Okay I start having another panic attack about 45 minutes ago, I took a xanax and let it melt under my tongue and then drank some water, I am still panicky... something just does not seem right, when do you go to the hospital and just say, there is something really wrong with me, I can not get over the panic attacks-this is a first that it hasn't helped at all. I have the shaky feeling, and like I can't breath. Wow, I am just a mess!
Why is Xanax NOT taking away my anxiety?
Question posted by brendaboo on 28 Jan 2013
Last updated on 1 December 2022 by hsure
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
12 Answers
I'm not a doctor.
Xanax creates a rebound effect if you take it regularly. You develop a tolerance AND it causes more anxiety symptoms as it quickly wears off. . You could have an underlying condition. Consult your doctor or a different doctor for labs and alternatives! Panic attacks are hideous and i hope you start finding answers. I drank alcohol for years to mask mine, which gave me a plethora of additional issues. Best of luck
I'm prescribed 6mg of xanax a day and have full blown panic attacks every day even with medication. I was switched to the liquid form and it worked slightly better but only for about a week. I honestly would rather be dead than deal with this anymore. I can't. I don't know how you're doing but I hope it's better.
You took the time to reply to another person in need.Not many people have the character to do that. For sure you are much stronger than you give yourself credit for. I signed up to this site simply to give you a reply and for no other reason. I wish you well and maybe I should add look out for the wonderful beauty that is all around you but maybe a little difficult for you to see XXX.
Hello I just created an account just to possibly help some people here.
I am not a professional. I have just researched these things too much.
So I would recommend you take 500mg phenibut once or max twice a day magnesium 1g per day valerian root cbd and lastly cordyceps with vitamin c and iron... You must eliminate anxiety with those.
Be careful with the phenibut cause of withdrawal N stuff pm for anything
definitely talk to your doctor before doing any of these things.
I am on xanax and still having them bad they just come on any given time maybe I should take two mg can someone give me some input on this. And it makes me scary when I have them
Do not increase your dosage without talking to your doctor. Besides alcohol, benzo withdrawal is the only withdrawal that can kill you. Talk to your doctor.
I take 4mg of xanax prescribed by my doctor and it does not stop my panic attacks, stress or anxiety. It simply refuses to work for me. You are not alone on this train, I've been on so many meds and none seem to work. Hopefully you are feeling better now, cheers.
I have panic attacks all the time my doctor have me talking 0.5mg of Xanax I am still having them bad sometimes I will take 2 at a time and it still happen maybe I should be taking 2mg instead I don't know what to do. When I have them my heart rate goes up as far 145. Anyone has any suggestions for me. And it very scary when they come on sometimes it's back to back.
The same thing happens to me along with severe shortness of breath. The xanax use to help take those feeling away almost immediately after taking it ( and i don't take it often so it's not like my body is used to it) but ladt night I couldn't breath. Felt like I had to reach up to the sky to expand my lungs just to get a good deep breath in... my heart rate was at 145 and I had some chest discomfort... i had previously taken half of 1 milligram about 3 hours prior to this attack.. ( to prevent it since,I was already feeling anxious ) but when I started eating dinner... it came on... tje severe shortness of breath and elevated heart rate... i immediately grabbed my purse and reached in for the xanax... this time I took the whole 1mg. I was so desperate I chewed it before washing it down with water... i always check the time when I take xanax to know when it should already have kicked in... after about an hour when the symptoms SHOULD have subsided...
they were still there... i freaked out even more... i thought perhaps I have a pulmonary embolism or about to have a heart attack. My heart rate was still elevated... and I thought that this time there was surely something wrong with me. I'm a 40 year old Fairly healthy female ( besides this panic and anxiety disorder I have))... i cry because I never know when it's something real... please help
I’m at the same point I just lost my dr cis no calls no shows due to surgery’s I’m also on pain management the primary I just lost he was prescribing me Xanax 1mg and it doesn’t help even half just makes me sleep clonapan seems to help but he didn’t wanna help me I don’t know if I should go to the er and I’m having the hardest time finding a phycatrist help
Hi. First let me say i understand how you feel, truly. I don't know what milligram you use... i use 0.5mg. Sometimes i have to take a 2nd one. But, I wait about 15-20 minutes in between... try to distract your mind by doing something you enjoy, a light hearted favorite tv show, or chat with someone that is supportive about something light & fun. Distraction is the key. If you are still short of breath, you can take another. You may become drowsy, on the way back down. No driving or using equipment, stay away from caffeine including chocolate. If you feel like you need to cry, cry! Its cathartic and helps to release the intensity inside. If you have a place to lie down, do it. Try to stay calm. It feels like you may die, but you won't. You may feel lightheaded... but It will be ok. You will be ok too : )
Hi, my dr told me to start zanax for anxiety. I am nervous to take it iv never taking that before so i dont know what it will make me feel like. Plus i have a very busy so im worried about the drowsiness!
