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Prescription Questions (Page 28)

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Displaying 1316 questions associated with Prescription.

Can I take Cefdinir 300 mg and Amoxicillin-clavulanate 875-125 mg at the same time?

I have a middle ear infection and was first prescibed the amoxicillin, after the 3rd or 4th day my ear plugged up again. I went back to ready care and that doctor prescribed the cefdinir. Is it safe to take both of these antibiotics at the same time. Cefdinir is 300 mg every 12 hours and the... read more

What time of day is best to start lamictal?

I just got my first prescription for lamictal starting out a 25mg once a day for 2 weeks, then 25mg 2x a day. I was wondering if its best to started out taking in night or evening or morning . I have t insomnia really bad. would not want to be a sleepy during the day more then I am. i had been... read more

Amoxicillin for middle ear infection?

I picked up a middle ear infection two weeks ago and 36 hours ago my doctor prescribed me 250mg of Amoxicillin. Since starting the course my infection has got much worse and I am now totally deaf in both ears. Should I go straight back and see him or is it best to just keep taking the pills?

How should I take my omeprazole and Carafate?

I've been prescribed 20 mg capsules of omeprazole to be taken once per day and 10 ml liquid Carafate to be taken twice daily. I've been getting up, taking my omeprazole, waiting 30 mins and then taking my Carafate. Then I wait another hour before I eat. I take my second dosage of Carafate... read more

Is sertraline the same as Zoloft, basically?

Is it prescribed for, besides depression, panic disorder?

Buspirone makes me sleepy and then gives energy?

I have generalized anxiety and was prescribed 5mg buspirone twice a day but I only take it once well today is day 3 and I'm noticing a pattern, after I take it I get super sleepy like 30 mins later and then its weird like aftr an hour of being sleepy I all of a sudden have energy and then... read more

Prednisone makes me feel tired and fatigued?

I was prescribed Prednisone 30mg for three days 20MG for three days and 10mg for another 3 for poison ivy. I'm on my third day and I can't function. I have no desire to even get out of bed. Work has been so hard. Should I be concerned?

Prescribed magnesium citrate for constipation, this is not the normal for me!?

Have a terrible stomach ache with nausea and heartburn, my lower abdomen was in all sorts of pain and the ER thought I my appendix was bad only to find the my digestive tract is full of feces! I was prescribed magnesium citrate and it did work (I think)..But my concern is oes the magnesium citrate... read more

Does trazodone cause memory loss at night?

I'm prescribed 100-200 MG trazodone every night. I've only been taking it for a few months and I don't always take it but usually take 100-150mg when I do... There has been many times that I wake up in the morning to find something happened that I completely don't remember. For... read more

Fleet enema used as prescribed and still no results?

I feel I've been constipated for two weeks I finally used an enema today and after five minutes nothing happened I still have not had a bowel movement I did follow the directions And I used three quarters of the bottle and yet still nothing what the heck so now what do I need to go to the... read more

Are there any alternatives to clobetasol propionate?

I have bad scaly skin on my scalp that I was diagnosed with severe seborrheic dermatitis and this clobetasol propionate shampoo that I was prescribed was finally the first thing to ever work and clear my scalp up. But I have new insurance now and it is no longer covered and cost over $300. Are... read more

Depakote and Anxiety?

Can Depakote be used for severe anxiety, or is it better for bipolar and depression? I may have been mis-prescribed ONCE AGAIN. I JUST need a non anti-psychotic medication that helps with severe anxiety. I've already been on Paxil and it was for too long thus it no longer works. Zoloft and... read more

Diphenhydramine - Benadryl and Adderall combinations OK?

I took 2 20 mgs of Adderall today as prescribed to me. Now I'm trying to sleep. Can I take 25 mgs of Benadryl?

Vitamin D taken once a day instead once a week?

I was prescribed for 50000 ui once a week, but I took it once a day for a week. I'm thirsty and dizzy... what should I do? Should I go to the emergency room?

Can you use amitripyline as and when needed to help with sleep?

I'm not sleeping well after some devastating family news. My mind goes into overdrive and keeps me awake. I've been prescribed amitripyline 10mg at night to help. I work in social care and work night shifts a couple of times a week, so can't take it when I need to stay awake all... read more

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