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Levora for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 5)

Levora has an average rating of 6.2 out of 10 from a total of 174 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 46% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Levora

  • ashle...
  • November 30, 2011

"I've been on and off birth control for 5 years and I was on Levora for a couple of months before I decided I didn't want to be on any birth control. I recently started taking Levora again, but I quickly remembered why I stopped taking it before, HORRIBLE breast tenderness and swelling, to the point where I'm constantly thinking about how bad my breasts hurt, it's hard to concentrate or move or do anything because they're always hurting, just wondering if anyone else experienced this and if so, if it goes away at some point? If not, I have to get off of this!"

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  • jesje...
  • January 15, 2012

"I had been taking Levora for almost two years but decided to stop because I realized many negative aspects could be contributed to it. Yes, it was a successful birth control because I never got pregnant, but I developed acne for the first time in my life (I'm 21). The acne could not be contributed to anything else - I'm a healthy and active vegetarian with an esthetician for a mother. I also had no sex drive, which was my first major red flag that something serious was out of whack. I also went from a D to an F cup - cool for my boyfriend but not for my wardrobe. It was almost impossible to lose weight. However, periods were short with no cramps or spotting and I never got pregnant. I switched to the lower-dose Lutera this week."

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  • Eidda
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 14, 2016

"I've been on the Levora pill for 3.5 years now. My breasts never got any bigger, and I got a bit of acne that I ended up getting medication for. My periods have been really light, as others are saying. However, I'm an athlete and have just been diagnosed with Osteopenia (early onset of Osteoperosis) and I'm only 22. Basically, the Levora has inhibited my calcium intake for almost 4 years so my bones are becoming less dense. Getting off of the pill immediately."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 8, 2016

"I started taking this about 8 months ago and up until 4 months ago I was fine with it. I have been suffering major depression, suicidal thoughts, anger issues( I never had anger issues before this pill), and I'm always bleeding. I get spotting at least every week for three days. My sex drive has decreased. I am constantly having yeast infections and when I get turned on I can barely get wet like I use to normally before I took this pill no matter how horny I am. Even though high blood pressure runs in my family as an 18 year old my blood pressure is way to high especially for taking birth control and my blood presume meds. Whatever you do, DON'T TAKE THIS BIRTH CONTROL. Calling my doctor tomorrow to get off this drug after reading into it."

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  • Anonymous
  • December 8, 2011

"I got Levora at planned parenthood for free and it's definitely the best thing I've ever gotten for free! I experience no significant side effects. Cramps are less intense than before, much more bearable and almost nonexistent, lasting only a few hours before period-- and that's all. The first two months were a bit erratic with mood swings, but have since balanced significantly. Acne is unchanged and normal for me as a 17 y/o (which is why I also believe that this pill works tremendously better for me than other women); weight gain was minimal, only about 5 pounds, but my weight fluctuates usually between 120 and 130 now, whereas before the pill, fluctuation was between 116 and 120. I eat more than I used to, but this is intentional."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Bitty...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 25, 2016

"I have been using birth control for going on 4 years, 16-20. I got on them for the purpose of I have extremely heavy periods with horrible cramps and acne. I took levora for about 2 years (no sexual activity) and I took it non stop to completely stop my period. Bad idea. I had break through bleeding and severe cramps for over 3 months of heavy bleeding. They put me on the strongest pill possible after that to try to stop my period from the continuous bleeding, didn't work although I did loose a lot of weight.. for the last year 1/2 I've been sexually active and the strongest pill DIDNT work so they put me back on levora with a seasonal period, and I haven't gotten pregnant and my acne is good and my period is gone! Other than every season."

7 / 10
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  • Tl23
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 26, 2016

"This birth control is HORRIBLE. Every negative thing that people have been saying is true for me, besides the positive things (but everybody's bodies are different). I have NEVER had acne before taking this medicine and now my skin is horrible, my sex drive is lower, I've been super sensitive to everything and I cry almost every day about literally nothing. I also gained 10 pounds in the 3.5 months I've been taking it. I'm getting a new prescription ASAP!"

