Clonazepam for Anxiety User Reviews (Page 2)
Brand names: Klonopin
Clonazepam has an average rating of 8.5 out of 10 from a total of 774 reviews for the off-label treatment of Anxiety. 83% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 8% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Clonazepam
- Cap...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- January 10, 2025
"I started taking 1 mg of clonazepam 3 times daily after a fall at a limestone quarry. I fell from a little over 3 stories high. I ruptured 2 discs and herniated 1 disc in my lower back. I was in a wheelchair for about a year. From the fall, I developed a fear of driving and also developed severe anxiety, including panic attacks. I tried Xanax, Ativan, and Valium, and clonazepam was the best at helping me with the anxiety and panic attacks. I switched insurances from Blue Cross and Blue Shield to United Healthcare, so my doctor dropped me. Now, it's nearly impossible to get a doctor to refill my clonazepam medication. It's sad to see what our healthcare system has become. I'm almost 50 years old, and I find myself going from ER to ER just to be given a 3-day supply until I find a doctor willing to help me. Right now, I have to wait 2 more months before an opening. May God help me. Doctors don't realize the pain we endure having to go back and forth just to be looked at as 'the problem.'"
- mar...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- March 11, 2025
"My clonazepam had been working perfectly until I got a new generic from Auro? These didn't work at all. I had 2 seizures and ended up in the ER. Get another generic. Thinking of suing for pain and suffering."
Frequently asked questions
- inv...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 21, 2014
Klonopin (clonazepam) "This medication is really great for anxiety. I use it for severe anxiety related to interviews and relationships. It makes me feel like a person again, rather than someone who's under attack and needs to flee from an oncoming threat. I can actually function when I take it instead of hyperventilate and being suicidal. It's excellent."
- jds...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- May 16, 2013
Klonopin (clonazepam) "After decades of debilitating anxiety, a psychiatrist put me on Klonopin. I have now been on this medication for about 15 years, and my anxiety rarely affects me anymore. Unlike other anxiety meds, I have not had to increase my dosage, and have absolutely no side effects. This medicine has been a lifesaver for me."
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- June 15, 2009
Klonopin (clonazepam) "I've been on 1mg/day of Klonopin for over 2 years now, for social anxiety disorder. It saved my life, which was spinning out of control. Panic attacks that would come out of nowhere. Embarrassing social situations, awful feelings of dread. It's settled me back down and allowed me to be myself again, more or less. I hate the fact that I am dependent on a drug to be 'normal'. It's a secret I keep from everyone in my life. I know I'm dependent on it now because I went 3 days without it once, and on the 3rd day, I was Mr. Anxiety again, but worse. Trembling hands, motor skills out of whack, disorientation."
- Doc...
- November 29, 2014
Klonopin (clonazepam) "I was originally prescribed 0.5 mg of Klonopin once a day with Zoloft 50mg once a day. It worked for a while but stopped, and soon after, my doctor prescribed me to Klonopin 1mg once a day and Zoloft 100mg once a day. After just three days, I felt amazing results and like a changed person. No more stress, anxiety, panic, or depression. Wonderful medicine to take. Just remember to meditate, walk, and stay outdoors to also help. You've got to also help yourself without relying on the medicines but they still work."
- sli...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 25, 2012
Klonopin (clonazepam) "I am so grateful to find others who actually are thankful for this medicine. I have been beating myself up over taking it for the past two years due to this new medication-free obsession (which is good advice for some), but this is the ONLY medication that has made me feel better. Instead of going up in dosage after being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder two years ago, I have gone down (without even trying). This is an amazing and life-saving medication for those who actually need it. I have suffered all my life, and nothing else ever worked. Just a tip: if people tell you that you don't need this medication, think back to before you ever took it. 100% satisfaction with this medicine!"
- Mco...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 24, 2024
"I have been on Clonazepam for 1 week now. Prior to taking this medication, I was so depressed and had terrible anxiety. I wouldn’t leave the house. I stopped taking care of myself. My doctor recommended trying this to treat this anxiety, hoping that it would cure the depression from being secluded and not leaving the house. This medication has absolutely saved my life. I’m leaving the house. I’m taking care of myself. My self-esteem has gone through the roof. I take one 1mg tablet three times a day - morning, lunch, and dinner. I was worried about there being an addiction problem since it is a controlled substance, but if you use this responsibly, it can be an absolute lifesaver. If you have severe social anxiety, I recommend mentioning it to your doctor. I would give this medication a 100/10 if possible. I wish the best of luck to everyone out there!"
