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Peripheral Neuropathy Questions (Page 4)

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Displaying 100 questions associated with Peripheral Neuropathy.

Rosuvastatin and Gabapentin side effects?

I have been on Gabapentin 400mg caop 3x a day for peripheral neuropathy of my legs. I have been on this medication for years. I am happy with this med with minimal side effects. I also take Rosuvastatin CA 20mg 1/2 tab at bedtime but I continually have arm and legs cramps mostly at night. Every... read more

Is FoltanX equivalent to MetanX?

My pharmacist says it's NOT a generic, but a proper replacement... this at my demand that MetanX generics are NOT even close (there are even class action suits). I know MetanX is used to treat pain from Diabetic Neuropathy, and I believe it worked well before. I'm afraid this... read more

Is Metanx efficacious for non-diabetic idiopathic peripheral neuropathy?

I am an 82 year old male, former long distance runner (marathon at age 72). I had minor (needle) surgery for a painful degenerating disc about 20 years ago which gave complete relief from back pain ever since. I have had PN since 2001, which seems to have been exacerbated by running that last... read more

Had to stop Gabapentin due to weight gain - now how to lose weight and what to use for neuropathy?

I really liked LaurieShay's eating plan for weight loss after Gabapentin use and will try it! However, now that I am off Gabapentin, what to use for pain management for horrible peripheral neuropathy which I have had since 2005? Have been using Vicodin 3x/day for 6 years but it really... read more

Is the lidocaine ointment usp5% good for arthritis flare up in my knees I also have neuropathy and?

I used to use the patches but they were mote hassle keeping them on where the pain is at so dr.Wrote me the ointment instead so is it god for arthritis pain also..Thanks

I'm having a problem when I take the topiramate and drink soda or carbonated drinks, it almost feels

... like my tongue is burning, does anyone else have this problem?

Is there a medication other than Lyrica and gabapentin for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy?

I wore my back out working in nursing homes and hospitals in several departments. Mainly as a nurse attendant therefore lifting and positioning patients as well as equipment. You get the picture I assume! After back surgery, etc., etc. I was finally forced to retire and have disability... read more

Efficacy of Cymbalta vs duloxetine?

I suffer from nerve pain resulting from a failed back surgery. Recently I noticed that my pharmacy had substituted duloxetine for the prescribed Cymbalta. Concurrently, I noticed a higher level of pain. Could it be that Cymbalta’s efficacy is higher than duloxetine?

What is duloxetine prescribed for?

Gabapentin for leg cramps?

Can I take amitriptyline and duloxetine?

Having such terrible buzzing in head and ringing and bad headaches. Diagnosed as having tinnitus

Can Gabapentin stop the progression of nerve damage?

I have Trigeminal Neuropathy as well as nerve damage in both legs not due to diabetes. It just mysteriously happened. Now my arms and hands are feeling numbness. My neurologist prescribed Gabapentin and I was wondering if anyone has found it to stop the progression of nerve damage.

Hydrocodone/APAP 5/500 Acetaminophen/Codeine #3 Oxycodone/APAP 10/325?

Neuropathy multiple strokes 2 Heart Accacks Degenerative bone disease Started with Hydrocodone 1 tab per 6 hours... started making me woozy, I cut it in half and was only able to take one half per day Acetaminophen #3, no relief Oxycodone/APAP 10/325 the latest course for pain relief... the best... read more

Is leg swelling typical with neuropathy?

I have had neuropathy in both legs from the knees down for over two years as a result of bacterial meningitis. Recently, both of my calves started swelling and now my ankles are swelling as well. My doctor has me on Potassium and lasix and it does help a good bit, but it does not get rid of it. Is... read more

Post lumbar surgery Peripheral Neuropathy. Who treats this type?

I had experienced numbness in feet and skin on both legs 2 weeks following a multi-level lumbar fusion. The back of the legs are sensitive to touch and painful. I was given Gabipentin which made me into an idiot and then Lyrica which is effective but causes instability and memory loss. I just had... read more

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