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Prescription Questions (Page 15)

Related terms: Prescribe, Prescribed

Displaying 1316 questions associated with Prescription.

Hydroxyzine - I was prescribed this for anxiety disorder?

I have never really been on anything, I have horrible anxiety and I was just prescribed Hydroxyzine for anxiety 2 to 3 times daily. I just took my first dose about 30 minutes ago and I'm having an anxiety attack with it. Medication scares me should I talk to my doctor or keep taking this with... read more

Will the crying ever stop I'm currently on Zoloft 100 MG?

I have been on this medicine for a while and each time I take it seems like its not working what can I ask my doctor to prescribe me so I won't feel so bad I cry every day and it makes my aneixty bad please help

Topamax - My daughter is experiencing tingling and pain in feet?

My 16 year old daughter was prescribed topamax for migraines. She took 50mg a day once a day for a week, and now takes 50mg 2x a day. She's been taking it for 3 weeks now. She has been waking up every night with really bad pain, tingling and numbness in her feet and legs. Is this normal or... read more

I have been prescribed 10mg of amitriptyline for arthritic pain but was told no coffee,tea or?

... alcohol. I would really like my coffee, anyone else not allowed coffee and why?

300mg Gabapentin Not Working?

It will be a month on January 4th since I've had surgery on four tendons in my right wrist as well as my medial nerve. Since then I have been a perscribed 300 milligrams motrin as well as percocet 5. I finished those, they really helped a lot. I recently started hand therapy about a week and... read more

How long should I give Linzess a chance to work before stopping it?

My doctor prescribed 145 mg Linzess over a month ago. The first week, it seemed to completely empty by bowels on the 2nd day but after that I am lucky if it works one day a week. I also take a fiber supplement, drink a lot of water, exercise daily and run 10 miles on the weekend. I am experiencing... read more

Can I take neurontin and mirtazapine together?

I have been taking 30mg mirtazapine as a sleep aid and today I was prescribed neurontin 300mg. I was told to take the neurontin at night so I am wondering if I can take the two medications together

What do I do if Monistat 3 doesn't work right away?

I had a UTI about a month ago and took antibiotics that were prescribed to me by my doctor. My symptoms for UTI had gone away but a few days later I had an intense itch that wouldn't go away. I contacted my doctor and she advised me to take Monistat 3. Yesterday was the final dosage and my... read more

Trazodone - Are you supposed to take Trazadone every night for it to work properly?

I have been prescribed Trazadone for sleep issues and started taking it sporadically the past few weeks when I could not sleep well as I didn't want to become dependent. I'm not sure if this is just situational or if it is the medication, but I have felt increasingly sad and angry after... read more

H pylori treatment... I suffer from anxiety and now had a side effect from treatment?

Hi. I have had h pylori for a while I was prescribed the treatment of lansoprazole clarithromycine and amoxicillin ... I suffer from panic disorder. My type of panic attacks are from feeling different. I can't drink I can't take me da I can't feel different. A simple light headed... read more

I was prescribed tramadol 50mg for pain and was told that I could take 800mg of ibuprofen?

I have a horrible pain in my left hip, went to see my doctor and told me it was a muscle pain, she advice to take tramadol with a combination of ibuprofen but I have not found any relief. Has anyone taken 100 mg of tramadol and felt better?

Is it normal to take 3,000mg of gabapentin? Or would another be better?

Is it normal to take 3,000mg of gabapentin? I take 1,000mg 3 times a day for occipital neuralgia, migraines, and cervical dystonia; as prescribed by my Neurologist. It helps to a degree but it's not miraculous at alleviating the pain. I also take a cocktail of other medications for other... read more

What is a good Adderall starting dose?

I am 20 years old, and was just diagnosed with ADHD. My doctor prescribed me 20mg Adderall IR twice a day. The first few days were really good. I had a lot of energy, and was really focused. After the third day I started to feel really tired, drowsy, and irritated with everything. I'm not too... read more

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