Dupixent for Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps User Reviews
Dupixent has an average rating of 8.1 out of 10 from a total of 48 reviews for the treatment of Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps. 73% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 13% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Dupixent
- RWD...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 18, 2020
"I developed nasal polyps about 5-6 years ago, took oral steroids every six months to knock them down but they'd come back in 3-4 months. Had one surgery to remove them, but again, they came right back. Asked my asthma doc about Dupixent since I have both polyps and eosinophilic asthma. The asthma is now controlled to the point where I only need a rescue inhaler, and the polyps disappeared right after the third dose. I can now breathe normally, no stuffy/runny nose, and no issues with alcohol sending my polyps into overdrive. After 8 months, no side effects experienced, so I'm very happy with Dupixent!"
- MLB...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- July 2, 2020
"I've had 5 sinus surgeries in 20 years to remove nasal polyps. I have tried everything you can think of to manage my nasal polyps. I tried Dupixent, and it changed my life. In one week after my first Dupixent shot, I could feel a positive change in my nasal airway. After another six weeks, I could smell and taste. My allergist doctor said I was a super-reactive patient to Dupixent, in a positive way. I want to say Thank You to the makers of Dupixent."
Frequently asked questions
- What are the most common skin conditions? (with photos)
- Why do insurance companies deny Dupixent?
- Why do Dupixent injections hurt so much?
- How fast does Dupixent work?
- Jen...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 10, 2020
"I have had chronic sinus issues and nasal polyps for about 14 years and have had 4 sinus surgeries. Not wanting to have a 5th surgery since they never seem to be successful for long, my ENT suggested I try Dupixent. I started in July and was able to start feeling a difference with my sinuses within 4 weeks! After about 8 weeks of Dupixent (4 injections), my smell and taste came back, and I was able to start sleeping again without waking up every hour to blow my nose. I also have asthma, and it has helped me with that as well. After years of suffering, this has been pretty life-changing."
- Tob...
- April 12, 2020
"My Dr. gave me Dupixent in hope of clearing up chronic sinuses. By the fourth shot, I told her I was getting headaches and contributed to this drug. She disagreed and administered a fifth shot, but I said I was through with the drug if I got headaches. After about a week, the headaches came back to the extreme. It’s been five weeks now, and I am still suffering along with other side effects. One would have to be crazy to take this drug and deal with the pain and anxiety that I am going through."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Ark...
- December 7, 2020
"I started Dupixent about 2 months ago. I have received 4 injections so far. I have suffered from absolutely terrible allergies, nasal polyps, and asthma for the last 6-7 years. I was also diagnosed with AERD. I tried every medicine possible. I was on prednisone all the time, which caused terrible weight gain, etc. I am now 23 years old. About 4 years ago, I had major sinus surgery due to severe nasal polyps. It helped greatly at the time. Over the last year, my symptoms started up again, and my polyps and asthma had come back. My ENT decided to start me on Dupixent after a dose of steroids. So far, Dupixent is a LIFESAVER for me!! I haven't used my inhaler for weeks (except for when I exercise) and only have to use my steroid inhaler once a day. I have been able to cut back on my decongestant meds. I can also finally sleep at night without coughing or waking up wheezing! It's a lifesaver! I feel almost normal again! I haven't experienced any bad side effects yet."
- Can...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 29, 2021
"Started Dupixent in October 2021. In 2013, I was diagnosed with chronic sinus polyps. I had some removed in 2014. I had a CAT scan in 2016, and the image was completely white!! I was full, so full I had vertigo, could not sleep, I was absolutely exhausted. Went for surgery in November 2016. That was the best gift ever - in 2019, the polyps came back. I did a round of prednisone - and was on Pulmicort applied by laying back as it was shot up my nasal cavity. Lots of steroids. I went to an allergist and found out I was allergic to pollen and grass. In 2020, the polyps got worse, and I was booked for surgery. In August of 2021, my ENT told me about Dupixent - I applied for it and started in October - I had 2 shots so far. My sense of smell came back in one week. I can feel it working, and my sinuses are opening up. However, the side effects I am having include headaches, insomnia (very bad), dryness of my nasal passages, and dry mouth. It’s only been 2 weeks so far. I’ll post an update in a month or so."
