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Xulane User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Reviews for Xulane

  • Meano
  • December 15, 2019

For Birth Control "I have been on the Xulane patch for about 3 years now in the beginning I was always getting bad heart burn and always feeling sick I figured it was okay but with in the first year or so I felt the same way a little shaky, sick all the time and I kept getting heart burn but hey I wasn't pregnant so I stayed on it. I even told my best friend it was a great birth control because I wasn't pregnant but she got on it for about 5 months and couldn't do it any longer said she felt like she was pregnant all the time well I never had kids so I didn't know that what pregnancy felt like but now that friend of mine has told me she started losing her hair but 2 to 3 weeks prior to that I'm in the shower with my boyfriend and telling him I feel like my hair is thinning out a lot so I'm wondering has anyone else had this happen to them"

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  • Bella
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 14, 2019

For Birth Control "I’m fairly new to trying Xulane and so far it’s not too bad. The only problems I’ve run into are, TMJ, teeth grinding, and a significant increase in acne. I am still on it and will continue to stay on it for a while!"

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  • Jeud
  • April 7, 2016

For Birth Control "I really like this patch. It took about 4 months for my period to be normal, because I would have spotting in between. Now I just have my regular period on the patch-free week. I noticed less cystic breakouts. No weight gain/loss, or drop in sex drive. I definitely cry a lot more about random things. There is a sticky dark residue after you peel it off due to lint and stuff. Just peel it off before you shower and scrub the residue off. I prefer to place the patch on the left or right of my stomach, just cause I feel it's more secure and less likely to peek out. I never tried Orthro Evra, because it is no longer offered, so I can't compare. Overall, this patch really works for me, and I recommend you give it a try for at least 6 months."

9 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Abby
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 30, 2019

For Birth Control "By far the worst birth control I've ever been on. I switched from the pill to the patch due to excessive spotting. Not only did the xulane patch make it worse, it gave me SO many more side effects. My periods were the heaviest they've ever been (going through a large tampon every hour or 2) and lasted like 8 days, AND I got the worst cramps which I never used to get. I was constantly moody and crying and felt awful, I gained about 10 pounds, and my skin from where the patch was got extremely red and irritated. It didn't get me pregnant and it did clear up my acne, so I guess there's that. Once I went to my doctor back home to change my BC, she was like "wow, I'm shocked you got prescribed this. I don't give it to anyone because it sucks""

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  • mads2...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 16, 2019

For Birth Control "This Xulane patch caused issues because whoever makes it sucks at quality control. I’ve gotten multiple patches that aren’t as sticky as they should be and they’re not expired and have never been opened. I can’t just go to the pharmacy to replace them whenever this happens. This Sunday was the last straw, I’m getting an IUD. I went to change my patch and the new patch wasn’t sticky at all, it came off immediately. I had nothing on my skin. I open the only other patch I have, and the same thing, so I’m done. It also made my cramps more painful and last much longer, and it gave me major headaches, sometimes migraines. I didn’t gain weight, but sometimes the patch would itch to the point where I’d accidentally scratch myself to bleeding."

7 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Kat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 8, 2018

For Birth Control "So I've been on this patch for about a 3 1/2 weeks and I took it off to have my period a couple of days ago and I've had nothing but horrible anxiety. My body is so shaky and I thought it might just be my normal anxiety but this is the only change in my daily schedule so it's definitely the patch messing with me. And I really like it too but I cannot deal with how I feel. Any other recommendations would be wonderful."

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  • mamez
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 9, 2019

For Birth Control "I started Xulane a couple months ago. I immediately started to get the worst headaches, nausea, gained lots of weight, and my boobs grew significantly in size and are sore constantly. I’ve been on my period for 40 days with heavy flow and unbearable back pain and cramps. Some days I cant even get out of bed without taking large amounts of pain medication."

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  • ayodan
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 3, 2019

For Birth Control "Xulane was fine for the first day. My sex drive was up but nothing too bad. The next morning I was vomiting for 4 hours. I ripped the patch off and started to slowly feel better. I wouldn’t recommend this at all. I was nauseous throughout the night but wasn’t too surprised but when I woke up I immediately needed to throw up and couldn’t even leave my bathroom."

