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Suboxone for Opioid Use Disorder User Reviews (Page 4)

Suboxone has an average rating of 8.6 out of 10 from a total of 633 reviews for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. 82% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 7% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Suboxone

  • Stones
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 22, 2020

"It is sure a wonderful drug if nothing else has worked for you. Don't stay on it longer than you have to, or you are just replacing one drug with another. I was on 24 mg the first month, then went down to barely anything in about a year. I'm on day 3 of no Suboxone, and I feel pretty good. I just experience being a little weak and aching pain in my legs when I'm not moving around."

8 / 10
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43 Report
  • Sweet...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 25, 2015

"I had been on painkillers for 17 years. The last 5 of which were Percocet, morphine, Roxanol, OxyContin, oxycodone, fentanyl patches, you name it, they had me on it. After a three-year battle from a botched gastric bypass surgery, I was medically addicted to opiates terribly. I got to where I was prescribed 180 Percocet 10mg a month for all my pain and was still buying 100 a month on the street. I got so sick and tired of being sick and tired, I reached out for help. After several attempts trying to find a pain clinic to put me on it for my debilitating pain, I finally went into a treatment facility. Not only did Suboxone get rid of craving for pills, IT TOOK CARE OF MY PAIN better than any other pain medicine I'd ever had. I have my life back."

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • Peter
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 23, 2019

"I will start by saying this: This medication is saving my life! I'm only 21 years old, and I have been taking all classes of drugs, including heroin, since I was 14. I overdosed a few months ago, and I nearly killed myself that day. Since then, I promised myself to be sober, and my doctor prescribed me this medication. For the first time in my life, I can say to you guys, this is the only way out of drug addiction. You feel so normal that it will scare you (in a good way). I can finally feel like a normal person and do simple things that I hadn't been able to do before starting this treatment. Trust me, if you can't quit the drugs, give this medication a try, it will save your entire life."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Audre...
  • February 7, 2016

"Suboxone saved my life and sanity. I also had health issues and received heavy doses of opiates and became a full-blown addict. I don't know how many times I overdosed on medication. Twenty years of addiction, I don't know how I survived, but by the grace of God. I started Suboxone in 2005. It saved my life! I have a good life, I have an awesome life now. This medication not only helps with pain, but it took away any desire to drink! I have not drank since 2007! One reason I started with the pills was to get alcohol under control! I still take Suboxone. I really feel they need to make this free for anyone who has an addiction. After all, these drug companies have made $$$. I am so very grateful that I am able to have this."

10 / 10
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66 Report
  • Britk...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 30, 2019

"Do understand the reviews you read that are good are people who have not tried to get off the Suboxone! I too would have sang its praises while on the medication, but those who have taken it and then got off, even on a slow taper, it is AWFUL! Way worse than the opiate detox, it is not a gentler way at all. It is a long, drawn out, not even my self year-long off of Suboxone, and I still feel like rubbish. My understanding of opiate detox is 7-14 days, and Suboxone is over a year to feel normal again. If you have a doctor that is willing to just use your opiate of choice, and you have a trusted friend or family member to dispense the taper off of the opiate, do it that way and work a drug program at the same time. You will thank me for not being on this Suboxone merry-go-round!"

1 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Joe...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • May 15, 2016

"OK, love you all first off, but can't believe what I am reading, people saying opiate withdrawals are three days, lmao. You are not even dependent on them then. I've been to day 25 and felt worse than day three. The shits, cramps, no sleep, every muscle and bone hurt, can't eat, lost 20 pounds. And none of it is in your head, no shrink can help your pain, how stupid. Couldn't even possibly make it to a shrink. And I have a degree in chemical dependency drug counseling. It's a joke. Helps no one. Now on to Suboxone, sure it keeps you from opiate withdrawals, but it's ten times worse to kick. Post-acute withdrawals from Suboxone can last up to two years. You can never get off it, it could kill you for real. No one on box is even close to out of hot water."

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64 Report
  • -x-
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 10, 2017

"Suboxone are opiate-based meds, a substitute for heroin and other opioids, and therefore addictive. Besides helping with withdrawal, it also made the cravings go away. Like this, you can put some distance between your addiction years and your new, clean life. Getting off Suboxone is also not easy, but nothing compared to heroin kicking. Doctors are supposed to help you lower your dosage. In the end, I took a quarter of a 2mg/0.5mg pill every day, until one day I felt like not taking it anymore. There is no wonder cure for opiate addiction (duh!), there will always be pain and discomfort, the only thing you can try is to minimize that! After 9 years of heroin and 3.9 years on Suboxone, I finally managed to get off. I definitely recommend it!"

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Bobbet
  • July 21, 2016

"Getting onto Suboxone was the best decision I've made for a long time. A lot of people don't like it because it doesn't get you really high after about 7 days of being on it. Suboxone is there for people that genuinely want to get off the skag. If you're not one of these people, then get on the methadone and stop badmouthing Suboxone. It's saved my life and a lot of money, instead of thousands of dollars a month, I only pay 60 now. Take care, all."

