Aurovela Fe 1/20 User Reviews & Ratings
Aurovela Fe 1/20 has an average rating of 3.5 out of 10 from a total of 106 reviews on 21% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 68% reported a negative experience.
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Reviews for Aurovela Fe 1/20
- LDa...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 24, 2021
For Birth Control "After being on Junel FE 1/20 for forever, I had to switch pharmacies. The new pharmacy gave me Aurovela (which is supposed to be an appropriate substitute) without even consulting me. DO NOT let them make this switch on you if you already have issues with anxiety and depression!!!"
- Kay...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 25, 2021
For Birth Control "Never realized until I got off of Aurovela that it had caused my severe depression (which I never had before). It also caused me to intensely dislike my boyfriend. I had no sex drive, and sex actually felt like a chore and just made me angry. Do not take Aurovela, it will change your life in the worst way possible."
- MNa...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 4, 2021
For Birth Control "Reading all the reviews about this BC made me scared to take it since it was my first time ever going on BC. I was prescribed this due to my irregular cycle and extremely heavy bleeding, but I’m happy to say that my periods have gotten much lighter, and the migraines/headaches I used to get before my periods have gone away. I haven’t noticed any negative side effects except a couple of hormonal pimples (probably because my body was getting used to using hormones). Don’t be afraid of all the negative reviews since everyone's body reacts differently (and if anything, you can just switch pills)!"
- BCh...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 23, 2021
For Birth Control "This is the 3rd time I have attempted to take birth control. I have severe ovulation issues, and my doctor thought trying a “low dose pill” would help. Aurovela Fe is absolutely awful. I’m on my 2nd month, week 2 of the pack, and I’ve never experienced anxiety and mood swings this severely in my life! Sobbing, crying, even having emotional breakdowns. I have GI issues already, and this pill has made them even worse. And the breast tenderness?! I thought they just hurt, but my significant other even mentioned how much larger they looked. Oh, and the bloating is also severe, like really bad. I’m 31, and I’ve never felt like my life was spiraling out of control until I started taking this. I’m not even giving it a chance to “level out.” I will be stopping cold turkey. If I could give this zero stars...I would give it a negative 5."
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- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 13, 2021
For Birth Control "I see a lot of these reviews sharing depression and anxiety symptoms. I have never been a person to say I struggle with those, and for the most part throughout the 5 months being on it, I didn't notice anything. But looking back on it, I definitely see the correlations. It would come to me in spurts, though, the sadness wasn't throughout my whole experience. But I noticed I was sad about things that I had already gotten over/accepted previously, which was odd. Anyway, my BIGGEST concern is the ACNE it causes. IF YOU HAVE FOR THE MOST PART CLEAR SKIN, DO NOT TAKE THIS. It will ruin your skin so badly. I stopped the pill because of this. Never in my life had I had acne so badly, and within just 5 months. Also, my breasts are huge and so sore, had to get new bras. Got fitted, went from an A to a borderline C, they said. Never in my life… that was so crazy. Either way, the acne was so bad I couldn't stand it. Not even for bigger boobs..."
- Dan...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 8, 2021
For Birth Control "My doctor decided to put me on Aurovela Fe 1/20 to help with awful menstrual cycles related to endometriosis. I’ve only been on it for 3 days, and I’m experiencing the worst anxiety, depression, nausea of my life. I honestly feel terrified because of this anxiety. I can only compare it to the depo injection I had about 18 years ago that made me incredibly anxious, but this feels 1,000 times worse. Please do NOT take this medication. Nothing is worth feeling like this. I pray I feel like myself again in a couple of days once the hormones are out of my system. If I could give this negative stars, I would. They really should take this off the market."
- Sun...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 2, 2021
For Birth Control "I started this pill a few months ago, and I absolutely love it so far. I was on the patch for 5 years and wanted to try out a pill with a low dose. My period went from 8 days to 4 days, and my intense mood swings completely disappeared. I haven't experienced any increased appetite or any breast tenderness. If you haven't taken a previous pill with a higher dose, I wouldn't turn away from Aurovela based on all the low reviews. Every person's body is different, so you never know how it'll affect you until you try it."