Hi. Depending on the mg you will b taking, it may or may not make you a bit drowsy. If its a low mg, you may have to take a 2nd one. Side effects of xanax does not interfere w/my busy day, but an anxiety attack does! Maybe use it the 1st time, when you are at home or are around family, if you are concerned...
Ok that's what my dr said too! Thank you
1mg of xanax should hav an effect on a panic attack, I have suffered with sever anxiety and panic attacks almost my entire life. There are many different benzodiazapines and each works different for different people, u may need to try another one. Read up and study these benzodiazapines to better understand them. I think I know exactly what your feeling cause the same thing happened to me with Ativan or lorazepam. Also xanax is a lil weird, I used to hate it cause it never helped me or even did anything until I started seein a doctor who was very knowledgeable in the benzo department, he informed me xanax has an extreamly high rate of having paradoxical effects when not prescribed at an adequate dose. I now swear by my xanax and believe it helps me more than any other anti anxiety medication I've been prescribed.
It can actualy make your symptoms worse w/o an adequate dose because of the fast onset, peak, and extreamly fast plasma drop. Usualy Klonopin(clonazepam) is a safe bet, its strong enough for panic attacks and lasts longer than the short acting xanax. I also believe, (but don't know for sure), that clonazepam has one of the highest rates for success among panic & anxiety sufferers
Great info and advice, Ryan. Xanax has a short half life, but 'tis a miracle med for many people!
How much xanax did you find helpful I am having this problem of it not working for me
I normaly need to take 2mg to stop a panic attack, but since the recomended max daily dose is 4mg I try taking a half tab for lesser attacks, BUT, if a half dose doesnt work then taking a whole dose after will actualy be less effective. I learned with xanax its alwayse better to be right the first time. But even though panic attacks and anxiety attacks may not be physicaly harmful, they can mentaly torment anyone and lead to psychotic breaks and episodes in those with co-occuring disorders so if u ever feel your anxiety meds for some reason arent working, you shouldnt feel guilty about going to the ER. I know there are psychiatrists out there who dont listen as well as they should and sometimez an ER visit is what it takes for them to listen. But there are still other options like calling the on call doctor if its after hours, or even some clinics will have liquid sedatives on hand for injections if its really absolutly needed.
But ive never had any problems at the ER when my meds werent working, theyve alwayse helped me, I just hate hospitals, the enviroment causes flashbacks panic and more issues. Hopefuly u feel diferently about hospitals. I hope u can get this all worked out soon
mygirl went to her phy dr and said she was very agetated feeling mad lass out he gave her 2mg xanxa 30 of them she cant even handle 0.25
I know because ive been taking for 10+ yrs I don't feel fuked up like she get I have the wrost anzity there is I take up to 2mg 4 times a day and im fine im worried about her what should I do
I would head to the er if your meds aren't working. When you are over this attack I would get a new psychiatrist, one who knows what its like and is willing to treat it.
I am starting a new psychiatrist on Wednesday, and thankfully the bus ride is 2 hours and not 3 hours each way, the ER basically knows me by name because I have been there SO many times, but my psychiatrist just looks at me like I am an idiot and that magically by looking in his eyes I will get better... he is very young and I believe he has no clue what it is to go through such terrible anxiety, all he simply had to do was request my previous doctor records and he would know I have a MAJOR anxiety issue, so instead working with me, he ups my zoloft and tells me before I leave that I will probably get even more panicky for a few day... wow, thanks doc just what I want to hear!
Hi again Brenda, I agree with Pamee, seeing a new psych doc may be the best thing yet! The other one really sounded like HE needed a psych doc!
If the zoloft is making your anxiety worse, tell your new doc about that. He/she may switch you to an SNRI antidepressant. Even the old "tricyclic" a/d's work better than some of the newer meds. They sure did for me.
Best wishes and good luck at new doc's,
Thank you, I sure hope he is a better one!
