Repatha for High Cholesterol User Reviews (Page 2)
Repatha has an average rating of 5.3 out of 10 from a total of 384 reviews for the treatment of High Cholesterol. 40% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 47% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Repatha
- Sic...
- January 10, 2020
"The best advice I have for all you poor patients is to call an attorney. This drug should be removed from the market, it’s causing too many horrible adverse reactions. You poor patients should not be experiencing this. The problem I have with all these reports on here is that it’s being kept quiet from Amgen. Someone needs to start investigating this drug starting with all the FDA & Amgen’s reports they have, or maybe someone should call 60 Minutes and let them investigate this, then something might get done."
- Hel...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- February 3, 2024
"I am unable to take any statins due to terrible muscle cramping in my legs, feet, and back. My primary doctor referred me to a cardiologist as arteriosclerosis and heart disease run in my family. She recommended Repatha, which has worked remarkably. My LDL went from 277 to 78 within 3 months. All my liver function, kidney, and sugar numbers remain normal on my blood tests. I have no high blood pressure. I have experienced no side effects except one that supposedly isn't from the Repatha. I have been taking this medication for just over a year, and my weight has increased by over 12 pounds. I work hard on my diet and exercise, and I can't explain the weight gain. It's just too coincidental. My cardiologist denied that the Repatha is causing the weight gain and recommended a diet book. Despite the weight gain, I am pleased with my cholesterol results and will continue taking Repatha. But I am curious if anyone else has experienced weight gain from it. Additionally, the results from my latest carotid artery ultrasound have improved, which is evidence of the Repatha working."
Frequently asked questions
- Are there any dangers of taking Repatha?
- Praluent vs Repatha: What's the difference?
- What is the difference between Leqvio and Repatha?
- What is the best time of day to take Repatha?
- alw...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 20, 2022
"I started on Repatha in January of this year. I read the reviews here but dismissed them as only a small group of bad experiences. After all, a couple of cardiologists had told me Repatha was 'well tolerated' and had no side effects. Everything was going fine until I was about 8 months in, and then I began to feel off, initially foggy, blurry, dizzy, and difficulty thinking. I initially doubted myself because, after all, this drug has been pitched as not having the side effects of the statins. I took one more injection of Repatha after these initial symptoms and was then almost incapacitated. Complete spaced-out feeling, blurred vision, dizzy to the point of almost falling a couple of times, unable to think clearly. Literally, the worst side effects I've ever felt in my life. I was terrified I had seriously damaged my brain. Thankfully, after stopping the Repatha, my symptoms began to clear up around 18 days after the last injection. The reviews here are real, and this is a very troubling drug."
- Rev...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 21, 2024
"Not going to lie, I was extremely afraid to take this medicine with all of the internet reviews and horror stories. I'm a healthy, normal-weight individual with familial hypercholesterolemia since my teens. Levels are 300-400s off statins, 200s on statins. By 46, 2 years ago, I had a stroke. 99% blocked artery (now fixed), 60-80% blocked on the other side (not fixed) - so I started taking 420mg Repatha via Pushtronex injector monthly. Guess what?! I'm at 2 digit cholesterol levels, and no further progression in blockage after 2 years! Repatha basically fixes a genetic problem, and without it, I was on the way out - wish I knew about it sooner! The injection burns a little sometimes while going in (barely), but I cannot report a single issue with side effects or other issues. 100% success!"
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Ver...
- November 19, 2019
"Read all comments. Decided to call FDA. OMG, they do have 8 Lung cancer reports including 2 deaths from Repatha. So everyone, with all these comments, you are so right. Tell your physicians to start doing their homework & stop giving out like it’s candy. Sorry, it’s all about money, not the patient's safety. This is so sad. God bless all of you."
- Poi...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 16, 2022
"Took Repatha for 3 months. 1 month in, I started feeling side effects. Anxiety, depression, insomnia, bizarre repeating thoughts, and head and neck pain. Asked my doctor about the problems, and he said it wasn't the Repatha. So, continued taking it. 2 1/2 months in, the side effects were a lot worse. Severe, unbearable, and debilitating. Went back to the doctor, and he still refused to admit Repatha was the problem. He then diagnosed me with depression. Gave me a prescription for depression and sleeping pills. Trusted my doctor and took the new meds for 2 days. I thought I was going to lose my mind. 10 times worse. It was like putting fuel on the fire! I stopped the new meds after 2 days. Unfortunately, I had just taken the Repatha shot 2 days before the new meds. It was 30 days of pure nightmare stuff! Didn't think I would make it through. 4 months out, I'm slowly, very slowly feeling a tiny bit better. This drug is pure poison! Repatha and my doctor have ruined 4 months of my life, and God only knows how much longer."
