I was taking Teva .5 mg back in 2012 then was switched to Qualitest who’s was kinda weak then to Actavis but now I am going back on Teva due to Actavis being indefinitely discontinued after Teva’s acquisition of Actavis pharmaceuticals. Wondering if anyone currently takes the Teva clonazepam and what do you think of it has it changed. Does it work well and how does it compare to other generics.
Is TEVA brand clonazepam still a good brand?
Question posted by Anonymous on 13 May 2018
Last updated on 20 February 2024
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
40 Answers Page 2
New teva not as good
I started 2mg new Teva 834 white clonazepam this morning. So far so good. Was taking Actavis. I'll update if anything negative comes about. Other than that almost 2hrs into first 2mg dose. Feel alright to me.
mu issue is finding any pharmacy that carries it in houston-ive tried all the chains and teva says they make it and its out?
@pronin2 Tried CVS? That's what my nearby CVS has dispensed for at least three months. If they don't have it in Houston, I'd imagine they should be able to order some for you.
Works fine for me, although I miss the score on the 1mg because I often take partial tablets.
I wish it work for me. The texture is totally different. I use to pop it in my mouth and it would immediately dissolve now I have to chew it. Plus I dont get the same effect
@Peg0729 Sorry it's not working for you. But I noticed that even with the "old" Teva clonazepam, sometimes I'd get fills where the pills were harder than other fills. Maybe it has to do with age or storage temps in the supply chain? FWIW, according to the National Institutes of Health NIH Dailymed website, the old and new versions contain exactly the same inactive ingredients (tho I suppose quantities of each ingredient could have changed... they don't list quantities).
I switched from Actavis 6mg to teva 6mg and had zero issues. Been on teva for a month Monday. I'm refilling with Teva again. I like em. They're equal in strength to Actavis and the Teva last longer and dissove into fruity mint tingle if that's your preference. 2mg 0093-3123-05 on my bottle.
0093-3213-05 to correct myself
I swear some teva 834 pills are thicker then others. You'd need a micrometer to be sure but with my eyes it looks like some pills are a smidge thicker/thinner. Also i have left over Actavis R35 pills. I took one teva and one Actavis at bedtime, I'm prescribed 4mg at bedtime, one of each after 5 weeks of just teva put me out quick as heck. It wasn't as effective the second night so i just went back to 2 Teva 834 pills. Then a week later i took 2 Actavis at night and it worked better then teva but only for a few nights. So if you have the ability id stock up on Actavis for when Teva start losing effectiveness. Actavis knock me out solid aftet being on teva for almost 2 months. Teva wasn't working as well. Luckily my Pharmacy has both Actavis and Teva for me so i can ask for 28 Actavis with my Teva if needed. Im not knocking Teva here but step back and look at generics. Greenstone is a Pfizer subsidiary and makes great name brand authorized generics. Actavis is like that with clonazepam. Just not authorized generics.
How or where are you still getting Actavais? My local pharmacy had held it back for as long as they could but now only have 60. I told them to fill the partial. I'd love to know where I can get Actavais. I know I won't for good but longer is better than nothing. I'm terrified of TEVA
How or where are you still getting Actavais? My local pharmacy had held it back for as long as they could but now only have 60. I told them to fill the partial. I'd love to know where I can get Actavais. I know I won't for good but longer is better than nothing. I'm terrified of TEVA
I totally agree with you . I hope sandoz brings it back. All the best. Barb
I had to change to Teva old formula that was reintroduced this Fall. I took Sandoz for a very long time but they discontinued it. It's been pretty awful with Teva. My Dr had to increase dosage bc I was experiencing both withdrawal and break though panic with all the nasty symptoms I never thought I would experience again. The release and response of Teva is very unsteady. I am miserable. My quality of life has spiraled downward. Sandoz was by far the superior generic even over the brand. I have appealed to Sandoz to bring it back like Teva did. I hope others are as well. I also heard past Teva patients say it's not the same and doesn't even look the same in color and pill feel. I feel for everyone going through this. God help us all.
