What is your opinion on these two generic brands? Which one do you think works better?
Teva vs Actavis clonazepam - which one is better?
Question posted by Anonymous on 25 May 2018
Last updated on 17 February 2023 by Cody1208
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
59 Answers
I have been taking clonazepam for at least 12 yrs. During all this time it has been from TEVA.
I have found this generic company to be the one medication that has been most helpful. It was prescribed for seizure control. I am taking 4 mg a day.
They don't make actavis any more it's gone I checked today also Teva changed the inactive ingredients they added provodone, it's plastic ! same thing I use for plumbing pipes I'm screwed now I'll have to wean myself off the Teva
Been taking the pink Activis clonazepam since March 2019.
The VA refilled my Rx like normal except this time they sent yellow Tevas. It's been 4 days now and I swear these aren't working the same as the Activis brand. Like not as strong, anxiety is returning.
(Basically the opposite of what everyone else's saying LOL)
Anyway, called the Dr and she said our bodies get used to one brand and when we switch to another brand it takes our brain a week or so to rewire itself to the new filler compounds used by the different manufacturers. Other than that the medications are exactly the same.
Hope this helps. Take care!
Yes this is true I was good in a week glad yellow teva is back
I just switched back to new Teva 1mg and feel a bit foggy and spacey. How long before my body’s adjusts?
It takes about 2 weeks to a month give it time God bless
Thanks Shawn! I feel OK but weird. I lobbied hard to get Teva back and I want to stick it out. How did you feel those first 2 weeks? Thanks for everything! Will the fog go away?
I have been on the Actavis clonazepam for awhile now and pharmacy just switched to the Teva brand yellow pills. I have to say they are not agreeing with me at all. Sweating, nervousness and almost lethargic. I know these work magnificently for some people, but the Activas worked extremely well for me. I wish they would just make both formulas and leave well enough alone!!!
Very true! If they just did both, it could help a lot of people! But hang in there! When they switched back, it was hard for me again, because my body had to get used to it again. But I was all about Teva , so it surprised me extremely! It wasn’t the most fun obviously, but I’m finally back to it helping like it’s supposed too. Wish you the best! -Court
Like everyone says give your body time to adjust and you'll be ok best wishes
I am trying, but it's hard when it affects my work and day to day activities. Just very frustrating!!! Ty for the kind words
I switched to the new Teva clonazepam after over a year on Actavis clonazepam. I take 2mg Teva clonazepam and have to say it's equal in strength without a doubt. I take 7-8 mg a day. I'd have to say the Teva clonazepam lasts a bit longer. I also burp more with the new teva clonazepam. It does the job just as well as Actavis 2mg clonazepam. I didn't have to lower or raise my dose. Direct switch and I'm feeling pretty good. None of the clonazepams I've tried have relieved me of my agoraphobia. I'm thinking of asking to replace 2mg of clonazepam with 2mg of alprazolam from either greenstone or Actavis/Teva. It really does wonders for relief of agoraphobia compared to clonazepam from my point of view. I still say I think I'll continue with Teva clonazepam for a few months.
I switched to the new Teva clonazepam after over a year on Actavis clonazepam. I take 2mg Teva clonazepam and have to say it's equal in strength without a doubt. I take 7-8 mg a day. I'd have to say the Teva clonazepam lasts a bit longer. I also burp more with the new teva clonazepam. It does the job just as well as Actavis 2mg clonazepam. I didn't have to lower or raise my dose. Direct switch and I'm feeling pretty good. None of the clonazepams I've tried have relieved me of my agoraphobia. I'm thinking of asking to replace 2mg of clonazepam with 2mg of alprazolam from either greenstone or Actavis/Teva. It really does wonders for relief of agoraphobia compared to clonazepam from my point of view. I still say I think I'll continue with Teva clonazepam for a few months.
I switched from the .5 Actavis to the .5 Teva and I can say the anxiolytic effect for the teva is much better. Actavis is owned by Teva and they have a plant in NJ they will no longer be producing clonazepam.