More FAQ
- Why does Dupixent cause eye problems?
- How does the Dupixent Myway copay card work?
- Is Dupixent an immunosuppressant?
- Does Dupixent cause weight gain?
- Bud...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 29, 2021
"At the start of the pandemic, I got a sore throat, post-nasal drip, and cough. Naturally, no one wanted to see me. Months go by and the symptoms persist, and I finally get to see an ENT, allergist, gastro doc, everybody. Turns out I'm allergic to every tree known to man. Lol. Finally, after steroids, antibiotics, nasal sprays, I get to get a CT scan... oh boy. My entire sinus cavity is littered with polyps. And after being told surgery is the only thing that'll work and that we're gonna have to do a full turbectomy, I said let me get a second opinion. New ENT doc said, try Dupixent. Started it in January, it is now the end of April, and almost all of the polyps are gone. I did also have to go on emeprazole for GERD, but finally, 14 months later, all my symptoms are gone. Dupixent is legit!"
- JF1...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 30, 2021
"Started the Dupixent 300 mg shots in Nov. 2020 when I was referred to a pulmonologist by my primary. Kept getting lung infections and a round of antibiotics and prednisone only to see it come back every 4-6 weeks. All precipitated by a sinus infection and more antibiotics. The past 18 months was brutal with asthma exacerbations and sinus infections. I have had two sinus surgeries since 2009. Also have been on allergy shots. My pulmonologist finally diagnosed me with eosinophilic asthma. I’m at 10 weeks now and can say that my sinus inflammation is almost nonexistent and my congestion is less and less every week. I did not expect my sinus symptoms to nearly be gone. Dupixent is a game changer!"
- CTa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 23, 2021
"Well, like many others I see reviews from, I suffer from nasal polyps. I have been dealing with them for over 10 years. I have had 2 surgeries (inpatient) and 1 outpatient surgery. Still, my polyps return. I have been without a sense of smell and taste for the whole 10 years. Well, this past Wed, I got my first 2 injections of Dupixent, and the next day I was able to smell odors. I was so excited I went to my spice drawer and was able to smell things I have missed for a decade. Thank you so much for this medicine, and I hope I just continue to improve."
- Kan...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- June 28, 2020
"I have been dealing with nasal polyps for the past 4 years. I have had surgery 3 times, and ever since my allergist prescribed Dupixent in the fall of 2018, I have not needed another surgery or even a dose of oral steroids. Dupixent has done a tremendous job at keeping my nasal polyps at bay. I have not had any noticeable side effects and am very happy with the results of my prescription. 22-year-old male."
- Kat...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 26, 2020
"This drug absolutely changed my quality of life. I started to get chronic sinus infections 4 times a year when I was 15. After a surgery, about 5 courses of oral steroids every single year with no cure in sight, my doctor finally suggested I start with Dupixent. After 4 injections, my ENT scoped me and was in shock. She told me I was the healthiest she has ever seen me in 7 years and I had a dramatic change in my sinuses. I cannot be more thankful for this medicine. As a 22-year-old woman, my health issues were dominating my life. To feel them become a non-issue is an amazing feeling!!!!"
- Rac...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 27, 2021
"After 4 sinus surgeries in 8 years and numerous rounds of steroids and antibiotics for terrible sinus misery, I was happy to try Dupixent. I started noticing a change for the better with my sinuses after the third 300 mg injection. Unfortunately, I started having muscle/joint aches, stomach soreness, and eyelash loss in May. I stopped it in June and then restarted in September, since my sinus symptoms had returned and my ENT thought I should retry. Once again, I felt so much better sinus-wise, but the side effects did return. I’m still taking Dupixent but deciding what to do. I’m wondering if the side effects will eventually go away the longer I stay on it. I can say it has definitely helped my sinuses, but the rest of my body is taking a hit, so I’m disappointed in that respect. For those of you on the fence about it, it’s definitely worth trying for your sinus disease but just hope you don’t get any of the possible side effects. You may not!"