Sorry to hear Teva does not work for you. I’ve tried them all and the only one that works for me is the Teva. I was thing though they brought it back because I was going through such an awful two months panicking, anxiety at sleeping feeling like I was going to die couldn’t even go out the door. Then I found a pharmacy that could specially order the Teva it saved my Life truthfully. The first night I took it I felt like myself again. I hope you can find something that helps you like the Teva helped me. God bless you. I know exactly what you’re going. Good luck
New teva cant split .no scored line
Hi. I’m new to this thread but happy I found it. I’ve been taking 2 mgs for sleep for 20 years. I was on Mylan with no complications until they discontinued it. I tried Accord and it didn’t seem to help so I switched to Acatavis and it worked better than my Mylan. I now have Teva and I’m having a hard time. I do sleep but I feel a bit dizzy and a little sick the next day. It’s been 12 days. Did anyone experience this? Does my body just need to adjust? I’m just not myself and I have a high pressured job. Thank you.
Just switched back to the 0.5mg TEVA Clonazepam from Actavis , anyone notice having to get used to it again? I’m having break through anxiety and insomnia. I take 1.5mg everyday and have not had a problem until I switched back.
Give it time your body has to adjust it works
I think my body is starting to adjust. I had to up my dose by 0.5mg. I am now at 2mg per day to stabilize. For anyone wondering Actavis will no longer be available. This is the response I received from Teva;
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for contacting Teva Pharmaceuticals Customer Service. We wish we had better news, but when Teva brought back the original clonazepam over the past 2 months, the Actavis clonazepam was discontinued. You can speak with our Medical Information department to discuss the differences between the two products. If you wish to do that, please call 1-800-545-8800 option 3, option 4. They are available Monday through Friday 9am – 5pm EST.
I hope this information has been helpful in addressing your concerns. Please feel free to call us at 1-800-545-8800 or email at tevacs@tevapharm.com if you have any additional questions. Thank you very much for contacting us and please enjoy the rest of your day.
Kindest regards,
Pharmacy? I cant seem to find it anywhere everyone says they dont sell it anymore
I am confused? It's Teva from Actavis? I thought Actavis wasn'tt making the new one again?
I just went back on the Teva 0.5 two at night and one in the morning. And it truly saved my life. I found a pharmacy close to my home that will order them for me. The first time I took it after not having taken anything in two months it works like a miracle. Thank God. I truly was feeling like I was going to die and panicking all day and all night. So for me it worked right away. I feel like myself again. I’m so glad that Teva came back as it's the only anti-anxiety panic medication that works for my anxiety and panic disorder. I hope it’s working for you soon because I can relate to what you’re feeling and it sucks. Good luck.
I’ve been back on the TEVA for a week now and it is working great, much better thank Actavis. It can be found at CVS. Actavis has been discontinued permanently.
Interesting my CVS says they can't get it.
I just called CVS pharmacy and they do carry the Teva. But the pharmacist said they change manufactures all the time so they can’t guarantee they will have it always. But for now they definitely have it so if anyone lives near a CVS grab it while you can. Good luck everyone. I’m sticking with my independent pharmacy because they will always order whatever I need and I don’t have to worry about CVS changing there Manufacturers.
I’m confused doesn’t all the CVS carry the same manufactures? I don’t know where you live but I live in Illinois and I would think that all CVS carry the same manufactures. I called a CVS close to my home and they said they have the Teva . If I were you I would check around or call TEVA and ask them if all the CVS is carry the same manufacturers. It just doesn’t make any sense to me at all. I’m sorry.