Hello everybody! I too switched from TEVA to Actavis and became extremely anxious and spacey, headaches, and didn’t understand. Like the flu. Then on the 12th day got the shakes along with it while pouring my meds out.. Hello? I Changed my meds! Started calling TEVA and long story short, TEVA sold to Actavis and formula was not correct. TEVA has bought them back and started production in many areas of the country. Call TEVA. Speak to Kevin. He will understand. Ask him what is the closest warehouse to you. Then what pharmacies they deal with. I did have to go 60 miles one way to get my TEVA, but it saved my life. This was in September of 2019. My son was getting married in exactly one month and I was all messed up. Been stable for 20yrs. And this happens. Folks the is for real. TEVA has assured me in a formal letter to manufacture the highest quality product.
I am back on the new TEVA .5mg it is much more effective than the Actavis was.
Super for you! Hope you feel better soon. Took me a while.
I started 2mg new Teva 834 white clonazepam this morning. So far so good. Was taking Actavis. I'll update if anything negative comes about. They last a long time. Seems to be a really good medication after 13 hours. I higher doses than most.
Hi.. I am a long term ( over 20 years +) on clonazepam patient. I was on Sandoz Brand 4 mg daily . It worked GREAT. In 2017 my Doc said I needed to start cutting back on the dose . My pharmacy than was dispensing Sandoz & eventually stopped that brand which was great for anxiety & tics, & than pharm in 2017, CHANGED to TEVA... So I was changed from 1mg to .5m as i had to start lowering by .25 mg daily by cutting the 5mg in half to reach a .25 mg. Difficult to lower dosage but got down to 3.5 mg over 2 years on Teva . In 2018 drug brand was changed to Accord as Teva was no longer making Clonazepam. I did not like Accord so went outside my insurance & changed to Actavis as only choices available in my area were Actavis or Accord in 2018. So I chose to try Actavis thru today Dec 2019. I am still on 3.5 mg daily.
Now my understanding is Actavis is gone & Teva took over.. normally Teva would be great BUT I hear it is a new Teva formula... The ORIGINAL TEVA was my fav.. Actavis seemed to work ok after i got use to it. But if it's the old Teva I would vote for Teva & these are scored ... i understand the new Teva pills are not, so i don't know at this time but i do need scored ones so these new Teva would not cut without being scored & also means they changed the pills.. I Would RATHER STAY ON ACTAVIS UNLESS they are the original TEVA... i hope this helps.
I do know that many patients have different reasons for these meds & certain pills can work differently on each of our bodies & conditions... Also i found out that doctors do not know different generic manufactures formulae CAN be different & affect patients reactions to these other generic brands.
So my answer for me is ORIGINAL TEVA YES, NEW TEVA , NO. rather stay on Actavis. I hope this is understandable. Thx
Thank you, you explained this perfectly... I am going through the same thing! Just got my script today and I see it’s back to Teva, I really hope it’s the original formula because all these transitions have put me through hell. The Actavis made me drowsy and I had to take 3/4 of a pill instead of 1 mg to get used to it... anymore than that and I’m too disoriented to drive. I preferred Mylan above all, accord was the worst and put me into withdrawal. It’s too soon to say but I just took half of 1 mg to see how it goes since I’m not going anywhere today. I’m really nervous this is going to be another transition that will take weeks to accustom to it at all
There is no change in the formulation I have had it tested it a lab and paid alot of money to get it done if you would like the results I can try to send them to you perhaps
Yes! Please, that is so awesome of you. I still have a few mylan saved just in case (probably expired by now) and the old teva... I hate how there’s so much misinformation and they say it’s all the same like we are having placebo or something. I was curious if the new teva had to be different for legal reasons or not.
