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Depression Questions (Page 16)

Related terms: Major Depression, Unipolar Depression

Displaying 2197 questions associated with Depression.

Will major fatigue go away with time while taking prozac?

I just started taking 20mg prozac and 150mg wellbuterin. I have been on them for a wk. I have been so tired that I sleep all day and night. Will this go away or is this a side effect? I have a 2 and 3 yr old to take care of and just cant be this tired."

What can I take to sleep and not dream, I have been of meds after meds nothing is working?

on meds for bipolar and not even seroquel will make me sleep

Is anyone out there taking Trazodone?? Are you having problems with concentrating, memory loss,?

... inability to even spell correctly, or difficulty with asthma symtoms getting worse, or any similar side effects?? Please send me a response if you are! Also, my balance is totally off! I keep bumping into things! And I've only been on this med for two weeks!!!

I have had several abcess's underneath my breast. Have had several in the groin area that, luckily?

have drained and healed. !st problem is with the one currently draining from under right breast. No longer draining puss, but draining blood. From the feel of it, there is a lot more that needs to drain. With the slightest bit of pressure on side of abcess, blood comes out. Have been told in the... read more

I am so itchy!!! Which med is causing this? Feel like a chimpanzee...HELP?

Okay friends, you guys are so smart on here and I mean that sincerely!! My whole body has been itching like crazy lately and it is making me freak out. Now here is what I am on, starting from what I have been on the longest: Klonipin, 14 years, Ambien, 10+ years, Topamax, 1year, Effexor, a month,... read more

Does insomnia last long on lexapro?

Hello, I currently taking Lexapro 10 mg and todayarks a week. I can see a slight improvement with my depression and anxiety. When i first started the medication it made me more depressed and anxious, but everyone said to keep taking it and stick it out. Today i see this has lofted however i am... read more

Wellbutrin - Anybody ever feel tired rather than energized on bupropion 150 SR?

Today is my 2nd day on bupropion 150 sr for major depression. I've been depressed for 2 yrs after my dad's horrible death.The doc said that in a couple of days I could take a 2nd 150sr pill. I was tired before trying this AD, but now it's worse. I still take Klonopin 1 mg at nite to... read more

I just started weaning off of Effexor XR 150 mg. I am now on day 2 of no Effexor at all. I am?

... starting to feel very dizzy, tingling sensations, brain fog, and nauseous. Is there anything I can do (without taking another prescription) to lessen the side effects? I started Effexor 6 years ago for depression and anxiety while going through a divorce. Life is much more stable now and I... read more

Hi I have been prescribed mirtazapine. I am really worried about weight gain. Please help?

I recently lost weight finally - I have depression and anxiety but I don't want to gain the weight I took so long to lose. Can you please recommend or share your opinions? I really appreciate it!

Lo Loestrin Fe - Just started pill last week...anxiety and major mood swings?

I started Loloestrin Fe less than a week ago, and I feel like I'm already experiencing depression-like symptoms with this pill. Has anybody else felt like this this early into taking it?

Wellbutrin XL 150 mg maybe causing hallucinations?

I just started Welbutrin XL 150 mg sid 2 weeks ago. I am on it for PPD and PPA after an 2nd trimester miscarriage last month. I am a 29 year old female. We also just moved into a new home about 4 weeks ago. Anyways, I honestly was thinking my house was haunted. Until yesterday when I realized I... read more

I'm on my first week of Zoloft 25mg. What else is good to help with anxiety beside benzodiazepines??

Suffering from anxiety I went from Prozac 80mg to Zoloft 25mg. I know it takes weeks to kick in so I'm going through anxiety. Can anyone can help with a medicine I can take besides benzos to keep my anxiety under control until the Zoloft starts working? I really need help. It's tough rite... read more

Psychiatrist won’t prescribe benzos. What now?

I’ve struggled with really bad anxiety my whole life. I’ve been diagnosed with GAD with panic attacks, social anxiety disorder, depression, ADD. I also have un-diagnosed PTSD from a rather recent event that’s happened to me which interferes badly with my sleeping (difficulty... read more

Anyone on bupropion having digestive issues? Stomach butterflies, burping, bloating, gas?

After being on bupropion for 6 months I started having severe digestive issues. Nausea, burping, bloating, gas, loss of appitite. After months of testing they took out my gall bladder. I still experienced the same symptoms. I decided to go off bupropion and it took months before I started feeling... read more

Can you mix Norco & Xanax? Is it safe?

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Lexapro, tramadol, Zoloft, sertraline, Wellbutrin, Cymbalta, trazodone, Prozac, Effexor, view more... citalopram, escitalopram, bupropion, mirtazapine, amitriptyline, Abilify, Celexa, venlafaxine, fluoxetine, Paxil, alprazolam, Effexor XR, Pristiq, lithium, Wellbutrin XL, Viibryd, lamotrigine, duloxetine, quetiapine, Remeron, nortriptyline, Wellbutrin SR, paroxetine, methylphenidate, olanzapine, risperidone, Zyprexa, modafinil, aripiprazole, Elavil, Rexulti, clomipramine, doxepin, Seroquel XR, ketamine, valerian, fluvoxamine, niacin, desvenlafaxine

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