- lue...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- April 24, 2014
Klonopin (clonazepam) "Clonazepam is a wonderful medicine that stops all the bad feelings like anxiety, feeling of impending doom, or just nervous but you don't know why. It's in the pit of your stomach, a nauseated twisted feeling in your gut that won't go away. Good news, clonazepam is wonderful for these feelings. 2 mg 4 times a day and maybe a Halcion for sleep, you won't get so nervous and you will feel comfortable in your own skin."
- Ben...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- March 17, 2021
"This med provides instant relief for my anxiety and negative thoughts. I only take 2 mg every other day but of course my doctor wants me off of it because it causes dependency and dementia. Well there are a lot of meds including over-the-counter sleep aids that have been linked to dementia and aren't controlled substances. Have taken antidepressants in the past for anxiety and currently trying another that has yet to kick in. They either don't work for me or cause awful side effects. For some people, Benzos are the only thing that keeps them calm. I can focus, relax, dive into tasks I put off, be social, and it also helps with pain and I can sleep better. I hope this medication is not outlawed."
- Anonymous
- April 10, 2009
Klonopin (clonazepam) "I've been on it for 2 years and YES it is a great drug to help with anxiety. Without it, my life wouldn't be the same at all. It is very hard to come off of. But you have to make a choice to live with the pain of anxiety or be addicted to something that fixes the problem. Neither one is great, but I don't like pain."
- Ell...
- March 4, 2020
"I developed anxiety years ago. Tried SSRI meds but they gave me such bad migraines that the doctor was afraid I’d stroke out. After prescribing me Clonazepam 0.5 mg that I take as needed, it has helped me so much. I don’t have any bad side effects and I can function normally. I’m thankful for it."
- 29y...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- July 9, 2013
Klonopin (clonazepam) "I have generalized anxiety disorder. Before I was prescribed Klonopin, I was on the verge of losing my job, house, even my family. I couldn't stop worrying, stressing, and overwhelming myself. I had no energy to even play with my kids. Once I started taking this medicine, it brought me back to living and enjoying life, family, and even performing better at work. I really recommend this medicine if you have generalized anxiety disorder, it works like a miracle."
- The...
- October 18, 2020
"Been taking clonazepam for a decade. 2mg per day, was at 6mg per day max a few years back. Helps tremendously. Tolerance for me doesn’t increase like other Benzos like Ativan and Xanax does. Negative side effects are very few other than maybe dry mouth."
- Aun...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- May 8, 2015
Klonopin (clonazepam) "Anger. Anxiety. Stomach in a knot. Wanting to die. Then I take my Klonopin and a warm feeling envelops me. I'm suddenly calm. I'm reasonable and rational. The violence in my heart temporarily melts away. I'm not angry anymore. I take a short vacation from misery. Then I blissfully drift off to sleep. I won't take it often because I don't want to become addicted. But when things get unbearable, my Klonopin soothes my racing mind."
- Gli...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- September 1, 2016
Klonopin (clonazepam) "I have tried every medication under the sun for anxiety! I was born anxious, I have always said. My doctor put me on Klonopin as more of a long-term anxiety medication in her mind. It was such a miracle for me. I was prescribed 1mg x 2 at night, if needed for anxiety and insomnia, at the time of my divorce. I found I was able to wake up the next day without feeling groggy if I had taken it the night before. When the panic and anxiety set in, it allowed me to calm down and get through the hardest moments. I only take it once in a while these days, but it truly helped me."
- Iri...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- July 8, 2016
Klonopin (clonazepam) "A+. Couldn't function without it. Takes away that tense feeling in my brain. I don't have panic attacks, but I deal with a lot of anxiety that brings on severe irritability. Just one 5mg pill in the morning and one when I get home from work, and I'm free from all that. I can live a normal life and not let my anxiety ruin my relationships, work, etc. Lasts longer than Xanax and more effective, in my opinion."
- Mas...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- August 21, 2014
Klonopin (clonazepam) "I have been taking Klonopin for 20 years. It all started because I lost function of both my inner ears and had no balance. The ear specialist concluded that there was no treatment available for this condition, so my stress and anxiety level landed me in a pain clinic where medicine, exercise, counseling, and diet did the trick. In three days, I was back to normal. What I later found out is that Clonazepam was not only very effective for my balance disorder, but it took the anxiety away. Today I take 2mg a day in two or three doses and feel completely normal. When stress increases, I slightly increase the dosage. I take it with Lexapro so as not to end up in depression. The secret, for me, is daily exercise (walking) and Clonazepam/Lexapro 10mg."