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62 Report
  • Lifer
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 31, 2019

"I was addicted for 6 years. Suboxone saved my life. I've had nearly every single kind of sub out there, nothing compares to the original Sub. The generics do work for shorter time frames. I read that others believe it's a mental thing, but it's not fully. I won't even be thinking about it and asleep and slowly start feeling the sweats and stretches after a few hours. They come out of nowhere! So while they're cheaper than the name brand, you end up spending the same or more because you're taking twice as many. Based on what we know about RX corps and their greedy and shady (thanks to the Sackler family for the major issues with opiates!), it wouldn't surprise me if the bioavailability in the generics wasn't as high, or so high that most bodies metabolize them quicker. I have no problem taking another medication for the rest of my life if it keeps me sober. I know it stinks, but it's better than the alternative, and no one wants to be on RXes forever, but sadly, many people are anyways (insulin, antidepressants, etc.). Yet Suboxone is 'taboo?'"

9 / 10
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44 Report
  • Skept...
  • September 6, 2016

"I don't know if this is hurting my kidneys. I don't know if it will be extremely hard to get off of it. I do know that I would be dead without Suboxone. I lied, stole money... anything to not have withdrawals. I didn't have much hope for Suboxone. I thought it would be like a patch when you try to quit smoking (helps but doesn't do the trick). Day one... immediately... I felt no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. I was ecstatic! If you are on drugs... you must do this now! I was skeptical, but this is the best choice I've made in my life. Suboxone gave me my life back. No exaggeration."

10 / 10
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61 Report
  • ainz
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 1, 2020

"Struggled with addiction for 30 years, 4 times in treatment, lost jobs, career, family, addiction runs in my family. It is literally a slow taker of your life. Discovered Suboxone and went into the program. I can function again! Has been a lifesaver for me. Been in it for a little over a year. Changes in my life have been dramatic for the better. Taking 8 mg daily. I hear people saying you traded one addiction for another, they don't understand the difference between active addiction and physical dependence on a medication. Those of you suffering from addiction know what I mean... all those terrible consequences! Doctor is talking about time for tapering off. Really scared me, but we will see. All I know is my life changed, no more hamster on the wheel, always running and going nowhere but the downward spiral. I would rather be dependent than in active addiction."

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 28, 2008

"I have been addicted to opiates for 2 years. I can say if I didn't have at least 120mg of oxy a day, I couldn't function properly. It got to the point I'm losing everything I have one by one & I realized it's time to stop. This past Monday I started the Suboxone treatment. I'm so relieved to get help and I feel much better each day. I do know, it's up to me now not to use, and I don't have any cravings since I started my treatment. I promise to make this work and will stick with my promise."

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103 Report
  • shanm...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 6, 2013

"I'm a 41-year-old female whose opiate addiction lasted 8 years. I had multiple surgeries, broken bones that always required some sort of pain meds. I always took as directed until the dosage wasn't helping, so I'd take more pills or ask for stronger pain pills just to ease the pain. I was taking 15 Lortabs 10mg a day, and if I didn't have any, I couldn't get up out of bed. So when I eventually was taken off my pain pills, I explained the symptoms I have when I don't take the pain pills. He explained I was having opioid withdrawals. I was so shocked. I felt awful. I didn't take pain meds for the thrill. So why me? I now only take Suboxone 8mg 2-3x daily. Results are instant! 1 year now, no problems. Miracle and truly a blessing. I feel normal again!"

9 / 10
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78 Report
  • Lilbit
  • August 27, 2020

"I have been addicted to heroin, meth, and injecting drugs for two and a half years, and I finally got away from that lifestyle, kind of. I've been taking Suboxone films 8 mg for 10 months straight, and I'm just taking 1/4 every day, once a day. I've been on it 10 months, going on 11 months. I don't get the cravings for heroin anymore, but I still crave ice really badly. Every day I'm craving it bad. *Is it true that you can get addicted to Suboxone? *Is Suboxone really synthetic heroin? *Is the withdrawal from Suboxone worse than heroin withdrawals? I'm worried that I just replaced one drug (heroin, meth) with Suboxone now. I'm wanting to get off Suboxone, but someone told me that if I'm still craving meth, then I'm not ready to get off Suboxone yet. I don't know, I know that I don't want to be on Suboxone for the rest of my life, but I can't get off it too soon and rush the recovery process."

6 / 10
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36 Report
  • curio...
  • August 7, 2007

"This is the fifth day my husband has been on Suboxone. My husband was on methadone for 4 years. I thought opiates were bad, this methadone is bad news. I am glad there was Suboxone to help him. He wouldn't have made it this far just quitting cold turkey off methadone."

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104 Report
  • Randooo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 23, 2014

"This medication saved my life! After 6 yrs of major oxy addiction, I went into detox scared to death! I was sedated for three days, then transferred to Subs! Man, what a difference, I felt like a new man. Started at 12mg a day and gradually tapered off over a 4-month period! I had a doctor in Seattle who put me on Clonidine, a high blood pressure med! This takes away almost all withdrawal symptoms! 5 months off everything, and I have my life back!! If it wasn't for the doctor and these meds, I'd be in a box by now! God Bless!"

