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Doctor Questions (Page 60)

Displaying 1269 questions associated with Doctor.

How long does it take for the clonidine to start working?

I have experienced many of the symptoms others have indicated, excessive sweating, etc. Finally after months of complaining about this situation, my primary doctor prescribed 0.1 mg clonidine. I started taking this about 3 days ago and am so anxious to stop the excessive sweating. This condition is... read more

UTI/Yeast infection keeps coming!?

I have had a UTI or yeast infection on and off for about a month again... the doctor told me to treat it with antibiotics so I did, but then I became resistant to them so I took fluconazole which 100% helped. However, 5-6 days later I felt symptoms again... So I took another fluconazole which... read more

Estrace Vaginal Cream - what sort of side effects would my husband feel?

I have been using estrace cream for about 2 in a half weeks.. My Doctor told me to avoid having sex for a week, 1 week after starting the estrace cream my husband and I has had intercourse a few times.. if he is having side effects from this what kind of side effects would they be? My husband has... read more

Yeast infection and UTI?

I went to the ob/gyn and my doctor the ob/gyn said it's a yeast infection and my doctor said it's a UTI took a dose of fluconazole but it didn't work I went to my doctor and she claims it's a UTI i am currently taking Cipro I visited my ob/gyn yesterday and she prescribed... read more

Penicillin allergy and sex?

Hello my wife is taking a penicillin based drug for infection In foot "STOOD ON A NAIL OUCH " . I'm allergic to penicillin I had a mild reaction when i was much younger so doctors though best keep me off the antibiotic anyway i would like to know if it can be transferred by sexual... read more

Latuda and sex drive?

I've been on Latuda for almost two years and while it has been good for my mood I've noticed I have no sex drive now and I've also gained weight. I see my doctor tomorrow and I want to be tapered off of it. Has anyone else had this problem? Did you go off of Latuda? If so what do you... read more

Buspar dosing and anxiety concern. I have been nauseated and woozy after increased dose?

I was recently prescribed buspar due to an onset of major panic attacks while driving. My doctor said take 7.5 MG 2x daily for first week and then increase to 15 MG 2x daily as tolerated. Once I increased the dose I go horrible nausea and just plain horrible feeling for half hour to an hour or so.... read more

Prednisone - For gout flare up how should prednisone 20 mg be taken and for how long?

A few years ago I was given methylprednisolone 4mg dosepak taking 5 first day down to 1. New doctor gave me straight prednisolone 20 mg three times a day till finished, about 14 pills. Does that sound right?

Which medication is better for itching? Hydroxyzine HCL or Hydroxyzine PAM?

I have an allergy that has flared up. I can't stop itching. The doctor gave me both of these medications at different times to help the itch stop. Which Hydroxyzine works better for itching due to an allergy?

Vaginal Yeast Infection - I took Diflucan 7 day and it didn't work, so I went to the doctor again?

... and was prescribed a 3 day suppository treatment of terconazole. It's been 3 days since I completed that treatment and I'm still itchy. Is this normal or has neither medication worked? I no longer have the weird discharge, I just can't seem to get rid of the itchiness

Cymbalta 30mg side effects from ONE dose?!?

My doctor just prescribed me Cymbalta 30mg once a day for depression and I am having what I perceive as insane side effects. I've been nauseous any time I eat and now my stomach just hurts. My joints hurt. My muscles hurt. (I'm athletic so this is not normal). I've been tossing and... read more

Finasteride skin rash side effects?

i have hair loss and got to doctor and he gave me finasteride and minoxidil for my hair loss. I have been using finasteride for two month and i didn't have any problem after two month i stopped using finasteride for two week (i finished all my pills , and i need to get new prescription). ... read more

Is it legal for a doctor to order a placebo of medication I take monthly?

I take Ativan every day because I have huge amounts of anxiety. My doctor does not like prescribing it and is always trying to lower the dose or amount of pills. That's fine. The latest batch is marked ATIVAN on the prescription lable but the pills are a different size, no identifying marks,... read more

I am on risperidone 1mg I ran out of my meds but I have some 4mg that I use to take before doctor?

... lower dose can I cut the pill in four pieces and take one of the pieces until I am able to get my meds been out of my meds for awhile now and have started to hallucinate and feeling overwhelmed

Xanax and Klonopin for flying?

My doctor gave me 2 mg of Xanax for a flight I had today. It did not work at all, and I was unable to board the flight. It did not relieve any anxiety or panic, and I was crying, no relief at all. I am currently at a hotel by the airport right now, with another flight to attempt tomorrow. It is not... read more

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