My psychatrist flat out told me that dealing with anxiety zoloft amkes you sympotoms worse and since I started celexa 10mg its been like night and day
Brenda, I am so sorry you are going through all of that horrible anxiety. I know it's hard to focus when you're having a panic attack, but please try try try the relaxation breathing that other members have mentioned to you as it truly helps... if you're not able to do the breathing, or it doesn't help then go to the ER and tell them your meds are not working... my heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you... pamee
Thank you, I am seeing a new doctor tomorrow, I just SO hope he has more compassion on me.
Dear Brenda,
I have been suffering from insomnia since 1980. I have been to every doctor therapist, etc. I never had panic attacks or anxiety until August 11th then it got real bad. Sweats, rapid heart beat, lightheaded, shaking like a leaf. Didn't know what was going on. Drove myself to doctor. He put me on Ativan and it caused my heart to race and feel horrible. I quit. now on Xanax. Called today he had me on 0.5 4x a day and sill no sleep only 2 hours a night for the last month. I feel like I am loosing my mind. I called today 9/3/2017 and he increased the night time meds to 2 at night with Benadryl. Hope it works but know it won't. Been on Prozac, Cymbalta, Dalmane, Playcidyl, ambien, valium, and on Percocet right now since I have 2 rods, 14 screws in my back, 3 neck fusions, 2 shoulder surgeries, 2 knee surgeries, 1 thigh surgery, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, a broken ankle, just to mention a few. Had a heart attack during a in and out surgery for my knee.
They put me in a room weren't checking me and the next thing I knew I was in Cardiac Intensive Care for 5 days. When I woke I was on ventilator and tied down had no idea what was happening When I had my back surgery at Beaumont hospital Royal Oak, Michigan they called my husband and said they over sedated me at 230 in the morning and didn't know if I would make it. He told me 3 weeks later. If he would have told me sooner I would have had an attorney. Not only that I got a pulmonary embolism from them and DVT. Now on blood thinners the rest of my life. To make matters worse being on Xanax I can't take pain medication. Now, these kind people tell you to exercise and I see nothing wrong with this, but there is no way I can even attempt this, oh and then they stuck a greenfield filter in me to stop the clots tried to have it removed but they never told me. Was on table 2 and one half hours and the doctor gave up said it was grown in and blew it right back up now I can just wait for that to fall apart. Now, my question to you is why do I have anxiety? Never had it before and it is driving me nuts. I had sleep apnea but lost 65 pounds and sleep doctor said no longer needed it. So I asked for help sleeping - Elavil, Mirazapin, Prozac, etc. etc. etc. Then she said well I can't help you and that was it. two hours a night just isn't getting it. Headaches like you wouldn't believe. My daughter is a yoga therapist in Arizona, I am in Michigan, but she realizes there really isn't anything I can do. Last Friday had 4 steroid injections in lower back. Still hurting, still not sleeping. I am actually afraid to go to bed because I know I can't Sleep. I would appreciate any suggestions some one may have. I am at my wits end and just about to walk in front of a car. It is really getting bad - shaking, sweating, breathing shallow - yes I tried breathing exercises as well as praying and am not that religious at this point I am ready to try anything. Thanks for listening sorry so long but my body is racing so fast it is hard to slow down. I read each night, but that doesn't help either. I hope everyone that has to go through this hell will somehow, someway find the needed help. Good luck and best wishes.
Take a spiritual approach. Ancient plant medicines have been used for centuries and exist to this day and people use and benefit from. I suffered with dissasociative disorder, ptsd and severe anxiety for 8 years, it ran my life. I took mescaline, and my symptoms vanished due to an inner awareness experience. If anyone wants to argue that, your opinion is invalid due to lack of experience on the matter.
Judith, I’m sorry life has handed you such a difficult hand. I would suggest whole heartedly turning to a combination of medical marijuana tincture, an understanding CBT therapist, acupuncture and sauna sessions along with whatever your GP sees necessary for your health. The medical marijuana I think could especially help your case!
Hi Brendaboo,
What miligram is your xanax? If it's .25 it probably won't do much for the attacks you are experiencing. If it's one entire miligram or 1.0, then it should be helping calm you down a bit. You may need to take two miligrams for it to be effective, yet, NO doc in his/her right mind will prescribe that much for you to take several times a day. The only people that get large doses are usually really large guys, in my experience and I've been here about 3 years on this forum.
Maybe you should go to hospital and tell the emergency team that your meds are NOT working? Not a bad idea, your regular doc would be notified of your er visit, which would lend more credence to your complaint, not enough miligrams!
Good luck Brenda!
