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Chlorpromazine for Schizophrenia User Reviews

Chlorpromazine has an average rating of 9.1 out of 10 from a total of 11 reviews for the treatment of Schizophrenia. 100% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 0% reported a negative experience.

Chlorpromazine rating summary

9.1 average rating out of 10

11 ratings from 11 user reviews.

Compare all 83 medications used in the treatment of Schizophrenia.


Reviews for Chlorpromazine

  • Rac...
  • February 6, 2020

"Came off Mirtazapine 15 mg cold turkey, which was not a great move. My NS was a mess, propranolol gave me hallucinations as a side effect, as my system was just so hypersensitive. Diazepam just didn't work to settle me down. Ended up in the A and E twice. First time, chest pains, heart fine, blood work fine. Tried to reinstate Mirtazapine (after 11 weeks off), didn't work, felt worse. Back to A and E after 5 days back on the Mirtazapine as I had become suicidal. Then prescribed Chlorpromazine 25 mg, 3 times a day. It's saved my life. Started feeling better after 2 days and settled my system right down. Been on it for 12 days, and apart from a bit of grogginess, I feel amazing. I truly thought I was never going to get better, but I'm improving every day. Was so afraid to try anything because of messing myself up going cold turkey, but it's taken away all fear and paranoia. Please don't ever play around with your meds. I don't want anyone to go through what I experienced for the last 3 months. Chlorpromazine has literally saved my life. God bless."

10 / 10
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54 Report
  • Ott...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 5, 2014

Thorazine (chlorpromazine) "This is the only medicine which has worked for my schizophrenia. It's a nightmare to take to begin with, need to gradually increase the dose, but has kept me reasonably well and coping for years. Only side effects for me are dry mouth and solar sensitivity, I don't like the sun anyway, so no matter. But the dry mouth does limit the dose. It helps me sleep too."

9 / 10
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56 Report
  • Cyb...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 8, 2017

Thorazine (chlorpromazine) "Thorazine, like Stelazine, is used in the treatment of schizophrenic and other psychotic disorders. The beneficial effects are better than any side effects. They have been in use for over thirty years."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 13, 2014

"Chlorpromazine stops the voices because it knocks you the hell out. I take this medication at night, one 50 mg is enough to knock me out at 5 feet 11 inches and 200 lbs. If you have decent general health, a lower dose will be potent. I haven't needed anything more than the nightly dose, I am also on lithium, which is wonderful. The combination works great together for me. I have not had any serious negative side effects, I am working out more and losing weight. I was unable to do this on risperidone, Atypical, Abilify, or anything else I have been put on. The only thing stopping me from giving this a 10-star review is that most doctors prescribe chlorpromazine for daily use. I would not be able to function on this during the day."

8 / 10
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33 Report
  • Jak...
  • February 4, 2016

Thorazine (chlorpromazine) "As a child, it helped me at a high dose for 6 1/2 years. Now my son is taking it at a high dose, it's a night-and-day difference, but also he's having side effects that limit his function to the point his blood pressure is very unstable, and he is having muscle rigidity, tremors, vagal syncope. An ER doctor said autonomic instability. We are lowering it now to be able to add another with fewer side effects with his arrhythmia, which, even with me being autistic schizophrenic like him, is challenging to control and watch as he's in full psychosis at this point. But I will say Thorazine is golden compared to the rest, and we've tried the rest. He likes the calm, and it actually stops the parasomnia. But it's just now the serious side effects of this."

10 / 10
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  • Yea...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 15, 2020

"Have been off and on for years. Consistently taken now for 2 years. I take 100 mg prn daily. Have been up to 300 mg daily. Has a pleasant subjective response effect. Sort of a hazy feeling. Use Largactil brand. 100 mg tablets give me reflux, so I stick to 25's, maybe 10's soon. Would recommend for relief of the wound-up feeling one can get with a schizo diagnosis."

8 / 10
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8 Report
  • Aud...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 27, 2012

"Though relieving, side effects are a bit much. It may just be the sudden change from my previous medication, but this medicine has added to my anxiety and occasional panic attacks to a point where my doctor has had to prescribe me another antidepressant."

8 / 10
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15 Report
  • She...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 25, 2022

"When I had my first psychotic outbreak and was prescribed chlorpromazine during a hospitalization, I felt like a zombie. I didn't like that medicine. I started smoking nicotine, and the side effects of chlorpromazine (and other medications I was taking along) lessened. Many, many years after that, I'm beginning to bless heavens for having chlorpromazine! I started taking 700 mg a day instead of 100 mg, which greatly reduced the bad side of cigarette smoking in the chemistry of my brain. Chlorpromazine in this dosage made me feel tranquil, relaxed, and joyful! I even think that, having this dosage of chlorpromazine, paranoia is gone for good! God bless psychiatry when it makes good for us!"

10 / 10
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3 Report
  • Jas...
  • September 26, 2011

Thorazine (chlorpromazine) "This medication helps with my symptoms and controls some of the voices and the sightings that I experienced throughout my use of this medication."

9 / 10
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49 Report
  • Tan...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 23, 2015

"Largactil, you are a life-saver."

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • Bob...
  • April 8, 2021

"I was taking Largactil 200 mg per night. Then I threw them in the bin. I got bad withdrawal, feeling nausea and chills. Not a good move. Tapering off them now."

8 / 10
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6 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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