@Willye32 They can get it. You must have been talking to someone who is either uncooperative, or did not bother to check and see that Teva has re-introduced clonazepam. Maybe they were looking at the old Teva clonazepam NDC (National Drug Code) which is now defunct and has now been replaced by a new NDC,
I believe TEVA is best. I am prescribed 3mg-6mg/daily. I have been on clonazepam for ~10 years. My pharmacy used to always have TEVA then about 2 years ago they switched to Sandoz- which I found adequate but not as good as TEVA. Then last year my pharmacy started giving me Activas- which was another step down in my opinion (but still better than Mylan and many other generics I have tried). Lately my pharmacy started giving me the green TEVA 1mg pills again! I'm not sure what's going on with the discontinuation of TEVA but either my pharmacy is getting old, pre-discontinuation TEVAs or they are making new ones. I notice how much more effective TEVA is now that I have been taking Activas for so long. The difference is like night and day. I hope that my pharmacy keeps filling the TEVAs. I dont know what is going on or if it depends on state but I am in Oregon...
Agreed I have been on TEVA for a week now and it is much better.
Does anyone know who is carrying it? Cant find it anywhere
Rite Aid will order it
Make sure that your doctor writes on the script "Teva brand necessary". Then, the pharmacist will do what they can to get this brand (I find that smaller pharmacies are better)
I found a independent pharmacy in my area that will order the Teva . The big chain drugstores will not do that. I live in Illinois don’t know if you have small independent pharmacies in your areas but you might want to check around. Just my suggestion. Hope that helps.
I was taking Teva for many years and it worked wonderful but then they stopped making it. Went on a few other brands that did not work well. But now they put me on Actavis last Saturday and it doesn’t work at all and it’s making me sick. I called to find out if they are bringing back the Teva and they said they were but I called my pharmacy and she said they don’t have it on the market yet. I take 0.5 2 at night one in morning. Can anyone tell me where their getting there Teva? I live in Illinois and as of now they don’t have it. Is there another brand that anyone can suggest that can help me sleep and not feel so awful. I would truly appreciate anyone’s comment. I’m desperately needing help I can’t sleep and I’m not feeling good. Thank you for taking the time to read my story hope someone out there can help me in someway.
Might have to travel out of state call everywhere teva is back out or call customer service at teva usa option 3 then 5
I will definitely not be going out of state to find the drug I’m looking for. I will talk to my psychiatrist we will work something out. Thanks for that information but that’s a little ridiculous driving out of state
Can't say to what extent this is causing your issue, but these days pharmacies have restrictions on which brands they are allowed to order (presumably cost/contract related). So inability to get the (thankfully!) recently-reintroduced Teva clonazepam isn't *necessarily* because of shortage or a delay in getting the new pills into the supply chain. For example, Walgreens can easily special-order the Mylan metformin I prefer, while CVS, Wal-Mart, Kroger, Costco, and five independents I've tried all say their systems will not allow them to special-order numerous other generic metformin brands, but *not* Mylan. (And Osco says they will no longer special-order a specific manufacturer for *any* drug.) Just keep calling around, I bet you'll eventually be able to get the Teva. In an email Teva told me to tell pharmacists the NDC code (National Drug Code) for newly-introduced .5mg Teva clonazepam is 00093-0832-05.
I finally received the Teva brand from my local Pharmacy, Rite Aid, with my last refill. My Walgreens could not get it. Interestingly, my script is for Actavis and they could not get the Actavis this time around. Hopefully, Teva is here to stay.
What do you think of the new Teva vs old Teva? Thanks!
It feels the same as before. It definitely is stronger than the pink Actavis pill that i was taking, so I had to reduce my dosage a bit during the switch. I talked to my local Rite Aid and made sure that they have at least a 3 month supply of the Teva in stock. They special order it.
Walgreens told me they dont special order anything and only carry accord brand
Right, even though Walgreens is usually pretty good about special-ordering a specific manufacturer on rquest, for some reason they they won't special-order clonazepam. However, Teva is currently what my CVS has in stock. And this also suggests that even a CVS that *doesn't* have it in stock should be willing to get it for you (unless you get a hard-nosed pharmacist, but most of them are pretty cooperative).
