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Tongue Questions

Displaying 58 questions associated with Tongue.

Burning Mouth Syndrome - I've had BMS for seven years. Has anyone had this go away on its own?

... without treatment? I had a benign cyst removed from my throat 7 years ago and this triggered my burning tongue syndrome. What hell! I've been to countless dentists, ENTS, oral surgeons, GPs and NONE of them know what to do. I've had my teeth ground-down, capped and night guarded, all... read more

How do you get rid of Adderall tongue?

What causes black hairy tongue?

Anyone had dental procedure prior to onset of Burning Mouth Syndrome?

I had Burning Mouth Syndrome after a dental procedure. I had many painful fissures and a one inch circular dark red sore on my tongue. There was a water blister the size of a dime in the middle of this circle. There is a great lack of understanding concerning this illness. I was seen at one of the... read more

I have recently been diagnosed (finally) with a severe case of Tardive Dyskinesia. Is anyone else-?

suffering from this? Not to have a pity party, but these are my symptoms: Abnormal, uncontrollable tongue movements which cause me to rub my tongue against my teeth, causing unbearable pain. lip-biting and pursing and smacking lips (very unsightly and also very painful), tightening of my jaw and... read more

Neurontin, Gabapentin - anyone have a severe dry mouth on this?

I awaken in the middle of the night with my tongue glued to the roof of my mouth. I know how incredibly disgusting that sounds, but it feels as if I've eaten school glue! (My breath must be really sweet and probably smells of roses) This is not a huge problem, just annoying, and the benefits... read more

Why is Xanax NOT taking away my anxiety?

Okay I start having another panic attack about 45 minutes ago, I took a xanax and let it melt under my tongue and then drank some water, I am still panicky... something just does not seem right, when do you go to the hospital and just say, there is something really wrong with me, I can not get over... read more

I have left side head ache, tooth pain, eye pain, and tongue pain. it is so severe?

9 months before i had this type of pain and disapears in 20 days. but at the time of 20 days i cried a lot. i never slept. that time i was working abroad and there i was affraid to take doctor checkup. but when i returned home and consulted the doctor, he said it may be b'coz of cold. now i... read more

Does Xanax work quicker swallowed or dissolved under tongue?

Hi I am currently taking Xanax for anxiety obviously and panic attacks. My question is does this medicine works faster or kick in quicker if it’s swallowed whole or if it is dissolved in your mouth or under your tongue

Burning Mouth Syndrome - I had an Oral Surgeon tell me BMS was caused by your body coming off of...

... hormone therapy. Since I have read and been told this terrible infliction of pain to your mouth(tongue) 95% in post-menopausal women it makes some sense. Has anyone else been told this?

Is swelling of the tongue one of the side effects of taking zoloft?

every time i talk it feels as if i'm biting my tongue constantly with my back teeth and it feels as if my speech is slightly slurred

I accidentally swallowed subtext instead of it going under my tongue?

I've never done that before and was wondering would it be good or bad to take another dose? It's been over 4 hours and I feel like I'm in withdrawl now. My insides feel a little weird like I might have to go #3. I'm on subaxone for pain management, the firm I go to has at least... read more

Does anyone know how to get rid of Plaque on the tongue?

I saw a specialist and he told me I have plaque on my tongue .I was treated for thrush but it didn't go away (family doctor).and he sent me to an Infection Specialist who said it was Plaque.I use Biotene right now.I scrape my tongue with a special scraper.I brush at least 3x a day.

Burning Mouth Syndrome - tongue numb or itchy or tinglilng or burning...anyone had success with?

Anyone have answer to how to get mouth flora back to normal? Is it the gut? Yeast? Now I am eating raw garlic to help with the symptoms.

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