Honestly the only difference is they have added less providone k90 which is just a binder filling agent which is a good thing and the reason they are not scored in the 1 and 2 mg is because of abuse the 0.5 mg I have never ran out and they are still scored and feel no change I cant speak for the 1mg or 2mg I'll see if I can upload the results in a few
Do they last the same amount of time
Hi.. I just read your comment re: your dosage of clonazepam... if its Teva Brand only, green is 1mg, whereas the yellow Teva Brand is
5 mg. Read your prescription label to confirm. Yellow, is 1/2 or .5 mg. It's NOT 1 mg& it should be scored, whereas the green 1mg, I heard from another person on this site is not scored
Please read your prescription bottle or label or contact your pharmacist & confirm the pill dosage you are prescribed.. very Important to know what your doctor prescribed for you
Hi.. I just read your comment re: your dosage of clonazepam... if its Teva Brand only, green is 1mg, whereas the yellow Teva Brand is
5 mg. Read your prescription label to confirm. Yellow, is 1/2 or .5 mg. It's NOT 1 mg& it should be scored, whereas the green 1mg, I heard from another person on this site is not scored
Please read your prescription bottle or label or contact your pharmacist & confirm the pill dosage you are prescribed.. very Important to know what your doctor prescribed for you
Yes they do but it all depends on what dosage and what generic you were on before dont be afraid to give them a chance again they do work your body might need to adjust one last time but they last me 12 hours 2 times a day on 0.5mg and they work just like before I had saved a bunch so I did not run out
I never said the 0.5 were not scored the 1mg and 2mg are not scored anymore mine are yellow teva marked 832 and teva on the other side
I haven’t tried the new Teva yet but I’ve been switching from mylan to brand name klonopin since actavis was weak. Withdrawals were 100 times worse switching to actavis than brand name. Down to .25mg a day of mylan will quarter my pills to double my time next switch. Tired of switching adjusting repeat!!! But I’m almost done with mylan then I have .5mg actavis to switch out
I agree. Actavis is made by (Gentech Inc. USA 1 DNA way south San Francisco CA 94070) a Roche subsidiary. It's the best clonazepam far as i can tell right now.
It's basically made by Roche. It works great for me for like 2 years now. It's also still available.
My fault its 94080 zip code
Shawnsem1 where did you get it tested?
I have checked everything online and there is not a way to send a controlled substance to be tested also I contacted TEVA and they said the formula has been the same since 1996 with no changes to the inactive ingredients.
Teva is 100% the same. It has me sleeping better and truthfully, I’m getting back to complete normal. I’m grateful.
Anyone notice when switching back to the TEVA an adjustment period. I switched from Actavis and am noticing some breakthrough anxiety on the TEVA not sure if it just needs to build up in my system. The Povidine may have something to do with it I read it acts almost like a time release agent. Definitely not feeling the sedation that I was on Actavis.
I had no idea there were so many different generic brand names until I found this forum. I just looked at my most recent bottle & my empty bottle from Aug. They both say Actavis-Teva on them. I picked up my husband's new script this week and his just says Teva- USA. Mine are yellow, his are green and not scored. We both are on 1 mg. But, he takes 1 mg just at bedtime for sleep. I take 1 mg 4 times per day as needed. I'm not sure if I hit a tolerance ( I generally stick to 3 or 3.5 mgs) but I've noticed a major increase in anxiety this past year and I've been on the yellow for about a yr. I also get body aches a lot, they feel like the flu. I will write again after I get my new script filled, I'm sure it will be the Teva- USA since we both get our medication from CVS.
I had been getting Actavis/Teva for a while from CVS too until my recent refill and its back to just Teva. Doesn’t work like the Teva I was use to for so many years .
Just to let everyone know I have been on 0.5mg of the new teva and they work just fine no different from before at least for me I have been on it front days now and no issues give it time it does work
Just got my prescription. They are the green Teva! And I think they help/feel just like the ones did that they stopped making. I’m so grateful there back! My anxiety.. it’s just so much of a relief, to be able to breathe again!
