This medication Ambien has been like a godsend. I can go right to sleep whenever I need and get a normal 6-9 hours. I take it every other day. I also regularly take melatonin, flexeril, or Benadryl to help me sleep. Since I was a young kid, I haven't been able to have a normal sleep schedule. Now I finally can. Before the Ambien, I would get way off track from not being able to sleep for two or three days at a time, then crashing really hard. Now, I am in control of my schedule, and it is so relieving and empowering."
- Pip...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- January 31, 2020
For Insomnia "I have been taking 2.5 mg Ambien for the past year for insomnia. I cannot fall asleep due to a racing mind. It gives me 5-6 hrs of sleep, but only if I let it melt under my tongue. It works within 30 minutes. If I take it as prescribed, it never kicks in even on an empty stomach. This way, you can eat late and it will still work. It’s been a godsend for me."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Kno...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 15, 2021
For Insomnia "Ambien is way better than any OTC medication. I have found that when I take it, I'm asleep within 15 minutes. I've had problems sleeping my whole life since I was a kid. Before this medication, I would toss and turn for hours and hours, not getting sleep. I am blessed to have gotten this medication. I have not sleepwalked or done anything as others have said they did. I leave my phone downstairs to charge every night, so I do not have access to it. I sleep alone, and I have never noticed anything unusual since I always wake up in my bed. My doctor before this one didn't give me anything for sleep. She only said to use melatonin despite telling her that it didn't work for me. My new doctor got me on Ambien, and it has changed my life."
- Geo...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- November 13, 2019
For Insomnia "I have been using 5 or 10 mg generic Ambien for 8 years, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. I have major depressive disorder and anxiety, which made going to sleep a nightmare (pun intended). I actually feared bedtime because of my inability to fall and stay asleep. Ambien works within 15 minutes, and except for a couple of trips to the bathroom, I stay asleep for 7-8 hours. A tad groggy when I get up, but it passes quickly if I get up and move. I actually look forward to bed, whereas prior to Ambien, I dreaded a night of difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. No more 2-4 hours of horrible sleep."
More FAQ
- Xanax vs Ambien: How do they compare?
- Is Ambien a controlled substance?
- Lunesta vs Ambien: How do they compare?
- Is Ambien a benzo?
- Ins...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- February 12, 2020
For Insomnia "In my opinion, be honest with yourself about all the things that influence things in your life, and most importantly, sleep. If you drink too much, have depression, experience pain, or are completely stressed, please take these into consideration. I'm a true insomniac, so I rely on medication to get at least 4 hours of sleep a night. If I don't have medication for this, I can be up for 4 days. I've been taking Ambien for about 10 years on and off. I find it effective in the first two months or so of taking it, but after that, it's like a breath mint. I've also taken Lunesta with the exact same result. I have also taken two- and three-month breaks from usage to get back to the full effect. I am asking my doctor to vary my insomnia medication between Lunesta and Ambien every other month. That way, they have the best chance to do what I need from them. Wish you all wellness..."
- Luc...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 14, 2019
For Insomnia "Took 10mg Ambien to aid sleep and began having strange dreams and sleep adventures that blended together, and I couldn't tell if real or not. I ordered things online, called people at all hours, cooked food, and drove around all night. I somewhat remember driving around with total strangers in my car, including an Asian midget sitting in the back seat with a chicken. I thought it was a dream until I found feathers everywhere and a tiny shoe in the car. Most scary was when I woke up next to a strange woman in my bed. She seemed to be a drug user and was upset that I didn't know her since we had been friends for a month. She cleaned out my wallet and stole my Ambien while I showered. I never took another pill. This was scary to me, and I have no idea where I met these people? I now just take Nyquil when I need sleep."
- Guy...
- February 29, 2020
For Insomnia "So I have tried everything for sleep. The only thing that worked ever was benzos, and those got me very addicted. So I stopped taking them and also stopped sleeping. Well, I tried multiple other things and finally got on Ambien at a dose of 5mg. I took it, nothing happened, like nothing at all. So, I took another dose, and I felt dizzy and tried to just be calm and fall asleep. Literally nothing but a stomach ache. Stayed up all night. I had heard stories about how strong this medicine is. When it literally was like taking sugar pills for me. So sad and so tired."