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  • Anon...
  • February 20, 2012

"I've been using Levora for almost 7 months now and in the sense of no pregnancy- I'm happy. However, my appetite has increased DRAMATICALLY. Before the pill, I used to be 125 pounds, now, seven months in, I've gained about 20 pounds that I can't for the life of me, get rid of. My sex drive is normal, my periods are so much lighter/shorter, but my mood swings are terrible. I cry over the stupidest things like not being able to find my remote. Other than those side effects, it's a good pill."

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  • 78233...
  • March 30, 2016

"I just switched to the IUD after being on Levora for about 7 years. I lost about 10 lbs in the month and a half (about) since getting off levora and my sex drive is back. My friend also just got off levora and is shedding pounds"

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  • jazzy
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 21, 2016

"Levora made me have my period constantly. it was useless for me as far as birth control goes because I didn't want to have sex on my period. I thought I had a cervix infection so I went in and they told me to stop taking my bc pills for a bit and after two days of not taking them anymore, my period stopped. I was also constantly breaking out with cyst acne which had never happened before levora."

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  • Anonymous
  • October 10, 2011

"I've only started my second month of Levora, but the nausea is so bad that I'm going back to Lutera. The nausea/vomiting was present for the first week that I started it. Granted, after that first week, it worked great for me by reducing my cramps/flow (as well as regulating my period--my original reason for trying Levora), but after beginning again after the placebo week, the nausea came back in force. As one who is a weenie when it comes to nausea, I will certainly not be taking it again! On a smaller note, I seem to be more emotional and likely to cry than normal."

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  • SaSt
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 29, 2016

"I was taking Levora for a year and a half and am now switching medication. Since I started taking it I am always tired even when I sleep great. I have had 4 yeast infections... ew. Lower sex drive/don't self-lubricate and I've gained about 50 pounds (although part of that could be bad diet; haven't changed my diet though). Everyone's different, and side effects aren't horrible, but I would not recommend"

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  • virgo
  • January 10, 2012

"I have been on this pill for 4 years. The pill does serve its purpose, I haven't gotten pregnant but the side effects are outrageous. When I started the pill I was 18 and 145lbs, almost a year later I was at 160lbs now I have plateaued at 190lbs for about a year and a half at 5'8. My sex drive is gone almost and my poor boyfriend has been there through all of it. I have vaginal dryness so during the beginning of sex it is very painful. I didn't have acne before and didn't have any after. My period went from 8 to 4 days which was good and my cramps did lessen. Even though it took me this long to read reviews I'm glad I did I'm going to look into switching."

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  • Scien...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 23, 2017

"I've been on it for a month and a half and prior I had very little issues with depression other than small bouts that hardly count as depression. I have had anxiety and being on this pill has made it worse, way worse and it has made me become depressed. I've read through the comments about this pill and it seems like many people have been experiencing depression. This pill didn't work for me and the other pill didn't work great for me either. Messed up my hormones too much, luckily it didn't change my sex drive but it caused me to just sit there and cry or do nothing. Weekends I feel like doing nothing but sleep. I'm not that old, only 19 and have never had any hormone issues before this pill. I don't recommend it."

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  • Tinelso
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 4, 2022

"I've been on this pill for 8 months one year after nursing. I had one normal period the last 4 months I have not had a cycle but have all the symptoms when I get to the inactive pills. No bleeding but all the symptoms is scary because I should have had one by now. My pcp says it takes a while regulate but I was regulated before I took them and all other pills idk why I was switched. I'd rather go back to ortho tri cyclin. Levora have caused me to have acne again and mood swings like no other. My sex drive is almost existing so hubby isn't happy. I have an appointment to switch to something else. I'd rather have baby #5 than keep doing this."

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  • WNJ
  • January 16, 2017

"I took the Depo-Provera shot starting from 16-20. I absolutely loved the shot other than not ever really knowing when my period was going to be. I actually lost weight on the shot and my breast grew larger than before. I had great sex drive as well. I switched to the Levora pill simply for the fact that I knew I wanted to become pregnant one day and knew if I took the shot for too long that it may effect that. I chose Levora because I only have 4 periods a year (which is great!). However, I have been taking this pill for 3 1/2 years and I have noticed some negative side effects. I have been slowly over time gaining weight. I also never used to have acne and have some acne problems now. I also have low sex drive and difficulty staying wet."