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  • Koko
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 16, 2019

For Birth Control "After trying every pill imaginable, my doctor finally allowed me to try the patch. 1. As far as emotional side effects: very little. I have anxiety and depression as is, and Xulane doesn't seem to exaggerate my usual symptoms. The only noticeable change is the first day that I take the patch off for my "off week", but my emotions seem to even back out once I become well-rested and relaxed. 2. Physical side effects: Minor, temporary headaches. Didn't gain wait, but that's because I have been nauseous for the whole year that I've been on it. I can go all day, do whatever and eat whatever I want, but the second I lay down to go to sleep I break out in sweat and dry heave 2-3x a week. BUT, on the bright side, I'm not pregnant and my periods are practically nonexistent. So I guess it's better than morning sickness and a baby that I'm not ready for yet!"

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  • MCano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 6, 2018

For Birth Control "I started Xulane about a year ago and while it did it’s job for the birth control aspect of it, it made me suffer in my relationship as I NEVER wanted to have sex. My libido was shot and my bodies natural lubrication system was gone. The thought of sex to me was appalling which is a complete 180 of what I was like. If I wasn’t in a relationship then I guess that would be okay but I am and we suffered because of that. I have been off Xulane for 2 weeks and feel so much better. It caused me to have constant mood swings and just never feel “right” I am switching back to the pill as it has less hormones and hopefully things will get better from here on out. I gave it a decent rating as it does prevent pregnancy (if you ever want to have sex lol)"

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  • Rae
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 26, 2015

For Birth Control "I have been using the patch for just under 6 months now and I love it! I like it SO much more than the pill. Easier to remember and I just feel so much more protected. Something that I found interesting was I tried 3 different pills and had bad side effects with all of them. I haven't had one single issue since I've switched to the patch. I highly recommend!!!!"

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  • Iesha...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 17, 2016

For Birth Control "I love it honestly it's just that my skin is really irritated for the first couple of days. No matter where I put it I'm constantly scratching. It really is better than birth control pills because I only have to worry about it once a week. It's a myth about the whole use a patch on your patch free week if you don't want to get your period. I still ended up getting my period the next week so it's not like you won't get your period at all. I must admit that it did shorten my period and I don't really get cramps anymore. I still get acne during that time of month but I've always been like that so I don't blame the patch. Overall it's great I've been using it for over a year."

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  • Kaye
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 22, 2019

For Birth Control "I was on pills for years (I was terrible at remembering every day same time I was busy) after about 3 years my doctor randomly switched my pill and never told me and the one they switch it to made me miserable so I stopped taking it and found a new doctor. I love my new Doctor as she found the PCOS within 2 appointments and got me on the birth control I wanted ASAP. All my blood levels are doing so much better. My estrogen is where is should be and my testosterone was lowered. I have had no issues on the Xulane patch what so ever. It’s easy to remember just once a week. I will agree it does have some issues the only thing that bothers me is the breast tenderness it’s pretty rough. But from the positive comments it will eventually go away. I’m thankful I talked to a family member about this patch. I would never switch to anything else."

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  • Han
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 6, 2020

For Birth Control "I started the Xulane patch the second of February but by the 4th it February the estrogen in the patch made my blood pressure skyrocket and I had to take it off. It’s been two days and my blood pressure is still extremely high. Other then that I felt amazing on the patch."

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  • Maria...
  • June 11, 2016

For Birth Control "I didn't notice any physical changes & I wasn't any moodier. I'd never gotten a yeast infection & never got cramps & that all continued to not happen. My periods were actually more regular and slightly lighter. Being on the patch was, for the most part, uneventful. My only con is that it invariably caused vaginal dryness. Prior to using this, I didn't have problems with arousal or lubrication (I'm in my mid-20s). With this, I immediately noticed that I felt pain and stinging in my vagina after sex. This sometimes caused me to lose interest in sex in anticipation of the pain. Lube definitely helped but even just a couple of months off the patch (IUD now), I'm back to my normal self. Aside from that, I would recommend this"

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  • Hauden
  • September 18, 2018

For Birth Control "I have been on Xulane for 3 weeks and while I have loved the convenience of the patch I had to take it of yesterday. With the first two patchs of the month I felt fine at first but experienced swollen and sore breasts. That I could handle. However, when I put the third patch of the month on I started experiencing nausea, anxiety, and dizzying headaches. I threw up everything I ate and when I wasn’t throwing up I was crying. I didn’t feel like myself and I didn’t know how to make myself feel better. I started taking xulane because I was having a period every other week. I’d rather do that that feel how I felt when I put on the third patch that day. Xulane while convenient is not for everyone."

