I've been prescribed Synthroid since March because my Nurse Practitioner believes I have hypothyroidism. We did a test before starting any medication. You can see the results below:

-TSH: 3.11
- T4: 8
- Free Thyroxine Index: 2.0
- T3 Uptake: 25
- Weight: 136 lbs

My only concern is my weight. I've always been between 135-140 lbs with my weight being the lowest as soon as we started the Synthroid treatment. I have continued to eat fruits/vegetables/nuts/etc with the occasional treat for sticking to a healthy diet and I work out 4/5 days a week. I have gained 11 lbs following the treatment. It had dipped a week after starting and has just slowly continued to climb.

I met with the Nurse Practitioner earlier today and brought my weight concerns to her. She doesn't think it's the Synthroid at all and questioned anything that I had read on the internet. I'm not one to self diagnosis but I did do a lot of reading on the issue and found others to have similar experiences. She says it's literally impossible for the drug to cause weight gain because of the science of the T4 component. See newest test results below:

-TSH: 1.95
- T4: 8.1
- Free Thyroxine Index: 2.0
- T3 Uptake: 25
- Weight: 147 lbs

She now wants to increase my dose from 25 to 50 and I'm hesitant to. I think I'm going to turn this into my own personal experiment. I have a friend who will be able to determine my total body fat percentage along with other important variables. Now my question is whether I should take the increased dose or not. Whether I stop taking the drug or increase, I will still revisit the body tests to see what changes.

Other people online have suggested introducing more T3 supplements to help assist but I don't know much about that. Any thoughts or experience would be very helpful.

Thank you!