Hi Friends, the "new" formula causes sedation and foggy head for me. Had such hope in it, why are they screwing with us? It should work great, I took it for a very long time and never caused sleepiness , plus breakthrough panic and more depressed. Medicare cover the brand name by Genentech if your physician says necessary. Going back to that because all the generics are crap. Brand is better, although not perfect. Don't know what else to do
After Mylan (green round pill) discontinued their clonazepam, I tried TEVA (green round pill scored line) and it did nothing for me. Then I tried Accord (blue trash) and woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible panic attack. Then I tried Actavis (yellow round pill scored line) and it has been a God sent for me. This last time my pharmacy was out of Actavis and refilled the new TEVA (green round pill THIS TIME no scored line)... I am at loss here... if they don't make Actavis again my doctor will do the paperwork and authorization with my insurance so I can get the brand name.
Teva is DEFINITELY better!!! I’ve just switched from Teva to Actavis (1mg 2x daily) and been stable with bipolar for over 20 years. After 15 days I started having flu-like symptoms. Fuzzy head, ringing in my ears, tiredness, racing thoughts and headaches. I even checked for a fever. Then one night while taking my meds I realized that ONE THING HAD CHANGED! My Teva clonazepam! And I was withdrawing from the Actavis probably. Since I went straight from Teva to Actavis and 15 days had passed, I was sure. Contacted Teva and learned that during the buy-out of clonazepam from Actavis that something must be wrong. Calls were coming in daily. Same symptoms. Please note that Teva IS MAKING CLONAZEPAM AGAIN!! 9/4/19. I had to go an hour away to get it tho. They have just begun distributing again so it will be a while till it’s back on the market all over. Please fight your doctor on this. Get your psych to write TEVA brand only for clonazepam.
I’m now going through withdrawals but just starting to come back “up”. Worst of all, my son and only child’s wedding is in 2 weeks and if I didn’t catch this I could have been full blown anything including psychotic during the most important day of his life and we all know how destructive that can be. In my opinion Teva has taken the proper steps to make sure the med is properly manufactured but ACTAVIS could care less.
Also do you like the new Teva clonazepam?
Yes. I’m coming back UP and have had nothing but good results from Teva clonazepam for 20 years. Will stick by that as my experience! Stability is everything to me!
The tevagenerics.com website is changing things around alot. Yesterday they showed no Actavis. .5 or 1mg only original tevas except 2mg 100ct bottles Actavis. Now they're showing 100ct bottles as Actavis and i think they're going to have 500ct bottles as Tevas original formula. Cause yesterday they had tevas 834 2mg pill on the website ndc 00093-3213-05 for 500ct bottles of Teva 834 white 2mg pills. Today it only shows Actavis 2mg for both bottle sizes. I'm thinking they're going to keep 100ct Actavis and launch Teva as 500ct bottles. I might stick with Actavis. I really enjoy the comfort of Actavis being made in New Jersey instead of Czech republic, India or China.
Id really like to hear feedback from everyone whose got Teva's new/original pills. I've never actually used Teva original. I started a few years ago on Accord then went to Actavis. NOW that's night and day. I started Actavis and was like yeah this is what clonazepam is supposed to feel like. HOWEVER my only other experience was Accord. So ANYTHING is better. Teva is supposed to be a great clonazepam. Everyone wanted providone k90 back is what I've pieced together. Well their original formula beat Klonopin in their bioavailability test. So im wondering if everyone is happy with the Teva clonazepam.
The Teva that is finally back, and feels like the original formula!
I was taking Teva clonazepam .05 for years and I got the Actavis brand and the pharmacist didn’t tell me it was different. Since February I have not been able to sleep and have had a brake down. I called Actavis and they said the formulas are the same. I finally read all the reviews and realized I am not crazy they are different. I called TEVA this week and they informed me that they brought back the old formula because of so many people were having the same reactions. How can they change the formula and not tell people. I am so mad that the pharmacist did tell me that they were different. I am doing to get the teva ones today and I pray they work.
Dont count on it. I just got my 1mg Teva's last week and they are not the same as the old formula. Pharmacist will tell you anything. Different manufacturers use different binders to make their version of the pill which in turn causes them to work differently as well. My Dr did bump me from 2 a day to 3 a day though. Same mg.
