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Xanax Questions (Page 27)

Displaying 584 questions associated with Xanax.

I have been on varying doses of Xanax for about 33 years and I am losing my memory?

Has anyone else ( long term Xanax use) for anxiety and panic attacks . Noticed a lose in memory, especially short term ?

Is Xanax OK to take 4 hours after a Klonopin?

I'm prescribed Klonopin and ran out early, I got some Xanax and want to know If it would hurt me by doing that. I'm having bad anxiety right now. My Klonopins are 1mg and the Xanax is 0.5mg/

Can I take these drugs together in small amounts alprazolam and oxycodone?

Can I take a small amount of Xanax .5 with oxycodone 5mg. This might help me sleep. Is there an alternative to taking alprazolam with oxycodone for sleeping

Does zanaflex have xanax in it?

Does anyone know how to pass a drug test for xanax and marijuana?

also how long does xanax take to get out of your system?

Could Xanax make you angry, agressive, obsessive, accusatory & change your personality negatively?

my mother is on this and has always been very upbeat and loveable. Now she is always looking to pick a fight, and totally negative always aggitated and looking to accuse everyone from my 79 father of cheating on her to picking constant fights with her 4 kids and anyone else she can fight with.

Does it matter if I eat before or after I take my xanax?

Will eating before I take xanax or decrease the effectiveness? I just wanna ensure I get the complete effectiveness

Why is the street name for xanax "handlebars"?

I ask because I am doing a report on it for school and I have heard people call them 'handlebars' or simply 'bars'. I just want to know why, so that my report can be as thorough as possible. Any information provided will be greatly appreciated. My report is due on Monday, May 3.... read more

It is safe to take 2 x 3.75mg zopiclone tablets together?

My Dr has prescribed them for sleep but at one a night, and it doesn't work for me. I have tried taking it together with xanax but still can't sleep! I am an adult, of average weight, and am taking them along side citalopram (a.m.) and tramadol (tid)

Has anyone on Xanax had a problem with stomach bloating?

When I take xanax for my chronic pain,(I also take Oxycodone and Duragesic patch),I get severe stomach bloating that makes me look 9 months pregnant.It takes days to resolve,but comes right back again. Help!?

Drug Test - how long dose xanax stay in the in your system?

30 xanax in about a week

Can xanax help seizures like klonopin does?

I have epilepsey and I am prescribed lamictal once a day to help control my seizures. I am also prescribed xanax. My question is, does xanax help control seizures the same way klonopin does, bc they are both benzos. I am wondering because, if not, I'm going to talk to my doctor about... read more

I have anxiety attacks and am trying to get on Xanax?

I live in Los Angeles and need a Doctor that will prescribe it to me? I used to live in Las Vegas and now that I just moved here I cant find a Dr. that is good and will prescribe me the medication?? Some one please help me? Any information is needed. Thank you.

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