- Sky...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 2, 2021
For Birth Control "Horrible. I’ve taken Junel and Microgestin for years with no issue. Pharmacy switched to this, and I was eating nonstop. I was constantly hungry and also feeling depressed within the first week. This has never happened to me in 15+ years on the pill. Stopped taking it after about 10 days and went back to Junel. No way I’m destroying my body and mental health so Walgreens can save a few bucks on this awful generic. Demand you stay on your previous generic and do not switch to this!"
- Mro...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 5, 2025
For Birth Control "I started taking Aurovela after not taking any birth control for a few years. I read these reviews before starting because I am a naturally anxious person about medication side effects, etc., and now I'm on the 2nd week of my fourth pack. It seems like if you transition to it from another pill it can be rough, but starting it fresh (not transitioning) isn't too bad. I had some nausea and was in a very anxious, bad mood for the first couple of weeks, then it evened out. I take it at night right before bed. My symptoms have mostly been PMS at weird times of the month (tender boobs, cravings, irritable) and breakthrough bleeding, but my goal was to alleviate bad cramps, and it has done that. My periods have been so light I have thought maybe I was pregnant, but I saw from other reviews that others have a similar experience. I also have tachycardia, as another reviewer mentioned, and that has gotten more frequent. No weight change or breaking out here in month 4. Hope this helps others!"
- kra...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 31, 2020
For Birth Control "I took only one month of Aurovela Fe 1/20 birth control pill. Within that one month, I had the worst depression and anxiety of my entire life. I couldn’t sleep or eat. I was nauseous almost 24 hours of the day. I even threw up after the first time I took it. I was given this pill when my pharmacy didn’t have my regular pill, and went back almost once a week to see if I could get the original pill I was on. On top of all that, I take the birth control to get rid of my acne, and it didn’t even help with that."
- Nop...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 26, 2020
For Birth Control "I had been taking Microgestin or Junel with no problems for over 5 years when my pharmacy switched to Aurovela. By week 3, I was fighting severe and life-altering depression, anxiety, self-loathing, and feeling overwhelmed. When I called my pharmacy to switch back, I was told they have received many such complaints about Aurovela."
- War...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 18, 2021
For Birth Control "I was on Junel Fe 1/20 and was prescribed this as a substitute when it wasn’t available. This drug made me feel more anxious, depressed, and disgusting than anything else that I have ever taken. I have gained 20 lbs on this pill and can’t seem to stop eating when I take it. I can’t seem to get off it either since every time I call Walgreens, they tell me that they can’t get my original medication. If your pharmacy tries to give you this prescription as a replacement for your prescription, please ask for something else."
- Moa...
- May 9, 2021
For Birth Control "I started taking Aurovela FE 1/20 on March 12th. It came as a very impulsive decision to seek help for my out-of-control mood swings I would get each month before my cycle. For many years, I just thought I had depression. However, my mother would always tell me to track my feelings around my cycle. Well, I decided to take that chance after another failed relationship. Since I started taking it, I’ve noticed a much better mood and peace of mind. Also, I take the pill continuously. I skip the placebo week and start the next pack. Pretty much, my OBGYN wants to eliminate my cycle. I have experienced breakthrough bleeding, which is normal until my body fully adjusts. I don’t have tender breasts, bloating, or fluid retention like I did before I started the pill. Most of the reviews I’ve read seem to be from others who have taken other pills before starting this. I also take the pill with a small dose of Lexapro for anxiety and depression. I’d give it 10 stars so far."
- isa...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 20, 2021
For Birth Control "I started this Aurovela Fe 1/20 birth control the beginning of November, and it was fine until like December 20-something. I wasn’t able to sleep, had major headaches, started to feel really down, and think so negatively. I have random breakdowns multiple times a day, just crying, and have been having to sleep with my mom to keep me comforted. I am just now stopping this pill, hoping it helps, and just to take care of my mental health by exercising, keeping up with my skincare because it caused a lot of breakouts, and focusing on my relationships with others. Please don’t get this birth control! It really changed my life and made me a different person. I’m not the happy person I once was, but hoping to get back to it."
