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Pain Questions (Page 71)

Displaying 2229 questions associated with Pain.

Why is my side hurting?

My right lower side hurts really bad for two days. it feels like someone punch me in my side and keep poking me with an sharp object it also makes my lower back hurt on that side (same kind of pain) it also feels like it's an pulse. It feels weird and I'm scared because I have no idea... read more

I've been on amitriptyline for 2 months now and have been having severe dry eyes and constantly?

... blinking. My eye dr gave me a steroid drop for it. Is it possible that it's caused from the amitriptyline? I really don't feel any relief for my fibro pain nor sleeping problems either. My ms is not complying with me and don't understand what it is. Help me!!

How long will pain last after having manipulation of knee/leg? In a lot of pain Help F. B?

Had total knee replacement 2/4/2014. Manipulation done 4/8/2014. In lots of pain, knee swollen real bad. Depress Help F. B.

I used a spermicide gel and it affected my husband. He has burning sensation. What could he use to?

get rid of the burning sensation. Its affecting his bathroom usage, and hes in pain throughout the day.

Is there side effects from unexpected stop of Lisinopril?

Have bruising along with swelling and pain in calves with no apparent reason?

Can you take Tramadol for pain relief for broken rib?

Wanting to know if Tramadol 50mg can be taken for pain relief for broken ribs

I have taken 10/325 hydro & 5/325 oxy for knee pain they Don't help. What can I get thats stronger?

I have severe knee pain from traumatic arthritis from the army. I have taken 10/325 hydrocodone for 2 years now. The Doctor just switched me to 5/325 oxycodone since the hydro no longer helped, the oxy is not helping either. The VA is very hesitant to prescribe opioids or benzo's is there any... read more

Why does prolia cause severe pain in legs and ankles?

My mom is 82 and took a prolia shot about 2 months ago. She has had nothing but pain in 1 of her legs ever since. She has to walk with a cane now. Never had to do this before. She was given gabapentin for her pain and it only helps a little. When will the effects of this shot wear off?

Combining norco and xanax?

2 HOURS AGO I took 2 10.5 mg norco and 4 mg of xanax to be able to wind down and go to sleep. I have felt no change and am still wide awake. I do not take these meds every day as I only have my prescriptions for these refilled every 3 months or so. What gives with the lack of response from these... read more

Taking 50mg of Lyrica x 2 daily - sleep or am sleepy ALL the time?

Hip replacement early Feb this year due to fall. Have had about 3 seizures requiring hospitalization since that time. Was on gabapentin, not working too well for the terrible pain and recently started the Lyrica. Took lyrica very successfully about 10 years ago for anklosing spondylitis. Make... read more

Bleeding and abdomen pain after 8days of taking I pill?

ma gf facing bleeding and abdomen and low back pain after 8 days of taking i pill she is 22 year old , what can i do for her ? she is pregnant?

How can I prevent stomach upset and upper abdominal pain after taking 20 mg.of Cialis occassionally?

I take 20 mg Cialis once or twice a month to counteract the sexual effects of avodart taken once a month. However, the last 3 times after cialis ,I've experienced stomack upset and pain that was severe [one instance] and lasted 2 weeks after the last dose.

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tramadol, gabapentin, ibuprofen, oxycodone, Tylenol, hydrocodone, naproxen, acetaminophen, meloxicam, view more... amitriptyline, aspirin, Percocet, hydroxyzine, Norco, pregabalin, duloxetine, diclofenac, methadone, OxyContin, Vicodin, codeine, cyclobenzaprine, Celebrex, Aleve, fentanyl, Advil, Voltaren, morphine, clonidine, Paracetamol Teva, nortriptyline, buprenorphine, Butrans, Paracetamol, Dilaudid, Motrin, cannabis, Tylenol PM, indomethacin, Toradol, Lortab, Ultram, Vistaril, acetaminophen / hydrocodone, Roxicodone, ketamine, Arthritis Pain, Atarax, ketorolac, Percocet 10/325, Nucynta, hydromorphone

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