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Gabapentin Questions (Page 10)

Displaying 477 questions associated with Gabapentin.

Does Gabapentin have any adverse side affects to the liver?

I found online somewhere that Gabapentin can inflame the liver, yet, also read that it is not metabolized in the liver at all. I read that incidents of liver problems are less than one percent as stated by Pfizer.

1600mg of gabapentin on a daily basis how does that effect someone?

this person in 178 lbs and height 5' 4 this prescription seems to be too high.

Is gabapentin good for pain and numbness relief in carpal tennel syndrome?

The literature I have read does not mention gabapentin as beneficial for relieving pain and numbness in thumb and fingers associated with carpal syndrome. I need relief for this pain. What should I take that targets the problem directly?

How can I buy my prescriptions directly from the manufacturer?

For the last couple of years the generic tramadol, gabapentin, and other medications that I have been recieving, have been very low quality and imperfect. Sometimes they don't work, and if they do provide slight relief, it's accompanied by side affects that cause handicaps and problems of... read more

Can I take ibuprofen alongside gabapentin 300 mg?

Anyone take a Gabapentin & SSRI?

Hi! I'm currently on 200mg 3x daily of gabapentin. My psyc is in talks of adding a low dose SSRI to the gabapentin. I'm very nervous (I have terrible anxiety in general and terrible anxiety with pills- scared of reactions) she said it would be a low does SSRI but I'm just wondering... read more

Connective Tissue Disorders - I am gaining weight like crazy! And I am NOT on any steroids! Is there

... anyone out there with the same problem?? I have MCTD and I am showing new symptoms of 4 other diseases like every month. I am up to 6 specialists, will it get any better? 30lbs in 8 months is too much!!!

300mg Gabapentin Not Working?

It will be a month on January 4th since I've had surgery on four tendons in my right wrist as well as my medial nerve. Since then I have been a perscribed 300 milligrams motrin as well as percocet 5. I finished those, they really helped a lot. I recently started hand therapy about a week and... read more

How to wean off of gabapentin? Can not get an answer from the doctor?

How can I come off gabapentin safely? I have take 300mgs 3 times a day. I don't like how I feel on them and have been on them for 2 months. Any help would be appreciated.

I need advice about taking lyrica vs gabapentin? Can I take gabapentin by day and lyrica at night?

I have taken Lyrica starting at 75mg and now up to 150mg twice a day for just over a year now. I decided to try find a less expensive alternative and Gabapentin was recommended by a pharmacist. I am not a diabetic, but I've had spinal fusion twice, 10 years and 1year ago. Now I suffer with... read more

Is gabapentin 300mg x3 a day for my lamber spinal stenosis too small dose? I am in constant pain?

I top it up with Tramadol 50g PRC up to 6 tabs a day which gives me a bit of relief. More than this my body will start itching. I also take 25 mg amitryptrine at night. Should I ask my GP to increase the Gabapentin dose? I am 54 yrs. Thx

Is it normal to take 3,000mg of gabapentin? Or would another be better?

Is it normal to take 3,000mg of gabapentin? I take 1,000mg 3 times a day for occipital neuralgia, migraines, and cervical dystonia; as prescribed by my Neurologist. It helps to a degree but it's not miraculous at alleviating the pain. I also take a cocktail of other medications for other... read more

Does gabapentin increase blood pressure ?

I am 19. I started having hypertension not too long ago and I’m taking amdolipine 5mg for it. I’m also experiencing a lot of pain on my body, specially on my left side of the body. I went to a neurologist and he sent me to do some tests and also prescribed me gabapentin. I forgot to ask... read more

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