- all...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 4, 2021
"I had surgery to remove nasal polyps two years and three months ago. I was told to go on allergy injections and nasal steroids to reduce the chance that the polyps would come back. Well, they have. They said my sinuses are worse now than they were two years ago and recommended I start Dupixent immediately. I had my first injection (auto-inject pin) one week ago. It felt like someone asked me to allow someone to put out their lit cigar on my leg and hold it there for 30 seconds. It was unbelievably painful. I've also started to notice subtle changes in my vision; not sure if it's possible that I could have problems with my sight after just one dose. Right now, I'm trying to decide whether or not I can possibly psyche myself up for another dose. Yes, I want to taste and smell, but surely there is a more humane way to address this problem?"
- MCA...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 17, 2021
"I’ve been on Dupixent for nearly one year for treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis complicated by mast cell activation syndrome. We are now at peak spring allergy season, and I feel like so much better than past allergy seasons. Prior to treatment with Dupixent, I lived in a vicious cycle of absolute misery followed by steroid treatment followed by misery. Dupixent has improved my quality of life."
- Tam...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 1, 2020
"I’ve dealt with nasal polyps for 7 years. In the fall of 2019, I came across an article about Dupixent. I asked my ENT about it and have been on it since. I feel like a new person. Once in a while, I can feel the polyps, but I’ve had my smell and taste all year! It’s amazing and has changed my life. The only side effect I have experienced is some itching on my shins and calves."
- Emo...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 7, 2022
"I started Dupixent in July 2020. It was administered twice a week for 18 weeks. Seven out of the nine times it felt like my arm was on fire when it was being administered, but it instantly went away when the nurse was done. Eight out of nine times I was an emotional wreck five minutes after getting the med. I cried uncontrollably for a minute or two as if someone had died, but the feeling and the crying spell would instantly turn off like someone flipped a switch. I stopped taking medicine because of these side effects, and it did not work to clear up my chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Has anyone else had these reactions to Dupixent?"
- Ron...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 26, 2020
"On Dupixent since January. Had seemed to help with sinusitis, however, after 3 or 4 injections, I have become extremely fatigued and tired after any effort or exercise. This is very unusual for me, even though I am 81. Not sure if Dupixent is the problem since I have a very slow heart rate when at rest. May stop the medication temporarily."
- Ano...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 5, 2022
"I thought Dupixent was a miracle drug. It completely cleared up my sinus polyps and asthma, however, after the first two treatments, I developed an allergy at the injection site. Even the first two injections that worked were severely painful. I tried arms, thighs, and belly. In addition to pain, after the first two treatments, I developed a reaction on my skin at the injection site. At first, it was a small area, red and itchy. As I continued treatments, the red area increased from about 2 inches to about 4 or 5 inches in diameter in an amorphous shape with a dark red border around it. Eventually, that reaction came with bruising and severe muscle ache at the site. When I tried to inject in my belly, the pain was so bad that for a week, I couldn't bend over to even pick something up that I had dropped. Yes, it cleared up my polyps and asthma, returned my sense of smell, and my eosinophil count dropped. But my intolerance for Dupixent didn't outweigh the benefits. Everybody is different. Good luck..."
- Anonymous
- December 15, 2021
"I’ve had CRSwP for many years with asthma and an allergy to ibuprofen. I couldn’t sleep. I choked when I was eating (couldn’t breathe and eat at the same time). My consonants were so blunted I couldn’t be understood on the phone, especially with a mask. I stopped singing in a choir because I had no resonance. I worried about my immunity during COVID while on prednisone. I was tired all the time but still had to keep doing a demanding job. The prednisone worked wonders the first and third time (for a couple of months) but was completely ineffective during the spring with the worst allergies. I lost my smell, which I need in my work. Prednisone brought it back briefly but posed a big risk in a pandemic. First dose of Dupixent 4 days ago and my smell is back, I can breathe through both nares, unbelievable! Hoping for the best! Smelling is like seeing in color!"