You guys need to keep calling weekly if they are not aware that we are struggling and they might cancel bringing the original formula back. call because they keep pushing the date back TEVA customer service at 888-838-2872 (option #3 then option #5) for customer service to ask them to bring back old formula if they ask you for survey or anything sign up for email notifications or anything, it all helps them to see how many people are really hurting over this awful decision . Last I spoke with a rep was on a Friday and they said i was the third person who they had spoke to all week. To be honest that’s nothing. It’s a three minute call, please just call weekly so we can possibly speed up this process.
I agree everyone must call Teva at 888-838-2872 to bring back the old Formula of the clonazepam Formula. The green Pill with 833 numbers on it !!!
I called Teva Several times and they said it was on the market but I called my pharmacist this morning and she said she does not see anywhere that says that they can get the Teva. Does it matter what state you live in? I live in Illinois and so far I cannot find anyone to fill a prescription for the Teva 0.5 does anyone have a suggestion on what’s comparable to the Teva? I have been taking the Ativis I think that’s how you spell it for the past four days and I have not been able to sleep and I’m feeling awful. Looking for something that’s similar to the Teva. Hope someone can help me I’m desperate I’m sick and depressed and I’m tired. I wish they would quit changing the drugs around especially for people like me who are sensitive to certain ingredients and the drugs. I just wanna feel better. Thank you hope Someone out there can help me.
Yes as long as it is the Green Pill with the number 833 on it, made by TEVA.
Hello, I'm new to this site. I just called Teva, as was suggested. I was told that bringing back the old Teva Clonazepam is being seriously considered and I should call back in 6 weeks to see what the status is. I told the rep that I wanted to add my name to the list of people who have been using their drug for years and are still being adversely affected by the change to other brands. I would suggest, like the other writer, to please call or email to keep the issue in front of the company. The number is 800-545-8800.
Thank you!
Thanks so much for the update. We all need to keep calling and emailing to stay on top of TEVA
I talked to TEVA today and the consultant said that the 1mg are available. Just sent out the order to all distributors last week. The .5 mg will available not long after. Just no dat on the release yet.
Available to distributors yes but not yet to any Pharmacy.
It's in pharmacies now... got mine this week, 1 mg. Green tablet, 833.
What Pharmacy cause it's not here where I live. I was told that they were still going through protocols at the distributors before they can release it to the Pharmacies. And that can take a while. What mg?
What state and what pharmacy?
Anyone have the 0.5mg I got it filled is it working for anyone update please
Well they're discontinuing Actavis clonazepam. So if you don't like the pills teva started making you're stuck with them. due to everyone saying that Actavis was garbage when it's really not. The new Teva clonazepam is made in the Czech republic for Teva pharmaceuticals. They are unscored unless it's the .5 i guess. People are already putting the new Teva clonazepams down. Everyone has to readjust. Clonazepam takes like 7 days to be close to gone from each dose. So I'm sure people will need to readjust. Ive never had either Teva. So as long as it's actually better then Actavis then I'll be satisfied. Actavis makes American medicine. Idk if everyone is gonna be happy changing. I'm still waiting for mine to get refilled. 2mg's 3x a day. I still get Actavis clonazepam for now.
@jedilink i have always taken the 0.5mg of Teva never have ran out of it but that was the old ones i have never had issues. i dont know if it has really changed or not they say it has not changed at all and yes it looks the same and everything but im just really hoping there is no change i have only took the TEVA Clonazepam i guess im afraid if it not working guess ill find out tonight
Shawnsem - Any feedback on new Tevas?
@jedilink It looks like the old Israeli-made and new Czech made Teva clonazepams have exactly the same inactive ingredients, color and markings, except for elimination of the scores on the 1 mgs (links at bottom).
Don't know why they went and eliminated of the score on the 1mg. It was so convenient to be able to snap them in half them evenly (or close) by hand down the middle, for as-needed dose adjustments (of distribution across the day/evening, not the total dosage). That said, another thing I liked was the fact that the pills were very easy to break even further, into approximate quarters, without crumbling. It wasn't important that the amounts be exact, as long as the daily total stayed the same. Hopefully that easy breakability remains and helps compensate somewhat for the lack of a score. I'm optimistic since, again, the inactive ingredients are exactly as before.
