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Social Anxiety Disorder Questions (Page 6)

Related terms: Phobia, social, Social Phobia, Social Anxiety

Displaying 218 questions associated with Social Anxiety Disorder.

If you usually take 150 mg of Venlafaxine is it safe/effective to instead take two 75mg pills?

I ran out of my 150mg extended release tablets but I have some old (but not expired) 75mg extended release tablets, would it be safe/effective to just take two of those until I can refill my prescription?

Looking for valium experiances... twice weekly users?

Today im going to the doc and requesting valium while i transition into new antidepressants. i was wondering if anyone who has used valium (or another long half life benzo) twice a week has NOT built up a dependancy (incorperating tolerance). Iv been told that if you take a narcotic pretty much at... read more

Effexor XR - Is it worth stopping Adderall for?

I have adult ADD and take Adderall. It's helped with my attention span, motivation and focus and as an added bonus my social anxiety too. On the other hand it wears off and I still feel like I deal with depression and anxiety and have now for years when I'm honest with myself. I am... read more

Anxiety - Generic Zoloft helping anxiety but making me jittery, will this get better?

... I started generic Zoloft 12 mg, tomorrow will be 3 weeks. The past week and a half I have been? taking 25 mg. I can tell a big difference in my mood. I am not crying like I used to. My anxiety is better, still not where I want to be. My complaint is my whole body is shaking. I need the medicine... read more

Can going from 20mg of Paxil to 10mg cause increased anxiety?

About 6 weeks ago I went from 20mg of Paxil to 10mg. I was fine until about a week ago I got increased anxiety and my mind kept thinking weird thoughts and images. Now I just feel sad all the time and my appetite is almost nonexistent. Could this be from going down? Would it take 6 weeks to effect... read more

Night sweats and Sertraline?

I am 21 years old and about a month ago I started taking Sertraline 25mg twice a day. Last night I woke up drenched in sweat even though I sleep with the AC on and 2 fans in my room. This has happened before I was taking this medication, but last night was probably the worse. Could this be a side... read more

Has anyone had a bad initial experience with Valdoxan but carried on. What was your experience?

I had one night on Valdoxan for anxiety and woke up at 3am with such bad anxiety. It took me 2 hours to get back to sleep and I suffered the worst dreams. My leg also wouldn't stop moving. When I woke(from the worst sleep of my life lol), I felt ok for the first 5 minutes and then the anxiety... read more

7.5 weeks on Zoloft, 4 weeks 50mg and 3.5 100mg is this a blip?

I have been on Zoloft for about 7.5 weeks now. I did 4 weeks on 50mg and the past 3.5 weeks on 100mg. Around 4-5 weeks (UPPED TO 100mg) I was feeling almost "normal". Week 5 started getting really bad stomach aches, ibs, cramps, anxiety, no appetite etc. Week 6 was ok and beginning of... read more

Want off Effexor XR. Not working?

I have been weaning off Pristiq 50mg with Effexor XR 75mg for the past 3 weeks. I feel extremely tired, constantly hungry and no motivation or energy whatsoever. It hasn't helped with mood at all. I want off of it. I didn't really like Pristiq all that much either, but my dr kept telling... read more

How long does Zoloft side effects last?

Hello! Just started taking Zoloft recently ( 25mg first 14 days then supposed to up to 50mg) I'm actually on day 4 and the side effects are really freaking me out. I've struggled for as long as I can remember with anxiety ( Health Anxiety to be exact ) it's taken me MANY years to... read more

Drinking alcohol on Zoloft?

I am on Zoloft, 50 mg. I have been on it since Thanksgiving 2017. I have heard you shouldn't drink while on this (im on it for anxiety not depression), but i am 23 years old, so me never having a drink again is not realistic. I never go crazy when drinking (usually only 2 vodka lemonades when... read more

Increasing Effexor XR from 37.5mg to 75mg and got sort of a funny question?

I started on 37.5mg the 6th of January which the first 4 to 5 days gave me heartburn around the clock. So thankfully that went away. OK, began on 75Mg doctor's orders 2 day's ago and noticed felt kinda fatigued those 2 day's and after waking up started having awful cramps and had to... read more

I was prescribed Zoloft one year ago and was too afraid to take it after seeing the warnings?

I was prescribed this med for anxiety/ major depression. I didn’t take it now it’s a year later and my boyfriend wants to leave me because he’s tired of me be sad tired and anxious. I went to a therapist she told my doctor to prescribe me something for anxiety since I cannot ever... read more

Zoloft works and then stops working?

I have been on Zoloft for 10 weeks. I was originally on 60mg for about 6 years and it stopped working so we switched to a few others that caused bad side effects. Anyway Zoloft is one that has not given me horrible side effects other then making my anxiety and depression worse prior to it getting... read more

Sertraline/Zoloft - Dosage too high? Too Low? Give it more time?

Hi, I have been taking sertraline (Zoloft) for 8 weeks now and would love some advice from anyone who has taken sertraline for a long period and has seen positive effects! I started on 25mg for 1 week, upped to 50mg for another 3 weeks, and my doctor then suggested that I up my dosage to 100mg as... read more

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