- 28...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 9, 2021
For Birth Control "I've been on birth control for about 10 years and never had any noticeable side effects. I started Aurovela around Dec 20, 2020, my insurance switched me automatically when Junel was no longer available. Within 2 weeks, my mental health deteriorated. I would cry all day, was unable to get much done at work, lost interest in nearly everything. I was diagnosed with depression for the first time in my life. I had been able to manage my stressors related to work and the pandemic okay, and suddenly in early January 2021, it felt like that ability was taken away. I really can't help but wonder if this drug has something to do with it."
- ccr...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 30, 2024
For Birth Control "My pharmacy switched me from Estarylla to this, and over the past month of taking this birth control, I have been feeling absolutely insane. I'm not normally an emotional person, but have cried multiple times before going to sleep, been hating my husband to the point of considering divorce, haven't been able to sleep, and emotions have been up and down like crazy. I've never felt like this before, so I started to think it might be the BC - did some research and saw other women saying similar things. I plan on throwing this medication out right away and requesting to get back on Estarylla ASAP. Be careful!"
- Sar...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 27, 2021
For Birth Control "I was on Junel for two years before my pharmacy switched to Aurovela. Never in my life have I been so depressed for no reason whatsoever. I’ve been experiencing rage issues, which is very unlike me-overly emotional-and then to complete apathy at the flip of a switch. I’m always nauseated and gaining weight despite working out 6 days a week. I’ve never had issues about being down on myself, but here I am absolutely disgusted with every aspect of my body and mind. I feel like I am losing my sanity and will not be starting the new pack."
- liz...
- June 4, 2021
For Birth Control "I took it only four days. Every day after taking the pill, I would start breaking down crying for four hours at a time and feeling so anxious. My stomach would knot up. I felt so sick, like how I did when I was pregnant. I felt so depressed and sad to where I felt kind of like homesick in a way because I felt so uneasy and anxious. Even though I was at home, where I feel so comfortable. I couldn’t even sneeze without feeling like I was going to vomit. I’ve felt severe depression to where I didn’t feel happy with anything at all. I felt so tired all the time, even after having plenty of sleep. Full-on breakdowns for hours upon hours. Suicidal thoughts, which I have never had before. I do have anxiety, but it is super mild. Thought I was going crazy until I saw these reviews. I decided to leave a review on my experience. It was so bad to the point where I refuse to go on any birth control ever again. I would rather be pregnant again, to be honest, and this was only after four days! Imagine taking this for months... don’t do it, please."
- Jan...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 10, 2021
For Birth Control "I started taking Aurovela Fe 1/20 a month ago (Sep 2021), and the reviews scared me at first, but so far my side effects have been small pimples on my cheek and forehead, nausea like once a week, and like 2 days where I randomly felt sad and started crying out of nowhere lol. That’s it. This is my first time ever taking birth control, and I mainly got it because of my really heavy periods and TERRIBLE cramps. I started my period 3 days ago, and so far it’s been lighter, and I got very, very light cramps the first 2 days to where they were manageable, and I didn’t need to take any pain relievers. But just keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to these types of things, especially if your doctor or pharmacy switched you from a high dose BC to a low dose BC (which would be Aurovela). As for the pimples, I use Curology, so that’s been helping me, and I drink some ginger ale whenever I get nauseous. I hope my review helped!"
- Sad...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 5, 2021
For Birth Control "After only being on this BC, Aurovela Fe 1/20, for almost 2 months, I just found out I have a blood clot in my lung. At 27 and a mom of 5, I could have passed away in the blink of an eye. I’m in otherwise healthy condition, and the only medication I’m currently taking was the BC. I wasn’t warned of this side effect, and now I possibly have to spend the rest of my life on blood thinners. Please look for natural ways of BC. This stuff isn’t made for our bodies."