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  • Gee
  • August 14, 2018

For Birth Control "I’ve been on it for 2 years. It doesn’t really bother me too much but the patch does come off often. It helps make my period lighter and no weight gain. Thinking about switching due to it coming off too often."

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  • seldx
  • November 24, 2020

For Birth Control "Wasn’t bad with side effects, except with some nausea the first few days of starting using it. However, I got pregnant 3 months after using it. Gave birth to my baby recently, which hubby & I are so grateful for & in love. But if you’re looking to not having a surprise pregnancy I would say consider something else."

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  • sam
  • March 23, 2017

For Birth Control "Been on xulane 3 months starting today. The first month went great no side effects, noticed my boobs grew a bit. When the second month started it was going well until I applied the second patch, I had terrible headaches, nausea, extremely light headed, and the worst part extreme stomach pains . I had to remove the patch because of the pain. I almost went to the ER. I applied the third path of the month the following week and still had some symptoms but they only lasted 2/3 days. I applied the first patch of the third month this Monday that just passed and the extreme stomach pain returned along with vomiting & headaches. I've overall decided I'm going to stop xulane and hopefully find a birthcontrol that won't send me to the hospital."

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  • Taylor
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 16, 2022

For Birth Control "I was on Depo (the shot) years ago and finally tried this as I was looking for something to control my heavy flow and cramping. The first side effect I noticed immediately was that I was sensitive to the adhesive and became so itchy when the patch was on. It would partially peel a lot. First 3 days with it on, I had terrible migraines which continued until I decided to get off of it 3 months later. It is the highest form of synthetic estrogen birth control so always keep that in mind when deciding whether or not to use it. My doctor told me I could feel free to skip a period or two, so I did. And then my body basically decided to have a period anyways with my usual heavy flow and painful cramping. Even when it wasn’t my “period week,” I would still have mild to painful cramping just about everyday. Didn’t gain any weight, but I was only on it for 3 months. Loss of sex drive for the last 2 months I was on it. In my personal opinion, this was just as worse as the shot."

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  • Hayley...
  • December 21, 2016

For Birth Control "My first time starting any kind of birth control (just to regulate my period, not really as a contraceptive) and I could only last half way through my third week, the increase in anxiety, depression along with the pregnancy like symptoms were debilitating. I just took my patch off today because I couldn't take it anymore. I have terrible gastrointestinal problems, feel sore and tender, dizzy, have headaches and the worst part is the nausea. It's been gradually increasing since I started and has finally gotten to the point where I can't leave my bed. My first patch fell off after three days so I put a new one on my thigh instead of my side and that made it not come off anymore but the mix of mood swings and painful symptoms are too much."

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  • wefflet
  • January 27, 2017

For Birth Control "I used the brand name Ortho Evra for years!! Loved it! no problems ever! Now I am forced to use this Xulane patch, and it is just NOT the same. 1. My period starts while Im on the third patch every month. Ortho, it was 5 days exactly after removing. 2. Taking a bath it comes off! Then its not as sticky. Never ever had an ortho patch come off. 3. I have 2 week long periods now. I used to have only 5 day periods. I just don't like this generic patch whatsoever!!!!"

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  • Ashley
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 5, 2019

For Birth Control "First of all, Xulane patch doesn’t stick well, at all. And heaven forbid you exercise. I have been on this patch for about a month and a half. I’m pretty sure it’s keeping me bloated. I definitely feel more emotional. I don’t know if it’s kept me from getting pregnant because I have been so scared that I’m not using it right because it keeps coming off that I am still using a backup method. Lastly, it has left a rash everywhere I put it."

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  • 84939...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 10, 2017

For Birth Control "I have been on the patch for about 3 months now, I used to have severe headaches every day before starting Xulane. Now I rarely get them - only on my period. I also have not had any issues with the patch coming off, if anything it is hard to take off at the end of each week and actually quite painful! Also, the week before my period and during my period, I have intense mood swings and become extremely irritable and emotional. So, 2 weeks out of 4 in every month, I feel pretty terrible. I am considering stopping the patch completely, as it is becoming increasingly difficult to manage."

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  • Monica...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 16, 2017

For Birth Control "I've been on this almost 3 months and the only cons are cost and when I change it each week my emotions are off for a day or 2. You have to place in an area where your pants or bra doesn't rub so it can stay on right. My appetite has definitely increased but I'm not a big girl and I can control that. Love the convenience. The best placement for me is my butt cheek. I used to pay for this but found a clinic that covers it at no cost."

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