- Gar...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 9, 2013
Klonopin (clonazepam) "Please, please, please do your research before ever taking Klonopin or any drug in the benzodiazepine family. Klonopin has caused me great hardship and nearly cost me my life. And I am not alone - thousands of people have had horrific experiences with this drug. Please search 'benzo withdrawal' or similar to educate yourself. Looking back, my original anxiety was nothing compared to the torture I went through once I was addicted to Klonopin. And I am not through it yet. Words cannot explain the horror I went through. That is why I beg you to do your own research. Most doctors don't know or are in denial about the withdrawal effects of benzodiazepines. The stories you will find are not lies or exaggerations. Buyer beware! Please!!"
- Fri...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- July 15, 2015
Klonopin (clonazepam) "Have been taking 2 to 2.5 mg per day for many years. The only med that has alleviated my anxiety. Am 67 and have had the problem since childhood. Don't know why but it's too late to unravel. Suspect I'm wired that way or it's hereditary. Was very successful but life was a constant struggle until I got help at age 48. Would not want to be without it despite the doc's concerns about addiction. The horror stories about withdrawal are overblown. I wean off once in 6 weeks. No recurring issues. Therapy never had any lasting effect. Too late to consider stopping now and I don't know why I should. The trend against these meds is unfortunate."
- Dou...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- October 24, 2019
"I have been taking Clonazepam 0.5mg for about 10 years now. When my initial anxiety emerged, my doctor put me on Paxil. With Paxil, I was not myself and the side effects were horrible. Just this month, I had to take mental health leave from work due to being overwhelmed, I never had to do this before. The doctor tried putting me on Cymbalta, and the side effects trying to get on this drug were horrific, like a nightmare. I don’t know why doctors don’t listen. Clonazepam works 100% for me. They talk about the addictiveness of Clonazepam, but they never talk about the horrific side effects of antidepressants, going on and coming off those meds. I used to have panic attacks and anxiety even when on antidepressants, but once I was prescribed Clonazepam, I have not had a panic attack in 8 years."
- ItS...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- June 22, 2024
"I started struggling with symptoms unbeknownst to me and my GP as crippling anxiety at 9 months postpartum and was prescribed Celexa. After 2 days of taking it, I was hospitalized. That was when I was introduced to a wonderful postpartum psychiatrist who listened to my concerns and wishes to continue breastfeeding. That’s when I was first introduced to clonazepam. I started slowly with 0.25mg twice daily. After taking that first tablet, I felt complete relief and couldn’t even cause myself anxiety when trying my hardest. I cried and cried that I wanted to be around my family again and hold my babe, not just nurse her. I continued taking clonazepam and seeing my psychiatrist for the following 3 years. I did need to up my dose to 2mg three times daily. However, when we were ready for baby #2 and wanting another successful homebirth with our midwife team and doula, I knew I needed to be on 0.5mg three times daily and slowly tapered down to 0.25mg twice daily. I surpassed my goal, had my homebirth, and have been on clonazepam again at 2mg three times daily for 16 years happily!"
- no ...
- November 4, 2016
Klonopin (clonazepam) "I have used Klonopin over the years for anxiety. I've been looking on the internet saying it's so hard to get off of. But I've never had a problem. I used to take 3 milligrams a day on and off for years, and then when I quit, I just quit. I don't understand where the problem lies with this drug because I've never had a problem coming off. Has anybody else had problems?"
- TxH...
- January 27, 2019
"Long story short, I was a police officer for 16 years. I had the extreme misfortune of having to use deadly force on a horribly confused and drug-enraged 19-year-old kid. Every time I closed my eyes in an effort to sleep, I would relive the incident as vividly as it was in real life, seeing the young man's face and the confusion in his eyes. I secluded myself from my wife and children, as well as everyone else. I believed I was too strong to need counseling or medication to help me. After finally realizing I was on the verge of destroying those that I love beyond what words can express, I went to my family doctor, who told me he had been waiting for me to come for help. I was put on Lexapro daily, and 0.5 Clonazepam as needed. It saved me from going insane, I truly believe. It doesn't change the horror of having to do what I did, but it does calm my mind so I can get some rest and be a husband and daddy to my angel of a wife and two precious boys."
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- Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants
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- En español
"Klonopin 0.5 mg has been a lifesaver. I take it twice a day. No more horrible panic attacks. Really helps my anxiety. I have been on this for years. Never had the desire to take more, because it works for me. This worked great for me!"