I wore my back out working in nursing homes and hospitals in several departments. Mainly as a nurse attendant therefore lifting and positioning patients as well as equipment. You get the picture I assume!
After back surgery, etc., etc. I was finally forced to retire and have disability compensation.
After approximately a year or two I began feeling neuropathic pain (the pins, needles, burning, coldness, other things I've NEVER thought possible to feel! It's been 20 years and I live with it but I cannot say I'm enjoying it. I cant describe what it feels like.
Thank you for reading. I hope someone will respond!
Thank you!
Is there a medication other than Lyrica and gabapentin for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy?
Question posted by ljaxon75 on 16 July 2020
Last updated on 2 October 2022 by cleo130
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
3 Answers
Hi there, I have had 2 back surgeries, one in 2015 and the second in 2016. In 2019 I began to have pain in both thighs and I also started falling excessively. Finally my left foot dropped, then both legs simply gave out. In the hospital a Neurosurgeon told me I had nerve impingement coming from my back. I literally couldn't walk! I had just been evicted from my apartment and had nowhere to go, so I ended up in a
nursing home. I had physical therapy until insurance wouldn't pay, and because the place was so terrible (I fell twice when I was left unattended) I transferred to a second place. I started to be able to walk and got strong enough to leave. Now I'm living with my best friend and partner and I can walk without assistance. I still have some residual numbness in both feet, but I now have plantar fasciitis in both feet. I take gabapentin, Cymbalta and use a 100 microgram patch of fentanyl that is changed every 72 hours.
I also have fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, Also arthritis in seemingly every joint. I am seeing a rheumatologist and may have psoriasis arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. With all that's going on with my body I do surprisingly well, even though I still have a pain level of 7 up to 9. I think I must have a high pain tolerance as well as a high tolerance to medication. Right now the pain in my feet is waking me up, but I am like you, managing to get by. I honestly don't know how well the meds are helping me, and I can't go any higher on the fentanyl. Maybe one of message mentioned by me and the other responders could help you. I wish you blessings and hope!
My doctor says gabapentin, lyrica & Cymbalta are the other drugs for neuropathy.
Those are the only ones that mask pain. I tried all three. They do not treat neuropathy. Cymbalta masked the pain the best for me, but I went into severe depression. EB-N5 and MetanX are the only ones that I know of that actually treat the condition. My PCP and neurologist only suggested gabapentin, lyrica & Cymbalta, it was the podiatrist that suggested EB-N5 or MetanX.
Thank you for the information
Long story short, I have peripheral neuropathy caused by ambien and have been through every type of treatment and medication. The only combo that has helped, a little, is EB-N5 (or metanx), super beats for increasing NO levels and nutrient food brain shake for overall nutrients and cardio exercise. In my opinion Lyrica and gabapentin are bad choices because of their horrible side effects (like permanent memory loss, weight gain, among many others). The combo I listed above has no side effects, that I am aware of.
I am 66 and have been on a high dose of gabapentin for 5 years. I don’t like the side effects. Can you go into more detail about what you take please?
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lyrica, bipolar disorder, peripheral neuropathy, anxiety, insomnia, pain, periodic limb movement disorder, gabapentin, medication, neuropathic pain, treatment, hospital, nursing home, nurse
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