I called Teva and they have me the NDC# and said to ask for that and it will be the old formula. I don’t trust the pharmacist.
Ok just going to chime in here. Never taken Teva but a few times but I just talked to Teva and Kevin told me they didn’t do ANYTHING to the old formula. It is possible you’re not feeling the same because of the brand change if you’re taking actavis. Me personally I’m taking brand name until I try Teva and see how well they work for me.
I have wondered if it will just take time to adjust
I have wondered if it will just take time to adjust
Yes it may take time to adjust... I have been switching brands from mylan since January of this year switching .25mg at a time 1/6 of my dose and still it takes some adjusting. I’m switching to brand and it seems to be headed in the right direction. Don’t like paying so much but better than suffering.
It is making me feel extremely sedated, where the original formula never did that to me before. Hope it is just an adjustment period because i really miss the way it used to help me feel
I need them to bring back 2mg version too. My calls aren't getting anything accomplished. I'm frustrated trying to get their original formula.
Why they wouldn't just bring it all back.
Sedation is good for me though.
Sedation is good for me though.
It used to not sedate me at all. I would feel very happy, energized, talkative, no anxiety what so ever and kept my body convulsion disorder under control. My convulsions are under control but I feel like I can't hold my eyes open from the sedation. I think maybe my body is just adjusting.
Well i just checked the website and it looks like they're discontinuing Actavis clonazepam. I've been on it after Accord was horrible for a year. I've never been lucky enough to try Teva. I don't know how much longer I'll be getting Actavis clonazepam 2mg pills. Guess it'll be time to adjust to Teva 834's. I pray they're a great clonazepam. Actavis was doing the job except the raise in pills a day and the fact Actavis doesn't do anything for getting out of the house. I hope Teva are just better so i don't have to worry and keep refilling good medicine.
anyone try the new 0.5mg of the TEVA and if so how are they i have been on teva 0.5mg and never ran out to where i never had to change to actavis or brand name ever but i do have the new ones in 0.5mg in teva i just was wanting some info before i take my first dose on the new stuff
Just to let everyone know I have been on 0.5mg of the new teva and they work just fine no different from before at least for me I have been on it front days now and no issues
Thanks Shawn! Glad to hear it!! Please post if you experience any changes!!
Just had my script filled last Friday and was dumbfounded when I looked at the manufacturer and actual pill to see that its the old 1mg Teva's. I had been getting the Activis/Teva version which worked fine. But now they are back to Teva green's. They dont seem to work like they use to though.
I agree, they do NOT work the same as before. Customer service told me they didn't change anything at all except it has no score line which I don't understand how it is that they dont make me feel the same...
I knew it! The government forced the manufacturers to change the formula. I wasn’t going to get excited about Teva bringing back the “old formula” until I took them myself. Some manufacturers like Sandoz and Mylan would not comply so they just quit making them. If I had the money I would have one analyzed and see what the did.
Just got off the phone with Teva. They just discontinued Actavis brand today. So whether we hated or loved Actavis we have to adjust no matter what yet again. Wishing all out there the best of luck. I started the Teva yesterday and can tell the difference between Actavis and Teva already. More sluggish and appetite not there. Body trying to adjust back to the old formula.
Keep us posted on the new medicine
So glad this forum is here! And to the person that spoke to Kevin at Teva, I applaud you. Speaking with him he helped me FIND the right brand I’m my area even tho it was an hour away at a CVS pharmacy.
Love to all ♥️♥️
@ Bpalienbug are you on the 0.5 mg or 1mg and how is it working for you keep us posted im taking the 0.5 i feel its a bit different but maybe its my body getting used to it , i never ran out of the old 0.5mg so idk yet to soon to tell but i feel its a little different but might be in my head also
I just got my Rx filled and it looks like the old Teva formulation.
CVS carries it and it’s listed on TEVAs website.