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  • Jnpop
  • September 14, 2018

"This is the first birth control I’ve been prescribed and I was on it for four years, I have never had an issue with it other than being super emotional the first few months. But my insurance no longer covers this brand so I have to switch and I am hoping it works just as well! I never had side effects with gaining weight or acne or anything and I’m pretty disappointed I have to switch"

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  • mizzj
  • February 14, 2011

"I have been taking this medicine for almost 2 years now due to horrible cramping. No medicine worked for my cramping and I was taking to much medicine. When I first began the pill my body was way out of wack, pain, sleeping alot, not to much eating but after about 4 months my body got used to it. So I think the pill does help to prevent pregnancy very well and it does indeed help with my cramping even though I may have to take a pain pill a few times. Levora is pretty good. You have to be careful about going for more then two days without taking it because you will bleed like a period and it will last for 2 WEEKS. I am adjusted to it now."

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  • Revie...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 18, 2018

"It has worked perfectly for me without any side effects at all (no weight gain, increases in acne, nausea, mood changes or headaches). I take it continuously so I haven’t bled at all for a few months, not even any spotting. Before this I took Sprintec 28 and I bled almost every day for 5 months!"

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  • Brown...
  • May 13, 2015

"So I know this is going to sound weird but , I am 28 and was put on this pill for a IVF and what IVF mean is I cant have a baby on my own so I have to go to a DR to help me , so anyways they put you on this pill for 15 days before starting other meds. This is day 4 of this pill and I feel like I could sleep 24/7 and I am depressed more then I would want to be, but seeing how I am going to be on this for a short time should I be worried ?"

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  • tolley
  • June 10, 2011

"I was put on Levora about 5 months ago, due to PAINFUL and STRONG periods. Since I have started to use Levora, I have found that my periods have decreased some in regards to flow (YAH!), and has GREATLY helped me with my cramps! Before taking Levora, I would have to take a pain pill about 2 times a day for the 1st 2-3 days (needless to say, not good for your health). Overall Levora has helped me a lot. As for any issues, I haven't faced any at this point (acne is about the same, no increased weight or appetite, etc.)."

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  • kitten
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 25, 2014

"I've been taking it on and off (mostly on) for 4 years. It's worked like a charm. Even without the pill I've always had a fairly regular cycle and my cramps have been manageable with Aleve. With Levora, my period is the same length but it's lighter, and the cramps are lighter. I almost always start the same evening and the period lasts 3 days, with 1-2 more days spotting. My only complaint- each time I've gone on and off the pill, I've gained a couple pounds. I haven't had issues with mood swings or anything. But, I know it isn't 100% effective especially if you vomit/have bad diarrhea within some time of taking the pill, which worried me when I lived in the developing world and got food poisoning a lot."

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  • LMarieC
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 25, 2015

"Overall, this has been what I have used for two years now. the side effects have been on an off, more moodiness, and emotional then anything. I have notice my moodiness more then ever here recently. The pill is great as far as regulating my periods. I just wish I was not so emotional and sometimes even depressed. It does not just affect me it affects others as well. As far as Acne, it is not nearly as bad as far as huge zits I got when I was not on birth control, but I still get them, just not as big, and as bad."

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  • mmayri
  • July 16, 2011

"I just started taking this birth control about 12 days ago when I started my period, and I'm still bleeding as if I'm still on my period. The flow is light however the length of my average period is 2 weeks when I wasn't on birth control. So maybe the medication is altering my system %u2026I do feel nauseous and I crave like crazy. I do feel a little depressed because my period isn't gone yet but overall it seems to be a good birth control so far. "

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  • LLano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 10, 2018

"I have been taking this birth control for three months and have had an absolutely HORRIBLE!!! INCREASE in acne. I never get acne, maybe a few spots on my chin every now and then when I'm stressed. This medicine caused my entire forehead to break out and then led to my entire face. DO NOT TAKE. I look like I fell in an ant bed and I'm embarrassed of my skin."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.