More FAQ
- How long can Repatha be kept unrefrigerated?
- Can Repatha cause high blood pressure?
- What are PCSK9 Inhibitors and how do they work?
- Does Repatha cause weight gain or loss?
- Gre...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 12, 2024
"I am SHOCKED at the number of bad reviews, including advice to contact attorneys, etc. I was a study volunteer who participated in the clinical trials for Repatha in circa 2016-ish. Initially, I was to participate for one year. Near the end of that year, I was invited to continue participating in the longer-term phase 3 study. So I remained on the drug for TWO more years. During my 3 years, I had random interactions with other volunteers during office visits. In the course of three years, there is an opportunity to talk...despite symptom discussions being highly discouraged (possibly against policy). In that time, I encountered NO ONE who had an adverse reaction to this drug, including myself. That is why I am so shocked by the percentage of bad reviews. It's the opposite of what my personal experience and that of the other participants was during the trials. Statins gave me horrible cramps; Repatha maybe 10% of that amount & far less severe. Everybody is entitled to their opinion."
- Gar...
- March 17, 2017
"Be careful. This drug can put you in the hospital within the first week. I suffered debilitating muscle pain in my left leg. I lost half the muscles. I had to sit in a chair for 3 months to recover on 60 mg of steroids. It took 8 months to figure it out. If you have any pain in your legs or back, stop immediately. Don't think you can overcome the pain, the company will not admit the severity."
- Pau...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- May 15, 2019
"I have been taking Repatha for almost two years with great results. However, late last year I had terrible back & shoulder pain. A report listed a requirement to take CoQ10. It helps immensely. It's needed when taking or starting Repatha, as these drugs deplete this enzyme in the body. Start taking immediately if not currently taking it. CoQ10 requires some oil in your stomach to absorb, though works fine as long as you do this. I take mine after my fish oil. I have no muscle pain any longer. Please use CoQ10 if taking either Repatha or statins."
- ron...
- August 1, 2019
"I took Repatha for about 16 months. I put up with the awful side effects because it brought my cholesterol way down into the normal range. But at what cost? I had flu/cold symptoms for the entire time. I never had congestion my entire life except with a cold. But I was going through boxes of Kleenex and getting into coughing jags I could not control from all the dripping down the back of my throat, and I started to have pain in the joints of my fingers. I finally took myself off of it and let my cardiologist know I did. I am an RN for 40 years now and would never recommend this drug to family or friends."
- Peg...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 4, 2020
"I've been on many statins, and after taking them for 3 months, I experienced muscle and joint pain. I discontinued it as it got to the point where I couldn't function properly. I'm on Repatha now, my cholesterol levels are great, but after 3 months again, I can barely lift my left arm, and my elbow pain is tremendous. I thought I had injured it. I'm going for an x-ray on my shoulder next week. But I think it definitely is Repatha. We will see."
- Gas...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- August 22, 2024
"After nearly 4 years, slowly realized I had numerous issues that developed, including horrible 'come and go' aches and pains, constant stomach upset, and finally frequent severe pain in the upper right abdomen that led me to the hospital. Cause was undetermined after many doctors and tests. So I stopped Repatha on my own and found every day after I stopped better than the day before. After nearly a year, I was finally back to myself."
- Naa...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 18, 2019
"This medication is so dangerous! Do not let anyone talk you into taking it! I have been incapacitated for 2 months so far. Without seeing relief! First injection, uneventful, I thought this is great! Second one, I had excruciating sinus infection and eye issues, did not relate it to the Repatha. Third injection, every blood vessel in my eye broke, eye pressure skyrocketed, vision loss, unbearable migraines, and chest pain! 5 doctors later and steroids, no relief. Missing months of work from being incapacitated! One more injection and I’m sure I would have died. This should not be used by anyone! My eyesight has been bad and not seeing signs of relief! I am planning on suing! Which is something I’ve never done before. I’m just praying I get better and don’t want to see one more person suffer the way I have."
