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Panic Disorder Questions (Page 48)

Related terms: Panic Attack, Panic, Panic Attacks

Displaying 962 questions associated with Panic Disorder.

Can I safely take 1 mg of clonazepam and 1 mg of lorazepam together?

Can I take 1 mg of clonazepam and 1 mg of lorazepam together safely? Normally, I take 1 mg clonazepam in morning, 1mg in afternoon, and 2 mg clonazepam at night. My anxiety frequently sends me to hospital where they give me lorazepam/Ativan injection. No idea what mg? At home to get through and not... read more

Fluoxetine - Increased anxiety with Prozac increase?

I was on 20 mg of fluoxetine for about 8 months. Then doctor increased my medication to 40mg. It’s been about a week and my anxiety and panic attacks seem to be worse. Is that possible ? Should an increase make my anxiety better since I had an increase in medication? I wake up in the early... read more

Why does Buspar just quit working? Why is it making my panic attacks worse?

My memory has gone drastically down hill this last month on Buspar. I see faces, and can't put names with them (either in person, or on TV!) Then 30 minutes later, or the next day, I remember who that person was. Not only is it not working this time for me, it is making me worse! I am having... read more

Fluoxetine - causing the feeling of a lump in my throat?

Is the feeling of a lump in my throat a side effect of these drugs, in particular Fluoxetine? I seemd to have developed this side effect and it is triggering panic attacks because it is as if I can't breath or swallow. Once I relax a bit it gets better but never completely goes away. Then is... read more

When will these side effects go away? I have been taking fluoxetine 20mg for 2 weeks and have...

... been sweaty, shaky, extremely anxious (feel like constantly on edge of panic) plus have not been able to eat. I manage a smoothie a day. I can’t sleep through the night either, I wake up several times sweating and anxious. I was on the same med at the same dose before, for years, and I... read more

Buspirone and weight loss?

I have been on Buspirone for about 3 months and my appetite has decreased a lot and am losing weight. I had no appetite change before taking it

Methylprednisolone dose pack - I finished taking a 4mg 6 day pack but actually skipped the last...

... day due to concern with interaction with an antibiotic I was about to start, Levaquin. I took the Levaquin for 2 days and had terrible panic attack like side effect on 2nd day with chest tightness, dizzy, short breath so I quit taking right away. Since then I have had these smaller episodes of... read more

On day 6 of 10mg Lexapro after starting with 5 days of 5mg Lexapro?

I was on Trintellix 10 mg. Wasn’t doing it for my anxiety and panic attacks. My doc started me on 5mg generic Lexapro for the first 5 days then 10mg after that (currently on day 6 of 10mg) until my next visit in 2 weeks. and weening me off Trintellix. I feel like I have increased anxiety, but... read more

I’ve been on Klonopin for 2 months for insomnia and anxiety. I’m taking 1mg at bedtime.

I would like to stop taking it. Will I need to taper off of this low dose. She just told me to stop taking it every night and use it as needed. I’m worried about withdrawals. 12 years ago I took Klonopin 1mg at night for 1 month and had no problem stopping it. Just looking for some answers .... read more

Name Brand Klonopin vs clonazepam?

What do you all think of this. I was prescribed clonazepam for panic attacks. Teva was the manufacturer I took for several year's. Up until Teva stopped making clonazepam. I was prescribed clonazepam few months ago made by Accord which didn't help the anxiety. My current prescription is... read more

Can you take Xanax after drinking beer?

Considering switching from Klonopin to Librium?

Hi. This is my first post, so forgive any mistakes. I've been on a high dose of various benzos for almost 23 years. I've been diagnosed with GAD, PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, OCD, and panic attacks. I used to drink a 6-pack of beer daily to help with my symptoms, but my doctor... read more

Xanax causing night sweats and not working anymore, what causes a drug to change?

I have been taking Xanax off and on for over 10 years. I have never taken more than 0.25mg unless I was having a severe panic attack and never more than once a day when I take it. I usually have panic at night and that is when I take it, and only when it so bad I need it. However lately it has... read more

Teva clonazepam wafers vs pills?

I was put on Teva Klonopin 2 years ago for anxiety, agoraphobia and insomnia. The Teva 1mg worked WONDERS. No side effects, I got a good job and slept great. Any panic I got I could settle down on my own. They stopped making the Teva brand pill... they switched it to Actavis which made me so sick I... read more

Increased vivid nightmares on Lexapro — should I stop taking it?

I have been on Lexapro (5mg) for I believe 11 or 12 days now for anxiety and depression. I was previously on Zoloft for only 10 days and my psychiatrist had me switch due to some nasty side effects (I actually posted a question on here about that at the time too). Anyway, I’m on the Lexapro... read more

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Related condition support groups

Agoraphobia, Anxiety

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