Hi, I currently take Clonazepam 1mg, Manufacturer Teva ..
Its a wafer tablet you put under your tongue and dissolves.
I've been on clonazepam for over 10 yrs.
My opinion it works good for me.
Activest and all the others didn't.
They made me irritated and couldn't sleep at night.
I hope this helps you.
That sounds helpful. I haven't heard of it either from my doctor or pharmacist. How do I get it?
The other generics aren't working at all well for me.
The Pink pill of Clonazepam by TEVA doesn't work well at all for me. I get chest pains & blurred vision. Call your pharmacy's & tell the Pharmasist to call TEVA at 1-800-545-8800 option #3 then #5. Call & tell them to bring back TEVA in GREEN-Pill #833. Every call Help's.
You must keep calling once a wk. to Teva to bring back the Green Pill-Clonazepam 1mg. with the 833 numbers on it. Every call count's to get this good Medication back to us all who need it,because it really really worked !
I'm really tired of Teva to release the original Formula of their Clonazepam has anyone heard or anything or is there a way to contact a manager of some sort I feel maybe we should protest this is just wrong to do to people that have been taking this for 15 years any news anyone ???
I talked to TEVA today and the consultant said that the 1mg are available. Just sent out the order to all distributors last week. The .5 mg will available not long after. Just no dat on the release yet.
Super 1 Pharmacy ordered Teva pharmaceutical 2 mg pills for me this last week.
What color and Number did it have on the side of the new TEVA pills that were ordered for you?
Was Actavis 2mg R 35. Working great so far.
Teva was bought out by Actavis. The generic you are using is still not the original TEVA generic. TEVA is releasing the original back on the market due to people wanting it back as an option. Thankfully they are. because some people are sensitive to certain generics. for example. I have been on the TEVA ones for over 10 years. When they stopped making them. I tried every other generic. They didn't work the same. The only one that worked was the brand name. Everyones body is different. If those work for you. don't change anything. My body seams to tell me differently. I am looking forward to finally having the real TEVA ones back.
Original Teva, green tablet, 833, 1mg, is in pharmacies now.
It's not available in ALL pharmacies yet. I have checked numerous places. No one is allowed to order it yet from the distributors because still going through protocols. I just talked to someone today.
I can't figure out where my comments go. Anyway, I posted yesterday that the green Teva, 833, 1 mg is available. Someone wrote not everywhere. I'll just say that my pharmacist was skeptical that it was back when I told him I knew otherwise. He called his distributor who told him that they would be getting it the next day and send it to him then and indeed that's what happened. If your pharmacy isn't getting it, ask your pharmacist to call his distributor.
My Pharmacy has been checking their distributors website and it is showing not available yet. I might have them call the distributor but it really doesn't matter because I just filled my last refill of the Actavis brand so I will have to wait until October at my appointment surely it will be available by then.
I'm in the Maryland Area where did you find the 1mg or anyone find 0.5mg if so what pharmacys are getting it please share the more we fill the more they will order because they will all be making money dont be greedy everyone post the state they have tried and try to help everyone thanks
I live in Pennsylvania, just outside Philadelphia. My doctor wrote the script for TEVA specifically, because I had heard that TEVA was back. When I went to pick it up, he showed me they sent ACTAVIS. I told him that I couldn't use that, and that TEVA was making Klonopin again. So my pharmacist actually called his distributor while I waited, and waited. Finally, the person he spoke to at the distributor said that the TEVA brand would be in the next day and shipped to him. And indeed it was... it's the original 1mg, green tablet, 833 on one side and TEVA on the other. If you're still having problems, have your pharmacist sit on the phone with his/her distributor and if they're not getting it, ask to switch distributors or go to another pharmacist. You can also check tevagenerics.com or tevapharm.com to see if it's a matter of which state you live in. Phone: 800-545-8800, 3, then 5. Good luck!
