I was put on Teva Klonopin 2 years ago for anxiety, agoraphobia and insomnia. The Teva 1mg worked WONDERS. No side effects, I got a good job and slept great. Any panic I got I could settle down on my own.
They stopped making the Teva brand pill... they switched it to Actavis which made me so sick I was in hospital. Solco brand kind of works but give a me major GI issues. I haven't slept on either of them and my anxiety is almost constant.
I'm getting the wafers tomorrow and I'm so scared I won't be able to sleep
Anyone have luck with the wafers for sleep/anxiety?
I want to get off if them eventually but need something that works first
Teva clonazepam wafers vs pills?
Question posted by Byrjun on 9 Dec 2018
Last updated on 20 May 2019
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
I’ll be trying the wafers this week I’ll be giving feedback. Only ones that ever worked for me where Mylan years ago and Teva for the past 5 years . To many horror stories with the other generics. I got Teva USA wafers but from what I’ve been told the par brand is better but like i said I’ll keep you all updated!
I personally had an allergic reaction to the TEVA wafers, but I'm also extremely sensitive to EVERYTHING. My brain felt 'normal' like when I was on the teva pills, but I stayed up all night because I was scared of the reaction lol. I hope they work much better for you!
I am also having similar problems. The TEVA brand is the only one that works and i have tried accord and actavis and they seem to be crap and it feels like i am not even on anything. I want to try the wafer, when I searched the TEVA brand on their websize i found a NDC number for the pill and then searched for it on this website and that particular one said is supp[lied by Barr Laboratories... not TEVA. Can anyone confirm that?
I just got my prescription for supposedly Teva wafer, and the packaging says Barr.
It works ok so far, however I haven't found anything to replace the Teva that is no longer being made.
How did the klonopin wafers for you? I will be getting my prescription tomorrow, really nervous to try them after trying all the other genetics of klonopin after teva was discontinued
I have now been on the wafers for 4 months and the switch from the teva pills to teva wafers worked great for me with no side effects. The only downfall I have is with insurance. The wafers are much more expensive. But considering it is working like it did in pill form I can handle the money difference as this is in regards to my health.
@johnsb11 thanks for your feedback. I’m trying them today and will be giving my feedback
Hi, would you please give us a ball park price for the wafers? I'd be willing to try it.
I posted on another place on this site that I spoke to Teva today and they said to call back in 6 weeks... there have been so many calls that they're considering bringing back their original formula. You can add your voice at 800-545-8800.
I don’t know what it costs me before insurance but after insurance for me it’s 75$ for a 30 day supply of 1.5mg a day. Sorry I don’t have a number before insurance
Thank you, johnsb11... I'll call my pharmacist and see if I'm covered and if he'll order it. He'd have suggested it if he already carries it, I think.
I found out the hard way that my psychiatric meds have to be branded. Teva was the only generic brand that worked at all for me.
Can't afford. Its 500 with my insurance. Also I've heard people get GI upset with name brand... which I'm very sensitive to any GI issues
I'd heard things were pricey in the states, didn't think it was that bad. My seroquel XR 450mg is only 250 a month without insurance.
I hear you on GI issues though, deal with reflux daily and NSAIDS gave me a bleed.
Yeah. The states are awful when it comes to any medical stuff
The name brand for me is 180.00 with my ins. That's for 60 one mg tablets. I've got to find a generic that works. Does Teva still make the wafer?
Yes, TEVA still makes the wafers. I'm really hoping they help. I've hardly slept in 2 week and have tons of side effects from both Actavis and Solco brands.
I know we're all different, but I'll keep you updated TKMarsh
Wafers gave me an allergic reaction and I didnt sleep because of it BUT my brain felt much the same as it did on the teva pills
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