- C11...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- February 6, 2020
For Insomnia "I've taken Ambien for about 5-6 years for insomnia and sleep apnea. I was told that I shouldn't take it unless absolutely necessary, and I would pass that advice along as well. Please try other medications first, as you typically will become heavily dependent on this medication to sleep. It may not be the case for everyone, but it can be extremely inconvenient. It also is very difficult to sleep without Ambien. I've been in situations where I didn't have access to medication, and didn't sleep. It was very hard and stressful. If nothing else works, Ambien is very good for sleep. It sneaks up on you and puts you asleep very quickly. I have pleasant dreams and restful sleep. Please do your research though, and learn from my mistakes. Try everything else you can first and use this as a last resort."
- Ala...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- April 22, 2021
For Insomnia "20 years and going strong. I chew 5 mg at bedtime to fall asleep faster and wake up at 2 AM to 3 AM and chew 5 mg more. Chewing lets it get in and out of the system fast so I wake up with no 'brain fog' or other symptoms. Quite the opposite, I don't need caffeine in the morning."
- Sle...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 28, 2020
For Insomnia "I can't get Ambien to work. I have taken 20 mg and even 30 mg one night. No sleep, it almost gives me energy. Nothing has worked for me. Nyquil makes me hyper. I'm going nuts not being able to sleep. Xanax is my favorite, but it stops working after 3 nights. And the doctor doesn't like to prescribe these. I don't know what to do. Benadryl doesn't work either, for crying out loud. I'm almost out of Xanax, so I'm not taking it every night."
- Ins...
- May 12, 2021
For Insomnia "I used to take 10mg orally without much success. Now I place 5mg and let it dissolve beneath the tongue. This is so much more effective even at half dose. I would recommend this to all users. Give it a try."
- ica...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 27, 2019
For Insomnia "Ambien does absolutely nothing to make me tired. I started with 5mg, then 10mg. I waited 30 minutes after taking each one on an empty stomach. So, why are they completely inactive to me? How can a drug work so well in others and be completely ineffective for me? Am I the only one?"
- kar...
- May 27, 2018
For Insomnia "Awesome! 2.5 mg almost every night has improved my life! I can get a solid 7-8 hours of sleep regularly. The health benefits of this cannot be underestimated! Ambien is not addictive. You can build up tolerance, but taking a low dosage regularly will cause better sleep patterns, therefore, no need to increase dosage. The onset is quick, 30 minutes, and you wake up well-rested. The health benefits of solid regular sleep (lower risk of heart disease, less stress and anxiety, more alert driving) should not be underestimated! Take the lowest dosage that works and stay on it. Stop listening to people who freak out when they hear Ambien. It has far fewer side effects than most other drugs. Melatonin is unregulated here, Tylenol PM dries out mucous membranes due to the Benadryl, and the chronic use of Tylenol is tough on your liver. Xanax, Clozapine, etc., are benzodiazepines and can be addictive. Ambien is safe, effective, and a lifesaver for chronic insomniacs."
- Rho...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- December 8, 2014
For Insomnia "I have used this medicine off and on for 7 years. All of you who have issues with doing things that you don't remember need to be sure that you are taking it properly. I have been there, and my 24-year-old daughter still laughs at the things I have no memory of, and I own several things I bought at 2 am. Finally, two years ago, I found a physician who took the time to explain how this medicine works, and it changed everything. You must be lying in bed, 'ready to go to sleep,' with no lights on at all. Ambien shuts down part of your brain, and if you are not waiting to fall asleep lying in bed, then after you take it, the chemical reaction that allows you to fall asleep so easily also keeps you from remembering things you do. Take it properly."
- Ste...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- August 13, 2019
For Insomnia "I have been taking Ambien on and off for over ten years to help me sleep. One 10mg tablet works just as well as it did when I first started taking it. When I don't have any, I don't go into any types of withdrawals. It puts me to sleep for 9 to 10 hours with no grogginess in the morning. Ambien is a miracle drug for us folks with insomnia."
- Bel...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- December 14, 2018
For Insomnia "I have taken Ambien for 10 years. I would guess some would call that an addiction, but I disagree. Everyone is discussing what else to take in its place, so if you’re going to take something, why not something that works? I have maintained the same dosage for the past 7 years. I suffer from anxiety and ADHD. It is the only thing that stops the ever-racing thoughts when I try to fall asleep. I have also been told by multiple doctors that they do not usually have concerns about its interaction with other medication when taken in safe doses. Not a lot of other suggested solutions can boast that. There are the occasional nights where just about nothing can stop the racing anxiety brain, but the overall assistance with my sleeping makes my general day-to-day anxiety significantly better. There are not a lot worse effects on my anxiety than exhaustion. I think the warnings regarding the recommended time of taking this should be reconsidered."