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69 Report
  • Kerouac
  • March 8, 2014

"I just started this a few days ago. I'm an executive professional, rose in corporate ranks, made great money, and enjoyed a ridiculous life. After being way over-prescribed oxycodone after a relatively minor injury in my mid 30's, fast forward 3 years and my arrogance in thinking I could control this along with everything else made me blind to a growing addiction that was anything but controlled. I was able to keep my girlfriend, my kids, my job, and still provide them with a decent home. So, I consider myself very lucky to be on the verge of bankruptcy as many have lost much more. I say this to let anyone know who is considering Suboxone, but too ashamed or worried, to DO IT TODAY. It truly works."

9 / 10
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72 Report
  • Speedy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 12, 2020

"I was on oxycodone 30 mg x 6 = 180 mg for 7 years. At the end of 5 years, I added 50 mg daily of methadone at night. Started Suboxone 3 months ago and stopped 180 mg oxy plus 50 mg methadone. 12 mg Suboxone once a day is making me normal again and without any problems."

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38 Report
  • Kev
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 17, 2015

"2nd time detoxing. After using heroin for roughly 3 months, I was approaching a 0.5 - 0.7 a day habit. I started on Suboxone again. This time, total Suboxone time was 8 months. I started at 8, dropped to 6 within a month, and stayed at 6 for about 3-4 months while working. I dropped to 4 mg for about 30-45 days. From here, I did a rapid taper. Once at 2 mg, I stayed at 2 for about 3 weeks, then dropped to 1 mg for about 1 week (started feeling sluggish and had a major lack of energy but no sickness). From there, I spent 1 week at 0.5 mg, experienced no energy and no sickness still. Finally, I spent 1 week at 0.25 mg of a film, basically a speck, still no energy but still no sickness. From the jump off: days 1 and 2, absolutely no energy but no sickness, and I ate food. Day 3, 75% normal. I took motion sickness pills and valerian root."

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63 Report
  • 4ever...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 27, 2015

"I am 32 years old, and opiates have been a battle since my teenage years. Back in the '90s, I would get the 5 mg Percocets or 5 mg methadone and would love that feeling. Eventually, that led me to OxyContin 80s, which led to jail, which led to heroin, which led to overdoses, which led to hell and back! Over the last 15 years, I have battled with opiates and have consistently lost! But Suboxone has been a lifesaver for me; finally, a drug that eliminates my urges, my cravings, my EVERYTHING! Methadone never did it for me, but Suboxone has always helped and continues to help; I owe this drug my life because without it, I would be lost. It's not for everyone, but it sure does help many of us who suffered from opiate addiction and is a great tool to get life started!"

10 / 10
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64 Report
  • GREAT...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 9, 2016

"I have been taking Suboxone for almost 6 years. Before that, my pain was very severe. I took everything before I picked up pain meds. I am an addict of 29 years, I had to pick up pain meds when nothing else worked for me, got completely addicted. Suboxone has SAVED MY LIFE and helps with my pain. I have never picked up another pain med since then."

10 / 10
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61 Report
  • Soandso
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 21, 2013

"After I became hopelessly addicted to morphine and hydromorphone, I found myself living in squalor, dropped out of university, and was on my way to eviction and homelessness. I had tried tapering down myself, going cold turkey at home, and even a few detox facilities. Nothing would stick. And most of the time, I couldn't make it past 48 hours until I'd crawl back to the pills again. I'm in my early twenties and didn't see myself living to 30, let alone getting back in school. Another addict suggested methadone, and after a year on that, I was switched to Suboxone. I feel like myself now. I'm back in university finishing my degree and forever grateful to Suboxone for saving me."

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • tnug
  • November 9, 2015

"In my opinion this drug is a straight up enabler and the reason I say that is because it allows people to not feel pain from withdrawal. Its kinda like when you burn your self you learn to stay away from fire. Long time use of this drug is very stupid I personally think it's bad on your body and the withdrawal is 2 to 3 weeks which really sucks. You don't want to be bound to something so when you come off of suboxone the cravings for opiates come back. In my opinion when you decide to quit using opiates do it with no drugs that trick your brain into thinking your on opiates, then you learn how to deal with your addiction while your sober. That way you will know how to beat it. Drs that prescribe this for a long time are all in it for the money sorry"

1 / 10
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62 Report
  • tylerty
  • December 13, 2014

"I have been on Suboxone for 3 days now, and so far, it's amazing. I have zero cravings or withdrawals. I hope I can finally kick my addiction with Suboxone, I was taking 200 mg of oxycodone a day. The doctor put me on 8 mg a day, and so far, so good."

9 / 10
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66 Report
  • Calli...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 19, 2019

"I just want to take a moment to share my experience with buprenorphine with naloxone. I've been on subs for many years. I just switched to Dr. Reddy's, and I see zero difference in them and the original as far as how well they work. Consistency is a tad different, but that's it. I have to agree with the other person who said perhaps it is a perception thing. The lengths that these companies had to go to in order to even provide a generic at all. I can afford the originals, but I will not buy them. Dr. Reddy's works perfectly fine, I was on the original for many years before switching. Don't let your mind mess with you. Just go on to these with an open mind. Good luck, everyone!"

10 / 10
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41 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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