- Ano...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 28, 2020
For Birth Control "After many years on Lo Loestrin, I started to experience break-through bleeding, so my doctor switched me to Junel, and then my pharmacy switched me to Aurovela. This was several months ago, and they have been some of the worst months of my life. I've always had anxiety, but I've never experienced this level of anxiety and depression before. My mood has been all over the place, and I've generally just felt horrible (low energy, frequent nausea, etc.). A couple of days ago, I ended up in the ER with dangerously high blood pressure (I've never had problems with blood pressure and have always run low). The switch to Aurovela occurred right when the symptoms started, but I had experienced some major life changes around the same time, so it was only recently that I realized everything I've been experiencing is due to this medication. After seeing these reviews and doing some research, I am certain this pill is responsible for everything I've been going through, and I will be stopping this birth control immediately."
- Anonymous
- December 22, 2020
For Birth Control "I was on this for a month and a half. First month I was so nauseous and had horrible headaches. Also had been super anxious and emotional. Start of my second pill pack I got borderline cystic acne out of nowhere. I just switched back to my old birth control. I googled the reviews tonight and saw that 80% had negative effects, no wonder I feel and look like this. I can’t believe anyone thought to prescribe this to me, I’m actually livid. Four days before Christmas and I have over 25 pimples on my face. When I say last Friday my skin was clean, I’m not kidding. Livid."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 1, 2020
For Birth Control "I've been on Aurovela Fe 1/20 for almost 2 months now. Please, please, please, if you have a history of anxiety or depression, ask your doctor to try a different birth control method. My anxiety has increased severely, and I'm beginning to feel very depressed again. I've been thinking of self-harm as well as suicide again, and I'm having trouble with oversleeping, not eating enough. I'm crying constantly, and I'm losing my motivation for everything. Please be careful if you decide to try this birth control, and contact your doctor immediately if you begin feeling these symptoms. DO NOT WAIT!"
- sot...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 6, 2021
For Birth Control "The week before Thanksgiving, I started Aurovela. I experienced 24-hour nausea, oversleeping (one day, slept 15 hours!). I could not keep my eyes open for anything. I was vomiting 2-3 times a day, usually only stomach acid or water because I couldn't keep food down. I had cold sweats, and my entire body was achy. Worst out of all of this was my anxiety and depression. I don't remember the last time my anxiety was as bad as it was. It was terrifying. I had initially thought I may have had food poisoning. During my second week, I was examining everything that could be contributing to my being sick, the only one thing was the birth control. My doctor stopped me immediately, told me to wait until my next menstrual cycle, and then she gave me a lower dose. I was very skeptical, and for good reason. I started it 3 days ago and am already experiencing the same symptoms. I will contact her and discontinue use. The increase in anxiety and depression was surely the worst part of it all. Be aware."
More about Aurovela Fe 1 / 20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)
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Lo Loestrin Fe, Junel Fe 1/20, Blisovi Fe 1/20, Loestrin 21 1/20, ... +78 more
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Lo Loestrin Fe, Blisovi Fe 1/20, Loestrin 21 1/20, Hailey Fe 1/20, ... +81 more
For Birth Control "I actually LOVE this birth control. This is my first time taking a pill for birth control, and I requested the lowest hormone dosage they could possibly give me. I feel 0% physical side effects. As for hormones and emotions, I actually feel more balanced (less depressed when my period comes around). I read all these reviews and others on different websites and got terrified that this would be absolutely horrible for me (I have PMDD, and birth control is a scary guessing game a lot of the time, my body usually doesn't like it and rejects it), but weirdly, this one that everyone seems to not like, my body is liking. If you're starting to take Aurovela and coming from a higher hormone dosage, I could see why your body freaked out, it's not Aurovela, it's the gap of hormones that it was used to. Also, most people spend time writing bad reviews, but people with good experiences don't usually take the time to write good reviews - keep that in mind if you're reading these."