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Discharge Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 149 questions associated with Discharge.

Took plan b, frequent urination week after and now clear discharge am I pregnant??

Hi I took plan b may 30th because the condom broke during intercourse and we are not sure when it did , he pulled out and started cumming , he was sure he didn't cum in me but I was afraid about Precum and got the pill the next day less then 24 hours after sex. I started bleeding 3 days later... read more

Chlamydia Infection - Hi I have taken 1 gram of Azithromycin and I feel great! I have tested?

... negative for Chlamydia and all other sexually transmitted diseases. However, I am feeling frustrated because I still have some symptoms that have not cleared up such as discharge, low energy from having the disease so long, I feel soar, bleeding in between periods and a slight discomfort. I am... read more

I used Monistat-1 and I still am itchy and have discharge. It's only been a day but how long will it

... How long will it take ? Do I need to go to the dr? It's my first one.

Is brown discharge normal after plan B??

6 days ago I took plan b onestep. It was taken within the 72 hour limit.. today I noticed brown discharge and started having severe cramps. It's a little early for my period and the discharge is definitely not anything like period blood. I had unprotected sex and he did ejaculate in me.... read more

Discharge after taking plan b one step?

Should I be worried about having white discharge after taking plan b one step I took plan b 24 hours after sex???

What could be the causes of yellow vaginal discharge ?

I have had yellow discharge for a while now , over a month + . It's thin , and is sometimes yellow and sometimes yellow brown . I get cramps randomly so I don't know if they're associated with that . Those are the only symptoms I have been having . I can rule out Chlamydia ,... read more

Can you have sex later the next day after you've treated yourself to a very mild yeast infection?

If there is a mild yeast infection like the itching and burning went away a few days ago but still have lots of discharge, after monistat 1, can you have sex later on next day if your symptoms are clear or very close to it? Like I wasn't sure if there was a certain amount of time you should... read more

Does taking metronidazole 500mg tablets causes white discharge?

im on day 3 of my 7 day treatment of metronidazole tablets after taking my first pill I notice a discharge that came out in the toilet as i was peeing In the restroom, is this normal? And when i take a shower and as im cleaning my vigina i also notice white discharge on my wash cloth, looks like... read more

Nexplanon - Has anyone else gotten the brown/black discharge?

I have had the implant for two weeks, and I got my period the day I got it. It lasted about a week(my periods are usually 3-4 days), then I stared getting brown discharge. It stopped for a couple of days and now it has started up again. I am hoping this will happen for the next two weeks and die... read more

I used mifepristone and misoprostol tablet and had white vaginal discharge am I pregnant?

After using that pills I had only white discharge but not bleeding. I'm not knowing whether I'm pregnant or not. Please help me, I need to know if I'm pregnant or not?

Bacterial vaginosis - is cottage cheese like discharge normal, taking metronidazole?

On day 2 of metronidazole vaginal gel for bacterial vaginosis and when the gel is coming out there is cottage cheese like discharge.. is this normal? I know it says it could cause a yeast infection but I didn't know if this is just the infection clearing out or if I need to call my doctor..... read more

Yeast Infections

Bicillin LA - I had my wisdom teeth taken out, was prescribed penicillin buy I've had upset stomach?

... some vomiting, very nauseous and dizzy but what has bothered me most is that I have pain and disxomfort when I urinate. My vagina is very itchy and I've had a white and bloody discharge what should I do about it?

Canes Oral and not working so far?

I have the symptoms of a yeast infection, itching, sore, white discharge. I took the canesoral one treatment pill yesterday(saturday) at 5:30 pm and it is 11.:50 pm (sunday). Still itching, sore and discharge. Should I wait a bit more or consult with my doctor? I've also had two shots of apple... read more

Yellow- greenish discharge , lower back pain , cramps , & slight fever?

soo i got my period on about the 28th of February & it lasted up until the 7th of march..on the last day of my period , i had sex .. ( Thursday, the 7th ) & on Friday the 8th i had some what thick whitish , clear discharge & on the morning of saturday i was literally leaking some watery... read more

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