- suf...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 31, 2019
"Went on Repatha for 5 months. What a huge mistake, as reading all your reviews has shown me this is a horrible, poisoning drug. Calling an attorney. My whole life has changed from October 2019 until present. Thank you all and hope we all get over this soon."
- JBa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 13, 2019
"Injected 1st Repatha on a Tuesday, woke up vomiting and spiked high fever on Wednesday. Woke up Thursday with a horrible sore throat that progressively got worse as the day went on. Went to the doctor on Friday to see if it was strep throat, it was negative. It hurt so bad where my thyroid gland is located and I have sharp pain in my right jaw, weirdly, it didn’t hurt to eat. Saturday, I experienced body aches and fatigue. I had issues lying flat on my back due to swelling in my throat, it was hard to breathe. Sunday, I had horrible stabbing stomach pains followed by significant diarrhea. Tuesday, I woke up with swelling on the left side of my face, went to urgent care. Came back with subacute thyroiditis and Bell's palsy. Alerted Amgen, FDA, and my cardiologist of side effects caused by Repatha. I won't ever take it again, not worth all the side effects and sick days at work. The crazy thing is everyone acts like it's the first time they have ever heard of side effects with Repatha."
- No...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 1, 2020
"Repatha is the worst drug ever. It sure proves there are no free lunches. It is really awful. I'm informing my insurance company never to pay. Are there any support groups for patients suffering from this product?"
- Suf...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 19, 2020
"I took just one shot of Repatha on the advice of my cardiologist on 31st August, after statins intolerance which caused muscular myalgia. Now, even after 5 months, I am suffering from musculoskeletal disorders, gastric issues, insomnia, and constipation. I mentioned the side effects and I have them. My cardiologist quietly avoided it after showing this page. Any solutions, please advise. I am 52 years old with 4 stents and cannot manage the piercing stabbing back pain."
- Spa...
- May 6, 2019
"My first injection of Repatha was somewhat uneventful. The second injection began a nightmare! After about 2 days, I experienced dizziness, almost passed out 3 times, and had a headache that was so bad along with unbelievable back pain. I already have chronic back pain, but it was so bad I thought I would die. I called my cardiologist after suffering for 7 days, and she insisted it wasn't caused by Repatha and that I should visit my primary. I did, and she did blood work, a flu swab, and urinalysis. Everything came back normal. She reviewed the side effects of Repatha and said she thought it was from the Repatha. I started this medication reluctantly. It had been prescribed several months earlier and after reading reviews, I opted out. The next time I went to my cardiologist, she assured me that the side effects were minimal, so I told her I would try it. She said because my LDL was so high and because I had already had one stent, I really needed this drug. I wish I had not listened to her."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 4, 2019
"I started taking this medication in February 2019. The first shot was not a problem. I actually felt better, but that quickly dissipated. Yes, it lowered my cholesterol dramatically, but I started feeling flu-like symptoms with aches and pains. After two months on this medication, I felt like I was hungover all the time. I also felt that my memory has been declining, I’m always in a fog. The worst feeling is that I’m only 48 years old and I feel like I’m 100. I’m tired all the time, my legs feel like lead weights, and all of my normal aches and pains are intensified. I wish my doctor would have told me about potential side effects because I never would’ve started this medication. Maybe that is why they didn't?"
- Hen...
- July 12, 2019
"71-year-old male, A-Fib fixed by ablation, no blood thinners. Prior high cholesterol. Cancer on the esophagus corrected with surgery. 3 medications for blood pressure and biweekly injections of testosterone. Repatha for 10 months. It has worked great - was 270. Now 134, LDL 55, and HDL 46. Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio 2.9. Occasional leg/joint pain but cause unknown. When on Zocor (statin drug), developed chronic muscle pain that stopped my walking. Within 3 weeks of no Zocor, could resume my 3-mile per day walk. Recommend people with high cholesterol get more tests. Half of the heart attacks have low cholesterol so something else is in play. Recommend: Heart Calcium Scan, F2-Isoprostane/Creatinine, OxLDL, Myeloperoxidase (MPO), and Apolipoprotein B. If your cardiologist only treats high cholesterol, I would get a new cardiologist. I follow the Cleveland Heart Lab & Mayo Clinic. Leading edge of the medical profession is starting to see the real cause of Atherosclerosis."