Keep this in mind, Brenda, all you have to fear, is fear itself. Panic attacks are a vicious cycle, one begets another, and we start to worry when will another one happen. We begin to associate places or people with our attacks, because if we were in the grocery store when one happened, we avoid the grocery store, or if we were around our cousin, we avoid our cousin.
Read up on anxiety. Knowledge is power. I know what you feel like, I had them exactly like you, several years ago and I still get whipped into a frenzy once in a while. But, for the most part, they are kept at bay now, and I rarely have one. I'm actually a pretty confident person, now. And you will be too, this too shall pass.
Exercise actually helps, yet at first, when you begin to exercise it may feel weird, like a panic attack is coming on, because your heart is pounding. But you won't have one. Just keep exercising and you'll be surprised how quickly the endorphins start working on your brain! You'll begin feeling better. I like yoga and dance, but you might like something else. You don't need to join a class or leave your house, you can exercise right in your own home, just make sure you've the proper shoes.
Also, there are dvds and cd's that can help calm you down. Listening to the ocean or a forrest or anything natural can really help calm you, belive it or not.
May I ask if you are married? If you are engage your husband into helping you a bit, he can hunt for cd's of calming music or sounds, he can hunt for dvd's that will help you out, if you don't want to shop. Also, shopping online is great if you cannot bear the thought of any mall. I had the first and biggest panic attack at the mall. I had NO idea what was happening to me. Not a clue, it felt as if I would lose my marbles, completely. I felt faint, I began perspiring, the fight or flight response kicked in fast, and I wanted flight, so my husband and I left the mall asap, with baby in tow.
Are you taking an antidepressant? Usually panic attacks and depression go hand in hand, though not always. I was terribly depressed, post baby blues and it was hellish indeed, so I do understand.
Just keep in mind that fearing your panic attacks is not helping you. What is the worse thing that can happen during a panic attack, your heart rate goes up, you may perspire, what else? Not much else. It feels horrible, but nothing will happen to you except feeling really crappy. This will get better, but you do need the proper amount of meds to help you in the mean time.
Thank you for your response, I took a 1mg and I don't know what the problem is. I called my psychiatrist and they said no one is there, the receptionist can help me... really? That's how screwed up this psychiatrist office is, it took two weeks for them to call me back last time I went to the ER with a major panic attack, and they had to give me ativan... finally his nurse called me back. I also take zoloft 200 mg a day, which is a lot... My GP gave me clonipan 2mg 2'xs a day, but I just called to get it refilled and it sounds like she isn't going to refill it, that my psych doctor should be doing it(she gave it to me when she found out he was only giving me .5 mg's of xanax once a day)I can't imagine her just stopping me, but I never let my psych know I was taking clonipan because he may not give me xanax and I freak out.
BTW I have started walking every night, I have to have a xanax in my pocket and a bottle of water and of course my sons i-pod, last night was the first night in a long time that I felt like was panicking, I didn't take the xanax till I came home. I've lost over 40 pounds since starting zoloft, I exercise and am dieting... but even doing all of this, I still panic for reasons unknown. My brother who is a licensed physical trainer says that exercise will release endorphins which will help the depression, he has known people that have totally quit take anti-depressants after exercising for some time, so hopefully the walking will help, unfortunately I do suffer from agoraphobia, so that is why I have to walk at night... I don't like people looking at me... hehehehe... I am a wacko!
Brenda I guess I'm wacko too, bcuz I dnt like people looking at me either lol.. back when I was able to walk I to would walk in the dark, before the sun came up so No One could see me!
Just as your brother and Lara mentioned about the endorphens being released with exercise is so so true and gives us a natural high that also helps relieve pain. You may want to ask your Dr for a change in antidepressants, one that helps better for anxiety. It's all about finding the right medication for you. My psychiatrist told me anxiety is the flip side of depression, so the two need to be treated with proper meds; however, I think you need something more right now like a benzo to help you until you find the right a/d.
Well I have a appointment Wednesday with an new psychiatrist, I am so hoping this one will understand the anguish I am in and try to help me more than this current psychiatrist is.
Brenda that is great news getting a new psychiatrist. I sure hope this new one is compassionate and thinks about the oath doctor's take to help the patient unlike that other psyc dr you had.. he sounded like a real jerk... good luck
Thank you!
Hi I have severe anxiety i am 5'2" 113 lbs and take 2mg 4x a day and its not helping
Related topics
xanax, anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, tongue
Further information
- Xanax uses and safety info
- Xanax prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Xanax (detailed)
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