- Lou...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- February 28, 2023
"As far as treating my polyps, it was great - I was finally able to get off prednisone after 12+ years. My headaches and sinuses were so much better, but one of the side effects of this shot is ulcers on your cornea or on your eye. After going to a cornea specialist and almost one year later, my eye is improving, but I had to stop the shots. If you experience any eye problems at all, make sure to tell your eye doctor that you are taking this shot. It’s not just 'conjunctivitis' like the warning label says. The shot is great, but the side effects were too much for me. I would rather be able to see."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 23, 2022
"10/10 excellent results. Dupixent was effective within a couple of weeks, peak effectiveness now at 6 months. Couldn’t sleep, sing, difficulty eating, hard to understand me because I couldn’t enunciate clearly, smell and taste returned. Improved asthma significantly, no nasal symptoms. Truly a miracle drug for me. More energy and finally a clear head!"
- Ant...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 16, 2022
"Dec 2021, I quit smoking cigarettes and weed. I was a smoker for 15 years. After a few months, I stopped smelling things and developed nasal polyps. No known allergies, so the ENT decided to do surgery. After that, one was done for 2 months or so, things were great again. But, oh bummer, same symptoms later: headaches, nasal pressure, blowing your nose 50 times a day, and 20 times at night. Cough, post-nasal drip, infections. I tried steroids, sprays, prednisone, and nasal washes, but nothing really helped me. The ENT said it was time for another surgery, I said NO and went for a second opinion. The different ENT asked if I wanted to try biological treatment, Dupixent, and so far so good. Nine days ago, I had my first injection and I can already smell things, breathe easier, and the pressure is almost gone. I hope it doesn't have any long-term bad side effects, though."
- Al...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 27, 2022
"I was diagnosed with nasal polyps in March 2022 after losing all taste and smell and suffering from constant congestion. Two courses of oral steroids brought back my taste and smell temporarily, but I would lose both within a week of stopping the steroids. After six months with no taste or smell, my allergist suggested Dupixent. I started in September 2022 and within four days I started to regain taste and smell. Within two weeks, I regained almost all my taste and smell. I'm now six weeks again and my congestion is totally gone, and my taste and smell are back to normal. Dupixent is a total game-changer for me. I've had zero side effects and am incredibly thankful for this wonder biologic. I was facing a lifetime lacking taste or smell, and this product brought it all the way back. I'm incredibly grateful."
- Gra...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 2, 2023
"I've had 4 sinus surgeries in 35 years. I usually felt great for a year or two till the polyps grew back. My most recent, brilliant ENT recommended Dupixent and I've been doing the shots for a year and a half. My ENT says he can't see any polyps and can't tell from the scope that I ever had a sinus problem. I also have asthma that suddenly became unbearable in 2021 after my latest sinus surgery. Dupixent has made both my sinus and asthma problems a distant memory. I have never breathed better in my entire life, and I'm 62! I hope I continue to get subsidized so I can afford it because I AM HOOKED!"
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- Drug class: interleukin inhibitors
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"I have had nose polyps for 14 years. I have had 1-2 surgeries every year to have them removed. I have had no smell or taste for years. After every surgery within 3-4 months, my polyps return. I have been miserable for many years. I have tried many different things to help. But nothing has worked. So after this last surgery in Dec, I approached my ENT about Dupixent. I have been taking it for 6 weeks, 3 injections, and feel great! So far so good. No side effects and for once in 14 years I can smell and taste. I'm looking forward to having my sense of smell and taste for a long time... lol I'm glad it's working! Fingers crossed!"