- dis...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 13, 2022
"I started Repatha in May of 2021, it lowered my cholesterol quickly to 214 within a few months. I was happy with that result, but I knew something was really happening with my health. I told my husband something had changed in the last 6 months with my health. I didn't think about Repatha, I was told by my cardiologist and pharmacist there were no side effects from Repatha. I kept using it, and by January 2022, my mouth was totally covered inside with blisters and sores, I could barely walk, I was severely depressed, had severe headaches, and hip pain. I stopped taking it and tried it again 3 months ago to see if the symptoms were caused by something else! I kept thinking the doctor and pharmacist said no side effects. I am sitting here with a mouth full of blisters and sores, so weak I can hardly do anything, can't go for my daily walks, which I loved. I survived cancer twice, chemo and radiation were bad, but nothing like Repatha. I hope I can recover and have some quality of life left."
- Sta...
- November 4, 2019
"I've always had high cholesterol, it runs in my family. I never could take statins, always had bad side effects. My doctor assured me that there were no side effects from Repatha. I was very reluctant to take it, but she told me if I didn't take it, I was going to have a heart attack and die. The side effects were so bad, the quality of my life went down. I was fatigued when I woke up, and I was fatigued when I went to bed. I missed a lot of work, couldn't hardly breathe, it was horrible. I will not take this drug again. I cannot believe the doctors will tell you that there are no side effects. Are we their guinea pigs? I'm so upset with my cardiologists, now I need to find a new one. How dare she lie to me."
- Geo...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 10, 2022
"I started Repatha because I can't take any kind of statins. I am 21 years old and hard workout 5 times a week (gym). With statins, CPK in blood tests was going 800+, and its limits are 175. After the first injection, I was doing workouts like before, but after 5 days, I couldn't even move much pain (CPK was normal). I had to lower the time I was going to the gym. I talked with my doctor, and he told me to do 1 injection each month and not 2. I hoped that my body would get used to it and I would be better. Well, that's not possible. Before, I had so much energy I could sleep like 4-6 hours per day, now, if I sleep 8+ hours, I am still feeling tired. I feel my legs really weak, and I have pain in my muscles (that will stop if I sit on a couch all day). It's awful, you won't have any energy, and you will have muscle pain. It's my only choice because I can't take any statin (260 LDL) with Repatha 150, but no thanks, I have a life to live. If you start it, forget the life you had before. Sorry for saying this, but it's true."
- Ann...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 18, 2023
"Had 6 doses over 5 months. Each dose made me feel worse than the previous one. Could not tolerate more than one dose per month. Two jabs in one month resulted in 3 days off work. Dizziness, nausea, extreme tiredness, stomach cramps, muscle cramps - especially at night, flu-like symptoms, lack of sleep due to blocked nose. The only plus was that cholesterol levels dropped after the second dose. Depletion of vitamin D, lowest ever B12 - unable to work for 3 days each fortnight. Would not recommend to anyone. However, when the side effects became too severe to cope with and I gave up, I still had to endure muscle pain and general illness."
Learn more about High Cholesterol
- Atorvastatin (Lipitor): Top 12 Drug Facts You Need to Know
- Cholesterol Medications and Alcohol: Can You Mix Them?
- FDA-Approved Weight Loss Drugs: Can They Help You?
- Statins for high cholesterol: Are the benefits worth the risk?
- Which Drugs Cause Weight Gain?
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- FDA approval history
- Drug class: PCSK9 inhibitors
- Breastfeeding
"Was having trouble with statins after my cardiologist upped my medication. Mostly tingling in my lower legs. Got approved for Repatha. Took shot and first two days everything was fine until day three. Leg tingling came back (actually a bit worse than statins). Will not take another shot of it. Currently on Day 17 after taking shot and won’t be taking another one either. Repatha stays longer in the system (2-3 months). Hoping the side effects start going away. Not fun! Super frustrated. I’m putting this out there because neuropathy isn’t listed as a common side effect but it sure is for me! Drug may work for others though. I was so optimistic too."