What pharmacy did you use I'll travel lol
Apparently all strengths are back
I called and spoke to Teva customer service yesterday 2-5-19. Customer service said they aren't making clonazepam anymore in any strength. They stopped in 2018. She said they bought and replaced it with Actavas in 2016.
I also called Sandoz and they have stopped making clonazepam too.
I suggest calling Teva and asking them to bring clonazepam back. The lady at Teva basically said every call makes a difference.
Teva Customer Service 1-800-545-8800
Today March 5th 3019, I asked and was filled with green pills with 833 on one side and TEVA printed on the other side. I looked it up and it says TEVA pharma so what does this mean? I wish I could upload a picture here
@jd Lucas which pharmacy did you get that from? I'm guessing it was probably old stock they had sitting around
At hyt I took your advice and called 800-545-8800 and the customer rep said that they're getting a lot of feedback from customers and they are reconsidering relaunching it and to call back in 60 to 90 days so everyone should call that number one 800-545-8800 and pleasantly asked them to please restart the formulation.
Here’s what I got from TEVA customer service via email:
Email from 4/20/19-all keep emailing to bring TEVA clonazepam
From TEVA customer service 4/20/19-‘We have recently been notified that we are hoping to have the original Teva Clonazepam available within approximately the next 3 to 4 months, mid to late summer. Since the product has been unavailable for many months, it will need to be reintroduced. The best way to be notified when this product is available is to go to our tevagenerics.com’
Customer Service
Tel: 1.800.545.8800 (option 3, then option 5)
4/20/19-ALL KEEP Emailng to get TEVA back!
I talked to TEVA today and the consultant said that the 1mg are available. Just sent out the order to all distributors last week. The .5 mg will available not long after. Just no dat on the release yet. So they just released them to be available again last week.
TEVA clonazepam (and their gabapentin, as well) ... the very best.
But it WAS the best. Past tense because they no longer make either one.
Totally agree that Teva clonazepam was the best. I've been taking it every day for 18 years. That said, I just got some Actavis, and it is working fine. It *might* be a tad stronger, or at least quicker-acting, but regardless I'm doing fine.
BTW, it was hard to even get the Actavis. EVERYWHERE around here now has Accord -- no doubt because it is cheapest -- but the small independent pharmacy that had special-ordered some remaining Teva for me 3 months ago was able to order Actavis for me this time.
Now that (1) the overriding concern in the industry is to get the generic manufacturer that is the absolute cheapest at wholesale, and (2) generic manufacturers keep gobbling up each other (and Sandoz is being bought by an Indian company), we'd better be prepared for continuing surprises.
For me, the new Teva clonazepam works just as well as the old did (and I used that for over 15 years). The only differences I can tell are that the 1mg (which I take) no longer has a score (but is still pretty easy to break fairly accurately by hand), and -- when I chew on it a bit before swallowing with water -- tastes a little sweeter and kind of minty.
Ironically, the CVS location where I started getting the new Teva clonazepam about six months ago suddenly switched when I called yesterday to make sure they still had Teva. All they have now is -- surprisingly -- Actavis. I guess maybe the Teva company is trying to get rid of old (but still unexpired) Actavis stock? Maybe even giving CVS a discount? (If you Google nih dailymed actavis clonazepam, pick the first result, and when it opens scroll down to the "ingredients and appearance" section, you'll see that the "marketing end date" for the Actavis 1mg is April 2022.
Based on what I've read, that doesn't mean they're still making it. Rather it means that they estimate you might still see some unexpired Actavis clonazepam in the pharmacy pipeline until Spring 2022.