- The...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- November 19, 2016
For Insomnia "After getting it and reading on the Internet about it, I was worried about taking it, but you know, the Internet tends to dramatize things. I've been taking it for years now and it still works amazingly, it knocks me out in 20 minutes reliably and keeps me down a good 8 hours. I've never felt hangover effects from it whatsoever. In fact, it's quite the opposite, because when you're not used to getting a decent night of rest, when you do, you're damn right you'll feel great. Everyone is different and its compatibility with you simply has to be tested. All the Internet horror stories on this drug are inapplicable to my case. My only problem is that doctors are very stingy with dealing adequate amounts due to dependencies. Yes, I'm addicted, I'm addicted to sleep."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- April 12, 2024
For Insomnia "This drug changed my life. Went from 4 hrs of crappy sleep every night for years to now normal. 5 mg a night has worked well and still works just as well now 5 years later. If all the doctors I had seen in the past would have just prescribed this long ago I wouldn't have lost so much quality of life for so long."
- Aka...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 15, 2019
For Insomnia "I suffered from insomnia for over 15 years, it was awful. There is nothing worse than not being able to fall asleep and toss and turn until morning. Finally, 3 months ago, I tried Ambien at 5 mg. It changed my life! Now I have no problems falling asleep and wake up after 8 hours refreshed. No side effects so far. I am very happy."
- Nax...
- February 19, 2016
For Insomnia "Simple, I started taking Ambien in 2001 when it was prescribed for me by my orthopedic MD for a swollen knee so I could sleep. Then, I found out it was not habit-forming, other than psychologically. I am a professor, and I have trouble shutting down my mind at night. I have used it daily since that time, never have needed more than 5-10mg. I never sleepwalk and do my best work in the morning at my office before classes. I have gone a few days when I have run out and am not somewhere I can refill. It doesn't worry me, I just accept I am not going to sleep well, and I don't, but I sleep some. I don't get anxious about it. I am now 71, still teaching full time, no sign of weak bones. Why on earth would I want to stop taking Ambien?"
- nee...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- January 6, 2020
For Insomnia "Name brand Ambien works great with no waking side effects. However, for generic Zolpidem, please read: I have to cut generic Zolpidem (not real Ambien) in half, sometimes thirds, as a full pill turns me into a useless zombie the following day. Take 15 minutes before bed, gets me to sleep, only wake 2-3 times during sleep to reposition. Dream well. However, with just half a pill, can't get out of bed for 10-12 hrs, experience severe vertigo 1-3 hrs with 4-5 hrs of dopiness, and a near-total loss of meaningful cognitive function and any motivation to get stuff done. Zolpidem generic is NOT Ambien, as Ambien has none of these side effects. Sadly, the existence of Zolpidem and price-gouging in the US has prevented Ambien insurance coverage and purchase for millions now without insurance. Zolpidem isn't safe, for hours after waking still unable to drive without being under the influence. FDA should take generic off the US market. In the meantime, it'd be much safer and productive to live with chronic insomnia."
- jen...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- January 6, 2020
For Insomnia "I have been taking 10mg for about 1 1/2 years. Someone else mentioned getting the 'munchies' after taking it. I thought it was just me! Anyway, it's not helping me fall asleep like it used to. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I either need a stronger dose or a different drug."
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- Drug class: miscellaneous anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics
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For Insomnia "Quite honestly, I think Ambien has saved my life. I have GAD pretty bad, and take quite a few meds for it. I have been taking Ambien for at least 15 years. Way back before my anxiety was under control, I used to take 15 to as much as 20 mg per night. Over the years, I've been able to gradually cut that back to as little as 5-10 mg, and it's still as effective as it ever was. Obviously, treating my GAD also plays a large role, but Zolpidem has been a miracle for me. I find the generic just as good as the name brand - I see no difference. I don't recommend anyone take sleep meds if you don't need them - but if you DO need them, by god take this. We all have one life - live the highest quality life you can, and mine has been very normal and wonderful due to this medication. Medication is your friend if you truly need it and use it in a way that's right for you."