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Social Anxiety Disorder Questions (Page 12)

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Displaying 218 questions associated with Social Anxiety Disorder.

Sertraline - Can anyone help? Need some advice?

So about 7 months ago I had a bit of a breakdown, work was very stressful, bought a house... everything just got on top of me completely. I took time off work I was on the sick for 4 months. I couldn’t eat I couldn’t get out of bed I was just so depressed and anxious all of the time, I... read more

Buspirone - questions for Buspar users?

For those of you on Buspar, I have a couple questions if you don’t mind? 1) What dose are you at now? 2) What dose did you start seeing effects? 3) How long did it take you to start seeing effects / reach full effect? 4) What side effects did you have and how long did they last for? Are... read more

I’ve found tramadol fantastic. Can I take 100mg?

Does anyone drink on tramadol as I have and haven’t had any issues for 2 years taking two50mg tramadol a day? What do you think people, I am also on sertraline 100mg? Should I stop taking the sertraline? I am not sure it does anything? I have not felt any better depression wise since taking... read more

Effexor XR Dosage Increase?

Currently taking 75mg a day for anxiety and it’s helping. My doctor is increasing my dosage to 150mg in 2 weeks. Has this dose helped anyone else more and how has it made you feel?

Escitalopram - Started Lexapro - increased anxiety?

I started Lexapro 6 days ago for anxiety but every day it seems to make my anxiety even worse to the point where it’s almost unbearable today. I know SSRIs can make things worse before they get better but how much longer will it be until I’m ‘over the hill’?

Does Viibryd cause heart palpitations?

I have been suffering with anxiety for several months now. I have tried Zoloft made me feel like a zombie. Lexapro worked but caused insomnia. Tried Buspar but caused insomnia. Tried Wellbutrin but gave me the nervous energy on edge feeling. Been prescribed viibryd started at 10mg. The first 4 days... read more

How long before feeling Paxil kick in?

Been having debilitating anxiety for the last 6 months. Crippling nausea, jitters and overall feeling of dizziness. Had all sorts of medical tests. Heart, endocrine, Gastro. All looked normal. I quit drinking alcohol and have tried all sorts of ADs. I’m on my 9th day of Paxil. First 7 days at... read more

I have been on sertraline for 6 weeks and have recently started getting badly depressed.

I have never suffered with depression. I've mostly suffered with very bad anxiety with social anxiety. I would say my depression started a few months ago and gradually got worse. Ive started on sertraline 44 days ago (6 weeks) I'm just wondering how long do I have to wait? I have never... read more

What if you took 30mg of Valium a day and doctor switch you to 4mg Klonopin a day?

I was talking 30 mg of Valium a day for 1 and 1/2 years they just was not working up and down all night I too all 3 at once to try to get sleep no way up and down I tried everything and I'm a single full-time dad of a baby girl she 6 I got to get her up for school not a problem doctor finally... read more

Heart irregularities - sertraline?

The reviews of sertraline seem to be so positive. Has anyone experienced any irregular heart beats? It feels like it's skipping a beat. I didn't take my sertraline yesterday and my heart was normal. I took it again today and the skips have come back again?

Does anyone take olanzapine in the morning?

I take it at night and I really haven’t noticed a difference in my paranoia and anxiety. I have Bipolar and BPD. My anger hasn’t lessened either. My doctor said I could start taking it in the morning, just hoping to hear some success stories I guess. Seems like most people take it at... read more

Why am I feeling worse after initially feeling better?

Hi I am on day 43 ( six weeks) of taking sertraline. The first week I started on 25mg and had no side effects at all. A week later my doctor put me up to 50mg. Days 12,13 and 14 were really hard with increased anxiety and panic attacks. Day 15 my mood improved a lot and apart from some nauseous... read more

Sertraline + Side Effects :(?

On my 8th day on sertraline (Zoloft), my side effects seem to be like a yo-yo and sometimes I feel okay other times I’m extremely exhausted and very low mood and get very anxious and panicky in the mornings. I have recently noticed over the past 3 days though I been having diarrhea? Has... read more

Venlafaxine worse before better?

So I have been on venlafaxine 2wks and 3days. I just started 75mg 2 days ago. Today I feel drugged, spacey, heart racing on and off, nervousness, keep feeling like I need to use restroom, keep feeling like I'm on the verge of a panic attack. Is this normal at first? Will these symptoms... read more

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