Anyway, while Actavis worked OK for me (though maybe not quite as "smooth" as Teva), I called another CVS nearby, and they still had Teva (and *only* Teva). So I had *that* CVS call my doctor for the new prescription. (This occurred when I was out of refills -- perhaps fortunate timing, since I get the impression rx's for controlled substances can no longer be transferred, even within the same chain -- at least where I live. I know you used to be able to transfer once.)
glad teva works for you. sandoz was the only one worked for me. teva is a nightmare for me since last year when they brought it back. all the other generics even brand not for me. Here's hoping. All the best. Barb
I am sad too to find out my preference for TEVA brand generic Klonopin is shared by other people. I didn't like Sandos, Qualitest, and now I have some new Accord brand and my anxiety isn't touched! I was hoping I was just weird in my preference. I used to have my psych prescribe them by TEVA only in the pharmacy and now I read it isn't the same formulation any more... My psych will think this is getting obsessive... But ending anxiety is obsessive isn't it?
As I've watched it become far less widely available over the last couple years, I feared the day would come when formerly ubiquitous Teva clonazepam was discontinued. Particularly with all the mergers, and drug warehouses now insisting on stocking only what ever's the very cheapest (which normally means manufactured in India or China). And sadly, that day has come even sooner than I expected. I've been taking 1 mg Teva "Klonopin" pills every day for 18 years, and now they've gone away (although today I actually found an independent pharmacy that still has some -- but no doubt not for long... ) I have a BIG stockpile because, while my rx calls for "1/2 mg 3X daily" I rarely take more than 1mg. I used to take it all in the morning, but now I usually take 1/4 to 1/2 of my next day's dose to help get to sleep the night before, and then another 1/4 to 1/2 if I wake after 4-5 hours of sleep and have trouble getting back to sleep.
Which leads to my question addressed to ANYONE WHO HAS USED *ACTAVIS* 1MG CLONAZEPAM, the generic that Teva -- which I once read initially BUILT its business around clonazepam! -- bought and is now sadly supplying in place of its own legendary pill. My question is: How easy or difficult is it to break the Actavis 1mg by hand? As I described above, I make many "Ad Hoc" splits of the Tevas, both along the score and then sometimes into approximate quarters. (I don't care if these are clean and even splits, but I don't want to end up with crushed pills or powder.) From the pics I've seen, the Actavis 1mgs look shiny and hard, unlike the Tevas. Even aside from worry about whether they will work as well as the Tevas, I am concerned about the big inconvenience of having to turn to a pill splitter to break them into halves and/or quarters.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Oh, one other thing -- my research shows that a lot of people like Sandoz clonazepam (which also supplies clonazepam for North Star and I believe 1 or two other "brands." ) They are made in Italy. (The Tevas were made in Israel.) Well just today, I read that Novartis recently announced that they are selling most of Sandoz to Aurobindo, one of those suddenly-all-over-the-place-because-it's-so-cheap-to-suppliers Indian manufacturers. So there goes the Sandoz option, no doubt... Sigh.
I went today to get my Clonazepam filled>> I was taking Teva and they are OBSOLETED, my pharmacy and all the others in my area cannot get them, they cannot even order them because there are NONE. I am at my wits end> does anyone have a recommendation of brands to take, I am waiting on Watson brand? I was given accord and they did not work I suffered for a month till I got a new script of TEVA brand but alast no more :(... the people in the pharmacy look at you like you have 2 heads when you tell them a certain brand does not work. Well I am telling you it does not work, TEVA was the only brand I have ever been able to take and have them work !! Thanks for any and all input!!
The pharmacists look at you like you're crazy when you tell them Accord does not work. I take 1/2 of .5 only when needed. I took 1/2 of Accord did nothing 2 hours later another 1/2 then at 2am a whole one then another whole one at 3 then finally went to sleep. Probably from sheer exhaustion. Accord does not work and i feel so sorry for people who have to take every day! This is exactly why i stockpile and take not as many as prescribed. I got it filled at CVS this time as Walgreens and Walmart have Accord! But if CVS stops carrying them i am S.O.O.L.. When marijuana is legalized they can keep all this crap. And drug companies are scared that's why they are trying to get us hooked.
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paracetamol teva, anxiety, seizure prevention, clonazepam, seizure prophylaxis, discontinued, brand, actavis, qualitest
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