The Teva website for Teva generics is showing the half milligram original formula pill. I'm hoping that the 1mg and tuna will be out soon. I need the Teva 2 mg. Their rep said 1 mg half mg are out to distributors. you have to have your pharmacist call the distributor to make sure. Make sure you have the right NDC number if you want the half milligram mg Teva original pills the website is showing them available. We still need to get the other strengths out to Distributors for us patients. Please call 1 888-838-2872 option 3 then 5. Kindly request they bring back all forms of their original medicine.
If anyone has managed to get an Rx filled with the new-old formula, Please post an update!!! I’m so afraid they are not going to be the real deal!
I have the TEVA again, finally. They seem to work the same to me! My body had to get used to it switching again, but all n all same to me as they were. Only thing, I feel like they hit up harder but don’t last as long. The other activas, didn’t hit me as hard, but lasted longer. It’s just about getting used to it again. They say all the generics are the same, we all know that’s not true. Especially when your body hast to get used to it!!
What is the "right" NDC #? For both old and new? Either 1mg or 0.5mg.
Teva for sure
Mylan was my go to... Teva did nothing for me but Actavis is doing the work. As another said, Mylan was by far the best but Actavis is superior to Teva.
White Roche 2 mg klonopin with the cross split is actually the VERY best. But good luck getting insurance to pay for the brand name. And if you are paying out of pocket, your looking at easily a 5 to 700$ pharmacy cost depending on how many you get/if you have a coupon etc etc... But ya, Roche for valium and klonopin. Pfzer for Xanax... Those are for for people with good insuarnce or deep pockets.. Go to good RX.com type in name brand 2mg Xanax, you will get prices averaging about $13 a pill (with coupon).
Teva Green was very good and worked effectively for years. Then all the generics of clonazepam- blue pills, I swear I thought I had a placebo. Gave it a try for some months with complaints to pharmacy three times+. They finally said they would only get blue ones and I said I was not going to sleep some nights in a row at time and could they please order the green? No can do. Nowhere has them. I saw my Dr and asked for brand name only (not in my formulary) So PA was needed. Sent, very belatedly. Between Insurance -Dr- Pharmacy, no consistency with only 0.5 name brand written. I take 2x 1 mg daily! So no medicine now and a new script won’t be sent in until Monday- MAYBE. And a new Prior Auth form needed with new waiting period which does not guarantee approval.
Very frustrating but that is how bad the blue generic is for me by comparison.
I know it is bad to go without, especially with cardiac issues but what other option is there? I cannot afford to buy brand name!
Also, the pharmacy did have 1 week supply in interim, left over green Teva and it WORKED.
None left now anywhere.
I determined it's the dyes that bother me. I finally got kaiser to stop giving me blue dye #2 then another brand was pink , red dye #30. That made upset my stomach, which screws up the nerves. Now, I get either yellow and now orange, but they seem to be ok. Big Pharma yuck!!!
Teva started shipping out Wednesday - it’s back.
Kmj523: You said Teva is shipping their original brand? Has anyone gotten a refill of them yet? I’m very interested to see if anyone has tried them and if they are indeed their original formula!
1 mg was sent out to distributors several weeks ago but has not been made available to pharmacies yet.
Did they say when pharmacies should have them again?
No, only distributors have them. There is a process with protocols that have to be done by the distributor before they make it available to pharmacies.
My next Rx is due the first week of Oct and I’ll try to get them. If anyone gets some sooner please post if they are REALLY the original 833 formula. I’m suspicious I guess, I’ve been sick for a year now... Thanks
TEVA best formula ever for me. Currently on Actavis formula and it is nothing compared to TEVA. Can't wait until I can get back on it. I can tell a big difference between the two of them in how they make me feel. Been on Actavis since July and it has been no fun. But it's better than being on nothing at all right now. Just ready to get back on TEVA formula, felt great on it.
Related topics
anxiety, clonazepam, generic, brand, actavis
Further information
- Clonazepam uses and safety info
- Clonazepam prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Clonazepam (detailed)
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