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Nausea / Vomiting Questions (Page 3)

Related terms: Vomiting, Vomiting/Nausea, Nausea, Upset Stomach, Stomach Upset, Throwing Up, Puking, Vomit

Displaying 440 questions associated with Nausea / Vomiting.

I always throw up bright yellow bile the day after I drink. What's going on?

For the last couple months, whenever I drink enough alcohol to get even slightly drunk (which isn't a lot - I'm a lightweight) I always feel so sick the next day. I throw up, and it's always bright yellow. It comes pouring out of me like a waterfall. This has only been going on for... read more

Saxenda - How can I stop the nausea and vomiting?

Saxenda - I've had great results the first week in terms of weight loss, but the nausea and vomiting are unbearable. I've been using it for exactly 7 days, and I've been sick for 4 out of the 7 days. Is there anything I can take with Saxenda to stop the nausea and vomiting?

Overwhelming fatigue after 3 weeks on Trulicity?

I've been on Trulicity for 3 weeks now, and most of the side effects are manageable (some transient nausea and sour stomach), but for me the worst is the fatigue. I am exhausted and can barely keep my eyes open, it's as if I have no force or energy at all. All I want to do is sleep. Also... read more

How long should I expect side effects of paxil to last?

Started taking paxil 10mg 3 days ago and am very uncomfortable with how it makes me feel. I am having a hard time eating from the nausea, i am zoning out randomly and sometimes actually feel like i am on drugs. I hate feeling this way and hope it goes away soon. Also... the day before i started... read more

Is anyone on Brintellix also experiencing hair loss?

I (35yrs. F) have been on Brintellix for two weeks (5mg and 10mg, respectively) and additionally to the common side effects like nausea, dizziness, and itching I'm losing noticeably more hair than before. Did anyone experience the same effect and has it stopped?

Has anyone tried Trintellix or have an opinion on it?

I have a hard time with stomach issues when on SSRI's and SNRI's. Have had to stop meds months after being on them due to nausea, weight loss and bad side effects. I am confused about why the psych doc prescribed this, as it has a high incidence of causing nausea. Has anyone tried it and... read more

What happens when you miss a dose?

Are the side affects terrible? Ive read about feeling achy like you have the flu, having blurred vision and nausea. I just came off of Effexor which I had really bad side affects with and I'm worried about starting a similar drug...

Zoloft - when do side effects go away?

My doctor started me on 25mg. of zoloft for 7 days. I had very bad headaches and loss of appetite. After 7 days he increased it to 50mg. and thats when the severe nausea started so he said to stay with it another week (50mg.) and gave me some nausea pills to take to see if that would help. I will... read more

Anyone on bupropion having digestive issues? Stomach butterflies, burping, bloating, gas?

After being on bupropion for 6 months I started having severe digestive issues. Nausea, burping, bloating, gas, loss of appitite. After months of testing they took out my gall bladder. I still experienced the same symptoms. I decided to go off bupropion and it took months before I started feeling... read more

50mg Trazodone withdrawal symptom length?

I was taking 50mg Trazodone & stopped 4 days ago. I'm itchy, am experiencing nausea & dizziness. When will this end? I see people saying 3 - 10 hours, but it seems to be lasting way longer for me. Today will be my 5th day Trazodone free. Starting to get hives. When will these... read more

Can/does the drug Levothyroxine cause nausea & or vomiting?

I recently found I have an overactive thyroid & was prescribed the drug, Levothyroxine 75mg, only I am afraid it will cause even more nausea than I already suffer, or cause vomiting, yet fearful of what happens if I do not take it. My doctor already has me on a daily regimen of Promethazine for... read more

Do you think I am back to square one with my Subutex/Suboxone detox?

I went 17 days cold turkey off of 2mg per day of Subutex this past October, 2010. On day 17 I could no longer take the nausea and anxiety, etc. so I took a 2 mg. Suboxone pill I had left over. I started taking it once in awhile but now for the past 2 months have been taking 1-2mg. per day. Do you... read more

I'm addicted to tramadol I take 600mg. A day does anyone know the best way to deal and cope with all

... these side effects??? From restlessness to depression not sleeping nausea feeling spaced out no sleep at all etc.. the list goes on. Please help I have been taking tramadol for 6mon. Now and can tell I'm defiantly addicted to them now that Im trying to stop cold turkey I'm going crazy... read more

I have been on Paxil for 3 days. Made me very sick like I have the flu, anyone else have this?

Cant get rid of nausea... horrible... and terrible headache... and shaking... no more for me... horrible stuff... anyone else have this problem

What happens when you suddenly stop taking effexor 150mg?

possible side effects? i currently have been without my effexor for about 4 days, would nausea be a side effect... how long does it usually last?

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Related condition support groups

Nausea / Vomiting - Chemotherapy Induced, Motion Sickness, Gastrointestinal Disorders

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